
Seaking the Heat


01-23-2014, 09:05 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2014, 09:06 PM by Isabella.)
For one who pushed herself to her limits, saw herself as one who always needed to get stronger, and above all always took careful, controlled, and calculated steps, limping was nothing short of a disgrace. Yet, that was what Isabella had found herself doing after hunting a doe, in the process of making sure the doe would not be able to jump over the gorge Isabella drove her to, she had sustained an injury in her right shoulder. At first it wasn't that bad, something that would heal in no time so long as she took care of it and moved slowly. Yet a storm had hit and forced her to run for cover. The combination of the heavy rain and running so fast and stretching her legs as far as she could had irritated the wound.

It wasn't festering or anything serious yet but it would take longer to heal like this, and was staring to hurt enough to cause the limp. Despite her best efforts to hide the limp it could be seen as could a bit of blood along her fiery fur. Every now and then it would open up a little if she moved the wrong way, it was more annoying than anything. Seeking to heal as fast as she could she hoped some hot water would do the wound good, or at least feel soothing enough to lessen her limp. Having been to the waters before she was eager to return to them, the things that must have been a gift from the Spirit of the Ocean.

Icy orbs looking ahead with anticipation she did her best to still hold her proud stance, ears up and tail high behind her. She could feel the heat in the air and a slight dampness in her fur already and smell the hot scent of the water. But another scent was in the air, one that was not there last time, the scent of wolves. Pausing Isabelle lifted her head and took in the scent. At the same time she lifted her right paw as she had seen others do when they lifted their head so high. At least this way she would not look injured. Indeed, the land smelled of wolves that had a common scent, a pack. The last time she was at the water it was not claimed by others.

Her ears twitched as she thought but finally she decided to sit and wait. Someone in the pack was bound to find her eventually, if she received a not so warm welcome she could leave but if the pack seemed willing to share the miracle of the springs she would gladly use them. She did not howl, not while injured, that could draw too many wolves at once and she would be easy prey if they did not take kindly to strangers. No, her odds were much better if she waited for one to catch her scent. There was still a chance others could show, but at least it was not the worst option.


02-03-2014, 06:49 PM

The man soaked in the heat of the springs, very welcome after winter and the harsh storm that had swept over all of Alacrtricia. Droplets of moisture formed on the the tips of the man's alabaster fur, onlyto drop off into the steaming water below to rise again. Haku carried on, his paws moving along the borders of Ludicael searching for any intruders or those looking to join. He hadn't even reached the heart of the springs before his emerald green eyes sighted an earthen toned female waiting at the border. Was she looking to join perhaps? Was it possible that Haku hadn't heard the femme's call? As Haku moved closer he saw a hidden look of pain in the woman's eyes. The reason for this was soon uncovered as Haku saw a wound on the woman's shoulder. The fur around it was crusted with blood.
"Hello, miss. Haku, at your service. What might be your business on the borders of Ludicael today? Entrance? Help? Or perhaps something else?" When the man said 'help' his eyes darted for a millisecond to the woman's shoulder but were soon back at her gaze.



02-03-2014, 11:46 PM
Another joined her, one that smelled of other wolves and a bit of the land. No doubt this one was a member of the pack. The wolf was of average size which next to her could be called large. As the wolf got closer she sat calmly and waited. Her eyes went over the snowy male as he gazed at her, seeing her injury. Such a thing could make different wolves react differently and she counted herself lucky this one was kind. So, the male's name was Haku and the pack's name was Ludiceal, a pack who seemed friendly to guests.

"Greetings Haku, I am Isabella VentFlurer. When I came here I didn't know the water was now owned by a pack. Last time I was here it was free land. I don't truly know if I need help but I was hoping the warm water would sooth my wound." Her voice was cold yet not hostile though it intentionally held no sign of her pain. Isabella turned just a bit so he could see it better. His eyes had already fallen on it but she wanted her intentions perfectly clear. The turn wasn't one that would leave her weakened side opened for attack though.

Turing back she looked to the male. "I thought of using the waters already yet that would just be rude. I don't know much in the way of herbs so I figured the water was the best way to help myself. If I have your permission to use the water that is." With that she stood, either to be able to get to the water or to be turned away though she hoped she could stay. As she stood she changed her stance a bit and lowered her tail to be even with her body, after all she was a guest in these lands and wanted to make no challenge.


