
Dulling Glow


01-10-2014, 11:24 AM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2014, 11:31 AM by Liberty.)

Weary movements would drive the cautious girl forward as she approached what she thought was Valhalla's borders- only it didn't smell like Valhalla anymore. She would cross the imaginary line expecting someone to approach her, most likely Azalea, but as time rolled by and she went deeper into the territory, it would dawn on her that they were all gone. A sickening sensation would envelope her, inner organs seeming to twist into knots as she fought thick liquid back down her throat. Had they really just... left? Picked up everything and abandoned their home? A loud huff would be exclaimed as her eyes clenched shut, teeth grinding as her mind swirled into an abyss. It was as if the world was breaking around her, she could only imagine why they had left, or worse, what had made them leave. For all she knew Isadris could have wiped them out during his disappearance. Ears would fold as cerulean gaze snapped back open, her body beginning to sway as if the earth's gravity had been lifted. Despite her jumbled thought process her legs managed to move without demand, sending her off toward the only sacred spot remaining- her mothers grave.

After a few moments of galloping in a black haze she would collapse beneath the large tree her father had buried her mother beneath. This had been the first time she had returned to the grave since her mothers death, and it felt oddly satisfying. She would bury her face into her paws, tears threatening to burst from clenched lids as she tried her hardest not to sob, but even the greatest minds could break. Tears would roll down ivory cheeks as her mind wandered back into her past, visions of her mother and father devouring her thoughts. Soon she would pass out from exhaustion.

- ZzZ sleeps for an hour ZzZ-

Darkness would quickly fade into light as she opened her eyes, still unaware that she had passed out for an hour from sobbing. A sigh would part her lips as she laid there for a moment, dwelling on how differently things could be if her mother hadn't died so soon. A few minuted rolled by, and finally she would pull herself upright again, charcoal tail wrapping around her paws as she blankly stared at the trunk before her. She was tempted to dig her mother out and bury her in Glaciem, but Aislyn's ghost would haunt her for eternity if she even attempted it. She had died in Valhalla, and so her body would remain here. On the plus side, with the pack gone she didn't have to worry about visiting the grave more often.

Her gaze would lift toward the sky as she would send her mother a silent prayer. She could only hope her mother heard her wherever she was. With a heavy sigh she would raise to all fours, head hanging low, tail tucked, and body giving off a depressing aurora. She missed her mother dearly, and with everyone in Valhalla gone, all she had left was Glaciem, and so she would hastily return there. Another glance would be cast toward her mothers grave before she turned and took off toward Glaciem, her forever home.



OOC: Note, this is not an open thread, just some closure and alone time for Liberty :P Oh, and the realization that Valhalla is gone.