


01-25-2014, 03:00 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Any other day Yin might have considered herself a formidable wolf, made of muscle and mass enough even to take on the robust males of her kind. There was nothing to be feared, nothing to give her pause. She was capable and knew it, and was too stubborn and impersonable to let anyone tell her otherwise. But no amount of physical strength had been enough to counter the effects that the hurricane had wrecked upon the lands.

The immense downpour had been bad enough, but the volcano had been considerably worse. It had awoken during the chaos of the storm and spewed its ash very heavily into the sky, mingling with the rain and making the air horrendous to breathe in. And Yin had been right in the middle of it. She had not found shelter soon enough, had no gotten away fast enough, and had breathed in her fair share of the ash that had covered the skies and hung in the air. It had all caught her by surprise, thinking at first that it might have been nothing more than a cold triggered by the storm, but even without being a healer she knew it was more complex than that.

It made her feel sluggish and listless, her wanderings becoming less precise and more ambling. She was not even sure where she was presently, green and blue eyes staring across a vast expanse of emptiness that was an inhospitable as it was unappealing. She blinked her eyes and drew in a labored breath, feeling the heaviness in her lungs and trying her best not to trigger another coughing fit. Her chest was already growing sore from it.

Being lost and ill might have put her in a sour mood any other day, but circumstances of late had all but drained her of her ability to care enough to be angry or upset. No growls and no scowls were heard or seen from the white and black she-wolf as she traveled aimlessly along, head and tail low in a downtrodden manner. Respite. That was all the able-bodied Yin wanted now.


01-26-2014, 06:14 AM

Hell had broken loose all over the lands it seemed, and yet she found herself moving from her territories to find safer refuge. But it seemed even with the wind and rain, Seracia still held more shelter then most of the places she had seen thus far. Due to her need and driven want to escape the battering storm, she had come to the battlefield. A place she had never been to, and there was a reason it seemed. The scenery of if all was quite intimidating, bones, blood, stained ground and rocks. It unnerved her, but she couldn't be afraid. To show weakness was to be a coward, and a coward she was not. Her father had taught her better then that, to always be strong even if you were terrified. Oh how she missed him...

It had been a long time since the masked fae had gotten into any sort of physical confrontations, and yet she was sort of glad. Although it also meant she lacked in fighting skill, something she knew she had to remedy soon and not pay the price when a situation arose where she would have to fight. And as she thought, it seemed something else would catch her attention. Pulling her from the several types of thoughts that threatened her mind. Thoughts of her father, of her pack...of Pontifex whom she could not forget about. All that was driven from her mind when she spotted a white wolf close by. Curiously, she drew herself forward. Coming forth in a non threatening manner. And upon closer inspection, the femme was not entirely white, but carried a dark ebony banner. She seemed to have something wrong, and Pacifica being who she was, could not help but be concerned. "Hello, stranger. I...could not help but notice, but are you alright?"



01-29-2014, 05:05 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

As soon as the ill wolf spotted the grey stranger a bit of her normal instinct returned. Her paws, though slow on the uptake, ceased their forward motion and drew her up short, mismatched eyes staring at the stranger before allowing her head to turn slightly to either side. Nothing. There was nothing around her to provide any sense of concealment, no new direction she could casually turn in to make it seem as if something had distracted her. But since when did she care about sparing someone the knowledge that she wanted nothing to do with them?

With a grumbling noise, the mostly white wolf turned her path away from the stranger but too late. Not of a mind or mood to make a quick exit, Yin was caught as the she-wolf spoke to her, asking of her well being. "I'm fine," she answered gruffly, a touch of defensiveness evident within her voice. She made to sigh in aggravation but even that tickle of air was enough to set off a miniature coughing fit.

Embarrassed at her own inability to maintain the self-sufficient image that she preferred, Yin scowled and set her ears back, displacing her temper toward the kindly stranger. "It's just that damn storm's doing. I'm fine." What was the point in repeating what she had said? To convince herself as well as the stranger that her ailment would cure on its own? Though she wanted to believe it - she was too strong to let some sickness claim her - she held a tiny fear that she was wrong. It did not feel like just another cold. It felt strangely worse. But unwilling to ask for or admit to requiring help Yin remained stubborn and moody and hoped this interruption of her walk to nowhere would be over soon.