


01-12-2014, 02:57 PM
How had she not come across this place in the past? It was magnificent, wrapped in darkness and crawling with shadows. The sensuous darkness called to her, and she could only heed such a call. The wraith swept over the cool, dank dirt underfoot with hardly a sound. The tunnel led down at a gradual, but noticeable angle. Long tail swept across her heels, feminine hips swaying alluringly as she strode down the ever darkening tunnel. Her paw struck a stone and it careened off into the darkness, disappearing from sight. An ominous clatter told her it had fallen from somewhere, and now the ebony bitch was on edge. Exotic, two toned optics scanned the ground ahead, searching for the drop off. One paw fell straight down, a bottomless drop nearly swallowing her whole.

Cautiously the femme would withdraw her tea cupped paw, taking a deep breath. That was a close one. She thought to herself, carefully feeling around for another route around the gaping maw of the hungry mine. There- the trail suddenly jackknifed to the right, and continued on. Picking up her paws, the sultry shadow would follow the trail, hugging the wall to avoid falling if the trail got suddenly thinner. What could be down in the depths?

Soon she would discover the answer. A pit of shale greeted her at the end of the tunnel. Seriously? Seating herself upon one particularly large, flat stone, she huffed in annoyance. What good was this place for exploring if there was nothing cool in it? Dumb fucking humans never let anything beautiful live... Long tail would flick in annoyance, like a cat's, as she waited around for whatever would greet her next.



01-12-2014, 06:00 PM

The weird scent coming from this place was nothing less than curious to the blue maned lady. She had come north for some relaxing and search for possible herbs to store. Since she was so used to harsh winters, though now on an island. It would be simple to conserve herbs and easy to do. She was still a leader after all, with all that had gone on she was no stranger to that. The lady found her lazily defined body in the curves through the caverns. Her soft slender fur making sure not to rub off on the walls as her red eyes moved through in the dim light. Her steps were light, naturally, she was nearly like a cat when she moved, and careful where she stepped. Stopping every now and then so that her eyes would adjust to the dark. Occasionally she would come to a hole in the roof, offering just the right amount of moonlight in order for her to see where she was going.
Vahva caught a scent, someone who was a rogue no doubt, but that didn't bother her. So many months as she had been, she was much more observant to sides of stories rather to what she thought of personalities themselves. Maybe that was what made her pack prosper with how it had to remain neutral for the two rival packs they prevented war from. Sometimes over seeing wars, not participating but simply determining a winner when it was seen fit so that not many lives would be lost. Those were the days she was happy to have been in experience to. Once she reached the scent after stopping for a moment. To see a pure black lady on a stone in a chamber. Her bi colored orbs giving an obvious attraction to Vahva, well not Raven attracted to her just Vahva enjoying those odd colored eyes. As was her tall mane bright blue seeming to stand out in the caverns.



01-12-2014, 06:39 PM

Movement in her peripheral vision caught the vixen's attention, and slowly she would pivot, slowly blinking her exotic eyes. Quickly she would take in the stranger, noting her unique mane and crimson optics. A lazy, devilish smile curved her dark lips as she looked at the woman, having found herself a new plaything. "My mate wishes she could have eyes like that." Gravelly tones would purr, long tail snaking out and beating against the place beside her. An invitation to sit and chat, something she didn't grant lightly. "I, however, find your electric mane enticing." She would add, silky vocals a sultry purr as she kept her impossibly coloured optics on the strange, utterly unique lady to her left. Her gaze was almost predatory, but she covered it with a glimmer of intrigue, the usual gaze that enticed others. She knew how to lure them in, it was a talent she would teach any children she might have.



01-12-2014, 11:44 PM

Vahva had plenty of experience with flirtatious, and malicious nature. She had been a slave for a whole season, the mentality was easy. But she became an alphess out of it, and it would not fool her, but she could humor the other honestly. Raven was small too, so it was rather adorable, and it made her smile. It was flattering really, no one enjoyed her mane. A lot of others saw it was a huge give away to who she was. Her tail flicked as the feminine body followed the movements of the woman. Intrigued by her attitude really.
"Well thank you, I'm sure your mate is however happy with what they have." Vahva's tone remained civil. as her body shifted to face Raven in the front. Red eyes following her easily. "May I ask who the name of my flatterer is?" Vahva asked smiling keeping it friendly.



