
This Weather


01-22-2014, 12:52 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had seen the weather progressively getting worse all day. It had started off as just clouds on the horizon but they had moved in swiftly and quietly, gathering strength and speed as they flew. Now they blocked out the entire night sky and continued to drop an endless, unrelenting downpour on the world below, filling rivers and making any sort of travel difficult. The ground was muddy, riddled with an unknown amount of puddles and just waiting to send someone tumbling. The territories with low points were gaining new ponds and pools, and what only made it all worse was the winds. They howled and screamed, causing the rain to sting as much as chill, and worsened visibility of those seeking shelter.

Yin was counted among those trying to get out of the storm, green and blue eyes squinted safely with ears tucked and head low as she navigated between the rocks, guided almost by feel as her black-tailed, white-coated body slid beside them. Muscled remained tensed beneath her dripping pelt, set on edge by the severity of the storm and quite desperate for a respite. Why had she not thought to hole up somewhere before now? Why had she decided to brave the weather and keep moving, especially after she had seen the clouds move faster, the storm creep steadily and dangerously closer?

"Damn this weather," Yin muttered darkly under her breath, the words entirely lost to the storm. There had to be something here to provide shelter: an empty den, a funny rock formation, anything but these upright boulders whose only purpose she had been able to deduce was to turn what might have been a respectable moor into an aggravating maze. Baring her teeth unnecessarily, the she-wolf growled as she trotted on with the hopes of finding somewhere to stop soon. Hell, even getting stuck with someone would be better than this.

OOC: Random Yin thread to get her closer to the volcano for her breathing problems brought on by current events. x3 Apologies in advance since she's horrible for company. xD