
Drowning [Birch]



01-13-2014, 01:40 PM
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

?owyn's dark tawny fur blended in fairly well with the surroundings. She was in a cave, a dry and lifeless cave that was home to almost nothing if anything. Her eyes held a slight light to them however; this would be home to her. She wanted to be happy and happy she would be. This cave was just a building ground. ?owyn had recalled all that had every happened to her. It had started when she was the second born of the litter. Halgen had been groomed for leadership and yet he whimpered out. They refused to let her leaf because she was a woman and this did not suit her. She had outshone her brother in everything they had done and they still were willing to give him the throne.

Her own parents had tried to silence her... permanently.

Darkness suddenly filled her eyes as she recalled the fateful day that had almost led to her death. Lucky for her some supported her leadership. The female beta of the pack had trained her to beat her parents and it saved her life. ?owyn still wondered if perhaps Alanna had known what was going to become her and perhaps that was why she had been taught to defend herself. Alanna must have known her parents would not spare the girl who always triumphed over her brother. No, the dark tawny girl could almost laugh at the thought. The rules in the pack were strict and ?owyn was happy to finally be away from them. It brought a smile to her face knowing she didn't have to deal with her crazy parents anymore.

It was done. It was over. She needed to get over it. She never would. It was impossible.


01-13-2014, 02:57 PM
Finding Aranya had been one of the happiest moments in Birch's life thus far. But perhaps, at the same time, the brute couldn't help but just feel the slightest hint at jealousy at the companion she was traveling with. It would have been one thing if her companion was female, but since Nuka was a male, well, Birch had to wonder about the true relationship between the two. Perhaps he was merely over thinking it. Nuka wasn't a bad wolf by any means... so it wasn't like he had anything to worry about. Besides... Nuka seemed like, should he end up with his sister, that he might be good for her.

So after a small decision to wander, just for a little while, Birch found himself in the northern territories. He wasn't quite sure what he was looking for, if anything. The wolf didn't mind wandering so much, especially now that he had someone important, someone very important to return back to. So for now he was avoiding contact with the packs, just in case something should go wrong. He didn't want to be separated from his sister. Not again.

Caverns, seemingly empty, drew his attention. But as he neared them a scent caught in his nares, filling him with curiosity. This scent belonged to a rogue, much like himself. Now Birch might have been a gentleman, and a kind fellow, but he was still a male, and the scent of a female would surely draw his interest. But it wasn't like he was simply some pervert.

Birch would approach with soft, quiet snowy front paws. He would enter the cave, light purple eyes scanning the contents until they fell upon a lump that seemed misplaced within. The form of the female he had scented. Birch would bow low to her, his voice soft and sweet.

"Hello there, my dear. If you would not mind some company, I would be most happy to give you some."



01-13-2014, 03:23 PM
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

?owyn heard a voice right after she had caught his scent. She turned with an inquisitive stature. Her head was tilted slightly and the curious glint in her eyes would assure all that she meant no harm. At least, she hoped that it assured this man that she wouldn't attack. He greeted her and asked if she would mind some company. She shook her head. "Company is always welcome." Her voice was warm and welcoming as she held a smile on her face. "I'm ?owyn." She gave a name for the man to call her and a small idea crossed her mind. This idea, it was one that would work out for her. She suddenly felt a lack of motivation however; for some reason she refused [mentally] to use the male to further achieve her goal.

What's happening to me?

She pondered upon the question further, her eyes held an obvious confusion to them that she would not explain to the loner or any other wolf that asked. Her tawny pelt laid smooth and flat on her back and her amber eyes gave a quick gaze around the place. "So, Sir, what can I call you?" She posed her last question with a slight flirtatious tone that she herself didn't recognize. Not even after she had said it did she realize it. ?owyn's mind was completely and utterly clueless on the situation. She sat on her rump and waited for an answer from the man. Her head was still slightly tilted as she waited. She was looking at him and examining him. This man seemed nice enough to her; however, she always seemed to have an issue with trusting wolves.


01-13-2014, 04:48 PM
The warm welcome that was received only continued to cause Birch's smile to spread across his face. ?owyn. It was a beautiful and unique name, unlike his own. But all the same Birch liked his name. It seemed to fit the happy-go-lucky brute. There seemed to be confusion in the female's eyes, but Birch would pass that off simply as to having appeared because of his presence. The chivalrous brute would dip his head again, speaking with a kind, gentle tone. "Birch. Birch Netonya." He would give his family name, though it wasn't likely this she wolf knew it. If anything maybe she had heard of Anranya... but he wasn't hoping to hear news of any of his other family members.