01-13-2014, 12:18 AM

The woman cautiously accepted her offer, moving with an easy grace that spoke of an upbringing the sultry shadow could only have dreamt of. However the dame sat in front of her, as if this was a confrontation, an interrogation. The lady was smooth and civil, off setting her earlier compliment by announcing that her eternal grinner must be content with her oceanic orbs. A soft chuckle escaped the sensual demoness' dark lips, acknowledging the half assed kind remark. When the lady inquired as to her title, the ebony bitch pondered it a moment. Should she lie? Or give her real name? Let's humor this one, she seems to deem herself worthy of it. She thought to herself, a smirk slipping onto her sharp features for a brief moment. A sultry purr would leave her lips, giving her name to the stranger. "Raven. Yourself?" She would reply, her tongue curling alluringly around the name as it rolled off her lips, before a softening of her voice would turn to a demand of reciprocal offering. She was not being harsh, but simply offering what she had been given by this woman.



01-14-2014, 03:44 PM

Well of course it was a cocky dance now, but Vahva really didn't care. Raven was treating her well since she was 'copying' her attitude. In which this darker one thought she had it all, it nearly tempted the lady to roll her eyes but she didn't. It seemed Raven wasn't the only one who had been here, the scent of another was plastered on the place. Meaning they have denned. Her red eyes moved over Raven as she gave a soft sigh. "Vahva, it's a pleasure." She stated smiling standing up she was taller than Raven but that was alright. Vahva was less afraid of women anyway, it was men that she had trouble with in the end. Her tail flicked as she looked over at the edges of the rock.
"So what made you decide to den here with your mate?" She asked. After all, this place was an excellent stronghold. If you moved things around right, it could be a sanctuary. Yet Vahva doubted the stranger would accept her help of any at all.



01-14-2014, 03:57 PM

The woman introduced herself as Vahva, an interesting title if anything. Yet, why would you traumatize your child by giving them such a name? The poor woman must have had such a hard time learning her own name as a child, but seemed quite proud of it, so the ebony bitch didn't make a big deal of it. She watched the woman shift to display her height advantage, a passive attempt to show the wraith who would win should a battle begin. A dark chuckle bubbled in her throat, but the petite demoness swallowed it back down and teased her dark lips into a smile. When the inquiry met her audits, a short shrug of petite, dark shoulders was given. "It's much darker, harder to navigate than our previous home. Plus, the infestation of strangers was getting annoying. Every time we left, there would be strange scents all over the place." Gravelly tones would purr, her feelings on the subject clear in her sensuous lyrics. Annoyance, anger; emotions that could drive her to a point where none would escape safely. With a soft sigh, she would flick a pebble from the stone with her tail, watching it clatter into the darkness before letting her exotic gaze flick swiftly back to the oddly marked woman.



01-15-2014, 04:20 PM

Of course all of this was true in the obvious events. Vahva's audits made their way across the chamber, her feminine body moving along as she searched over the rock. The various jackets and old helmets as well, it was dusty, but with some work it would make a reasonable place to live. "You should mark the outsides of the chambers so that you know where you are, until you memorize it you should place furs or these things in front of them to remember where it is and what it is." Vahva suggested pawing at one of the torn jackets. Picking it up with her jaws and setting it over the rock.
Her tail made a twisting flick as she looked at the woman. "You and your mate, you are both rogues correct?" Vahva asked curiously. She wanted to make sure, because if she was helping or conversing with someone or group of someones that would be a threat to Valhalla she'd stop herself right her and go stomping back home. Of course they could obviously make a pact. Rogues didn't really have healers, and the deal could be for them to leave the pack alone and in return get healing and idea's. Though that was her logical mind speaking since she spent her alphess days making sure two grumpy men didn't tear each others packs apart.



01-15-2014, 05:34 PM
As the stranger padded about inspecting the main cavern of the mines, a few tips were offered, which the ebony bitch kept in her mind for future use. An absentminded acknowledgement was given, a gruff muttering of thanks leaving her dark lips. Exotic pools would scan the surrounding tunnels, having not yet explored all of it. She and Ryu would have to find the proper place to sleep, and then worry about the rest later.

