
i got friends in low places



2 Years
01-18-2014, 07:57 PM

Perhaps it wasn't wise for him to steal away from the den and toward the sound. Perhaps it wasn't wise that he hadn't told anyone where he was going, and he hadn't bothered to invite his brother along. Perhaps it wasn't wise that he was now staring up at towering cliffs, and down at a mighty fjord. None of that mattered to the boy as his awestruck mask glanced in every direction. His eyes widened as he noted seals bobbing in and out of the surf, coming inland to relax, give birth, or do whatever was normal for seals to do. The more interesting creatures (to him) were the penguins - although he didn't know what they were called at the time. Their white on black frames were something like himself, something like his brother. They were familiar and yet so utterly unique. He found himself drifting toward one in particular, a young one - he guessed - due to its size. It was not any taller than he, and he was still relatively small, and was mostly grey/black with a white belly and a touch of gold on it's throat and where its ears should be. As he neared he slowly tucked his body toward the earth, laying down a safe distance away and presenting himself as no threat. His head twitched to the side curiously as he eyed the thing, offering a genuine greeting. ?Hi,? he would chide over the noise of the water and the barking of the seals. The thing would chirp back, opening it's beak and offering a single note. ?Hey.? It was awfully fluffy in Kyarst's opinion, almost like a wolf. The other penguins didn't look that way. ?What's your name?? Came the infamously curious words of Kyarst Armada. ?I'm Atlas.? ?Kyarst Armada,? he would reply with gusto and pride. It hadn't taken him long at all to learn that the name Armada carried weight in this world. Atlas would waddle toward Kyarst for a few steps, before diving forward onto his belly and sliding the rest of the way. Soon, the tiny wolf pup found himself nose to beak with an emperor penguin. ?Friends?? The question was hardly necessary. ?Sure!? Atlas flapped his wings and gave a chirp of approval. Kyarst raised his rump into the air, front-half still lowered, and proceeded to wiggle his behind playfully. When Atlas didn't respond, Kyarst twitched his head, blinking twice before questioning the bird. ?Don't you know how to play?? ?Not like that,? Atlas would reply. The pup lowered his hind end and breathed out a 'humph' of uncertainty.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.


01-21-2014, 12:48 AM

She seemed to have taken to the Polar Sound, one of the new parts the empire had recently claimed. Strange creatures were found here, some that interested her, drawing at her curiosity. She had spent some time here, watching them, but one could only imagine her surprise when her attention was drawn to the form of a small pup. She would stand, her violet eyes on the child, as she worked her way down from the sheer rock, where she had found a crevice to lurk in, watching and she would move towards him. In the few moments she'd be looking away, he would be approached by a young penguin, and she felt a prickle of worry. The young were harmless, but she wasn't sure what an adult would do to a pup.

Paws hitting the snow, she'd move quietly towards the pair, coming up behind the child, her gaze on the adult birds. As she drew closer she would speak, "making friends?" The question would be asked softly and she'd glance at the young penguin, her eyes wary, but not directly unfriendly. She was just unsure about the bird. The pup was young, much younger than the others and that led her to suspect that he was the most recent sibling that she had, a child of her father and her father's queen. Lowering herself to the ground near the child, she'd smile at the pair, "I am Roman Armada, your half sister, I do believe." The introduction was for both the bird and the pup, and she would relax a little, though her attention was still half-way fixed on the adult penguins near-by.




2 Years
01-21-2014, 04:14 PM

The bird and wolf would continue their unofficial staredown, unsure of how to interact with each other. Finally, the feathered fiend came up with an idea, and quickly waddled away from Kyarst. The wolf trotted after him, ?Where ya going?? Atlas slowed and tilted his head around. ?I'm gonna show you how penguins play.? Kyarst rocked onto his haunches, emerald eyes watching his new furry friend waddle away. It was interesting that the penguin only had two legs and he had four. Atlas came to a halt at the edge of the water running through the sound, and without hesitation the chick dove into the surf and out of sight. Kyarst yipped with uncertainty and scampered toward the water's edge just as Atlas rocketed his figure out of the water and back onto the icy terrain, landing calmly on his belly as if he'd done this a million times. ?See, it's fun!? Kyarst stood in wonder, bottom jaw hanging unhinged from his top. An ear flickered as someone approached, asking a question of him. 'Making friends?' Kyarst quickly yipped a response. ?Yeah, what's it to ya?? He worried that the wolf might chastise him for having a bird as a friend, and so the child would grow immediately defensive. ?His name's Atlas. I'm Kyarst.? The woman lowered her body, and Kyarst relaxed ever so slightly - tail flickering behind him with interest. 'I am Roman Armada, your half sister, I do believe.' ?How can you be half of a sister? You look pretty whole to me.? Ah, how easily common terms were lost on the steely child. Kyarst mimicked her laying position, allowing his belly and chest to rest comfortably on the cool earth. Atlas would come to rest on his belly at Kyarst's left, intending to look as wolf-like as possible - though that was difficult due to him begin very much a penguin.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.


