
Moon's Rising in the East

Twig I


01-15-2014, 03:18 AM

The oddly marked woman would walk slowly up to the pond, her senses all a blur as she tried to calm her breath. She had seen him again, though she knew he had to be a dream. A simple trick of the mind, but it always felt so real. She could even feel where his jaws had been clamped around her throat. But the deep breaths were helping, and the water would wash the rest of the nightmare into the depth of the lake. Twig's royal gaze would peer into the depth as she arrived at the shore, her lonely reflection would stare back at her stoic features. Long black tipped banner would kiss her heals as her delicate slate paws started to carry her around the edge of the pool.
A sigh would escape her lips as she settled down under a tree, a soft spring breeze would play in her long coat as her lavender eyes would peer into the light of the moon. She could feel the familiar ache in her chest, she'd been separated from her family for the better part of two months. She'd always wanted to be out in the world on her own, but this was hardly what she'd been planning on. She wanted to run to her brothers and boast all of the wonderful places she'd seen, but she couldn't. They were lost, and she didn't even know that she'd ever see them again. As she shook a tear that threatened to spill from her darkly marked eyes she would lower her head to enjoy the drink of cool water she'd been craving.
As she quenched the thirst shining droplets of the liquid would run down her white chin as she let herself stand once more. Eyes once again seeking the guidance of the moon. She'd hardly spent any of her time practicing her disguises, her heart could simply not take it when she knew not where to find the ones she loved. Narrowing her eyes she would grit her teeth as she bit back the emotions that boiled within. She would find them, she had to. She'd break from her stance, and would let the emotion of her sorrow pour out as she let a howl loose from pristine lips. It was a call of need and sadness.. she just wanted to see them.

I can talk!


01-16-2014, 12:31 PM
It was Ritsuka's first night away from Tortugan lands since he had joined the pack. He had found himself a cozy little den, well, two cozy little dens. One in each of the two territories that made up his home. After all, one never knew where they might be when darkness fell. But tonight there would be no warm den to slip into. That was alright though... the brute's emerald eyes shown with wakefulness. He didn't want to sleep. Not tonight. Tonight was a night for further wandering Alacritia and discovering different contents of the land.

A call would reach earthern ears. A saddened call, likely that of a loner. For a moment Ritsuka would pause, wondering if he should go see the female whose call had pierced the air. It wasn't necessarily his concern over a loner... especially with his duty being to his pack now. But at the same time Ritsuka couldn't help but feel it rude to completely ignore the other. Who knew? Maybe they might want to join Tortuga... or prove to be an ally. Maybe he'd just make a friend.

When Ritsuka arrived at the lake and his gaze finally fell upon the form of another wolf he was intrigued at her appearance. She held unique markings... especially the one on her shoulder. The brute would slowly approach, calling out to her when he was still a respectable distance away.

"Would you like some company?" He would ask. One should not just simply assume it was okay to join another.


01-16-2014, 12:48 PM
Night was a good time to travel when leaving one den and taking another. Isabella never liked to stay in one den for too long, it would simply let her scent build up in one location and with her size having others know where she lived was nothing short of a danger. A pack would see the end of this movement yet she was still alone but then again that gave her freedom. Moving on with a bit of joy in her heart the fox colored female carried herself with pride and a calm strength and direction.

No energy was waited in her steps, and they were taken to make it clear she was a wolf not a fox as her pelt would sometimes have others think. Not that she needed to be so careful and defensive this late at night but it was in her nature to be strong and show that she was one who was free from the ranks of others. It also helped to show no emotion on her face or hide all she could in her icy blue eyes, no emotion was for the weak.

Then again, they all had emotions as a cry full of it rang in the night. Isabella may have done her best to hide her own feelings but at least she could try to ease those of another, she was cold not heartless. Maybe she could even teach the dangers of howling so in the night and have another be able to master their emotions as well. Well, not in the span of one night but it was a start.

