
There's a fever in my heart


01-10-2014, 06:12 AM

The plains were a nice place to relax, but it was still far from the cold of the north she had once called home. Despite being born in Valhalla, she nearly felt detached from everyone here. Her newcoming meant rebuilding her relationships with everyone here. She was no longer the small pup who was rejected because of a love that wasn't supposed to happen that was for certain. The once alphess of the north was now a faithful member of Valhalla, and to expose herself to the lands and the people as much as she could. Her tail flicked against the grasses as her paws stayed out in front of her. Though red eyes kept alert on the black and white female to any source of threats.
If there was one thing she was deafly afraid of, it was being made a slave again. While weakness wasn't something she showed often. It was something she hid, because when it was shown, it was a greater fear of letting her heart down and others around her. She had to rebuild relationships, the worst part. Meeting new wolves, impressing them, keeping them close, not letting them down. It was a lot of work, one work she wouldn't give up on that was for sure.




10 Years
01-10-2014, 06:29 AM

Odette had found it in her heart to make her mother even more proud that day. The nine-month-old was eager to prove that she wanted to make something of herself. If that meant she had to do it by working up the ranks and making an effort with other members of Valhalla, she would. She had wanted to have a consult with Chrysanthe about such ideas, but the young girl decided that maybe once the excitement settled down a bit, it would be wiser to approach her mother. That didn't mean Odette wouldn't try to think of ways around that decision. She was patient most of the time, but for some things, it was hard to wait.
The Gargoyle mini-me left the Valhallan island to pursue the other lands her pack had clamed. One in particular was the Plains where she had first met Chrysanthe before she adopted her. It held a meaning to her and that helped her get through the journey to the West. Time wasn't a factor to her, so when she reached the Plains, it was around mid-morning when her paws touched the cool grass. She sighed gently and proceeded to walk across the invisible borders of the vast land of greenery.
A scent familiar and yet held no real significance reached Odette's nose. Her ears flattened and her brow furrowed as she tried to figure out who it was. She had caught the scent before, and it only took her a few seconds to realize that it had been at the Valhalla meeting. She remained cautious as she walked across the plains, making sure to keep an eye out for a figure that matched the scent. Odette wasn't sure what her reaction was going to be, so she remained guarded.

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01-10-2014, 07:01 AM

Vahva being on alert, was easy to pin point the youth. Though in the tall grass it was nearly like they were two lions stalking each other. Vahva closed her red eyes for a few moments, yes, everyone, everyone in Valhalla was cautious of her. With good reason as well, with what she had heard of the war, it nearly broke her heart for such sadness to have befallen her fellow family. At the moment, she didn't even have her children to support her side. Tidus was still following Taurig in which she couldn't have done any longer. All the same, if she was going to do this, she needed to make an effort. She was naturally a leader, there was no need to be afraid of the outcome of things in the first place. So her tail flicked before she opened her eyes again. Giving a simple snort of air through her nose, a bit of a quick sigh before she stretched herself and stood up. Only standing at thirty four inches in height. Her bright blue mane a dead give away if not for the half black and half white coat as well.
"Hello." Vahva said in a soft friendly tone. Her calm demeanor the same as always. She gave a smile too, softening her gaze to the youth. The day was well in the sky, but regardless of such. It did not surprise her that others had come to the new Valhallan claimed lands aside from the mainland island they had taken to. In which Vahva had spent a little time alone to think. But hopefully, not every single valhallan was going to be difficult. She had already cracked Guinever, and Azalea so it had to be alright, right?




10 Years
01-14-2014, 01:57 AM

Bi-colored eyes of red and blue didn't twinkle right away when the female approached her. Odette was still unsure of how to respond, but she knew that being polite was the way to go. She padded a few more steps forward and then halted, tail twitching behind her left and right. Ears remained pricked forward in focused attention as she heard the one word leave the female's lips. A greeting that held no ill will behind it.
"Greetings," she said, tones firm and brimming with pride as Odette stood tall. She was definitely around the height of where her head would be between Gargoyle's massive shoulder and neck. A nearby breeze rippled through her fur, causing it to move in silent waves of black, gray, and tan. She didn't show a smile up front, but a twinge at the tips of her kissers wouldn't go unnoticed. "I saw you at the last meeting. What's your name again?"

