
Keep me grounded



7 Years
Extra large
10-24-2014, 03:55 PM

Of course wounds healed over time, but one like this just brought withdrawal to a certain extent. The feeling of not having someone by his side, and he had put on a farce in order to train Ixionn instead of pouring out his feelings. He was a warrior, and he didn't need to do that anymore. Even if he had a kind soul, the more darker part of him was rising up, but his old roots drew him back again. He was wandering near Abaven, dangerously close if he had to say so himself. Perhaps Bass would see him as a failure, so he hadn't bothered to try and get closer.
His solid black tail sqiurmed back and forth, for a long time Irune had been missing. Yet what spooked him was his lack of attraction for his ex mate. She again, had not been around so he hadn't been able to tell her he was leaving her. It would hurt her yes, but it wouldn't change the way he felt. He pulled himself on his haunches looking at the caverns with his strangely colored eyes. Would he even be able to call anything his home again.

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10-24-2014, 04:23 PM

An aroma so foreign, yet so familiar carried across the Abaven borders. Galactic form would follow the breeze in such curiosity. It was unmistakably the scent of a former member of her king's pack; however, one that seemed short lived in her mind. Perhaps, one in which had left soon after her arrival. She just could not quite put a name or face on it. Though, this curiosity burned inside her soul and forced her to find out his or her reason for returning. After all, whispers of war were forming between two of their allies. As Naharar, it was her duty to see that Abaven was safe.

As evergreens would make way to an opening of the familiar caverns, eyes would recognize the figure. The male before her was, at one point, high standings in her king's kingdom. Quelt, that was his name. Mm, but had he not journeyed to create a pack of his own? To become his own king? That flaming curiosity burned all the more brilliantly as this realization settled over her. What reason would cause him to tread so close? Of course, she would hope that his pack had somehow gotten itself into trouble and seeking help from her king's wolves. Ah, it would be nice to lead a pack into battle and to bathe in the blood of enemies. But, she really would not be that lucky.

Body slithered fearlessly, yet seductively toward the silhouette. Eyes narrowed flirtatiously as she would near him, now - standing a mere foot from where he stood. What troubles you, Quelt? Mm. . . something seems to be preying upon your mind. Her voice would coo out too him softly as she would snake around the man, making a complete circle and ending the journey by standing directly in front of him, almost nose-to-nose. Her breath would pour over the man's face as she gazed deeply into his eyes as if she were somehow gathering hidden information that he withheld inside his soul. A soft laugh, a rarity, would leak through onyx lips. Head would straighten to it's regal setting and she would take a few steps back from his personal space. Naharar Venus, at your service. Two reasons she introduced herself this way. One being to proudly announce her royal standings, and the other to be the natural succubus that she was.

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7 Years
Extra large
10-24-2014, 04:31 PM

Of all the bastardly things to come across his path, it was Venus. He didn't mean it in a bad way, it was simply that in his condition she was perhaps high on the list for the bachelor. Yet he knew women had their ways of playing their games. And his darker part of himself clicked, a new thrill entered his veins. Something he hadn't felt in a while. His emotions he never really showed in Abaven did show now as he gave a raised brow to the woman. Indeed she did rank higher than him in these moments, and she was being prideful of that, what an interesting factor.
"My lack of feeling seems to be what has been preying on me pretty little one. I've been debating if Bass would take me back or not, seeing as I gave up Isokan of my own free will it seems like I had let him down." he stood up and moved to her side a little. Seeking companionship, if anything at all. "And I had to tell my ex-mate I was leaving her, because our relationship lacked the spark I felt when we met." he knew they had never "done the deed". After all he met Irune when she was a yearling, perhaps that had been his mistake, going after a yearling.
"Congratulations Venus, have you come to grant me your company today? To a selfish man who has lost a bit of his direction." he thumped down again on his haunches. Prey filled eyes searching over her, no one had seen this piece of him, but again he never had felt the need to do so. He settled himself, and sighed, trying to relax a bit. Everyone in Abaven was still his family, which meant it included Venus even if he didn't know her well.

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10-24-2014, 04:50 PM

The man seemed to remember her all to well. Ah, but who could forget such an unforgettable face? This Quelt seemed to be different than the one she had known for a short while. A darkness seemed to lurk beneath his skin, begging to leak through his pores. Ah, and she would toy with it. She would toy with this darkness until it poured through him so viciously. And then she would bathe in it, savoring each tiny particle of shadow that made itself known to her. A darkness that she could, perhaps, admire. Talons flexed into the soil, penetrating the sand, as she listened to the words that would flood his maw. Mm, even his lyrics were tainted.

