
All things end in fire


01-22-2014, 09:28 PM

Ravage moved silently through the desolate graveyard of charred trees and ash. Her head was held high carrying a crown only her eyes gave witness to. Gray puffs of disturbed volcanic dust gathered at her heels and stuck to the fur of her legs. The air here was deathly still and smelled of smoke, a heady perfume Ravage was fond of. The dark bitch gazed around her thoughtfully as she ambled through the smoldering debris. The heavens were blacker than her pelt, defiled by the volcano's wrath. It was like walking through a dream.

This was what she wanted the world brought down to: piles of burnt skeletons and dust. A strange smile sat on her blackened maw and her tail moved side to side like a metronome.

CAW! Ravage jumped, startled out of her dream-like state by the sharp cry of a crow. The ebony bird had lighted down on a seared tree stump to her left. Ravage stared at it for a moment, and the corvid stared back, its beady eyes fixed on the wolf. In a split second of predatory action the shadowy wolf lunged and the crow barely had time to scream before its alarmed quark was cut off. As she held the limp body in her jaws, a single feather dropped to the ground by her paws.

talk, think