
It's The Similarities That Bind Us



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-10-2014, 05:34 AM
Sin Armada

From the North, he went East. And there those two regions held no interest for him. His own pack it seemed, was not as strong as he had perceived it to be, and felt that his time there was being wasted. The Alpha was next to nonexistent now, Sin was starting to question the King that seemed so weak to debut his appearance to a pack that was obviously out of order as of late. A growl rumbled in his chest, if it were up to him, the pack would be well structured and always kept busy. Not left to rot away like the carcass of carrion for the crows to pick off of. He could sense the growing anxiety of some of his pack members, knowing that soon something would happen if something did not happen soon. A hiss escaped parted jaws, figuring that sooner or later, he would most likely have to take matters into his own hands. A weak leader is not what the pack should have, and should isardis fail and his pathetic excuse for a sister take it, she would be rest assured that she would not have it for very long. Sin had no time for weaklings like her, and if it had been up to him, he would have killed her the moment he had the ability to do so. Even their Mother Nephisa had regretted Romans life. Sensing that she would be one of the weaker ones, and it was true in the facts to date. Sin had witnessed nothing but failure from her time and time again. First, the encounter with the rogue she failed to fend off. And then the failure with the bear encounter. She was a fool, the king of all fools to be exact. And Sin would only laugh at her bleak demise in the future. If you were not strong, then you had no place here.

And so with thoughts brewing in his mind, he was pulled to the farthest reaches of the mainland. Black sand roiling in the breeze, sea birds screaming at him from overhead. He growled with a slight sense of annoyance, always pestered with the sound of unharmonious creatures. They were greedy, noisy, rats with feathers. Pathetic as any other weak prey...including weak wolves. He had no tolerance for them, and so chose to rush as a nearby flock, hissing, snapping, and growling. Teeth closing around the webbed foot of one as it took off a second to late in flight. Dragging it down, the bird yelled in fright, only to be muffled and muted by hungry jaws. Except, he did not eat it...he merely chose to quiet it by snapping its neck. He wasn't too hungry, so the thought of leaving it for a scavenger was appealing...then again, why should he miss out on the fun of meeting a stranger today?

Hastily, he dropped the carcass. Scattered feathers remained encircling it, as the tainted beast moved away to stand hidden within radius of the bird. His own scent blinded by he taint of gull blood, as well was the blood that already stained his coat. And there he would lie in wait, hopeful that something interesting would come by and try to steal his catch.



10 Years
01-10-2014, 05:53 AM

She was mentally wrapped up in a whirlwind of ideas and emotions. Odette had once again grown restless by being on the isolated piece of land known as Valhalla's new location. This explained why she was out and about near the Eastern borders. The beach itself was a welcoming sight to see, for she had childhood memories of playing along the shore of Alacritis. It wasn't the same stretch of beach, but she enjoyed the pleasure it brought along with her memories all the same.
The early morning air was fresh, but still held a hint of winter trying to stay. Needless to say, the temperature was brisk, and Odette was enjoying it. Her tail wagged behind her lazily as she trotted down the shoreline, picking up random bits of obsidian-colored sand grains as she went. Her eyes twinkled, but the merriment was cleverly hidden behind red and blue walls. She was trying to be more like her father in regards to hiding her emotions, but it was hard when Ocena was her mother. Odette's vivid images of her puppyhood and her parents spinning in her mind made the nine-month-old slow to a complete stop.
The waves of nostalgia and familiar emptiness of not having Gargoyle and Ocena around consumed her once again and she didn't fight it. The merriment that was hidden turned back on itself and she let the sorrow appear in her opts. Why did they have to leave her and her siblings without so much as a word? And the rest of her family...where, too, had they gone? It was all so overwhelming, especially if you included the family Odette had gained when Chrysanthe had taken her as her daughter. Her ears folded against her skull and she proceeded to walk down the beach with a hanging head.
Her woes were temporarily put at bay when she caught the scent of something familiar: blood. Ears unfolded and pricked straight up as her attention focused on where it was coming from. Like any type of pup, she was curious and her head rose from its depressed state as she gave a quick jump to her walk. Her paws trotted lightly across the black sands until she reached the source of the blood spill: a gull. Odette's eyes widened and she slowly took in the details of the harsh ending to the bird. She noticed the broken foot and the neck that helplessly hung in a curved fashion. Her eyes then searched the surrounding area as she pondered why it would be left out in the open when it was a perfectly edible meal. That was when she noticed it -- a set of paw prints left in the sand. Odette's defenses rose and she immediately thought, 'TRAP!' She knew it was probably too late to leave, so she stood tall and reclined to her haunches next to the bird. Clearing her throat, she covered her bases and made sure her guards were up before speaking to the salty sea air, "Oh. The poor bird. Who would do such a thing?" in a mocking tone of despair and panic. Oh, the irony.

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6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-10-2014, 07:19 AM (This post was last modified: 01-12-2014, 04:50 AM by Sin.)
Sin Armada

The heathen did not have to wait long before his sights zeroed in on a smaller figure. Steadily it got closer to his position, and narrowed amber orbs would soon tell him it was a young girl. Annoyance after annoyance...first the gulls, and then fate would deal him a little girl...could life get any more cruel? He surely hoped not. Gaze steadily followed her as she made the discovery of the mangled bird, the fresh morning salt air sweeping the feathers and scent of blood about like the fumes of a fireplace. Furthermore, the scent of a pack he had to assume, for it was unfamiliar to him. He knew the scent of Amenti, as well as Ludicael...but the western and southern packs were not yet within his memory. Surely if he stirred trouble with this young girl, a pack member of hers would be nearby, of that he had no doubt.