02-04-2014, 05:11 PM

The woman was very calmas he approached, hiding her pain well. He listened as she explained her prescense. Greetings Haku, I am Isabella VentFlurer. When I came here I didn't know the water was now owned by a pack. Last time I was here it was free land. I don't truly know if I need help but I was hoping the warm water would sooth my wound. Haku looked a bit closer at the wound in the woman's side. It looked minorly healed at places, but raw in others. It was obvious why the woman wanted these waters, but herbs and a healer would be better.
I thought of using the waters already yet that would just be rude. I don't know much in the way of herbs so I figured the water was the best way to help myself. If I have your permission to use the water that is. Haku thought for a minute. There were healers within this pack, willing to help those in need. It was a school, and they needed practise. "Well, Miss Isabella. I can see your wound there looks quite nasty. You were right to wait before coming much further into our tertitory, although a howl would have been better. I don't think only our springs would help that sore. Our pack is a school of sorts, lead by our Oracle, Song, and her mate Cherokee. We teach healing, defense, theology of the gods and hunting. Our young healers may be able to help you better. One of our laws is to care for others. "



02-04-2014, 06:48 PM (This post was last modified: 02-04-2014, 06:53 PM by Isabella.)
A school? Hunting, healing, defense? Isabella paused, not sure what to think as she was for a moment lost in old memories, aside from the theology. Weather this was fate telling her something or mocking her she did not know but for the moment she wasn't too fond of it. After all, that was the pack that had worked ]so hard to win her trust, a pack that had given her the rank 'Professor' of hunting. They took her in, befriend her, let her climb the ranks, gained her trust then threw it away. She knew this wasn't the same pack, but it might as well have been. Even so, she had no good reason to take her anger out on them, but that did make her a bit more wary.

Hiding her shock and sorrow in everything but a momentary dulling of her eyes she spoke. "I did not want to howl for fear the pack might not have been so welcoming and see an injured wolf as a good target." "Though it seems I am rather luckily that is not the case."[The thought ran though her and she did her best to keep it locked up. She wasn't even sure how to respond to the offer yet, the male could have been lying for all she knew but seemed honest for the moment and his body language looked rather relaxed.

"A fine law, and since I do not know much in the way of healing I shall take your word for it. good are the young healers exactly? I won't just be a test will I?" She wanted to make sure that if she was going to allow others to tend to her they knew what they were doing. She also wondered where the even would take place. "Will we need to go to a den then?" She was a bit nervous of the idea should it be some kind of trap but she already planed to stay outside of any kind of den she was brought to just to stay on the safe side.


02-08-2014, 08:29 PM

Haku watched the woman's body tense up as he mentioned 'school'. What was it? Was something the matter? "I did not want to howl for fear the pack might not have been so welcoming and see an injured wolf as a good target." Haku nodded. It was a smart move, but unnecessary. "A fine law, and since I do not know much in the way of healing I shall take your word for it. good are the young healers exactly? I won't just be a test will I?" No, no! Although our healers are in training, they all have different skill sets. Some are better at wounds, such as yourself, some at disease's, while there are some that like to try a bit of everything. Our own leader, has experience in the art. You are in the safest of paws. And to your other question. Only if you want to. We will not force you to do anything. Haku sensed the fea's wariness and didn't want to push her into anything. She would be free to leave at anytime. Also, if you take a liking to Ludicael, you are also free to stay and to live among it's ranks.


Ooc: Sorry for the poor quality. On my iPod


02-09-2014, 11:47 AM (This post was last modified: 02-09-2014, 11:47 AM by Isabella.)
Hakau seemed rather truthful in his defense of the school and the healers. Having different types of healers, now that was interesting. And there was the fact that she would not have to do anything she didn't want. He even gave her an offer to stay but she knew she wouldn't, not in a place that reminded her so much of the pain of her second pack. Even so, at least the pack seemed like a decent place and it would be nice to have the wound, and the limp, gone.

Nodding she took a few steps forward. "Alright, it sounds like a smart system. Please, lead the way to whoever is available to help me." Her words were well somewhat kind, after all anyone who was wiling to help a stranger deserved at least that much. She also did not want to be a bother if the healers were tending to wolves with more dire wounds than her. It was going to be odd to follow someone, to accept help but she knew it was the best thing to do in her situation.

OOC: No problem :)