Her voice was also sweet to his ears, and, being slightly naive, Birch didn't necessarily realize the flirtatious hinting in it, though his mind and body reacted naturally. Birch moved closer, though kept at a respectable enough distance to give her space, and settled before her, tail lightly thumping the ground. His purple eyes shown with a bright happiness, and he chuckled softly.

"It is a bit of a dull place that you have come to, miss ?owyn. Hardly fitting for such a beautiful creature to stay in. I've been in Alacritia a short while and must say that there are many places far more beautiful than this one, if you would care to travel to them."[/color] The brute would flash her a gentle smile. "So what brings you to Alacritia?"



01-13-2014, 05:11 PM
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

?owyn couldn't help but flush on the inside when the man complimented her. It was unusual because most of the time she was hissed at and harassed. She liked this new land more than the others she had the others she had ventured through. A small glint in her eye was the only emotion she showed now. She was now aware of her flirtatious attitude and stance. "It is very nice to meet you Sir Birch. I'm afraid my reasons for finding this beautiful land are morbid. I'm on the run from my parents who are trying to kill me." She explained to him with a small chuckle. "Apparently its wrong for a girl to be better than her brother in fighting." She couldn't help but add the tidbit in.

The fae knew better than to push her limits, especially with a man who could probably easily trample her into the ground. Her tone held and she had no idea why. Why was she flirting with him? It was like some freaky voodoo instinct or something. She eventually stopped fighting it. She wanted to see who he truly was. Was he dangerous? Was he a bad boy? Was he a nerd? The thoughts rushed through her head. "My name isn't beautiful. Surely you are mistaken." She told him with a small frown on her muzzle. Flattery was just lies in disguise? She hoped not. She enjoyed flattery and being flattered.


01-13-2014, 11:43 PM
The chivalrous brute would listen, brow furrowing as the maiden spoke of her reason for coming to Alacritia. Like his own tale it was not one of happiness. To have parents that would want to kill their own child, strictly for being stronger than her brother. Even without ?owyn explaining the little detail the brute knew that it had to be because she was of noble blood. No other reason would lead wolves to so stupidly act against their own children for such a thing. The maple and white wolf would flick his ears back with disgust at the news.

"It's sickening... they should be proud of their daughter's strength, not condemn her for it!" Now Birch wasn't the type to get angry, nor raise his voice, but there was clearly an edge of agitation within as he spoke. Then, in a soft tone, Birch spoke again. "Should you ever need assistance, and I am around, miss ?owyn, please do not hesitate to call upon my aid. I simply can not stand by while such an injustice is cast upon an innocent heart." The brute would, for a moment, put his paw over hers, and then, once he realized what he was doing, take it away and look away for a brief moment.

But her words would draw the brute back in again, and his light purple eyes would flick to the female. "Mistaken? Oh not at all! Your name is beyond beautiful, so foreign and unique." The brute would smile. "It is unlike any name I've heard before. Believe me, my words are not mistaken."



01-14-2014, 12:10 AM
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

?owyn listened as the male agreed to the disgust she had felt inside for years. She felt like she owed some sort of explanation as to why these traditions were in place back in he birth pack. However she lost all her words when his paw slid over to hers. She wasn't quite sure about what he was doing or what anything meant for the split second. Then he realized that he had made a somewhat flirtatious gesture and he pulled back. She gave a small sigh as she tried to remember what she was going to talk about before he did that. If she ever needed assistance? She could use assistance in her goal but he was just a rouge she had just met. She needed more detail, substance.

?owyn thought of what she was suppose to say. "My birth pack had the belief that men were the only true heirs. My brother was the first born of my parents first litter which granted him the right to the throne. He was too timid to lead. Even he knew that he wouldn't be a good leader and so he left. My parents blamed me because I 'outshone' him. At least that was what they told me. I just wish that someday I could make things right in my line of blood. Part of me just wants to lead. But with leading, making sure that I don't do anything completely stupid like they did." She explained as she gazed at him.

?o thought of something else to say. "Have you ever felt like your history defines you? Like the things in your past are what your judged for rather than who you actually are? I want to get away from all that." She whispered right before he told her there was no mistake. "Thank you Sir Birch. It was a common name from my homeland."