With an inaudible groan, the beast cocked his ears forward as he heard her voice carried towards him between their short distance apart. A roll of his eyes and a flick of his tail was evident, as was her ruse at pretending she had not noticed he was nearby. A mistake on his part, for not being a little more cautious in depleting the tracks he had left in the black sand. Rising his figure to be seen, he padded forward in an ominous display, amber pools staring at the child, brave and bold. "You are not as foolish as most I've come upon...even if I were as careless as I was with my tracks, they would have still gone unseen by the fool who took food over safety." He smirked briefly, looking the young girl over. She was certainly attractive...especially her bi-colored orbs of red and blue, an interesting combination indeed.



10 Years
01-11-2014, 04:19 PM

Odette was not surprised when a figure broke through a hiding place behind the nearby foliage. She turned one ear backward as his appearance stunned her right off the bat. The young girl was definitely surprised by his looks, for she had never seen crimson red stain a perfectly white pelt like his. However, she got over the stunned first glance and was able to hide the surprise that had threatened to brim on her opts' surfaces. Maybe hiding her emotions from strangers wouldn't be so hard.
She raised an eyebrow at the words that left his mouth. Was there a hint of being impressed in his lyrics? Perhaps, and it only made her self-confidence boost by a smidge. Not many people had said anything regarding her smarts, so she took it upon herself to reply in a way that didn't display cockiness. "Well, thank the heavens I am not like those wolves you have crossed paths with."
Odette smiled and wrapped her tail around her haunches as she took note of how he looked her over. She didn't mind the assessment he was making, for she was interested in his looks as well (even if she didn't show it up front). Both ears then turned forward and she chuckled when she said, "I'm glad I ate before I came out here, then. But even so, safety should always come before food...At least, that's how it is in my book." And it was true. Odette had always been the kind of wolf to seek shelter out of harm's way over food. It probably explained why, for a time, she was nothing but bones and fur. The memory of hunting with Meilli came up and she thumped her tail against the ground from the happy thought. It seemed that her past experiences would always come back to meet her in a way. "From the way you had hidden, it seemed you feel the same. I could be wrong, though." A light shrug was given as she patiently waited for his response.

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6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-17-2014, 10:48 PM
Sin Armada

The girl looked him over, a half smile curling tainted lips as he caught a glimpse of the surprise in her bi-colored eyes. It was an interesting combination to him, just as he was sure his pelt was an interesting sight to her. Amber gaze bore into her, his curiosity peaked. Perhaps there was a chance this encounter would go smoothly...after all, he had his most recent drives satiated for now. The femmes Arietta and Illja satisfying the male within the last few days, and his prize was waiting for him on an island where he would claim as his lair now, and for the future. " are definitely lucky, bi-colored one." A slight hint of humor would seep into his usual hard stare. He did not know her name, though he was sure he would learn it soon enough. Even so, he would call her by a name relating to her red and blue optics. It wasn't everyday he saw others with such bold colors.

The beast moved closer, head tilting slightly as he took in her form. He enjoyed studying those he came across, one never knew if he would require assistance in the future...and surely if she turned out to be an enemy, he wouldn't want to forget either. But for her sake, he hoped for once she wouldn't turn out to be an enemy. She was much to pretty to go to waste in such a manner. The girl sat as he continued his observance, and once he was done he too took a seat where he stood. The winds shifted, blowing gently the sand that covered the large expanse of beach on which they sat. A light rumble broke within his chest when the girl spoke, she was a smart one for someone so young. "You are to protect oneself from an unwanted predicament should always come first. However, there are many who seem to not grasp that concept."

And with carelessness, they meet their demise. He thought darkly, and this girl was lucky she had not been careless. Stained ears lifted forward as she made a remark about him. A deep chuckle emanating between off white teeth. "I suppose you can say that...though secrecy and concealment is my preferred approach. You do not miss much, do you? Tell me young one, what is your name and where do you hail from?"



10 Years
01-18-2014, 01:23 AM

"It runs in my genes," she said with a chuckle. Odette was proud of her birth parents, especially when they were legends themselves. She intended to be one in the future, but she needed help now instead of later. What increased her chances of success was the love and support of her mother, Chrysanthe. She adored her mother, even when she made her mad (which wasn't often). Odette took notice of his nickname for her and she gave a curt nod to it. "No one has called me that before, but I appreciate it, nonetheless."
She noticed the rumble in his chest and realized that he was laughing. It was a nice realization to her, knowing that she could make a complete stranger chuckle. Her fur was once again ruffled by the wind that surrounded their part of the beach and she replied with her own words once more. "I think that comes from having a very protective father. When I was little, he made sure we were all safe and secure. He never turned his back and I think that made me love him more..." 'For the short time I had him,' she thought.
He voiced his own preferred approaches and she nodded in agreement. "I think that is a smart way to keep yourself protected. Making sure your own skin is safe before going out in the open is important as well...I've been doing it for almost a year, until recent events changed it for me." She smiled widely after this comment, for the idea of Chrysanthe being her saving grace was enough to make her heart race in love and adoration all over again.
It was then that the male asked of her name and she didn't hold back from telling him. "Yes sir, I try not to miss for my name, I'm Odette, recently given Adravendi as my last name. I come from a random spot on the ocean, where I live in peace with my pack, Valhalla." She thumped her tail against the beach, showering her feet with tiny amounts of black crystals. "I love being a part of the pack, especially since my life before it was random and nothing seemed like sure footing..." A sigh escaped her lips and she made eye contact with the burning embers in his face. "What of you, sir? What are you called and where do you come from?"

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