
A Storm is Brewing


01-22-2014, 04:35 AM (This post was last modified: 01-27-2014, 01:16 PM by Chrysanthe.)
There was a storm coming. She could smell it, taste it on the wind. The rain would be arriving quickly, and the wind shortly afterward. The little woman was a stargazer, she spent her nights watching the sky, lived her life looking up at the moon and seeing how it affected the tides when she was near the ocean. Although she was far from perfection in terms of her accuracy - for a storm this large? She knew that things were going to get ugly. Maybe though, there was time for her to warn those that she cared about. She had a bit of time, perhaps she could warn Valhalla while she was getting to Inu Islands - two birds with one stone. With that in mind she would slowly cut into the grasslands, leaving a trail behind her lithe body.

The clouds had yet to appear on the horizon, and so she would take a breath, trying to force herself to keep calm. Yet within that breath she could still taste the up and coming rain as a gust of wind gently blew past her. It was spring, these parts were already naturally blustery. Yet it would get much worse in what could be as little as the next few hours. The woman's lips twitched, she was somewhat nervous, but she gently tilt her head back and howl regardless. She was calling for someone, anyone, so that Valhalla could be warned to either avoid the shores on their island, or to get further inland. Hopefully the pack was alright after their move... she worried about those that were wounded in the siege. The wolves in this pack were much like the wolves that she surrounded herself with living with Maija and Taurig.

She wanted them to stay safe, even if they were not her family.



9 Years
01-22-2014, 03:38 PM

Alsander was attending to his duties, patrolling the land side of the Valhallan three territories. Wind buffeted his heavy coat that hardly ever shed out during the warmer months. The rain had begun falling an hour ago, eliciting the sense of wrongness. The sky just beyond the home Island didn?t look right. The wind didn?t sound right. Or feel right. The air tasted heavy with danger. So he had finished his patrol as quickly as possible, and turned down the path leading to the mainland shore, at the place where the water was usually the shallowest.

A scent passed over his nose. A tingle ran through his body. He knew that scent. It was slightly altered? Less pack, now? More towards rogue, but still held Taurig?s scent on the edge. His head dropped, nose running over the blades of grass that made up the plains that were a mainland territory of Valhalla. Io. It was definitely Io. He hadn?t seen her since she and her sisters had taken their leave of Valhalla, going home after the siege. That wasn?t to say he hadn?t thought of her constantly, on some side-path of his brain.

His pace picked up, nose firmly locking onto her scent trail, until her voice rose, calling for someone. What had led her out in weather like this? Coming up beside her, he greeted her gently. ?Lady Io. What troubles you?? For he could most definitely see the anxiety in her stance, and her eyes.


01-27-2014, 11:23 AM (This post was last modified: 01-27-2014, 01:15 PM by Chrysanthe.)
The male that responded to her call was one that she recognized. One of Valhalla's warriors, he had been in the siege and although he had been injured, he looked like he managed to heal up well. He could see her worry, the fear she held because of the storm to come, and although she didn't want to scare him she knew it was going to be a bad one. "The sea is bringing a terrible storm. It carries on the wind." And it could be seen if you watched the grasses and areas around the coast just right - a lot of the prey had moved inland, the lands were incredibly quiet. "I fear for our island homes." She to was living on an island that would no doubt, be hit hard because of this.

She would meet his eyes for what felt like the fis ttime since they had met up yet again, and as she did she would do her best to calm down. Alsander, he had managed to stand out to her among the rest of his pack, something about him was different - simply stuck to her memory more than the average lupine. Io was not one for groups or crowds, but his presence was one that nearly made her forget when she was among one. If only he could quell her nerves about the storm and the children that Maija would have to protect during it. "You seem to be better - did everything heal up right?" No doubt, Valhalla's healers seemed to be competent - perhaps with the knowledge they shared with each other, even better than the albino woman herself.



9 Years
02-15-2014, 10:03 PM

She was beautiful, with the wind buffeting her snowy fur, despite the anxiety that rolled off of her. As he settled on his haunches, she spoke, and he listened. So she felt it too? ?I had a feeling it was something like that? There?s a silence, where there?s usually some sort of prey noise or crickets. They?ve gone to ground.? He didn?t need Cael?s druid sense to tell him that something bad was coming. He hoped the pack were doing the same as the prey, moving toward the inner sanctums of the island, where the jungle was thick and would stand strongest against the storm.

In all of this, he wasn?t worried about Erani or Surreal, as some sense told him they were fine and would be fine, Erani especially, with her cave den. Io?s voice broke into his thoughts, and he lifted his leg, showing her the well knit wounds that were rapidly becoming strong scars. ?You did a wonderful job on me. Aunt Erani was impressed. I?m already able to run on it with little twinging. Kind of like my father.? The mist grey male gave the Albino Lady a smile. ?She wants to thank you for your help, and offers any teaching you would like to take from her should you need it. She loves passing her knowledge on, especially now that she?s getting older.?

A distant spark of lightning lit the surroundings with a faint bone white glow, and he rose to his paws. ?We should find shelter. Any wolves we see on the way, we?ll tell to head inland.?