Turning in her path she traced the sound to the water where a female was. The female's pelt reminded her of a badger except for a marking on the side. What was that marking, ah yes a 'cross' as she had been told by the blood stained male. It seemed the sorrowful female was not alone in the night though as another approached her. Isabella approached as well, at a similar distance as the male who seemed younger than them and smelled of a pack. Staying far enough to stay comfortable and not be a threat to either or in danger of them she stood. "A cry of such sorrow in the night tends to draw a crowd it seems."

There, that was advice and advice she was pleased with, it was dangerous to call without knowing who was around and emotion always got attention. Her own voice held none as per usual yet in her heart it felt good to give advice, or what she saw as advice to others. The male offered her company but that wasn't as good as a lesson to be learned. Though she was curious as to why the wolf felt in such a way and it would be rude to just ignore such pain. "Though it seems this time the crowd is not dangerous. Maybe even we can help if you like." The words 'this time' made it clear that not every time would wolves that seemed so open and friendly would show up. Even if she did not like to show emotion or understand those that did, she could at least try to make this one feel better, it was the right thing to do after all if the other wanted them there.

Twig I


01-16-2014, 01:27 PM

It seemed her lonesome howl would make for grabbing the attention of others, it was not as she had planned. A low growl would boil deep within the she wolf's chest as her ears pinned themselves against her skull. She wanted the company of those who were missing, not that of a stranger who had heard her emotions slip out. She wished not pity, she didn't wish help either. Twig knew she was fully capable she could deal with her sadness on her own. And she would find her family with out the help of anyone else. Her attention would become focused on the male who would draw forth from the cover of the wood, her displeasure in seeing another wolf was long hidden. Though her eyes would narrow considerably as she let a glimpse of her off white canines be seen. She didn't want him any closer. "Would you like some company?" A snort could be heard come from her nostrils at his suggestion. It seemed she would not be allowed to mourn in peace.
Before she could react any more the presence of another would become known to her. Crown would swivel in the direction of the footsteps before another wolf breached the clearing. Twig would hold back the urge to utter another growl, the bristly she wolf had been ill prepared for other predators. The lake however, would be considered a high traffic area, what with most creatures needing a bit of water at some point in their lives. She could only assume that her erring cry had ushered them to her side. "A cry of such sorrow in the night tends to draw a crowd it seems." Words would be issued to her as the Vixen colored wolf would stop a distance away from her. "Though it seems this time the crowd is not dangerous. Maybe even we can help if you like." She took hardly any notice of most words, the only one to stick out at her was "help".
Eye would widen as she could feel her hackles bristling. She didn't need help! She didn't need help from anyone.. not ever. Biting back the growl that threatened to break through, she would take in a deep breath and regain control of herself. Her fur would find its way to a resting position once again as she debated about making use of her own voice. Their kindness seemed to be lost on the girl as she took their offers as a personal insult rather than the peaceful offerings. "I don't need anyone's help." Her voice was hardly above a whisper as her royal purple gaze would dart from one wolf to the other. She just wanted her family, and though she was loathe to ask anyone anything, she knew she would be defeated if she did not ask if they had seen any of her family's members. A growl would again be issued, but this time it was not directed towards the strangers. She was frustrated with herself for having to stoop so low as to ask them, "Tell me though, have you seen others like me? Have you seen anyone else marked with a cross?" the desperation was not well hidden as she let her tongue betray her.
Twig would not want to trust these strangers, but she had few options. She was completely alone in this strange land, with not a clue as to where she should start searching for those lost from her. Her desperation would cause her to go to new heights, and to ask for help she so bitterly despised.



02-01-2014, 03:01 AM
A second fae would appear, speaking. Her words almost had a bit of an... eerie quality to them. He would turn his head in her direction, flicking an ear back in uncertainty. Did she expect most wolves that came across a scene like this to do something villainous? He would give a soft, almost inaudible scoff. Such a fae... though it definitely appeared the one they had come across would be able to handle herself if any sort of trouble came her way. The thing that was wrong with her was a matter of the heart... and to that Ritsuka could relate. How terribly he missed his littermate, Blizzard. With a sigh he would look back to the first femme.

