



7 Years
01-18-2014, 10:57 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2014, 04:22 PM by Galahad.)
Alright so I thought it might be fun to offer adoptables for friends and family of a couple of my current OCs! :3 Just read below what is available, and if interested fill out a form. If you'd like design ideas, particularly for family members, or refs / descriptions of the family so you can make your own just let me know.


Ethne Family / Clan

Character Relations: Kyda Ethne {Click for Profile}

Basic Information:: The Ethne are one of the two main Clans from a region known as Majofia. They rival the Kedieo family, though not all who bear the Ethne are royals. In this pack all members take the Ethne name as their family name, as they work as a unit and function as a closely knit family would. Wolves, as long as they are kind and good natured, are tolerated no matter how strange or different they may be. The Ethne Clan is the smaller of the two main Clans that rule over Majofia, and is almost under constant threat by their rival, the Kedieo Clan {who will be introduced into the game later unless you don't mind not having a family member right away. But you have Kyda as an enemy so... yay? xD}

Typical Alignment Spectrum:: Lawful Good - Neutral Spectrum

Creation Freedom::
-Loyal Ethne members {should have heard of Kyda}
-Family {Sisters and Brothers preferred however other relatives can be made if requested. Kyda's family is NOT royalty so both parents, if desired, can be made.}

Major rule for family:: Extremely tolerant of Kyda's unstable mind / condition, supportive, and love him no matter what. Other than that they have free reign.


Savvil Family

Character Relations: Kar Savvil {Click for Profile}

Creation Freedom / Information:: The only character available for Kar's family is a single sister. They were born in a land called Caelum in a pack heavily full of their family. They have a mother, Annette, and a father, Cameron {who disappeared shortly after their birth}. As very young pups the two are close, but around six months, for some reason, Kar's sister disappears from the pack. This can be for just about any reason you can think of. Character can be of any alignment however I would prefer for her to not wish to kill Kar. However if she has developed a hate of him {for not coming to rescue her, or lies told that her family was bad or whatever reason you come up with} I'm fine with that. Her first name is completely up to you and her last name will be Savvil.


Sotakiu Family

Character Relations: Ritsuka Legend Sotakiu {Click for Profile}

Creation Freedom / Information::

*RESERVED*-Sister:: --- Epic Sotakiu. Middle name was given by Ritsuka as a pup, just as she gave Ritsuka his middle name. It was a symbolism for the love, trust, and respect they had for each other. Both viewed the other only as the very best. They lived in a small family pack, but eventually Ritsuka became restless living there. For about a month before he left the brute would meet with his sister every night, speaking of his hopes and dreams, and letting her know that one day soon he would leave. She was uncertain of going with him, though Ritsuka had offered. At the end of the month, when spring rolled around, Ritsuka would leave his pack after a very long, emotional goodbye with his sister. I would like her to reunite with Ritsuka, though this doesn't require her joining a pack. :3 Would not have a super evil alignment.

-Other siblings? {2 MAX}:: Wouldn't be as close to Ritsuka and the main sister. Can be of any alignment and have pretty much any views towards them.



Ooc Name::
Character Family Applying For::
Position In Family::
Character Name::
Character Description:: {{You may request a design from me}}
Character Personality::
Sample RP Post:: {{Meet site requirements please.}}


01-19-2014, 05:34 PM
user posted image

Ooc Name:: Croatoan

Character Family Applying For:: Sotakiu

Position In Family:: Sister

Character Name:: Blizzard Epic Sotakiu

Character Description:: Blizzard will be a small girl, and she will be a lot smaller than her brother. She will be as tall as a small wolf can be, with slender legs that look like they wouldn't be able to hold her up. She looks delicate, like she could break if she was shoved and knocked over, or bit. The only thing that defies this is tiny scars under her fur, and muscles that ripple beneath her fur easily. She s much stronger than she looks, and can survive a lot more than she has. You could almost kill her, and leave her laying. If you turned or left or a minute, you would see her struggling to get away. Although she probably wouldn't get far, her strength can make her survive through almost anything, except fatal wounds. The color of Blizzard's pelt is odd, considering that her legs are odd. The main color is the color of some of her brother's markings, the light brown that may make it harder to figure out that the two are related. Her stomach is darker brown by not being shown to the sun, and this may look like some strange marking to the other wolves, depending on how much they know the girl or not. The brown colors makes her other markings and her eye color stand out much more than they would have.

