
I'm gonna miss you


01-14-2014, 01:45 PM
OOC; First sora and when they get to the island, taur can post. These first posts are still on the mainland

Her son had been pestering nearly nonstop about his father. She was quite tired of hearing about the blind brute. Finally she had asked the boy if he wanted to live on the island with him, and of course he was beside him with excitement. Today was the day. She had made her way to the shore, expecting her son to be following or at least showing up a few minutes behind her. He was still not strong enough for the swim across.

The silver temptress would wait until her son approach, bumping her legs. "Are you ready, Sora?" His name would fall form inky lips, her coral gaze searching for her son. She still had her two daughter, though both had been scare lately.

She would miss the boy. No matter how troublesome he could be, he was still her son, and she loved him dearly. "You'll come and visit me won't you?" An easy smile would play on her lips, her crown dropping to place a kiss on her sons dark head. It was a tender side that they all rarely saw, but it was there and only for her children.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
01-14-2014, 02:22 PM

Quietly he followed behind her, a solemn look in his eyes and in the way he walked . Inside, he was conflicted with sadness, excitement, and a range of other feelings he couldn't quite name. Since he met his father, he had wanted to be with him. To grow to be big and strong like him and become a great leader! And although he loved his mother and his sisters, the rogue life just didn't settle well with him.

As he was distracted by his thoughts, he would bump into his mothers legs and fall back onto dark haunches, a sheepish look on his face as he pulled himself back up onto large paws. He'd glance up at his mothers coral eyes, always beautiful, and although she hardly admitted to show it, full of the love that he knew was there. He nodded to her, afraid to speak for fear that his voice would crack. Was he really ready? Yes, he was. He had gone once, ready to leave behind the world he had grown up with. But at the same time, he wanted to stay with his mother. Would he be allowed to live with a paw in both worlds of his parents? Would he be able to live within the pack and train with his mother when he so chose? He only wondered.

Taking a deep breath, he would respond. "Of course I'll visit you momma, why wouldn't I?" He closed his eyes as she kissed him, a display of affection he had seldom seen from her. He knew he'd miss her as much as she'd miss him. Stepping forward he would nuzzle her face affectionately, tail wagging slightly. "I'll always come and visit, I promise! And I promise to be the best warrior you've ever seen!" He exclaimed, his way of trying to reassure her.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


01-14-2014, 03:04 PM

A soft chuckle would fall from her lips as he spoke, uncertainty in his big baby blues. He would reach up and nuzzle the side of her face, his tail wagging slowly. She would revel in this moment, inhaling his scent, locking it safely away. ""I know you will Sora." Her bodice would lower to the ground, giving him an opportunity to climb onto her back before the swim.

When he was settled, she would plunge into the dark waters, walking until she couldn't reach and was forced to swim. It was a long process, battling the currently and the waves, trying to stay as steady as possible so as not to dislodge her child. It like eternity before the island breached her line of vision and sand met her paws once more.

On the island now.

She would drag herself from the waters, lowering her chest to the sand when it was dry to allow her son to walk. Her bodice would shake violently, freeing herself of the excess water that clung to her silvery pelt. "Come." She would issue a soft command before making a path up the beach, away from the chill of the beach.

She had gotten far enough, her crown would fall back, jaws parted, releasing a call for the cobalt titan. She didn't care who else showed, so long as her son was safely delivered to his father. Haunches would drop to the earth, and she gesture with a jerk of her muzzle for Sora to come closer. She would wrap him up in an embrace, shielding him from the cool temperatures of the beach as they waited.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
01-14-2014, 10:35 PM

He remained in the comfort of his mothers touch for as long as he could. Her words sifting into his ears, he would definitely miss her voice. But he would be back to see her soon. After all, if she hadn't birthed him, he would never get the opportunity to be with a father as great as his was. And at the motion, Sora clambered onto his mothers back and held on as best he could before they plunged into the waters once more. He clung to his mother, not wanting to slide or fall off, and luckily for him he wasn't big enough to not fit upon her back. The water would do its best to drag at them, but his mother pushed on, and he would give an encouraging lick to her ear to spur her forth.

What seemed like forever, the pair were finally at the island. Sora clambered off when his mother made it to dry ground, and shook his fur out just as she did until it stuck out in all directions. As soon as he had finished shaking, her voice called him forward and quietly he obeyed. Large puppy paws marched after her, sand sticking to parts of his fur though he tried to keep clean it just wasn't happening. Earth just didn't agree with his damp fur.