Her words would come just above a whisper, though Ritsuka could sense hostility in her voice. Eh, if these female suddenly decided to run them off he wasn't going to be thrilled. It was all well and good if you didn't want to accept help and make yourself more miserable, but don't drag others down with you. The thought would spike his mind, almost with a sense of bitter anger. But rather than let that take control of him Ritsuka would continue to quietly listen.

He would keep calm, raising a brow as she asked her question. Cross? He assumed that was the strange marking on her body. "I'm afraid that I have not, however, if I run into any, I'll be sure to tell them that you are looking for them." He felt bad that he didn't have an answer to her desperate plea... but he was still willing to try and help, even if she didn't seem to want to take it.



02-01-2014, 01:30 PM
The woman quickly grew angry but she did not seem like a threat as she quickly relaxed. It seemed her own words of helped had sparked the anger, that at least was something Isabella could understand. She was very much a loner, and even when she was in a pack she did many things by herself. Though she never minded helping others she hated to ask for help and only did when it was dire.

It seemed though the woman did have need of them and asked for their help. Whoever the others were they must have been important to the woman. She thought of the mark, the thing humans used for their gods. Aside from this woman she had never seen it on a wolf yet she wondered now if there was any connecting between the gods that must have left the humans and the mark on a wolf. Coincidences were rather rare but having no evidence one way or another she couldn't really make a judgement. Still, it was interesting to say the least.

As the male spoke she kept her ears on him. He already seemed unsure of her, but he did not seem aggressive so there was no need to watch him as closely as the woman. After he replied she spoke. "I have not seen any either. I am sorry we cannot help you now but perhaps we can in the future? Your name may be enough help, or the names of others with such marks. At the very least if we see them, we can say we saw you." The offer was warm in her heart yet her voice had no change. That didn't mean she wouldn't give a offer of good manors though. "In return for your name, it will be fare to give my own. I am Isabella VentFlurrer."[ Her head dipped as she introduced herself, held low for just a moment before rising once more.

Twig I


02-10-2014, 01:56 PM

Twig could feel her patience growing thinner as she kept herself in the presence of the two wolves. She certainly would not snap at them, but she was not against running off into the wilderness. Both of them would ignore her first statement, but were useful enough to lend her the information they had about the whereabouts of her family. The calm male would raise an eyebrow to her question, and with out much thought he would easily answer her, "I'm afraid that I have not, however, if I run into any, I'll be sure to tell them that you are looking for them." It would seem that he too had no information for her, but offered to say something should he happen across her lost kin. She would try to make herself grateful, but the act of accepting help was still more than difficult for her. The woman who had found herself there too would speak, "I have not seen any either. I am sorry we cannot help you now but perhaps we can in the future? Your name may be enough help, or the names of others with such marks. At the very least if we see them, we can say we saw you. In return for your name, it will be fare to give my own. I am Isabella VentFlurrer." She was right, if they passed along a message certainly they would not be able to give her name with it.
Though she was loathe to speak more to them, she would allow her name to be spilt upon the table. All the while hoping that she sounded sincere enough, "Thank you, for your cooperation. She would nod in thanks, though it was obvious she was quite ready to bolt at any moment still. "You may tell them that Twig is searching for those who belong to the Black Clan." She would finish and would turn to the both of them, making sure they understood. She was ready to be off then, her time around them had already been too much. She would stand, but before she took off forever she would eek out another appreciation, "Thank you, again." She would lower her head slightly then with out warning her slate colored legs would carry her off back into the dark night.

-Exit Twig-
.ooc. Sorry about ending this so abruptly, but she's changed so much as a character since this thread started its kinda hard to continue. <3
