
On the rise from radiation



02-22-2014, 09:59 PM
Tag Pharos
Take me to the please where the white boys dance.

?owyn gave a small grin. She had finally found it. It was the lands that she wanted to carry her pack with pride and dignity. Salvatur will stand here one day. She told herself with determination as she looked around. If only Birch was with her for the proud moment, but he had gone off on another venture to find his sister so that ?o could meet her. ?owyn was a bit nervous that Aranya would not approve of Birch and her being together but part of the strong woman really didn't care if she disapproved or not. She was happy, Birch was happy, if Aranya wasn't then she could deal with it.

Take me to the place where they run and play



02-22-2014, 10:36 PM
The East was a fine land to wander in, not that the God of the East was particular close to Pharos or anything, it was just fun to explore. The bay was rather nice, a good place to be in the summer. "Winter, Spring, Fall, Summer, much like the Gods aren't you? A God does favor all of you after all though the Center really controls you all." He spoke aloud as he walked on. His cream and gray fur bounced as he walked along, more like strutted along with along happy gate adding a few skips ever now and then. At the moment he was lost in his own mind as he moved though the land but that didn't last forever as he saw a wolf in the distance.

the wolf looked quite inserting with grays browns and all sorts of colors. In a happy mood he wondered if this wouldn't give way to some good conversation, if not then perhaps some fun punishment. Walking forward he stood a formal distance from the female who seemed proud. "Why hello there, it is always interesting to happen upon a stranger. I am Phaors Ikutsuki, just a nomad of the Gods. Who might you be?" Normal wolves would not simply walk up to another and start a conversation but then Pharos wasn't much of a normal wolf. He was open in friendly, eager for conversation and perhaps play despite his age. He didn't seem to take into account his size most time when approaching those smaller than him either. Yes, he was a playful brute, that was if he wasn't seeking the blood of sinners.



02-22-2014, 10:43 PM
Take me to the please where the white boys dance.

?owyn was the happiest wolf alive and therefore she felt like nothing could dampen her mood. The dark tawny woman turned to see a man who was 'a nomad of the gods' talking to her. He seemed overly religious and therefore did not express her opinion that there were no Gods out there, only strange forces that pulled the universe into balance. "Nice to meet you good sir, I am ?owyn Dominique-Netonya, future primary alpha of Salvatur." She said cheerily to the stranger. The keyword there was future, it pained her that she did not have her pack yet but she didn't really mind. It was well worth the wait.

Take me to the place where they run and play



02-22-2014, 11:03 PM
Pharos grinned widely. "Ah a future Alpha then? A pleasure to meet you ?owyn. Though you have no such rank now and I no duty to you for the moment I am at your service." Pharos bowed formally with a rapidly wagging tail. Lifting himself he laughed a little. "So what kind of pack? I've seen many but only been in one. You never know I could like your pack and settle down in it if others are willing to here my words." Of course by this he meant stories for the Gods but he didn't feel like announcing that. Not every pack followed the Gods but that didn't' matter, so long as they acted in a way that would not warrant their punishment he did not mind. Even so he never minded telling their story. Tilting his head he waited for the reply.



02-22-2014, 11:08 PM
Take me to the please where the white boys dance.

Oh he had done it. He had asked her about her pack and she grew excited to talk about it as it had started to come together. "The pack would be housed here and called Salvatur. I'd set fair laws. The king and queen, or Malkia and Mfalme would rule over the pack. Malkia means Queen in an ancient language and Mfalme means king." She explained as she started with the rest of the barely thought out plans. "Next would be the Mirithi, or the heir to the throne. Then there would be the inner guard and captains; the most trusted out of all the wolves. These wolves would have been around for a long time or they would have done something to earn their rank. Under the Inner Guard and Captains would be the Alpheta, Followers and Subordinates. Alpheta are children of the alphas that extend all ages until promoted. Followers are the common pack members who hold no real power. Subordinates have proven themselves worth a few times and they are in charge of making everyone lower in rank than them pulls on their end of the deal. Then there are children and omegas. Children are pups who are taken in at a young age or pups that are not the alphas. The alpha pups have a slightly higher rank than the children, but this is because they are potential heirs. Lastly are the Mfungwas and Sfungwas. These are prisoners who have trespassed or have harmed a member of the pack. I've got my mate, Birch, as my main supporter right now and without him I'd be hopeless. Then there is his sister, whom he said would also support. If you would like Pharos, I would love to have you as one of my Inner Guard. you seem like a very knowledgeable and level headed man." She offered to the male.