A seductive laugh would kiss her lips so softly. Perhaps, I can help you feel. In fact, I am pretty sure I could make you feel rather. . . intoxicated. I can be your heroin. Your relief. Eyes would follow him as the man made his way to her side, head tilted slightly in his direction. Bass would take you back so easily, this you know. His heart is so tender. So, warm. But you - a sense a darkness ravaging your very soul. Won't you let it come out and play with me? I'm dying to get to know your demon. Ahhhh, and your ex mate. You won't even remember her anymore, my dear. She would be no more to you than the dirt beneath my claws. She would flick the dirt that had clung to her talons in the man's direction. Ah, to be a bit more dramatic, of course.

It was nice to hear him congratulate her on her achievement. But, she wanted to see some kind of jealousy rage within him - after all, it would have made the encounter all the more interesting. Marbled gaze watched the man sit, but this was no time for relaxing. Ah, that could come after. Thank you, Quelt. I have come to grace you with my company. Not many are deemed worthy of two meager sentences. Consider yourself lucky that you got a conversation. A sort of fire ignited in her eyes when he would speak of being selfish, not one of anger, but of lust. Then be selfish. Feed that inner darkness and let it consume us.

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7 Years
Extra large
10-24-2014, 04:56 PM

A toy, maybe that's exactly what he was. He wasn't but of course Venus knew her way around he could sense that. As far as he was concerned they were on equal measure. No matter his rank, it was a name, a name-sake. He had been king once, but his members not active and if he had retaliated then they would have left just as they had now. Abandoned him, that was how he felt, abandoned. But he forced them to come with his kind charms that he was tired of pulling out from time to time. Her words made him chuckle, as he graced her side with his larger bodice the slate mixing with her dark colors.
"Then maybe I will grace you with my presence as well. Perhaps you won't forget my name." he pulled back his lips in a small grumble. Not of threatening, as his teeth came in contact with her scruff. Approaching her hind quarters his rumbling throat caused for sparks of pleasure inside of him. No one could possibly draw out his dark side this well, not as fast, but it was a nice break from his other life.
-fade to black-

ooc: *giggle*

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10-24-2014, 05:21 PM

Another number added to her list, that was all the man was. Speaking of which, what number would he be? Twenty, fifty, a hundred? Mm, but she had long lost count. The gal was intelligent, and she knew it. She had an ability to sense darkness that lurked inside others, though, in truth - there is a bit of darkness in us all. Though, to her, evil was no more than a point of view. There really was no reason to hide it and so she chose to embrace it.

And then Quelt would interrupt her thoughts so quickly, though, in a very welcome manner. Words would lick at his lips and he would ravage her just as his syllables had ended. Teeth clung to her scruff and sent surges a pain throughout the area of contact. Ah, it was a welcoming pain. One in which had been so long forgotten - the other males seemed all too gentle. She was no piece of delicate glass, and she much preferred it when the men did not treat her as such.

-fade to black-

It was addictive, these feelings of pleasure, and indeed she was the addiction's prey. She had no desire to change her ways at this point in life. There was simply so much enjoyment in it. Each touch, kiss, embrace was all so different from the last. Heavy breaths escaped her body, and marbled eyes sought out to meet Quelt's gaze. One of the better men I've been with. A soft laugh escaped her maw. It was indeed, the truth. Mm, perhaps you should pay the Abaven king a visit. I am sure he would be happy to see you. And I really would not want this to be our last encounter, my dear. Was far too enjoyable to end there. Tired body would lower to the ground, resting peacefully upon her abdomen with limbs carefully tucked beneath her. Ah, but she was glad her curiosity had led to this adventure.

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7 Years
Extra large
10-24-2014, 06:00 PM

For the most simple of his desire's this was the greatest that had needed quenching. For some reason, his soul felt tethered now, instead of a rotten corpse being left on the edge of a cliff. He knew soon enough, Ixionn would be ready to move on, and he saw himself somehow back in Abaven with Venus and the others. Quelt rested beside her, curious eyes meeting her gaze as she spoke. He knew it was the truth, same as he knew she was playing a game before. His lie detecting skills were advanced in his years. He had been born a royal by birth-right and rose to stardome, only then had he chose to go down when he had no goal or did not find it worth it.
"I have a question Venus, is your life-style one that has many men within it at the same time?" he would question. Quelt at first had been keen on keeping one woman, Irune. But now that was questionable as far as pleasure and connection went. He definitely felt a connection to Venus but from what he gathered she wasn't one who would collect and accept outright confessions of love. "I'll be returning to Abaven once I have fully trained my pupil Ixionn to be the heir of Isokan. It is no longer my home, I gave it to a friend." he said to her. His tongue lapping over his muzzle. This was a different side of his life he had rarely got to enjoy, unless it was within secrecy.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]


10-26-2014, 09:50 PM

Her body would melt against Quelts as he rested beside her now, savoring in thw warmth that radiated between them both. Days had grown colder now as winter neared. Right eyebrow would raise at the man's question. Ah, but why would he ask such a thing? But, she would answer him truthfully - truthfully as she always answered questions. Lying was simply too much work. My life is one that has none other than myself in it. I feel no attachment with those I encounter and so I would not consider them being in my life. It usually is one meeting and no more. . . Would I ever contemplate settling down? Marbled eyes would attempt to capture the man's gaze. A seriousness poured over her expressions, but there was a hidden softness there if one would look close enough. Perhaps.

