
Here Fishy Fishy

Sucre I


01-05-2014, 03:40 PM
Carlito "Sucre" Dalibor

Following his nose, Sucre searched for the river. He could smell it; the heavy blend of plant decay, fish waste and minerals. Encouraged by the sun, the water warmed and clouds of the odorous vapor lifted off its surface, tendrils of the scent dispersing far and wide. Unless he was farther away than he thought or his ears deceived him, the brute guessed that the stretch of river he was headed towards was calm and flowed easy. Perfect. That's just what he was looking for.
The brute picked the path of least resistance; his paws meeting nothing but soft mud and damp plant matter. Others had come this way at some point and even though their scent tainted nothing around him evidence of their passing surrounded him. He was getting closer.

It had been some days since his last encounter with wolfkind and to be honest, he hadn't been that impressed. This land was very different from the one he'd be born in, that much he knew, and so were the inhabitants. The stranger's voice had been laced with an accent he wasn't familiar with and it made conversing difficult. Eventually, their conversation having stalled, the two brutes had parted. No matter. He hadn't been Sucre's type anyway.

Finally the bushes opened up before him and lo and behold, there it was: the river.

Down he went, slipping and sliding down the muddy embankment. At one point Sucre was up to his belly in mud. Every time one leg was freed another got pulled in deeper. The brute slowly picked and hopped his way towards the water, wishing he'd thought a little further ahead and found a better place to come down. Really, a little foresight would have saved him a lot of trouble.

At last, Sucre eased himself into the water. The mud under his paws was still thick and slimy, but the buoyancy of the water removed enough weight from him to keep him aloft. He swam out into the river, a cloudy trail of mud behind him, tail swishing from side to side like a rudder. Oh, baby was it cold! He let out a whoop as the frigid water seeped into his fur. Cold, cold, cold! Geez Louise, he was gonna freeze his backside-and all of its parts-off!
He snapped at the water, catching and lifting a mouthful up before spitting it out between his teeth. The brute took to spinning and snapping, spitting and flinging water in all directions, laughing while he did so. Sure, he was grown, but where was the fun in acting like it all the time? Or ever, really? No, he'd much rather laugh and yes, be laughed at, than shoulder the world like some wolves did.

Frozen bits aside, he was enjoying himself. Heck, maybe if he were lucky he could walk away with a fish.


01-05-2014, 04:17 PM

Oh now this was much better! Elan strode along at an easy pace enjoying the warmer climates of the south. While spring had finally come to the northern territories the area was entirely still to full of snow for his tastes. Elan paused in his travels for just a second to close his eyes and take in the warmth of the sunlight and the songs of the birds. It was a perfect day no denying it? though a nice cool drink would make this day even better and in the distance he could hear the sound of a river.

The brute picked up his feet into a leisurely trot once more as he navigated through this unclaimed terra. This land was indeed a vast one and with no sign of any packs nearby he felt incredibly free. While Elan enjoyed company he was still unsure if he would join a pack again. He supposed he would though his recent experiences hadn't gone that well. He'd give one thing to pack life though the eating was definitely better.

Mud squished beneath Elan's toes as he approached the massive river, it's levels had clearly risen from the melting snow of winter making the banks extra muddy. Carefully Elan picked his way over to a uprooted tree that must of tumbled as the risen water levels ate at the soil around it's roots. He scooted his way carefully along the trunk that was about two feet in diameter, tail lashing as he worked to keep his balance. Finally Elan bent to drink, ears twitching at the wealth of sounds around him, searching for threats.


Elan's head jerked up as he looked downriver for the source of the splash that was quickly followed by whooping and laughing. Was someone swimming in this? It was bound to be freezing and lo and behold several meters away was grayish brute playing in the water.

Elan eased himself onto his belly and let his forelimbs test the water? oh it was crazy! He barked out at the other wolf with a teasing grin.

"Hello there! May I ask what madness has driven you into such a predicament?"

Clearing my throat?
[Image: Elan_bot_zps953357d1.jpg]

Sucre I


01-05-2014, 06:31 PM
Carlito "Sucre" Dalibor

He couldn't feel his toes! It was like paddling around with rocks on the ends of his legs. A shout a little ways down the river drew his attention and the wolf turned to grin at the stranger. Madness, eh? He'd show him madness. He carried on pouncing and flinging water. Maybe if he was lucky some would hit th-whoosh! The brute pounced a little too high, a little too far out, and before he realized what was happening, Sucre found himself completely submerged. He kicked out and up, searching for the surface, and when he found it the brute came up with a roar. Alright, alright, maybe it was time to dry off. Sucre swam to shore-away from the muddy side-and pulled himself up onto a rock. He sat down with a splat and sneezed a couple of times to clear his nose.

While the last sneeze still echoed off the trees, Sucre flashed a smile in the other brute's direction. "My whole brain went 'why the hell not?!' and I just had to. You should try it; it's invigorating." Madness? Definitely. But it was a good, 'I'm alive' kind of madness. He snorted, stopping a bead of water from entering his nose, and then stood to shake out his coat. Lordy, was he cold! The water had been frigid, but out in the open with the breeze blowing? Much worse! He resisted the urge to shiver.

"Name's Sucre, by the way," he said with a smile. With his fur all spiked up and water running and dripping off of him, now he probably looked mad. The brute absently drug a toe through the growing puddle at his paws, making a series of lines beside it. "So what's your name, stranger, if you don't mind me asking?" If they were going to sit here shooting the breeze why may as well get acquainted.


01-05-2014, 07:37 PM
It was the sound of merriment in the distance that had caught the attention of the dark furred princess. His black ears would twitch, catching the sound, his head turning to the direction of the river. The brute would ponder heading in that direction. It sounded fun. Fun was good, yes? Well of course! A princess needed to blend in with those around her... and if they were to have fun the he was going to have fun too!