Take me to the place where they run and play



02-22-2014, 11:18 PM
Pharos listened paitantly to the woman and seemed to be galvanized by her own energy. Now this was a conversation, both of them light heated happy and learning of each other. he liked the name so foar 'Salvature' it sounded poewrful yet elegant and using an ancient language was a grand idea. "Ah fair rules, I like them. Interesting ranks and with an Alpha, excuse me, Malkia and Mfalme already planned it is close to being reality." He took a play bow stance excited by the idea of having a rank in a pack to guard the top ranks and watch over others. It would give him a good chance to judge them as well. "If that is a true offer than I very much accept! I can keep the moral of the upper ranks up as well as do all the serous stuff in and outside of the pack. Now I do have the heart of a nomad as I said so I may leave the lands at times but every time I do I could spread the word of the pack!" Hopping from side to side a bit he laughed. "If this is a true offer then I completely accept. All you need do is howl for me when the time comes!"



02-22-2014, 11:23 PM
Take me to the please where the white boys dance.

She had another supporter. She really seemed to be able to pull things together and the smile grew wider. "This is an honest offer. We hope to have this pack up very soon and we're just working out some of the finer details, like finding loyal members to aid in our cause. This is, something that I believe would be, an area of expertise. You seem like an excellent judge of character." She said with a wide smile growing. She very much liked this Pharos and had no doubt he would be an excellent Inner Guard member. He would be able to pass judgement on the borders which was a power she put in very few. He seemed to be delighted and this made her only happier.

Take me to the place where they run and play



02-22-2014, 11:42 PM
Pharos laughed in celebration. "Excellent! I have a home then!" His tail wagged even more as she spoke of being a judge of character. "Ah now that is something I pride myself in! I have judged many in my life by way of the Gods. Weather you believe in them or not is somewhat irrelevant but weather or not punishment is given now that is important. They are the same as most other gods, harming others in some way without good cause is wrong and something should be done to right the wrong matching the severity of the crime. I have seen many innocent wolves and guilty wolves and have dealt out actions accordingly. It sounds like just the rank for me! I cannot wait until the pack is certain and will tell others that it is up and coming!"Standing up he looked to her. "So then my Malkia might I get to know more of you and perhaps of my Mfalme? The more I know the more I will be able to help in the future." He was excited, Pharos did not expect to find a future pack this day! Let alone one that would let him do what he was best at! Yes the way of the Gods was truly blessed indeed, they had giving him a reward for serving them for so long.



02-22-2014, 11:57 PM
Take me to the please where the white boys dance.

?owyn held a dashing smile as he went on about his Gods and how they judged and how he determined if the Gods punished one person or if it was just other wolves. It all made sense and then he started to ask to get to know Birch and herself better to allow a better judgement when dealing with loners. "If course Pharos. What would you like to know? I can introduce you to Birch when he returns from talking to his sister." She encouraged curiosity and questions. They were important to the higher ranks and lower ranks. Without it she was just leading the blind.

Take me to the place where they run and play



02-23-2014, 12:09 AM
He was glad she was open for conversation but did not know where to begin first. He supposed the past was best, with no past there was no future. "How about where you came from? What was it like, what lead you to this land. Ah another important question what makes you want to start a pack? It's an idea most wolves have but where did you get the idea, the inspiration? The past always has an impact on our lives, though not just the past, how we react to what happens to us defines us. Other things would be good to know too, little things like how you would describe yourself to others. You seem honest, and driven but in what way would you say others see you? Or how you want them to see you?" He titled his head, though the conversation was a bit more serious he still had a light heated way to his words and mannerisms. After all this was a more fun side of him, he liked to be this way around others who behaved in a way all good wolves should.



02-23-2014, 12:16 AM
Take me to the please where the white boys dance.