Indeed, the woman was capable of settling down. Her life as a harlot was to give a temporary light in her constant darkness. Those brief moments of pleasure washed away everything that haunted her. Though, if a soul brave enough would stick by her side and show her a different way of pure happiness, life as a tramp could cease and give birth to faithfulness.

The man would speak of returning to Abaven, and it sort of sent sensations of happiness throughout her. Subtle ones, but they were there. An attachment to this wolf had begun to blossom. It seemed the two could be so completely open with one another, to allow all secrets be known. It would be nice to have such a companion kept close, even though she would not want to admit it. Bass would be thrilled to have you back home. Besides, I could use another lion-hearted warrior. Tongue would reach out and kiss the man softly upon his cheek. Mmm, and I want you to know. . . With me, you can be yourself. Free and open without a shield or disguise.

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7 Years
Extra large
10-26-2014, 10:10 PM

While many things he had felt had gone wrong in his life, for once he believe maybe she was someone who would understand. He had been secretly very afraid of others to realize what habits he had hidden underneath himself depending on how he felt at times. So he listened intently, and he would nod his head to let her know that he was listening. Venus hadn't had other wolves stick around her. Quelt had always had someone around him, but he had felt the loneliest in his life then. How did a sheltered child become this? He wondered that many times.
"You make me feel like the world isn't so bad Venus." he mused as he looked at her eyes. His red and blue pools searching her over. An urge to show her a world she hadn't felt before. Of compassion and companionship. "And as you, can do the same. I'll stick by your side, considering perhaps no one else has up until this point." his black tail curled around her. And in those moments he forgot about everything, his family, Irune, his attention and brain was fully focused on Venus. And how much better he felt now.

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10-26-2014, 10:33 PM

The man beside her listened so carefully and it was nice to have somebody to talk to. It allowed her to reveal some of the stuff that she kept bottled up inside. A different sort of relief that she had grown attached to, though, only a select few did she feel the ability to open up to. Quelt was still a stranger, but a part of her desired to know him by so much more than his touch. Ah, she wanted to get to know of his past and his present. Why he decided to give up his crown. What made the spark vanish that once had existed with Irune. And a tinge of jealousy overcame her at the thought of Irune, it was a feeling unfamiliar, and it fed her inner desire to fight.

She would return the same respect he had given her when she had spoken when it was his turn to speak. Life really is not all that bad. Our days are as bad as we allow them to be. Ourselves, alone, are in control of our own happiness. We just have to rid of our toxins, whether it is family. . . friends. You simply cannot live for the happiness for others, else you will always be miserable. It was selfish to live that way, but when this may be the only life we are granted, if there is no heaven or hell, the only thing that matters in the end is our happiness - what we do in this single life.

The next part of his words were a bit surprising, but offered a sort of comfort. Honestly, I have never had anyone to promise to be at my side. Not once. A sort of sadness laced her words this time at the realization. Life had changed so rapidly since her freedom, but it was welcoming. Could you. . . tell me what happened with you and your ex-mate? Maybe why your feelings were lost? And it sort of worried her. Worried her that perhaps that flames for his ex-mate had been simply reduced to a spark, waiting to reignite at any moment.

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7 Years
Extra large
10-27-2014, 12:08 AM

Of course, she was a stranger. Yet somehow, not entirely it would change over-time. Knowing who he was, he listened and tensed a little at the mention of living for the happiness of others. It was obvious it was a subject that stung the wounds that already preexisted on him. He had done that his entire life, believed himself that it would be fine as long as anyone else was alright. Now, he was stuck in the warp, and trying to find a way to crawl out of it.
"She was young, when I met her. Only a yearling, sick from the disease that plagued this land and caught onto my sister. I nursed the two of them back to health, and found Irune again only to take her under my wing. Far too young, she started to just....disappear. One day she would be around, making me feel like the highest thing alive. The next, she was missing, sick, or just distant. Whenever I got her back, she would leave again whether it was her fault or mine, it simply just destroyed the feelings I had for her." he explained giving a sigh. "I was a fool for thinking a small fling with a youngster would last as a committed relationship." he snorted mildly.
"I've spent my whole life pleasing others, thinking it would make me happy. But its something that has made me feel empty inside, even if I was surrounded by wolves I felt utterly alone." he settled his head down and looked at her. "I guess I am a damaged child created by a life of being sheltered under dukes and duchesses." he smirked a bit at her. "What about you, family, friends? Abaven is a nice place to meet and make those." maybe he was over his head? But questions were the best way of getting to know someone.

