



01-20-2014, 12:10 PM

A thick crimson haze would mask any hope of mercy as the ebony feline perused the path of the unknown murderer. The scent was deeply embedded into his mind, and as it wafted across the kings nostrils with the evening breeze, he would switch into massacre mode. The mutts odor gradually began to mix with Glaciem's distinctive aroma, and it would only fuel his seething hatred. He had risked his hide to assist the Glaciem king's daughter in battle, and this was his thanks? A north descended mutt murdering one of his prized possessions? No longer would the monarch lay in hiding while the cherry pooch gloated behind the walls of his kingdom. Kusugra would break them and dance upon the ashes without much hesitation- but first, he would deal with victim one, the murderer.

The winding trail was gradually coming to an end, the sickening odor of the mutt pushing the feline forward at a faster pace. Suddenly a large formation would catch Kusugra's attention, and he would stare blankly at the towering wall standing a few feet onward. Gaze would trail up to the top of the wall, and suddenly he would be airborne, pushing himself upward off his powerful back legs. Claws would grip the edge as he grasped it with his front paws and proceeded to pull his frame up, finally touching the peak with all four paws. He could see a lot from up here, including the faint sight of a white figure coming toward the wall. It was apparent by the scent that this was in fact the man he had been searching for, and the feline would not reconsider flying into action upon impulse. He would inhale deeply, the mutts aroma winding through his inner pipes before exhaling a deafening roar intended to momentarily freeze his victim. This was war.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-20-2014, 03:00 PM

Long had the days past since he committed the deed he so promised upon his enemy. The white wench had dared cross his path, not heeding the warning he had given her the first time around. She had tried to insult him, tried to harm him without taking warning...and she had payed the price for her foolishness. Although she did not speak for reasons he cared not for, he convinced himself that he had done her a favor. She looked miserable, like she wanted to die. It was like she had been looking for that very thing, for most didn't ignore the warning he carried in his voice and within the pits of his eyes. Although the warning was always concealed, one could never tell when he carried a threat within poisoned lyrics.

Breaking through his thoughts came a cry he had only ever heard once during his travels, although to him, most animals of that caliber sounded the same. Venemous gaze sought out the voice carrier, and within seconds he spotted it. A black figure atop the wall he had first come across during his navigational exploring of the lands in the North. Although, the structures here carried little to no interest for him. It was just as boring as the view of the snow around him. He knew not why this beast was calling, but Sin had the faintest notion to move towards him to investigate the beast. And as the tainted beast neared, he caught a slight scent of remembrance...he carried the scent that the white wench had carried faintly upon her coat. Was this her captor? He would soon find out.

Stopping several yards away, Sin stared up at the black cat. A half smirk upon the side of his maw lied hidden away from the great beast before him. "Hello there, dark one. You are indeed a sight...what is one so noble as you doing way out here, hm?" He would remain on guard should the beast attempt to strike him, all senses on alert. However, Sin had no intention of trying to fight the beast...he was more interested in finding out what his business was, and fate would decide the rest.

Talk like this



01-20-2014, 04:45 PM

Hatred continued to course through iron veins as the stranger approached the wall, the faint glimpse of a smirk lingering upon ivory lips. Pupils would dilate so that the feline could better inspect the mutt and his current surroundings, pools of light blue almost masked over by ebony saucers. He smelt more pungently of Glaciem now, which only encouraged Kusugra to murder this male if Isardis had anything to do with it. Hopefully the pooch wouldn't scream loud enough to draw attention, though usually most dying animals did. Ebony lips would lift and curl among sharpened fangs, salmon dyed tongue freeing his lips of any saliva that could have slipped forth during his thunderous roar. "Hello there, dark one. You are indeed a sight...what is one so noble as you doing way out here, hm?" The culprit would greet him, and Kusugra would hear his words as taunts, as if the man were begging to be sent back to hell . For a moment the feline king would remain where he was, ears pinned, lips curled, tongue angrily rolling, muscles tensing, and a low yet audible growl bubbling deep within his broad chest.

Without warning he would leap down from the towering wall, hefty paws kissing the earth mutely as the monarch continued to stride forward, aiming to close the distance between them as quickly as possible. He wished to leave no room for escape, the only way out being through death, or persuasion- though persuading a hell bent jaguar would be no easy feat. "To rip you limb from limb." Venomous words would drip from exposed fangs as the feline's eyes narrowed to daggers, right paw coming forth as he took another persistent step forward, leaving only a few seconds pause between movements. Kusugra aimed to ram his broad chest directly into either the mutts chest or face(depending how tall sin is), desiring to push him backward or cause him to back peddle, a show of supremacy and outrage. If he were to succeed and their flesh were to meet he would not recoil, but instead he would look down upon the pooch, his low growl escalating into a boisterous snarl, saliva splattering in all directions and likely onto the mutt. He wished to stand there, chest to chest with the brute (or face to chest) while they conversed on this fine evening. Body would tense as the jungle cats defenses flawlessly fell into place, and he would wait for a reaction, because surly a murderer would not lay down and accept his own death. No, he expected this man to retaliate just as he assumed Ilija had before she was murdered.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-21-2014, 12:02 AM
Sin Armada

