
Hurricane Season!



01-19-2014, 05:27 PM (This post was last modified: 01-19-2014, 06:35 PM by Ardent.)

Board up the windows, batten down the hatches, drop anchors, a storm?s a blown?! Alacritis is facing it?s first hurricane, and with this tyrannical typhoon comes a whole host of problems:

Landfall is expected on January 21, the remnants of the storm will continue to shower Alacritis for a week. The storm will make landfall on the continent of Alacritis near Sea?s Plain in the South, from there it will move North toward Mt. Volkan and then winds will drive it East where it will leave the continent near Fontamo Bay.

The eye of the storm, along with the strongest thunderstorms and harshest winds will follow the storm?s path. Splaying out on either side will be moderate-mild storms, growing less intense the farther away from the eye they are located.

Areas in the path of severe thunderstorms, intense winds, tornados, and torrential rainfall are:

Nephilim Island - Valhalla

Sea?s Plain - Valhalla

Tall Grass Plains - Valhalla

Alabastrine Shrine

Weeping Woods - Seracia

Fern Gulley - Seracia

Barren Hills

Mount Volkan

Saratoga Woods

Monument Rapids

Fontamo Bay

Areas in the path of moderate thunderstorms, strong winds, and heavy rainfall are:

Whispering Caves

Corpseghoul Swamplands

Inu Island

Rekaru Island

Dove Island

Rock Garden

Rio Grande

The Range - Seracia

Buffalo Knolls - Seracia

Fenrir?s Maw

Singing Caverns

Stone Steppe

Serpent Plains

Styliano?s Crypt

Rock Garden

Ibon Island

Areas in the path of mild thunderstorms, moderate winds, and moderate rainfall are:

Obsidian Beach

Falmer?s Dunes

Veteran?s Plateau

Gambit Briar

Soulless Forest

Kamui Delta

Lover?s Mangrove - Ludicael

The Hot Springs - Ludicael

Ibis Islands

Sunset Falls - Ludicael

The Orchard

Avian Estuary

Traveler?s Pitfall

Firefly Lake

Crysallum Cliffs

Due to the storm?s direct path toward Mount Volkan, the volcano will be set into a mildly active state. Ash, dust, and debris will spew from its mighty maw and cloud the surrounding area with black powder. The ash cloud will be set into motion on January 22, and the ash will remain in the air and on the ground for approximately 5 ooc days before the rain washes it away completely.

Areas most affected by the ash:

Mount Volkan

Fenrir?s Maw

Singing Caverns

Saratoga Woods

Serpent Plains

Stone Steppe

Traveler?s Pitfall

Buffalo Knolls

Areas moderately affected by the ash:

Northern Mines

The Polar Sound - Glaciem

The Marble Wash - Glaciem

Mile-High Woods - Glaciem

Sparse Pines - Glaciem

Submerged Woods

Areas mildly affected by the ash:

Waterfall Peak - Tortuga

The Red Forest - Tortuga

The Wall

The Snowfalls

Moontouched Cliffs

Characters interacting in the areas above will be required to react to the storm and/or the ash. Ignoring this catastrophic event will be highly frowned upon. Packs located in affected areas will face complications due to the storm and/or the ash cloud. Details of these complications will be written in an OOC post in the pack board.