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10-27-2014, 07:46 PM

For some hidden reason, she knew after this encounter with Quelt, her life would change for all eternity. In truth, it frightened her, but it would not be known to none other than herself. Bass would most definitely be thrilled that the man planned to return home. The tender king's pack seemed to take a turn for the better after the storms. Perhaps, it was the birthing of a new beginning - one in which would twist and fold Abaven into the pack that Bass had dreamed of. Nevertheless, her heart had settled on the lands and the wolves that lived there, or at least most of them. It was a family she had never had the opportunity to have, and with Quelt maybe that family could expand all the more. Though, at this time, she had no idea just how truthful that would become.

Each syllable was listened to so carefully, thinking about each word as he spoke. Did she believe it had all to do with the gal being a youngster at the time of their meeting? Not at all. It really had all to do with her personality and fate. We are as old as our souls are. Love is a true rarity and it gets tossed from paw-to-paw as if it were mere dirt. Most relationships are no more than an unbreakable friendship or infatuation. That is all. It was the truth. Love, true love, was something only a select, lucky few had the opportunity to experience. Other loves were simply learned or an attachment of dearest friends. She had seen and discussed feelings of romance with far too many men. Spending the night with husbands of unsuspecting wives, talking to them of feelings of love long lost. Did she love Quelt? No. But she did feel an attachment to him. One stronger than shared between friends. Could it blossom into love? Well, only the gods knew the answer to that. Nevertheless, she felt jealousy over the thought of this gal he was with and wanted to keep the man all to herself.

The man would then speak of living to please others. Her own life being the opposite, she simply lived to please herself. Seems we have quite opposite lives. But then he would ask about her own family and a tinge of hurt entered her heart, but quickly it was pushed aside. She would answer him, even though unsure of how he would react. Though, what did it matter? She had grown tired of withering in the shadows. Never had either of those. Though, I am unsure of the turth to this story, this is what I have been told. . . There was a war between my pack and another. Our enemy could devour us so easily, and so for peace - I was given to them. An heir to the throne. I was to be queen, the first born. I was their most cherished treasure. But to save our kind, I was handed to them. From there, I was a slave. I was raped and ravaged, a toy. Overtime, the I became their willing whore. Ended up knowing quite a few fighters and so I asked them to teach me, to let me fight them. When I grew strong enough, I challenged the pack's queen for my freedom and from there I found Abaven. Not much of a life, but that's how it turned out. Bass has been my only friend, outside of you. She shrugged softly at the thought and eyes closed as memories revisted her mind. It's overwhelming sometimes. Life outside of my prison, that is. It's like I have to relearn the world all over by myself. But there has been comfort in being with men and being Bass's lead warrior. It gave me some familiarity. Don't you understand? Oh, how she wanted him to understand. Eyes would open as she would search for his momentarily and then she would rest her head upon his shoulders. Breath taking in the unique aroma of his fur. She felt, at this moment, she was protected and could release the armor she always equipped.

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7 Years
Extra large
10-27-2014, 08:10 PM (This post was last modified: 06-09-2015, 10:20 PM by Quelt.)

Of course at the moment he felt nothing of love for Venus, but he did feel a sense of friendship. It was harder to become friends than it was lovers at times. He would not be able to deny that he indeed wanted to see her again and more so when he returned. Somehow feeling the need to protect the poor lass. Something that had never changed about him was trying to protect things that he enjoyed. Probably a possessive feeling, but right now he didn't want any man touching her unless they were going to treat her right. And yet a tinge of jealousy made him think he only wanted her to be touched by him.
His larger body would seem to engulf her even well being. Trying to feel for her heart beat as he listened carefully. His eyes closing as he thought for a moment, of course he understood. The past shaped who they were, even if they were born all the same somewhere along the road they became corrupted by one thing or another. "I understand." he would not wish that life upon anyone. His tail flicked a bit.
"Stay with me tonight, I'll keep you warm before I return to Isokan in the morning. I'll be evaluating Ixionn one more time and then returning to Abaven. And I want to see you....again." he nipped at her ear. Maybe trying to make her relax a little more. The least he could do, the least he wanted to do for once was actually protect her and he believed he could. His black tail curling over her back in their entwined forms. Maybe one of the most beautiful friendships he had ever known had become here, and he was unaware if might turn into more.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]