The beast coiled atop the structure, Sin watched with careful senses as the brute suddenly leaped from his perch. Dangerous words spewing at him with malice, the creature coming at him with speed that was seldom seen among his own kind. But it was to be expected from a beast as deadly and as majestic as the one who threatened him. Two devils in the playing field, this meeting could go anywhere...and yet, Sin had no intention in throwing his life away here. So this was the master that the wench wanted to escape from...what a shame. The blood stained canine kept his ground as the cat strode forward to stand chest to chest; Sin just two inches shorter but it was not much save for the sheer power the black beast contained. He would not pick a fight, not with him. He was smarter then that, and if it were anyone else standing in his position then he was sure they would take the violent approach. Ah, but the beast had great plans...and not even this black demon would foil them.

He could feel the strength within the pulsating muscles of the black cat, and although he was out for his blood, Sin would not relent. Amber gaze bore into the icy blues of the beast, lack of fear or anything else void. Anyone else would have tried to run, or would clearly be shaking with the fear that would be evident in the pits of their souls...but he...he was afraid of nothing. "Do not blame me for the demise of the one who failed to heed my warnings...I warned her twice, and upon our chance meeting she decided she would attack me for reasons past. I merely acted in self defense." A lie. Partially...he did tell her. He did warn her. And yet she had chosen to ignore him. In the end, she had paid the price...but it seemed he had also given her freedom. The look in her dying eyes cried for release, as if she no longer wanted to be here. He had done her a favor...something he seldom ever did for others, and yet this had been something unplanned. And yet, the lie he tried to tell was told in truth. And Sin doubted if it was a lie to begin with...after all, the white wench had come up behind him, hostility in her eyes, approaching unannounced. He had all the right reasons to do what he had done.

"She threatened me, attacked me. I acted like anyone else would have...I do not kill simply because I feel like it." Perhaps, if the beast was willing to listen...Sin would act on proposal and convince the majestic beast to let him go. After all, he still had much to say.



02-05-2014, 03:04 PM

The ebony feline would succeed in his attempt, broad chest now pressed against the insignificant being before him. Thoughts of slaughter spilled into his mind, and as the mutt spoke the words would go into one ear and out the other. He didn't give a fuck why he had killed Ilija, the point was that he did. And now he would pay for it. Jaws would part as Kusugra released a mighty roar intended to stop the foolish pooch from speaking, icy gaze still boring into the gaze of his opponent. "Your attempts at lying are futile. You murdered a member of my harem, and now you will be murdered. Venomous words slipped forth as the feline ripped himself away from the mutt, backpedaling a few steps so that the fight could commence.

Defenses would raise like a red flag, instantly falling into place as he stood off with his opponent. Ears would pin to protect them from lashing teeth, and lips would curl to reveal his rows of sharpened fangs. Hackles would raise to add padding to his vulnerable neck and spine, and shoulders would roll to add padding to his neck and to push more of his weight forward. Neck would scrunch to add extra padding, and chin would tuck to protect his throat. His eyes would narrow to protect them as well from lashing fangs. He would then correct his stance by raising his extended tail to align with his spine to act as a rudder and assist his balance. He would bend his knees slightly to maintain a sturdy stance, and spread his legs evenly to further assist his stance. He would tense his abdomen to protect inner organs from fang or claw, and splay his toes for better leverage and grip whilst unsheathing his claws so that he could grip the earth and be prepared to lacerate the mutt as quickly as possible.

With all defenses flawlessly put into play the monarch would not waste anymore time. "I challenge you to a duel mutt, and shall you win I will let you free." He would pause for a moment, ebony lips curling into a wicked snarl. "And should I rein victorious, I gain the right to murder you as you did my Ilija." The stakes had been made, and his words were the only forewarning he would give before exploding from the earth. He had only given them about six feet in distance, and as he came forward his body would drop toward the earth, as if he were stalking prey. A low growl hummed within his broad chest, a battle cry awaiting to rise to the surface. He was ready.

He would stalk forward briskly, his attack already played out within his mind. It only took a few seconds to close the distance, and as he came into pouncing range, he would erupt. Pushing off his powerful back legs he would launch himself forward and into the air, his intentions being to attack this mutt head on. With all claws unsheathed and ready to snag flesh he would swing both front paws at each side of the mutts face, the right paw intended to hit the left side first, then the left aiming to smack the mutts right. Claws aimed to pierce and lacerate skin whilst smacking him twice in the face with his brute strength, all in an attempt to knock him down while loosening and or knocking teeth out of his mouth. He also hoped to possibly dislocate the mutts jaw as well. Should the mutt move out of range he would land as flawlessly as nature allowed, and swing toward the pooch to attempt the same attack with both front paws. Should his attacks succeed, he would proceed in attempting to make this mutts life hell. If claws managed to grip any part of the man he would instantly pull the mutt toward him, jaws gaping open as he aimed to bite any vulnerable part of the mutts face and or neck. Jaws would close and lock around flesh if he were to succeed, a mighty roar slipping between attacks. He intended to gouge the pooch's flesh as deeply as possible with his fangs to cause severe pain. Should his attacks succeed he would fall either onto both back legs and be slightly elevated off his two fronts, or he would become stable again with whichever paws managed to miss and meet the earth.