He stopped and waited as she called out for the islands inhabitants. Without hesitation, he moved to sit within the curves of her body, his smaller form meshing with hers as the warmth seeped into him. The winds were chilly here, but it didn't bother him much. He'd reach up to lick at her muzzle, head nuzzling her chest as well with the motion. He'd wait patiently for his father to appear. Both excitement and sorrow within the boys mind as he figured this might be the last time he'd see his mom for least, until he was big enough to swim back on his own. "Speech"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



01-15-2014, 11:12 PM

The lone howl that was strange to Maija's ears was caught by the female. She had been out and about the island, scouting the territory that was closest to her den. Paranoia would always play a key factor in her ways, and she wanted to make sure her group of pups were safe and secure in their home. Her tail flicked idly behind her as she walked at a leisurely pace before the call met her gold audits. Without hesitation, she turned from her current direction of choice and proceeded to bound towards the beach.
Crisp, spring winds met Maija's gold form as she slowly stopped when the beach came into view. Her golden form, tighter since the birthing of her babies, made an impressive show to the eyes, but she didn't bother basking in the self-made glory. Instead, she carried herself with poise as she gave a gentle skip in her step before padding in the direction of Cat and her son. Leaf green eyes became icy as she stopped in front of the female, for she was not sure if she was friend or foe. You had to be extra careful these days.
Her actions showed caution, but not enough hostility to make the opposing female's hackles rise. Maija's nose worked in the air, catching Cat's scent as her fur was in the process of drying. She had seen the gray female before, but it didn't register who she was until she saw the dark gray bundle of pup beside her. A sliver of a smile appeared on Maija's golden face as she softly spoke, Romanian tones tingling in the ocean air. "You must be Cataleya...and this must be Sora." Leaf green eyes maintained their icy glow, but she didn't show any movements that spoke of antagonizing actions. Instead, she reclined to her haunches against the sand and wrapped her tail around her hind legs, silently keeping an ear out for Taurig's massive form to appear.

speech here



5 Years
Extra large
01-15-2014, 11:57 PM

Despite being blind, the battle-scarred titan couldn't shake his now ingrained habit of patrolling. It was a rather pointless thing to do now, since his primary tool for patrolling was out of use, but it just felt good to wander around and stretch out his legs for a bit. It was just him and his pack on his island, so he didn't have much to worry about in regards to threats, but old habits did die hard. And it was while indulging himself in this old habit of his that he heard Cataleya's distinctive voice calling out to him. She was on the island? The last time he had seen her on the island had been when he'd relocated the entire pack and Sora had decided to tag along. Had his son run off again this time, or was she here for some other purpose?

Curious as to what the silver woman was doing on his island, the massive man would adjust his path in the direction of the woman's call. Nostrils would quiver, searching for the silver woman's scent, surprised to smell his wife amongst the mix. He was glad that she had decided to welcome Cataleya, but he wasn't so sure how he felt about his wife being around an ex-lover of sorts. Surely for him it was something of an awkward situation, but he wouldn't make a big deal out of it. Using his muzzle as his guide, the titan would make his way towards his wife, bumping her shoulder gently as he came to sit beside her, milky eyes directed where Cata's and Sora's scents were coming from the strongest. Hello son, Cataleya. Is something the matter? Or have you come to visit the island?

Talk like this


01-16-2014, 12:13 AM

It would not be the cobalt titan that invaded her vision, but rather a golden temptress, that smelled strongly of pups and the king himself. She would approach with caution, as she should, but she was far from hostile. Coral eyes would harden, assessing the woman and her purpose here. Immediately she would take a seat, making an assumption of who she was. "You'd be right. And you must be the latest." A falsely pleasant smirk would pull at her dark lips as she referred the number of litters the man had sired.

Her attention would shift to the titan as he approached, weaving a slow path to them. He would seat himself beside the golden woman, quick to address the mother and her son. "Everything is fine. Sora, do you want to tell him?" She would gaze down at her son, who had taken his place between her legs, his nuzzles of affection did not go unnoticed. She would give him the chance to explain his desires to his father, she would not be around forever to present his wishes, all of her children learned from a young age to speak up. A brief lick would be placed on his head, encouraging him to speak.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"