When the strange dame inquired about their social standing, ebony tiara would dip in a slow nod, dual toned optics flicking to focus on her ashen features. "Why do you ask?" She would inquire, gravelly tones curious. Brow would quirk inquisitively, wondering why the strange femme would ask such a question. Was she looking to recruit her and Ryu for some newly created pack? Or attempting to eliminate oppositions and threats from the area? Suspicion would hint itself into her gaze as she watched the woman, but her expression remained neutral. Long tail would give a flick as she laid it flush with a haunch, waiting calmly for an answer.



01-15-2014, 05:51 PM

Vahva could see Raven was no longer really playing a game. Well at least so she thought, the female gave a shrug of her shoulders to stretch them out as she sat down curling her tail around her hind legs. She was a digamma of Valhalla, she wouldn't put her family in danger in place of her own feelings. Her red eyes flickered with curiosity for the pair who lived here all alone though. "I am part of Valhalla, I was simply checking to make sure I wouldn't be punished, and you and your mate wouldn't be hunted down if something were to happen." She stood up.
"They don't have a very happy connection with glaciem, so that was all I was worried about. You haven't done anything wrong and so far I would call you a friend, if not an ally." Vahva looked across the walls of the chamber. "And this is an intriguing place you've claimed." she offered a smile, a bit of a cocky one, but it was of no threat. Things she inquired of own personal experience were how things stood obviously.



01-24-2014, 09:24 PM

As an explanation left the lips of her current conversation companion, a short nod would be the only acknowledgement she would give for a moment. As Vahva continued, a chuckle would leave her lips as she heard the dual toned dame use the word 'friend' to describe the ebony bitch. "It's been some time since someone dared to call me friend. I'm not exactly the type that someone would enjoy the company of." She would scoff with a grin, having been able to count on the toes of one paw how many friends she'd had in her life. As the dame mentioned the oddity she and Ryu had claimed as a den, albeit a giant one. Another nod came from the petite wraith. "It is indeed, but it serves out purposes well, and it's safe." She admitted, dual toned optics flicking over the walls of this main cavern. It was beautiful, shrouded in darkness and shadows but still navigable. Long tail would flick as she returned her gaze to the strange femme. An inquiry dared to nip at her tongue, and she spat it into the air slowly. "So what brings you to my little slice of hell?" Silken, deep vocals would inquire, murmuring the title of Hell fondly. She was going there as it was, so she might as well take some pride in that fact. Brow would quirk inquisitively as she awaited a reply, flicking the tip of her long tail once more like a cat might be found to do.

OOC: Sorry that took forever, my muse for Raven disappeared...



01-28-2014, 03:16 PM

Vahva laughed a bit closing her eyes as she tilted her head to one side. "Some people are too afraid to understand those who may be considered darker for their tastes." Her tail flicked as her eyes moved over the corners of the mines. Of course, she had come here to see if any herbs would grow or storage places here. Though it was already claimed, leaving her to throw that idea out the window. But, it wasn't too bad to be helping a pair of loners who may need help when it came to the healing department. "Well I apologizing on intruding on it. But at least it was a nice meeting." Her ear flicked.
"I actually came here to search for herbs, since these lands are new. But before I knew it I found you so I won't be stealing anything. If you are in the need of a healer though I can drop by every now and then." The offer was blunt, but that was truthfully what was on the maned womans mind. Hopefully she wouldn't be rejected, and probably she'd speak to her mate after this as well.



02-08-2014, 02:12 PM

The strange dame was calm, without a doubt. She withstood the dark furred temptress' words remarkably, most wolves would have gotten angry or attempted to kill her by now. A soft chuckle would escape dark lips as the petite shadow heard what was said about her, and nodded once in response. "Indeed, it seems to be a common opinion and it's extremely irritating." She replied coolly, her tone bored almost. Again the blue maned woman would speak, commenting upon the meeting. "Yes, it's been a while since I had a sane conversation with someone other than my mate." She replied, dual toned gaze leaving the bodice of the stranger and flicking over the cavernous room to inspect it further. Finally an explanation for the crimson eyed woman's presence in the mines was provided, and the ebony bitch returned her attention to the strange she wolf to hear it. "I'm sure Ryu would not be minding if you took anything, and I don't either. We don't use anything around here medicinally anyways." She chuckled, referring to the possible uses for herbs has hallucinogens and drugs. Yes she did that every now and again, it was quite interesting. "I would appreciate it if you did, Vahva." She added, a little happier that something useful other than information came from this meeting. A healer was indeed useful, Ryu was always getting into fights with wolves everywhere.
