
Each New Day


01-25-2014, 05:28 PM
It was a nice day. Chilly, but the sun was bright and slowly the air near to the ground was warming. Near a stand of trees, out of the wind and in the sun, a wolf slept. Bonsai, for that was his name, had been walking for most of the night, through the dark and cold, without knowing why. He'd paused shortly before daybreak and found this spot, curling up to doze away a few hours before he went on.

He was hungry. But he'd found no prey that he could take down by himself- they were either too big or too speedy. He felt the ache in his belly and remembered the time before when his family had hunted and pulled down game, filling their bellies until they were bloated, stuffed full of food until they could only flop down and sleep off the meal.

Ahh, now he was dreaming of food, intangible chunks of meat that had him chewing and drooling in his sleep. Until a loud caw sounded close by, jerking him to awareness, and he stretched, yawned, and remembered with regret that dream vision filled with tasty offerings.

But there was no food here, and no point in wishing he had food, when there was plenty of it out there, just waiting for him to catch it. Stretching again, scratching a brief itch on his neck, the young male rose and approached the lake, lowering his head to lap at the cool water.


02-01-2014, 01:25 AM
It was the smell of herbs and water that lead the gentle female onward. Her form was very small, only twenty four inches, though the female didn't mind. Her goal in life was hardly to go around and challenge others to fight, and so she did not have need of a large, bulky body rippling with muscles. No, this woman was clearly more built for speed. Long legs graced her form, at least for her size, and her curvy body sported lean muscles. She was a pretty female, with more of the grace of a doe deer than a wolf. Her shorter muzzle would scent the air, ears twitching as she listened to the birdsong that reached them. It was a wonderful morning, the sun rising up to touch the Earth that was caught in the hands of spring. Honestly the femme couldn't think of a more perfect scene. Alacritia was different than her old home, but the female didn't mind. She had no regrets in leaving to persue further knowledge in becoming an adept healer.

The lake would soon come into view. A scent, male, would reach her nose before Ellis spotted him. He was a bit bigger than her, though not a towering behemoth of a brute. The female would walk up close to him, speaking in a soft, warm voice. "Morning to you, stranger." The female would then dip her head to the water of the lake, lapping up water to slack her thirst. Her stomach would ripple with the action, her tail wagging slowly behind her. She was a rather happy fae, and hoped to continue to be that way. She was also hoping for a bit of company, if this male would allow. When she finished Ellis would lift her head, curious seagreen eyes flicking to him. "Have you been in Alacritia very long?" She would inquire.