
it will catch up with us all eventually


01-23-2014, 05:21 PM
OOC: this is not an open thread. This will be a one post thread were his ear is being ripped off. This is set yesterday when the main ash hits.

The ash poured down the narrow passage, but he battled through it. Through it and out into open air would be the only way to survive. Muscles legs pounded the ground. Be coughed and spluttered as he ran, choking on the ash. It was getting into his eyes, blinding him. But he still ran. Stumbling over a small cluster of rocks as he ran. He made himself work harder, but with the ash making every breath a struggle he was tiring faster. He didn't see the foot drop in the passage way in front of him. As he ran forwards he lost his footing. He went flying. Propelled by how fast he had been running. He hit the ground with a thud. But a sharp pain ripped through his ear. He bad landed on a small, but sharp stalacmite. He didn't know that and instinctively pulled. He howled in pain. He had only added to the injury. Jerking away had caused the ear to tear, ripping it off. It was agony. The ash stung at it. The picked himself off the ground. He was losing blood. He needed to get back to Tortuga and see a healer as fast as possible. He began to run again. Slower and steadier. His side hurt, but worst of all was where his left ear had once been. He kept running until he reached the mouth of the caves. He ploughed his way out. He gasped in air. Each breath raspy. The air was till thick with ash. But it wasn't as bad as it had been in the cave. He began to head . Back his home. The left side of his head throbbing.

OOC: I know this makes no sense but I had no idea how to do this is.