1/2? 2 sound good to you?
Attack: Dropping low to the earth and briskly coming at Sin from a six foot distance, when he comes close enough in range he will launch himself forward off his back legs, becoming airborne | He is swinging both paws at each side of Sins face, the right swinging first at the left, then the left following and going for the right side of Sin's face. He is attempting to severely lacerate skin wile smacking him with his brute strength, intending to either knock him over or loosen/knock teeth out. Dislocating the jaw is also possible. | Should he grip onto Sins face and or any part of him, he will instantly pull him toward him (using his claws as anchors to grip him) and attempt to bite his face/neck/ any open area and lock his jaws once he gets a bite as opposed to biting and releasing. Aims to gouge the skin as deeply as possible with his fangs.
Defenses: 2nd para! Also I am unsure if he will succeed or not, so his footing during the attack is undecided.
Injuries: None, first round.

Note: This is not a DM, so don't worry sas ^.^ dominance for now until a winner is decided.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
02-09-2014, 03:05 PM
Sin Armada

Insignificant words flew past deaf ears. Sin cared not who the bitch was. He had warned her, and she had failed to take him seriously in that aspect. So she had paid the price, and he had taken her life as payment. Cool air swept the fur upon his chest where the reek of the cat had been pressing seconds before. Sin watched with narrowed amber orbs as the beast stood back, hell bent on unleashing fury upon him. No matter, Sin would not stand down. The slightest hint of a smirk fell upon one side of his maw, the beast readying himself as the other stepped away from him. If he wanted to dance, then so be it. He would play his game, and yet the Sinner would keep his head in realistic terms. He was about to fight with a large cat, even though the black beast was two inches taller, he still held the capabilities of inflicting heavy damage. All Sin had to do was keep out of reach, make the demon work to reach him.

As easily as he was able to breath, his defenses slid into place. Eyes narrowed, ears flattened against his skull, hackles rose, shoulders rolled forward to protect the sides of his neck, head tilted low over his throat, chin tucked, teeth bared in a snarl, tail aligned with his spine for balance and to act as a rudder for quick movement. Neck scrunched to add folds of protection to the back of his neck, knees became bent slightly to aid in his movements, sharpened claws indenting into the ground to aid in traction. Toes splayed, body and abdomen tensed and tightened to minimize some damages, and lastly his weight would spread evenly among his legs so he would be prepared to move at the slightest of provocations.

The words of the beast would reach him, Sin unentertained by his antics. Did he really think he could scare him? Hah! Unheard of. Narrowed ambers watched as the beast slunk forward; A wicked grin of his own appeared briefly before rising into a roar of his own just as the black beast leaped forward. Predictable. The foul beast had started the brawl with the oldest and most well-known trick in the book. The first leap, something Sin had seen several times when watching mountain lions hunt their prey and fight among themselves. The crimson stained male was ready. As the beast pushed off the ground towards him, Sin would push backwards to move himself out of range. A swinging right paw would slice down his face, however, as he did not move fast enough, leaving a mark that would soon stream blood during the fight. Luckily, he had moved enough to where the claws were unable to attain a grip, and simply leave what would later turn into a trifecta of diagonal scars from top left of his brow to the bottom right of the corner of his right eye. A look that would surely make him more appealing in the future. He ducked his head slightly and quickly to avoid the blow from the other paw as he continued to move back and away. The cat would seem to land upon his fours again, swinging towards his face once more. With a snarl, Sin would lash out at the beasts swinging paw(Whichever was last to swing) and attempt to clamp down with exposed fangs for no more than a second or two on the tender pad, simply to deliver a bite that might potentially prove bothersome and cause annoyance for the beast. If contact was made, then Sin would release as soon as his teeth connected and keep on the move. He knew that remaining close to the cat could prove dangerous, and so he would strive to attack where he could without placing himself in fatal danger. Senses remained on alert, the male kept on his toes as he tried to keep away. Although this was not his preferred method of fighting, he would have to remain on the defensive for this one?A snarl erupted from parted jaws, spittle flying from his tongue as he repositioned himself to keep his weight even and his paws nimble. Any misstep could potentially end the battle in the blink of an eye, and win or lose; he would not make a fatal mistake. Not today. And if the beast so chose to kill him in the future, so be it. Sin was not afraid, sooner or later someone would come for his head, and what better way to go then at the paws of a beast such as this?

Fight Stats

Round: 1/2 for Dominance

Defenses: Described in 2nd paragraph.

Attacks: Sin would lash out at whichever paw was last to strike at his face to deliver a simple bite to the paw pad to cause potential annoyance/bothersome feeling.

Injuries: Diagonal slash across the face, bleeding though not heavily, will scar.

Out Of Character Notes: I apologize if my post was vague?I was..very confused by your post?and I tried to keep my part simple for now. I also apologize on lateness, I haven?t had the luxury of being able to access the computer freely.