



01-18-2014, 03:01 PM

Vibrant colors and pungent aromas brought the monarch out of hiding, sleek frame gliding elegantly across the orchards floor. The foliage overhead was bursting with life, songs of birds and the hum of insects destroying any hope of silence. The feline felt at home in noisy environments because his before home, the Amazon, was never quiet. He was used to it, and was enjoying his visit to this new land. He would continue on, nostrils quivering as the overwhelming scent of canine would drift in the evening breeze. He was not alone. The ebony jaguar would jump and climb up the tree closest to his right, and he would take refuge a dozen so feet above the ground on a low laying branch. He could hear the faint sound of paw steps coming toward the overgrown isle he was perched above. All he had to do now was wait.


01-18-2014, 03:37 PM
sorry this turned out longer than i expected x3

The world apart from the region in which Glaciem had settled appeared to blossom at the faintest touch of spring; foliage flourished and bore an assortment of aromatic flora and fruits while creatures of all sorts began to trickle back into the mainland after having hibernated or migrated for the winter months. Her surroundings seemed to spring to life and yet the phantom prodigy was the one exception?her blackened heart still pounded in her chest and blood still coursed through veins of steel, and yet, her spirits had noticeably diminished, reducing the once-fervent militant to a lethargic drone that hardly appeared to live at all. Stricken by grief at the loss of such an influential figure in her life and at the stripping of her misguided brother?s surname, the witch no longer felt as enthralled with life as she once had. Still, there was a purpose in her life?to unify her family and strengthen the bonds between them?and that was the sole aspect of life that kept her pushing onward, that kept her motivated in the slightest.

A slight breeze billowed through her pallid coat, teasing her nostrils with an unfamiliar and intriguing scent that forced her elongated limbs to pump her further into the grove she had wandered into out of sheer curiosity. Mismatched gaze ravaged through the dense underbrush in search of the creature, pupils soon beholding the behemoth physique of a feline that nearly blended into the looming shadows of nightfall as he lay in the canopy of a tree, causing her to abruptly halt in her tracks while she surveyed the cat. All previous trains of thought dissipated from her diseased mind in favor of this foreign creature, porcelain countenance displaying its typical vacancy despite her budding interest. Hiding? she inquired loudly, skull tilting minutely to the side as the faintest hint of mischief danced within her eyes.

talky talky talky