
More Than A Breeze



7 Years
01-27-2014, 11:58 AM
Nako had started out his day with a quick sweep of the border clearing for any sign of his father who still eluded him amongst the trees, a fell sky being covered by grey clouds all over.... well, everywhere. That didn't deter him, non the slightest. And as the juvenile stalked his way amongst the grass along the edge of the new packlands he couldn't help but feel uneasy as the gale grew more intense, leaves and other loose detritus swirling upwards into the tumultuous sky. The Fern Gulley was ahead just waiting to be explored.

And so the bastard pup would spend the better part of the morning exploring the new place the pack would reside, Nako however really concerned about things such as where he would make a den in his later years or the closest source of water was located. No. What bothered him was the swirling black column coming right at him, the roar of the wind growing louder and louder. Lighting and rain pounding the landscape as fires igniting and extinguishing as quickly as the began. And so Nako ran. He ran for his life. The black gale whipped and pulled at his rain soaked fur and Nako stumbled into the mud as a sudden shock went though him, a tingling sensation overcoming his whole body. He twitching nerves seized up his legs and he couldn't move. Somehow he forced himself to his paws and staggered this way and that.

Something was off about one side of his head, but Nako didn't care at the moment. What mattered was that he make it a river outcropping and hide underneath the shelf of stone. Hardly responsive paws clawed their way to the riverbank, Nako feeling debris impact and embed on his sides and flank. Although his mismatched eyes saw the stone for a fraction of a second before it struck him edge first and roll over his right eye, the pup blinked and flinched on reflex. Nako's head reared back as his vision exploded in a flurry of stars. The young wolf tumbled into the riverbank and Nako desperately felt his way underneath a slab of shale. Dazed and in pain, but alive, Nako shivered and shook as the hurricane carved his path into Seracia.