



6 Years
10-20-2014, 03:59 PM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2014, 03:59 PM by Noel.)
Gaze of amber with their flecks of gold and green was directed toward, centering between the sand dunes. He wasn't quite certain that what he saw was real. Lost in the sandy terrain, it was so out of place. His homelands had not consisted of any sand save that at the beach where land met the blue, blue water of the ocean and its white foam. Tilting his head right and then left, his brows furrowed, eyes narrowing before his expression relaxed. Shaking his head he lay down upon his stomach, front paws stretched out, he lay his muzzle upon them.

"I wonder if its real." He whispered aloud to himself so that he had the company of at least one voice, even if it were his own. Some might think it an insane idea, while he rather believed some might well understand the reason for it. He'd already met some wolves, but he still wasn't certain that he belonged anywhere. But he did not wish to return back home, save perhaps for a short visit now and then if it were at all possible to do so.

After a time had passed the white wolf with some silver accent upon him stood again and began to leave paw-prints in the sand as he made his way toward the possible illusion. Cautious in his advance, but curious to know the truth, he decided to investigate rather than overlook it.


10-20-2014, 04:46 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
The desert was a dangerous place. The days were hot, the nights frigid, with water scarce. There was rumored to be an oasis within, though whether it was an illusion of those whose minds were lost by fatigue and thirst or truly real was unknown. But what Ellis was interested in, if such a place existed, were possible herbs that might grow near the water. It was a risky place to search, but the small woman was not to be detoured by dangerous terrain. She got a good drink and set off through the lands, for better or worse.

The sun would beat down on her coat, despite the fact that it was autumn the heat was still heavy. Thank goodness for the lighter part of her main coat. Teal-green eyes would search the area, heading in what she believed to be the same direction. Or was it that she was wandering in circles? She knew not. But, after some time, she would see what appeared to be the shimmer of the sun on the surface of water. Ears would perk, and the woman would move towards it. Was it an illusion? Reality? Time would tell. It seemed too that there was another blur of color heading towards the water. Silvery-white. Was that an illusion too? Or... another wolf?

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.



6 Years
10-20-2014, 06:25 PM
The large males eyes were drawn to another figure in the distance. Pale with a bit of darker areas from what he could make out. It seemed to him that if the Oasis were but an Illusion that he had not been the only one drawn to it. He would not be distracted from his goal as he trod further down the the side of the sandy dune which helped to keep the Oasis from view save for those who traveled so far. And while he was hot from the heat of the day, he would do naught else but take a sip once he reached it. Having seen that water was a scarcity in the area he chose not to take a dip. While it might have helped to cool him, he rather believed others needed the water much more than himself.

Thus he continued toward the water, picking up his pace from a gentle stroll to a quicker paced trot. The air that it caused to swirl around him smoothed through his fur until he came to a stop at the edge of the water. Instead of drinking, he waited for the other figure to approach - were it to actually be someone and not a figment of his mind.


10-23-2014, 07:37 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
The closer Ellis got to what she prayed was an oasis, the closer too did the figure of the other wolf get. Her teal-green eyes were curious, and she would frown a bit, ears tilting back some. So someone else was in the desert? Or... was it really a mirage? All of it just an illusion, a figment of her mind as she went mad? The small healer certainly hoped not, and she would slow her steps, breathing in heated air as she uncertainly neared. No... it was not a mirage. It couldn't be. Both wolf and water... they smelled too clear. Too real.

So Ellis would close the distance, coming to the edge of the water as he was. Though for the healer there was more curiosity as to what this man was doing in the desert than getting an immediate drink. The source of water was there... it could wait a moment longer. Ears would lift upon her head, her brow spots lifting with a bit of confusion. "Strangest of wonders. It appears that you are real, stranger." Ellis would tilt her head slightly to the side, examining him.

Such a light coat... at least it was less likely to trap heat. The healer would manage a small smile however, trying to keep her manners. "Lucky we found this place, huh? My name is Ellis Cathal. Who might you be?" Her words were polite, her gaze not leaving his. There would be time to drink in a moment, and time after to see if any useful herbs actually grew here at all. If not, well, at least she could say she made the journey. If there were, well, then there could be new herbs to add to her list to use.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.



6 Years
10-23-2014, 08:46 PM
When the she-wolf neared him and spoke, he blinked. So the lady was true, and real which stood to reason that the Oasis itself was indeed very real. The scent and touch of which did help. It could not hide its truth from them any longer now. "As are you, miss, real." Which was a good thing, otherwise he would have thought himself to be going a bit batty in the head.

Lifting one foreleg to bring inward, he pressed his other foreleg outward and bowed his head in greeting. "Greeting's Ellis Cathal. I am Noel Rose Kringle." With that said he straightened to the stance he previously held. "I imagine, like myself, you are thirty. Lovely ladies before gentlemen." Why else she was there was not really his concern, but he was curious and liked to learn all he could about someone or what they were doing in order to get to know them better.

Closing in on the water, he waited for Ellis. "How ever did you wind up in a place like this? I thought I was lost, as everywhere I turned it all looked the same." Barren land until he'd come upon the Oasis and soon enough would quench his thirst.


11-05-2014, 02:20 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
His manner of introduction was much like that of a gentleman from a fairy tale, overdone and yet such a welcome sight. The femme would give a gentle smile. Noel Rose Kringle. The name was beautiful, flowing upon the tongue. It seemed his parents had a knack for pairing names. She would give a soft chuckle when he spoke again. By the Great Winds this man was polite. She would give a small nod before lowering her head to the water, lapping up her fill of the liquid. While it wasn?t as tasty as it might have been in an area where the water ran, rather than being stagnant, it was certainly refreshing when one had been wandering through the desert.

Head would lift as she finished, his question meeting her ears. Slowly she would recline on her haunches, her gaze bright. ?I was looking for this very Oasis, actually. Hoping that it wasn?t a myth the longer I got traveling into the desert, however. I am a healer you see... And well, I thought if it is by water perhaps some interesting plants might grow here. A bit of a long shot, and perhaps a bit of a crazy journey, but it wasn?t as if I had much else left to do with myself these days.?

The woman wondered if she might ever see her daughter and son again. Looking for them, while the thought had crossed her mind, did not seem to be the right path. Perhaps it was the Wind speaking to her, giving advice, but Ellis had decided against leaving Alacritia to find them. Tail would curl around her paws, head tilting to the side. ?I would guess you weren?t making such a journey yourself though. Was there somewhere in particular you were trying to find here in Alacritia?? She had been in the land long enough that she might be able to help him an area of three.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.