
Shooting stars in the midnight sky



01-12-2014, 10:47 PM

Spring blossomed, bloomed in bright vibrant colors. Plants grew back lush and full, birds sang happily and the breeze was warm and gentle carress. With spring the pale cream woman had filled out her lost weight with the help of her love. She felt whole again, alive and free. Her natural need to explore and see all she could learn. She loved the fact one could constantly keep learning from the earth. She had spent days learning the plants on Inu island, learned her way around. But she often wondered when she might meet the past Tortuga members. She would actually enjoy seeing Taurig again. But she did not mind being with Gitan all day either. Atlas had been rather absent lately to allow Gitan and her to have time alone. But as soon as spring came he had returned in all his glory of gold and silver feathers. Together they had spent hours going over the plants together.
But today would be different. Atlas had noticed a change in her. A slight pep to her walk, the sudden mood swings and short fuse she'd have with him, rare though, but more often her pure joy in life that she expressed in every movement she made, every comment and expression. He knew what nature was doing and so he took off, promising to be back in a few days time. At first Symphony did not understand Atlas till she sat down thinking long and hard. It was spring, the season for which she had been born in. It would only make since now that her heat cycle had kicked in.
She had no idea how to talk to Gitan about it, about a possible family. Perhaps it would just happen for then. When the moment was right. She knew no matter what she would be ready for a family, more than ready. She dreamed of it all the time. Her bio colored eyes search the land for her mate, her love. Where was that handsome man anyways?




6 Years
01-13-2014, 08:28 PM

He had made a mistake, a large one? but he would not allow that to break him. He would have to speak to Symphony about it? if he could only think of how break it to her. Still he was hesitant too, the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her in anyways so while it had been hard on him he had been not been with her as much as he would have wished. This was only made harder by the scent that announced to the world that she was in heat. It pulled and tugged at his mind and body, he wanted her in so many ways and the intoxicating scent that was rising off from her was pushing him to his limits.
He was also coming to the realization that he wanted to start a family with her, but he would not approach her with it, it would be her choice. Gitan would wait, until the end of time if he had too, in this he would give her total control. His hunger for her was taking him over and so he would search her out. Earthen paws carrying him across the island that was their new home, forest eyes scanning for her ivory form; he caught movement out of the corner of his eye, a small cream shape pushing through the forest. He caught her scent then too and with a grin bound towards her, pressing into her side and giving her shoulder a quick lick. ?Salut mon ange? He said smiling down at her.




01-16-2014, 01:15 AM

As her eyes searched for Gitan he would come from seemingly nowhere to bump shoulders. She smiled warmly up at him, nuzzling into his chest. She inhales his musk that made him who he was, the scent she would forever remember no matter what. It was calming, like a warm breeze ruffling through her fur. It was pure male, Gitan, and forever her's. She playfully nipped at his jaw before prancing away and lowering her top half in a play bow. Rump wiggled in the air, daring him to try and catch her. She winked at him before she would dart away like a frightened bird, racing deeper into the island. She would slow down just enough to where he could reach her hindquarters before she rushed forwards, teasingly. Why was she so playful, so energetic? Sure she had her moments but lately she had been full of this feeling for a few days. Was it the hopeful fact that she might possibly start a family with this male? The very thought made her yip happily.

She would break into a clearing, stumbling to a halt panting and flopping down on her side. She had never seen this part of the island. It felt isolated, secret, safe. Eyes scanned the area, this could be theirs, they could dig a den here. She turned her wistful eyes to Gitan.Lets make this spot ours! Its peaceful and it feels safe. Safe to never worry, to sleep at ease and to start a family. She paused to look at him longingly. Yes, she wanted it, no she wanted him.

Lust took hold of her eyes as she stood up and slowly walked over to him. She would brush into his chest with her head before moving along his body, pressing hers firmly against him. She made a complete circle around him till she stood on his other side. Eyes lifted to look at him with a shy smile. She wondered how he would react, what he thought. She supposed she'd find out in a heart beat. Would he understand her longing? The need to feel complete with him? She was never good with words when she felt flustered, it was even worse when it had something to do with Gitan.




6 Years
01-21-2014, 09:01 PM

He reveled in the contact they shared, tipping his head down somewhat to lick at her crown as she buried herself into his fur. He smiled, lids dropping some as he simply wished for this moment to remain just a minute later. She pulled back slightly tipping her head back to nip at him and then bounding away from him. He chuckled and mirrored her play bow, bouncing from side to side some, a happy yip escaping him. She raced off and he gave chase, she was quick, he would give her that. Every time he seemed to be drawing closer he would reach forwards to nip at her rump, but she darted out of reach.
He chased her into the clearing, she stopped and dropped suddenly and he stumbled doing his best not to step on her. He tumbled to the ground just behind her with a grunt, but even that could not change his mood, scooting up behind her he curled around her. Gitan licked at her ear and nipped at it playfully. He tugged at it gently, a play growl rising from his chest before going back to licking at her. She turned to look at him and he quickly lashed his tongue along her muzzle. " .Lets make this spot ours! Its peaceful and it feels safe. Safe to never worry, to sleep at ease and to start a family." His grin grew ever wider at her words, he did not reply right away, getting up and walking away a bit, his mind working through the possibilities.
"Yes, I?d like that?" He began turning to face her again but was startled to see her already so close, she pressed into his chest and wound her way around him. He shivered some, he craved her, needed her like never before, the intoxicating scent of her heat swallowing him up. "Oh ho ho, yes." He laughed in a half whisper. "I?d like that very much. "

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



01-23-2014, 11:25 PM

She loved seeing him happy and being the cause of it. It thrilled her down to her bones. A giggle would escape her lips when he had stumbled into the clearing after her sudden halt. As they stood there with her voicing her musings and him tugging her ear gently she had growled back softly, more pleasurable than anything else. To have him close, his breath tickling the hairs in her ear, his rumbling growl vibrating through her. Who knew one ould feel so intuned to another. She mused over the possibilities of soulmates, of the feeling of being one instead of two.

Bi-colored eyes watched him carefully as he walked away some, looking around. With a grin she had snuck up next to him just as he had turned to face her. She blinked with a grin. She loved seeing that startled but loving expression on him. As she wound around him, her ears never missed one word that spilled from his lips. She nuzzled along his neck, his cheek, and then licked his lips. Then what are we waiting for Mon chevalier?

She would lead the way into the middle of the clearing to a soft patch of thick growth of plants. She didn't care what kind, all she knew was they weren't dangerous. It was all she could do to think of that before her attention stole back to Gitan. She looked over her shoulder with lustful eyes, begging him, pleading he fulfill step one in making this clearing theirs, in starting a family.




6 Years
01-26-2014, 12:13 PM

Gitan knew this dance, he had been here before. He knew each step off by heart and could execute them with such ease but there was something different about this performance. The easy smile genuine, the thrill he felt came from the knowledge that his partner was Symphony, that when it was all said and done he wouldn?t have to leave right away, that he could lay beside her till time stopped if he wanted too. She spoke and his tail lifted to curl above his rump, waving some. He watched her lead away, following at a decent speed. She turned to look at him and he could see the wanting in her eyes.
He chuckled, " Avec ton permission, mon Ange. " He moved towards her, slow, deliberate, studying every inch of her, memorizing the curves of her figure. Finally he came to stand behind her and as slowly as gravity would allow he rose above her, coming gently down upon her small frame.
-fade to black-

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think
Hover for translation