01-22-2014, 07:08 AM

As a pup the woman had made many friends in her home pack, all had been wolves. Rarely had she encountered other creatures that she would speak with, some had provided interesting conversations, but most seemed to be out of touch to her. She wasn't surprised that the young child, and who she assumed to be her brother, had found another creature to befriend, however the species remained a surprise. She wasn't one to judge however, perhaps the penguin could be interesting, as more than just a prey animal. She watched the pair interact, a small smirk on her jaws, nearly a simpering smile before she was addressed.

'Yeah what's it to ya?' The pup quipped and she suppressed a chortle of laughter. He went on to introduce the penguin as Atlas, an interesting name, to the decoratively marked woman, and himself as Kyarst. "It's a pleasure to meet the both of you." She spoke with a smile at the penguin, trying to make him feel welcome. When the pup spoke again asking her how she could be half a sister, she let out a rumble of laughter. "It's a figure of speech. Your father, Isardis, is also my father, but I have a different mother. So we're half siblings, unlike you and your brother who are full siblings." She hoped her explanation was good enough, and she spoke again. "It doesn't matter though, blood is thicker than water. What are you two playing?"

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2 Years
01-23-2014, 06:47 PM

Kyarst was still aghast at how this girl claimed to be half his sister. He had no clue how that could ever be possible, seeing as she looked pretty whole from where he was laying. Maybe she was missing a leg that he couldn't see from here? Or maybe she was... well, he didn't know what else she could be. Roman would explain herself, telling him that because both of their parents weren't the same, it meant she was only half his sister - on their father's side. That made sense, at least mostly. ?We only just met, I dunno what we should play. Atlas likes to swim and I like to wrestle. What do you play?? Maybe there was something all three of them could do together, though the young boy didn't have any clue what that might be. His life outside of the den had been limited so far, and he really hadn't gotten a chance to do much of anything save for pestering Jigsaw. The penguin would eye the second wolf for a moment, unsure whether or not she might try to eat him. He hadn't been too worried about Kyarst simply because they were nearly the same size, but the other wolf was plenty big enough to make a meal of him if he wasn't careful.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.


01-31-2014, 10:42 AM

From where she would lay she would watch the pup and his companion, the pup held a similarity that reminded her of his mother, the queen. She wondered which parent his adult stature would mimic, would he grasp traits from their shared father? Sometimes she wondered if she were anything like, Isardis. The penguin was an interesting creature, he called himself Atlas, which in itself was an interesting name, he intrigued her. Though he was the size of a meal, she would make no move to harm him. She wouldn't harm her brother's friend. Kyarst would talk about what the pair both liked to do to play, and would ask her what they should play. Her brow would furrow as she tried to think back to her own childhood, and the games they used to play. At the same time she would glance about them, not only checking for danger but looking to see what the area offered. There were small caves and indents in the icy rock, and a small grin formed on her face, as she looked at the pair, an idea coming out. "When I was little, my friends and I played a lot of hide and seek, have you two considered that?"

She would speak, addressing them both, her tail wagging slightly in the snow behind her. The memories of her childhood games bringing a smile to her jaws. For a few moments, then she could forget her duties and spend time with the youngsters, after all she couldn't just leave them out here all alone, when danger could be lurking about.




2 Years
01-31-2014, 08:57 PM

Of all the games in the world she could have mentioned, she would name the very one he hadn't ever played. Oh he'd heard of it, but didn't know how it worked - or how to play it. Jigsaw wasn't always into games, and when he was they mostly just tussled around or made something up. Head would tilt simultaneously with a chirp from the penguin chick. The two were in sync as the wolf queried Roman further. ?How do you play that?? But before he would let her answer, he asked another question. ?Can you show us?? He liked Roman, and since she seemed to want to hang around he figured she might as well play with them. Atlas piped up then, ?Yeah, show us!? His wings flapped eagerly on either side of him, the fluff of being a chick fluttering as they did so. He hadn't played hide and seek either, but it sounded like fun. Besides, he liked the little wolf and his friend, they seemed the only two beings in the world who paid him any attention.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.


02-06-2014, 02:31 AM

She hadn't played hide and seek since she was a young pup but she could still remember the rules and the ways the game was played. The looks on the faces of the pup and the penguin brought a wide smile to her jaws, and their obvious interest in the game, caused her tail to wag behind her slightly. With a chuckle, she would begin to explain the game. "While hide and seek is usually more fun with a large group of people, it still can be fun with just a couple. To play, one wolf or penguin," she would add with a kind look at Atlas. "Will count, to a number, usually ten or twenty, while the others hide. At the end of the count, the counter will search for the hiders until he finds them. Whomever the counter finds first is it." Looking at them both, she waited to see if their expressions seemed confused or if they seemed to understand. The game had been so much easier to explain when she was younger, it seemed now simple things could be the hardest to explain. She would wait, to see if they understood or had questions about it.