01-14-2014, 10:49 AM
Birch would listen to ?owyn speak of the beliefs of her old pack, scoffing a bit. Such a foolish, stupid reason to want their daughter dead. Simply because she was more fit to be a leader than her brother. By the way the femme spoke Birch had the feeling like she might, one day, make a wise leader. True wisdom would come with time, but ?owyn had potential... he was sure of it. "I'm sure, if given the chance, you'll do perfectly well. Some wolves are born to lead and others are not... it is not something that any should be condemned for."[/b]

A small frown would cross the brute's face as she spoke. "Yes... history is a big part of us. To be honest with my, ?owyn, I was not part of a pack. My parents gave birth to me and my siblings between the borders of other packs. As we grew so did tensions between the packs... and we were all forced our separate ways. It was only just recently that I met up with my sister again." The brute trailed off for a moment before speaking again.

"I refused to be labeled as another pesky outsider. Someone who didn't belong and forced out simply because I wasn't part of the main crowd. My family was split because of the cruelty of other packs. But some day I'm going to find my own place in a new pack, and outshine any of those mongrels who dared attack us during those days." Birch's gaze would soften as he looked to ?o again.

"But let us not speak of injustices, my dear. There are sweeter topics to talk about. Happier topics." The brute would flick his ears towards the female, a gentle smile spreading across his maw. "You speak of possibly wanting to lead. What would be your ideal location for a pack? The type of laws you would set? Would there be any kind of place for a good natured knight?" His smile would widen at this comment.



01-14-2014, 11:24 AM
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

?owyn listened as the compliments kept rolling off his muzzle and into the air around them. A smile never left her face for the first time in a while as she began to daydream. Her thoughts were impractical for the first time in her life. When he asked her about being a leader and where she would put it she knew exactly how to answer. "I've heard rumors of a beautiful place named Fontamo Bay. If I get a chance to see it some day than it would probably be there. I'd set fair laws. The king and queen, or Malkia and Mfalme would rule over the pack. Malkia means Queen in an ancient language and Mfalme means king." She explained as she started with the rest of the barely thought out plans.

"Next would be the Mirithi, or the heir to the throne." She lit up with a smile as she thought about it. "Then there would be the inner guard and captains; the most trusted out of all the wolves. These wolves would have been around for a long time or they would have done something to earn their rank. I could see a good natured knight in this area. Or higher." She grinned even wider as it was obvious she was flirting with him. "Under the Inner Guard and Captains would be the Alpheta, Followers and Subordinates. Alpheta are children of the alphas that extend all ages until promoted. Followers are the common pack members who hold no real power. Subordinates have proven themselves worth a few times and they are in charge of making everyone lower in rank than them pulls on their end of the deal. Then there are children and omegas. Children are pups who are taken in at a young age or pups that are not the alphas. The alpha pups have a slightly higher rank than the children, but this is because they are potential heirs. Lastly are the Mfungwas and Sfungwas. These are prisoners who have trespassed or have harmed a member of the pack." She said. She left out the part about the Sfungwas being sacrifices for whatever they might need them for.


01-14-2014, 12:53 PM
Birch would listen as the female would begin to speak, setting the stage for the very place where the pack she dreamed of would be set up. Fontamo Bay. He had not heard of such a place, but it must have been around Alacritia somewhere, right? At least he would hope so. The brute would curl his tail around his paws, listening as ?owyn would begin naming things. The ancient language she spoke of, it sounded nice to the ears. Like the names were meant to be used for the ranks.

As she continued to flirt, her words causing the brute's heart beat faster. She was sweet, oh so sweet. Birch drew closer, if only by about an inch or so, respectfully listening to her speak again. Everything seemed to fall so neatly in place. As if it was perfect. The russet brute would nod his head in approval, his warm smile never fading from his lips.

"Despite not yet having the pack in place it seems like you have it all figured out, ?o." He would use a nickname for her. The brute's light purple eyes would sparkle. "It sounds very much like a pack that I would find peace in joining." A place to call home. Surely Aranya and Nuka would join too, right? It sounded like an ideal place.

"You have a wonderful head on your shoulders... and I'm sure you'd be the prettiest Malkia in Alacritia." He would use the title she had wanted for her pack, feeling the fur of his face get a bit warm from the compliment he gave her.



