
To Gain, One Must Give. [Practice Spar]



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-22-2014, 03:44 AM (This post was last modified: 01-22-2014, 03:35 PM by Sin.)
Sin Armada

Again. The beast came forth onto the ever familiar battlegrounds. The need to stretch his muscles made him restless, and so he came to find another release. Though hopefully, this ended in a friendly match of sorts as opposed to satiating the lust that had gripped him last time. Although, the last time he had the need to force dominance upon another who dared try to run. This time? A match with another hopefully as equal as his own strength. Anyone lesser, he supposed he could teach. Either way, he just wanted to quench the restlessness that gripped his body. And so he would stand near a boulder, surveying the land for anyone approaching. But for now, he appeared to be alone...waiting...


01-22-2014, 05:37 PM

The sweet and savory aroma of blood assaulted the banshee?s nostrils, easily extracting her from Glaciem?s headquarters as intrigue consumed her ambitious being and forced her limbs to carry her in the direction the scent had wafted from. A lust for bloodshed and the onslaught of adrenaline that accompanied it devoured her, tweaking the inner-workings of her diseased mind so that the angst of her parents? demise no longer retained its position of significance and instead favored the unwavering focus of fulfilling the relentless thirst for thrill. The phantom queen knew not the creature that would pleasure her through the art of combat and yet she cared little of their ability or incompetence; she only desired to test the metallic tang of blood as it stained her flawless countenance and kissed her slavering tongue?the mere thought was enough to send shivers rippling down her spine.

His physique?masculine and gargantuan?would taint an otherwise vacant clearing, pupils settling upon his pallid form as she approached the epicenter of the battlefield where he had positioned himself, his intent obvious. A deep rumble would resonate from her throat to announce her presence as she sauntered, poise immaculate, from behind him, having carefully positioned herself downwind so as to obscure herself until the time seemed right. Mismatched amethyst and silver gaze would ravage his features, noting on the macabre embellishments of his coat that made him so identifiable to the babe; she had encountered this brute?this Armada before. A faint smirk would flicker across her youthful features as she halted approximately seven feet away from him, robust body pivoting to face him head-on, posture taunting as she began to settle into her defenses. Skull would lower over her breast, shoulders rolling in their sockets to encumber the sides and back of her neck in excess rolls of flesh while her skull retreated slightly to scrunch the front of her neck. Ears swiveled back to press against the contours of her crown while her eyes narrowed to thin but visible slits, abdomen tensing as her hackles prickled along the base of her neck and spinal column. Limbs would find comfort spaced equidistant apart, distributing her weight equally between each appendage as they bent to lower her center of gravity, toes flexing before spreading apart while her nails bit lightly into the earth to retain traction. Tail would align itself with the remainder of her spinal cord and jaws would ready themselves as they unhinged, lips unfurling slightly to reveal the yellowed bone of her gluttonous incisors in a challenging manner. ?Show me...wrath,? the Overseer commanded, amusement laced within her words as she mentally prepared herself for the impending battle.




move ZERO of THREE


DEFENSE skull lowered, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, abdomen tensed, hackles raised, limbs spaced equidistant apart, weight evenly distributed, limbs bent, toes splayed, nails gripping, tail out, jaws gaping, teeth exposed.