The markings on Blizzard is not much, they just stretch up to her shoulders. They also cover her hind legs and paws in the same color; a pure color, that makes her look like she fell in snow. This is the white of her brother's markings, the color that only seems like the markings of a wolf who was once a wolf that was innocent to the world, trusting of everything; and got hurt because of it. This is what happened after her brother left, a male came, and attacked when Blizzard let down her guard; this is why she has scars. Of course, the color of her legs are not the only white she has on her; a marking that has made her look graceful, like she was nothing but a mirage. Her eyes seem very cold, as if she has no emotions left. Of course, if some wolf manages to become her friend, she won't look at them the way she looks at the other wolves; her eyes will show every emotion she has to her friends. She would probably look at her brother different, too, like she wanted to be the same wolf to him, but was afraid he had changed, too. Her eyes will not look as emotionless when she looks at him as it does the others, but they will hold a certain frostiness. But, one other thing she has in common with her brother is the beautiful color of her eyes. It is the same light green color, not much more than being a mint green color, although there are tiny flecks of darker green, not very noticeable. The flecks are not much darker than the light green, and this makes her eyes even more stunning, if you notice them.

Character Personality:: Blizzard will remember what her and her brother was like at one point. And, even though she has changed into a wolf who doesn't trust other wolves, she wants to be as close to him as she was. The friendship that was so close, that they gave each other middle names; Blizzard has never changed hers. She loves her middle name, sure that her brother made her middle name Epic because of how dangerous she could be; but Blizzard would only defend her family. Blizzard will now also have a cold nature, and will not be all that friendly to any wolf she has just met, or not proved that they can be trusted. She is a little friendlier to wolves she knows fairly well or has proved they can be trusted. Her brother is one of these wolves, although she hasn't seen him in a very long time, ever since that Ritsuka left when they were still very young pups. She still views her brother as the very best wolf, and will look up to him a little for being brave enough to join a new pack, one that was not much different from her pack. One day, she will go and join the same pack, when she becomes more trusting around other wolves. If she joined right now, she would be quiet and not talk to other wolves much; but in a war, she would be defending her brother with her life. She also knows that, in a war, that other packs would get dragged in and there would be a lot of death or wounds; even a alpha male or female's death. And, although she may not mourn if the alpha of the pack she was going to join died, she would feel extremely loyal, and hunt down the murderer if it was a murder by another pack, or a spy. {Will add more onto this if I have to.}

Sample RP Post:: A brown chest heaved for breath as blood dripped slowly to the ground. Slowly, but surely, a head lowered and sniffed the ground. The eyes of the creature, now clearly a wolf, were closed. The head pushed down blades of grass, before it raised it's head in shock. The wolf's eyes opened, revealing beautiful forest green eyes. Jaws parted to whimper a single name, one that had sent her on this journey. Ritsuka... The voice of the wolf was soft, but clearly feminine. The wolf shook her head, then her body, as a drop of blood slid into her eye. With a final whimper, the girl shook her body once more, then fell as a bloody hind leg gave out. Jaws parted in pain as she struggled to get to her paws. Her right paw leg landed on the ground, and she pushed herself up a little more. Closing her eyes once more, the female wolf began to gather her thoughts, in case something had happened.

My name is Blizzard Epic Sotakiu. My brother is Ritsuka Legend Sotakiu. I gave him his middle name. He gave me mine. Not too long ago, Ritsuka left my pack. A strange wolf came, and he seemed trustworthy. He proved himself to me. But then, one day, he attacked me. I fought him, but, when he thought he was going to win, he threw me against a rock. It all went black after that, and I don't remember anymore....

A growl escaped the girl's throat as she stared into the small hill in the distance. Everything was about to go black, but Blizzard struggled to stay awake. As her eyes began to close, she saw a wolf who looked like her brother running towards her. Brother? She thought, and tried to open her jaws to say her brother's name. Rit.... She muttered, before she closed her eyes and began to sleep.



7 Years
01-20-2014, 09:15 AM
Ooh like the design so far dear. ^-^


01-24-2014, 06:24 PM
Blizzard is most definitely accepted! <3 I look forward to RPing with her! -Squeals and rolls excitedly.-


01-25-2014, 01:58 PM
*Hugs* Yay! I'll try to get her up by Monday, or sooner!