
Secret No More



01-27-2014, 02:26 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The family, or what of it was still together, had been relocated after new scents had swooped in and surrounded them upon the cove, stealing their home right out from underneath their paws. It had bothered Mercianne immensely - it was where the children had always called home; how would they find her if she was not there? - but there was nothing to be done. The pack was not one she knew could be trusted though she had failed to gather any information about it, but knowing the only northern pack to be the corrupted version of her old home in Glaciem she had no intentions of finding out whether they had changed at all.

But even the task of moving, of worrying over her partly reunited family, could not distract herself from the way her growing feelings for Knight were worsening. He was always there, constantly making sure she took care of herself while she spent all of her time trying to take care of her own. And when she was near him remembrances of his touch, his warmth, would sneak up and accelerate her heart, making her feel nervous that he might realize. With so much else on her mind, this, what she felt, was only an added worry. She needed to get rid of it.

And that, she realized, could be remedied with a confession.

It was not what she wanted to do exactly - she feared his sentiments really only being friendly and nothing more and possibly losing the help she had with both herself but also her kids. But she was partially convinced some feelings for her stirred within him from thr ways he often treated her, always soft and sweet and never pushy, and the fact her season had come around further lessened her hesitance. Of all the fatherly figures she had to choose from for her growing pups, she could not think of anyone better, nor anyone that she could have wanted more.

The thought had come to her in the early hours of the day, when the first touches of sunlight had not yet begun coloring the edges of the horizon. It was a bold thought, undoubtedly, one that made her anxious to think about. But Merci wanted to be sure of her decision before she said anything, before she went spilling to him how she felt. So she sat within the snow, staring upward into the stars that she could see, while considering how to tell him and make her feelings a secret no more.

Knight Cloud

01-27-2014, 05:23 AM

Sleep would not come to the male this night. He had been deprived of it since they moved from the cove, the place he had come to know as a familiar home, and he knew it was all the children knew as home too. It saddened him to have to move them, but they could not remain rogues in a place claimed by a pack. And although he would have liked to confront the pack leader and inform him of the situation, he did not want to provoke unnecessary hardships on Mercianne and her children. A sigh would escape his lips as he sat atop a set of rocks overlooking the landscape. As he sat there, he realized perhaps this wasn't the best of places to relocate...but then again, they didn't have much time to think about where to move. They had gone in a direction, and here they were. But it seemed it wasn't a good place where kids should be, dangerous terrain seemed to lurk everywhere, and that worried him to a great extent. What if something happened to one of the children? Or Mercianne? He only knew very little about healing, just enough to keep his wounds from getting infected, but even then it wasn't enough...perhaps he could ask Mercianne if she could teach him one day.

Ah Mercianne...his thoughts would fall to her, and it was then as he thought that he would spot her a short distance away. Jungle green eyes watched her small white form, beautiful in every way he could imagine. He never thought himself to fall in love, but it had happened. He had first met her out of nowhere, his drive to help her accomplish a quick task so she could return to her children turned into something else, and then he had decided to quietly stick around. And the longer he stayed around her, the more he had begun to grow fond of her. He didn't like to stray too far from her unless he was searching for a missing child, or hunting for them. But in the end, he always returned, and everywhere he went she never left his mind. As he watched her silhouette against the backdrop of the darkened sky, a soft smile began to slowly stretch his features. Strange for him, for he rarely smiled much at all since he left his home pack. But she always managed to maintain a smile and a sense of good feeling within him. He wasn't sure if she noticed, but it was true.

He found himself beginning to move towards her, silently and carefully as he bounded down from rock to rock. He was careful in his movements, trying to be careful not to catch his paws in any rocks to twist or hurt. And so far, he had been least today. He approached her, a soft bark in her direction to indicate his approach to her so as not to frighten her, as he knew all too well that she could be flighty at times. The smile he had gained from simply watching her was still upon his features, green eyes as kind in their gazing as ever. "You're up early today." He commented as he stopped a couple feet away.




01-28-2014, 12:19 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had long since stopped jumping at the sound of Knight's voice and she was still and relaxed when he barked her way to get her attention, turning an ear slowly before her head followed suit. Dark brown eyes spotted his mottled brown frame immediately from the snowy backdrop, meeting his green eyes with a swift yet soft smile. Always he seemed so happy when he was around her, enough so to make her wonder of late whether that was her doing or whether his natural disposition was friendly and gentle. Her heart jumped a little at the sight of him and on instinct tried to calm what she felt, despite her decision for today to be the day the secrets would be laid bare. The habit, even new as it was, had apparently ingrained itself in her already.

He was feet away when he stopped and spoke to her, commenting upon the early hour and her being up in it. The distance felt strangely further than it was as she answered, "I couldn't sleep anymore." Of course, she did not say anything just yet, feeling tongue tied and shy now that the moment, a perfect moment of aloneness and quietness, was upon her. How was this normally done? A year before Awaken had taken the initiative and begun their relationship, and now it was her turn to try again without him. Knight was nothing like her old mate and what she felt for him was entirely different, but no less strong and moving.

Stalling, she added, "I think it's still the new territory. It's been a while since I've been out this way." How long had it been? A year? Longer even? It was hardly recognizable to her now. Mercianne continued to watch him for a moment, thoughts still abuzz with her plan but also her anxieties. Giving herself a teeny bit more time, the creamy white wolf asked, "Did you sleep okay?"