
One Step Forward...



4 Years
01-24-2014, 06:09 PM

A hazy yellow glow sifted through the throng of willow trees from the late afternoon sun while thunder continued to rumble in the distance. It had just finished raining a sort while ago and the snow bright male slipped from his shelter in the roots of a massive weeping willow tree. The wind was still sifting through them casting eerie, shifting reflections on the pond that acted as the central water source here. Ponds and rains. So far Baldur only had one impression of Alacritis? wet.

Slipping through the veil of leaves Baldur shook out his coat and bent at the overflowing pond to gulp down the cool, clear water. When he was finished he licked his lips and stretched. He supposed he ought to find Thor again but it was kind of nice to strike off on his own for a bit. Hmm?

Baldur let out a heavy sigh. What were they doing here? He'd left to find something, family? Freedom? Himself? Now that he'd made it to Alacritis he wasn't really sure what to do with himself. Did he want to join a pack? Just wander about with his brother Thor? Start a family?

A low growl emitted from the brute's throat. He always seemed to be able to steer through life on his daily whims and wants but when it came right down to the big picture he'd no idea what to do with himself and never really needed to. He was the fourth born, the first of the second litter. Their father was hellbent on shaping the first three into lord only knew what? the younger pups were backup. And to Baldur, expendable. Then Hati took away any chance Baldur had of discovering his purpose within that pack and of whether or not he'd ever meant anything to his father. And mother?.. a sign slipped from his lips.

So, now what? what exactly were any of them supposed to do?


01-27-2014, 08:51 PM

The run in with her family... had not been what she was hoping for when she had come across them all. The ones she looked up to in that crazy ass pack... that place of hell. She had felt her heart break as she had fled, tears in her eyes, frustrated in herself for part of her make up that she couldn't very well control. The poor girl absolutely despised that weakness... her size. Her damned size. How easily she could be knocked off course. How she had to rely more on her speed rather than her strength to get things done... and even that wasn't always enough.

Though time had passed since then the hurt still stung clear as day in Akemi's poor little heart. She wandered along, only the willow trees for company. She had purposely avoided contact with any other wolves up until now, eyes downcast for the better part of the time. Akemi would heave out a quiet sigh, dark reddish-brown tipped ears lifting slightly. A scent had reached her nose, and a pang of guilt would rise in her chest. Baldur. He had been pretty ticked at her and stormed off before she left the rest of them...

The fae would slowly approach him, not at all in the fiery manner as she had before. No... this particular way might, if Baldur remembered her youth at all, remind him of before the girl had lost what innocence she had and started fighting almost everything and everyone... seeking strength and power. A soft, short whine would escape the female before she spoke in a soft, almost forgotten gentle tone. "Balder...? Can... can we talk a moment... please?" Red orbs would hold a soft, pleading look as she looked upon him. The poor thing had to make sure he wasn't angry with her... and didn't hate her...




4 Years
01-27-2014, 10:42 PM

Baldur's breathing slowed as he let every twisted thought in his head, ever knot slowly unwind out into the air as he relaxed beside the lake. The wind was humming softly and even the thunder in the distance seemed oddly soothing. He would find his way. He always did. Baldur let his mind shuffle away his thoughts and feelings. Storing them up and locking them away. The past he felt was the greatest prison and he would fight as best he could to move beyond it, to forget it? knowing he'd most likely fail. There were good things, times of laughs and fun that he would cling desperately too. But the rest of it never happened. It simply did not exist outside nightmares. Baldur was a wolf that strode forward, always forward even if it was a hair's breadth at a time.

The large brute's ears flicked at approaching footsteps but they were so soft he pushed them from his mind until he caught the scent of Akemi. His ears fell to the side, tail slapping the ground in annoyance. Great, what was she going to chew his ass out about this time? He didn't turn around to face her.

Balder?? Can... can we talk a moment... please?

He hesitated. Something stirred in his heart at the tenderness with the way she spoke. It was something he hadn't heard in a very long time and? honestly, he wasn't all that angry anymore. Baldur's temper could rise out of nowhere but it was usually very short. Flopping fully on his side his head twisted back to look at his baby sister. "Sure? what's up Akemi?" he said gently, unsure really what to expect from her. When she wasn't raging at him he wasn't quite sure how to react.


02-05-2014, 12:16 AM

For a moment, as she looked upon his back and saw the irritation and annoyance with her presence the female debated about turning and going back the way she came. A pang hit deep in her heart and she would lower her ears. She would hesitate, hoping, praying, that he would turn around. Akemi would relax, though only a bit, as Baldur flopped onto his side. He didn't seem to be angry anymore, and for that the young female was very grateful. He was willing to listen... so hopefully she could get her apology out... and hopefully before some other family member came upon them. She didn't want anyone else to hear this... only Baldur. She would pad right up to him, laying down to him so that their fur was touching. She would then look into his soft blue eyes, the opposite of her own red ones.

The female would give a soft whine, lowering her ears. Apologizing wasn't exactly something she was used to... it was something that had been blocked out when her own self-training began. But then Akemi would begin to speak, her voice quiet. "About what happened near the mines... I... I'm really sorry. I know I can be a huge bitch and very reckless... and I don't think ahead... I just... I'm sorry." The young female would bury her face against Baldur's back, trembling a bit, unsure if she was about to cry or not.




4 Years
02-09-2014, 03:14 PM

Baldur waited with uncharacteristic patience. He was still fairly burnt out from the family gathering, emotionally and mentally. Memories of his past kept bubbling back up and he'd managed, finally, to squash every one back down. But there was a fear beginning to blossom in his bosom. There were things he knew that he'd forgotten with the upmost care. Things not to be remembered. Voices would kiss him in his dreams, dark tendrils of monsters made of shadow with gleaming fangs. Monsters that always seemed to become himself just upon waking.

Akemi surprised him as the words of an apology drifted past her lips. This was not the fae he'd come to know. "No Akemi? I'm sorry too." He took to his feet striding over to lick her right ear gently. "I know you? care? about Hati. My own feelings shouldn't dictate yours." Especially, since he still had yet to define what made him hate his older brother in the first place.

"Lets just? I don't know, put this behind us. Forget it ever happened."

Like you always do?


ooc: end? or shall we have them go do something? I'll leave it up to you.


02-20-2014, 04:34 PM

Surely her words of apology had surprised her brother. The female had gotten so aggressive as she aged, more as a way of protecting herself, or an attempt to, rather than simple ill temperment. He would apologize as well, offering a lick to her ear in comfort. She would let her red eyes meet his blue ones, a soft whine leaving her. He understood why she had been so angry, so quick to even lunge at Loki, despite them being bound by blood. Their damned pasts, cursed by the pack of their birth, haunted all of them. In their personalities... in their memories... in their dreams. None were free from the darkness it cast over them. How the girl wished for the simple days of her youth, when all she really had to worry about was following her littermates around and avoiding the chaos for the most part. But that part of her past was gone... but culd it be in her future? Would she be able to rebuild something here? A place where she could start over? A place where they could all start over? The female would move closer to Baldur, wrapping her neck around his own in a sort of embrace. The femme would close her eyes, more grateful for her brother's understanding in that moment than anything else in her short life. "Thank you, Baldur." Her voice was still quiet as she spoke, and she slowly pulled back from the embrace, a small smile forming on her face. "I care about all of you, too. So never forget that, big brother. I love you." She would linger a while longer, to share in the company of her white and black coated sibling before going off on her own way again, certain that they would cross paths again.


-End Thread.-