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01-14-2014, 03:26 PM

Of course it would be this way, it was impossible to warm up to someone just out of the blue. It took time, and she knew that from being imprisoned. How she felt like she just wanted to lock the outside world out, leave it behind and just never go back to the way things once were. Her tail made a weird, flowing motion, like an ocean as her red eyes cocked slightly to look at her coat and the size of the youth. She would most likely grow to be taller then her, but than again only by a few inches. Her coat was a mixture of gray's, blues and some tans. It was interesting she had to say, and for some reason she wanted to say that she recognized it. Only the description though, from the friends she had made and left behind. Some didn't even deserve the fate that they had been thrown into. It made her quiet sad, as she sat down and curled her tail around her hind legs. She just kept her smile, things would be alright, she didn't have any ill will, and it would only take a little bit of time to get to know the pack.
"I'm Vahva Hutashi, I was born in Valhalla but due to some issue's I had been separated twice from the pack. So here I am again." She gave a light chuckle, trying to lighten the mood a bit. "What about you, I have to say you have a rather beautiful coat and pair of eyes." Vahva enjoyed looking at another's appearance. It was what calmed her, colors clashing, in strange markings that would save in case she would have a mental break down. But she didn't know anyone well enough to have one, because she refused to let her emotions get a hold of her in front of strangers who expected her to show her strength. Which was what she would do for the time coming.




10 Years
01-23-2014, 05:24 AM

If it was going to be a silent battle of wits and pride, Odette was up for the challenge. It wasn't verbalized, but it hung in the air like a hidden rain cloud. The young girl didn't know why she felt this way, but it was something that she could deal with. Slowly, Odette lowered her haunches to the ground, where her tail immediately swept to cover them. "Thank you," she said gently. "My parents are the ones to thank for that." Just thinking of Gargoyle and Ocena made her heart skip a beat. She wished they were still around...she missed them dearly.
Since they were a part of the same pack, Odette figured it would be okay to reveal her own information. "I am Odette Adravendi, daughter to Gargoyle and Ocena...and Chrysanthe Adravendi." If someone questioned her relationship to the Valhalla alpha, she would defend it in an instant. "Valhalla recently became my home and I intend to make it proud." She wasn't sure how, but she would until she couldn't anymore.

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01-30-2014, 01:37 PM

Vahva suddenly noticed that she had turned this into a competition. It must have been her blood boiling due to her family's judgment. Gargoyle....she had never met him but she had known glaciem was much better off when he had been ruler. It made her heart ache thinking of where it was and whose paws it was in now. That was life though, and they only struggled to get by. Though once she introduced her full name, and the name of her parents her head would tilt to one side. She was adopted, well it was no surprise Chrysanthe was an amazing woman. Vahva was close with her and Azalea, so it was no mind to her who Odette associated herself with. She would treat her no higher and no less than she would anyone else. Everyone in Valhalla was her family, including those who seemed to hate her from afar or were cautious of her.
"Is Chrysanthe your adopted mother?" She asked with the tilt of her head. No insult intended if she took it that way. "Sorry, assuming is bad. Regardless, she's an amazing woman I'm glad to call her a friend as well as the alphess of Valhalla." her tail flicked as she took in a deep breath and calmed herself. Offering a kind smile. "Indeed, I feel the same. I hope everyone can grow to trust me, and that I won't let them down." her red eyes flickered. "I'm just always so scared of my family being disappointed in me."




10 Years
02-09-2014, 01:59 AM

Odette caught on to Vahva noticing the invisible rain cloud. It made the young girl want to smirk with pride, but Ocena's genes prevented her from being so rude. Instead, she nodded gently to Vahva's question and continued to listen as the blue-haired woman spoke. Bits and pieces of the woman's personality and her values for herself and Valhalla tumbled from her mouth. Odette silently took them and spread them out in her mind for future references with the woman. It was something she was getting used to doing with new information and hoped that this habit would remain.
Red and blue eyes gave off their natural twinkle as she waited for the proper pauses so she could speak. "Yes, Chrysanthe is my adopted mother. When I had no one else to turn because of my parents..." It was a subject Odette didn't feel like dishing in front of Vahva. After all, she had just met the female, despite the high-ranked wolf wanting to be trusted by the whole pack. "Mother took me in and I could not be more happy with her generosity. I could never repay her for being so wonderful to me. That is why I am trying to do what you are doing already -- showing the pack that I am of value and they are my family as well."

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