He seemed to know what to ask. He knew all the places that it hurt for her to talk about. "Well, I was born into a pack of strict traditions and harsh consequences. Since I was second born and female I had no birth right to the throne of Sinister Falls. Every day I pushed to exceed expectations in hunting, fighting and tracking. On several accounts I outshone Halgen, my brother and the next heir to the pack. When he fled I snickered because every wolf knew he was going to leave yet they all seemed to be surprised. I was threatened. I could never become queen because only men of blood could claim the position. To silence me, Regina and Kaleb, my parents, attempted to assassinate me in the middle of the night. I had been taught all I needed from the female beta and for this I was lucky. Then I just kinda wandered until I found Ala. I found Birch and we became mates and we've been working pack details and other details out since. My inspiration would have to be to prove to my parents that I can be a fine leader and others I've met throughout my travels assured me that they think I could be a fine leader indeed. Though I know better than to trust some of the wolves I have met." She explained with a small smile.

Take me to the place where they run and play



02-23-2014, 03:57 PM
As ?owyn spoke he kept his ears on her giving her his full attention. Getting comfortable he let himself slide into a laying position. He nodded every now and then as she spoke thinking of how to reply. "Sounds harsh indeed when traditions are more important than relations. Any pack worth staying strong would see the strength in a leader no matter gender or traditions. Yet, I am glad they did not even though the what they did was awful, you are here now an ready to prove them wrong." He nodded with a smile, indeed it was the past that made a wolf and she had more than overcame her own. "You're a strong wolf, and are indeed driven. It is also good you do not trust right away, only fools give their trust to all and only the lucky fools live."

He smiled looking to her with a certain glint in his eye, eagerness playfulness, and a bit of mischief. "Well then, it's only fair I tell you of my past. We have something in common ?owyn I was also child of my Alphas, the first little too. Life was good, comfortable and soon enough my parents had a second litter, little siblings for me to watch over." He smiled at the thought of them but that smile soon faded as his eyes turned a bit darker. "Ah but the poor things...I wanted to watch them grow and be strong, and wen they were old enough to not need the comfort of having Alpha parents I was gong to challenge my Father. Someone beat me too it, a rouge. He killed my father and my youngest siblings. Mother and my older siblings wanted to challenge him but I conceived them to wait. The Gods, that is the Gods my pack follow, the five of North, South, East, West, and Center would punish him. Yet, time passed and nothing happened so I preyed and consulted the Gods, especially God of the Center, as we were the center land. My answer was a dream, me as alpha. So, going no that sign I killed the blighter yet the final blow felt if it was a divine act! I knew the gods wanted me to judge for them that day, there are so many wolves in the world and they are concerned with all matters so they could use help. I gave that help well as Alpha and knew that I would never truly help all of them if I stayed in the Center. So, here I am, Mother and my siblings can keep the pack in good shape and I can help other wolves and better serve the Gods." His eyes were brighter again and his smile came back, yes his past had a dark spot but the Gods had rewarded him in the end, and for that he was thankful.



02-23-2014, 04:23 PM
Take me to the please where the white boys dance.

?owyn offered a frown as she listened to the history that Pharos gave her. It was terrible, but through it he had found his true calling like she had. She had only one concern as she listened to his reasoning for leaving his pack rather than becoming alpha. Thought his request to come and go as he pleased solved that. "That is a very tragic story Sir Pharos." She said, almost as if she were in shock from what he had told her. A small confused look soon faded as she said nothing more. She wondered what his Gods were like. She wanted to learn more. "Perhaps you could teach me more of your Gods some time? I must go now, Birch will no doubt be back soon and then we are heading to talk to an ally of ours." She offered with a dip of her head. "I'll be howling for you soon, Sir Pharos." She raced off towards the north.


Take me to the place where they run and play



02-24-2014, 08:18 PM
'Sir Pharos' was new but Pharos kind of liked it, it sounded classy. He nodded in response to ?owyn though, any good wolf wold feel a bit disturbed at the word of pups killed. He personal knew that was a crime that if he was ever near he would do all he could to stop it and he would punish any who committed the crime as much as he could. As she spoke of leaving he stood and smiled. "I will be happy to tell you all about them some time. I wish you luck in talking to an ally and I look forward to your call my Malkia. May we meet again very very soon." He returned her dip of the head with a rather stylized bow. Watching her depart he smiled before picking a direction to go in. West sound good for now, and perhaps even to a center of this land, no doubt to thank the Gods.

-Exit Pharos end of thread :) -