01-14-2014, 01:07 PM
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

?owyn flashed another smile as he complimented her and her idea. "I've got nothing to do when I wander. So planning for my ideal future seemed like a good idea." She told him with a small giggle. She felt her fur warm when he told her she would be the prettiest Malkia in all of Alacritia. She was glad when he said he would love a pack like that and it warmed her heart to know that to be the truth. "I'd be proud to have such a wonderful and good natured knight as the only Captain to the pack. Perhaps even more." She kept including the 'perhaps more' as a subtle yet indiscreet hint to the man.

"I wouldn't say the prettiest..." She said looking at her paws shyly. She wasn't use to getting so many compliments for her looks. "I don't think I could lead without a Mfamle." She whispered; her tone was light in the air and almost so quiet that Birch would be able to just hear what she was saying. She looked at him with a meaningful gaze. She wanted him. The irony with love at first site; she had only just met him.


01-15-2014, 06:02 PM
Planning for the future... it seemed like a good plan. As Birch looked upon ?owyn he felt his heart begin to beat even faster. The future. A pack. A home. A mate. Thoughts began buzzing in his head. Their flirting had gotten the russet brute's hopes up... and he began hoping, with all of his heart, for more. His face felt warmer as he gazed at her, waiting for her to speak, waiting to hear her words. Perhaps even more. Birch's heart would skip a beat at this, and he would swallow, searching for his words.

Love at first sight... he had never considered such a thing before. He had only ever thought of being the one protecting everyone else... protecting their families. Starting one of his own,though it was a secret hope, had often been put off in his mind. Though he had considered fae's pretty before he had never went so far as to flirt like this, or to think of them possibly being a mate... but... with ?owyn things seemed to be natural. Seemed to fit into place.

Slowly Birch would find his courage. His gaze would become incredibly soft and gentle, and the brute would lean in, warm tongue sliding over ?o's muzzle. There was a reflection in his eyes that showed he understood her desire... and showed his own.

"?owyn..." Birch set his paw on her own. His heartbeat was pounding in his ears, and he was nervous... but at the same time he felt sure. "I... I want to be by your side. I want to be your Mfamle... to make you happy... and make a wonderful pack with you that will be beyond both of our wildest dreams." The pack was hers to make, but Birch would stand by her side and assist her however he could.



01-15-2014, 08:51 PM
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

Things happened so fast however she was sure of one thing; this was a beautiful moment for her to share. ?owyn had never expected to find someone who was so... perfect for her. He shared her views about everything that had happened and he seemed to care about her even though he had only just met her. She was elated when he asked if he could be her Mfalme, her mate, and her king. A wide smile on her face as he licked her muzzle. "Yes, Birch." She told him softly as she nuzzled him. "I want you to be my Mfalme." Her voice was soft and in a whisper. A small smile stretched across her face.

?o was calm and collected, her eyes filled with emotion as she sat down. "Shall we rest here for the night? I'd like to try and find this Fontamo bay." She grinned with the vision of the pack in her eyes. The love for Birch that had developed over their very short time together holding strong in her heart that reflected through her eyes.


01-22-2014, 07:57 PM
His heart felt like it was soaring with happiness. In such a short amount of time his life was becoming perfect. A beautiful mate, someone to cherish, love and protect. A future to be carved out together, and a pack to look forward to. The brute would set himself beside ?owyn, gently pressing his body against her own. He felt emotions bubbling within him, warming his mind, his heart, and his soul. Birch would slowly let his light purple eyes close. He was so happy...

He would open one eye for a moment, looking to his mate with a smile. "It sounds like a good plan. I'll grab us something to munch on in the morning and then we can set out." He would switch from a sitting position to laying down upon the ground, his tail curling up around ?o's body. It would be interesting to search for Fontamo Bay... but a quest well worth making. He would try and let his sister know what all had occurred soon as well. He could only hope that Aranya would be as thrilled with the news as he was.



01-23-2014, 07:00 PM
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

He was hers and she was his. ?owyn felt happy and so she went into a laying position next to him as he wrapped his tail around her. She repeated his action and wrapped her tail around him as she drifted off into a deep slumber. A smile pursued her lips as she whispered one last thing. "Sounds good. Nakupenda Birch. I love you." She had managed to whisper before she was out like a light. Her dreams were present and for once she was able to forget the world around her. It was almost like there was nothing there. She had all she needed. Well, almost. She had all she needed for now.

-Exit Eowyn-