Kyda's tail and back end swayed as he made his way to where he could see the two strangers. He was humming to himself, a strange, off tune that had little rhythm, and yet he moved as if it the self made music had the simplest beat to follow. The two that graced the view of the princess' blue eyes were of the male sex. His eyes would flick first to the one on the rock, then to the one on the fallen tree.

The princess would start across the mud, feeling it sqealsh up around his paws. He was closer to the brute who had pulled himself out of the river onto the rock. He would bark out his greeting, perfectly normal to him, but not so much to another wolf.

"Fun having be to you seem. Hahaha. Join mind if I?"

Sucre I


01-05-2014, 08:59 PM (This post was last modified: 01-05-2014, 09:01 PM by Sucre I.)
Carlito "Sucre" Dalibor

The sound of humming proceeded the entrance of another wolf. This one, a male, came in bobbing and swaying like he was listening to a song so fantastic it demanded movement. Sucre's head canted to one side, eying the newcomer with interest. Now who was this guy? He flicked an ear back as the brute spoke. What? Hm. Confusion made his ears twitch but he didn't dwell on it long, choosing to roll with the new guy's offbeat greeting. "Yeah, sure, come on in. Water's great!" He suppressed another shiver, one side of his mouth turning up in a half smile. "Bit nippy." A lot nippy, actually. The dip wasn't his best idea.

You know what would be nice and warming? A fish flopping around in his belly. Sucre eyed the water, but didn't see anything. Was it too cold for fish? Was it ever too cold for fish? He didn't think so. Maybe they were just recovering from his wicked water ninja moves. Oh, well. He wasn't very good at fishing anyway. The few times that he'd done it the brute found the task to be kinda boring and in the end what he'd walked away with wasn't really worth the time spent catching it. From then on if he craved fish the brute simply stole it from a better fisher.

Sucre stretched and then shook out his fur again, creating a new crop of spikes throughout his coat. Either his fur was beginning to dry or it was beginning to freeze; either way, he'd stopped dripping. Now he was itchy. Or maybe just fidgety; he hadn't decided yet. The brute sat down hard, leaned to the side and stuck out a foot, lifting the appendage up to scratch it across his ribs. Yep. Itchy.


01-05-2014, 09:27 PM
ooc: THIS IS THE CORRECT ONE. I will have the post with the wrong account removed but wanted this one here so the thread is not held up because of my dork moment.

Elan shook himself as some of the water splashed him but he'd been expecting as much as the other wolf came paddling toward him. Suddenly the wolf submerged. Elan was on his feet and wondering if he'd need to jump in. Had the other seized up in the frigid water? Great, Elan finally met another wolf just in time to see the brute drown himself perfect. His legs bent and he was about ready to spring to there rescue when the daring ebony wolf resurfaced with a howling gasp. Elan laughed. "Whew! Glad you're alive. You're not the type of princess I typically like to rescue."

Elan scooted over in case the other brute wanted to join him on the log but instead the wolf pulled himself onto a nearby rock and started shaking himself out. "My whole brain went 'why the hell not?!' and I just had to. You should try it; it's invigorating." Elan eased himself back onto his belly and splashed playfully at the water with his left front paw. Yeech, it was cold! He smiled and turned to the other. "I contemplated it til I saw your head disappear under the water. But I think I'm fine here? nice and dry."

The wolf introduced himself as Sucre and then asked for his name. Elan happily replied, glad for at least a bit of company after a long journey. "Elan Raksiel, nice to meet you Sucre!"

The slurping sound of mud caught Elan's attention and he turned to see another male approaching. He also had a dark-colored pelt. Elan eyed the new brute passively and even offered a little smile. The other certainly didn't seem threatening. This was confirmed when he began to speak. Elan stared and turned to Sucre taken aback. Well? he hadn't been expecting that.

Elan grinned at Sucre's statement about the water and in response sprawled himself on the log, legs to either side. "Also a good day for sunning but if you've the fortitude swimming is a healthy way to get in shape. What's your name stranger? I'm Elan and this is Sucre?" Elan turned to see Sucre staring at the water intently. "You see something, Sucre? I've often wondered if there's anything good to eat in these waters. I wonder if all the fish are at the bottom?"

Clearing my throat?
[Image: Elan_bot_zps953357d1.jpg]


01-12-2014, 11:35 PM
The princess would twitch his ears, soft blue gaze shifting to the water. Nippy? Oh that wouldn't do at all. Cold air was one thing, because he had fur that could keep him warm, but cold water could penetrate that. The princess would shiver before his attention was directed over to the more earthy colored brute. He was handsome as well, though Kyda himself was particular to those as dark as night. He introduced the two of them; Sucre and Elan.

Kyda would come to a stop by the nippy water edge before casting his gaze over to Elan. "Kyda. Ethne Princess Kyda." He would do a slight bow, bringing his right leg up close to his chest. Then he would lower his head to the water, using his tongue to test the temperature of the water. With a soft snort Kyda would step back shaking his head with disappoint.

"Too cold far! Cold cold coooold!" There was no way in hell the princess was going in water when it was that cold. His gaze would flick back to Elan. "Tricky are to catch fishies." He would say, soft blue eyes flicking to the water. He would lower his front half to the ground, water lapping at his front paws. His tail would wag in the air, eyes gazing into the water for a long moment. After a while Kyda would straighten up.

"Go we hunt soon, yes?" He looked from Elan to Sucre. "Sleepy fishes prey a get hard."

Sucre I


01-14-2014, 08:11 PM
Carlito "Sucre" Dalibor

"You see something, Sucre? I've often wondered if there's anything good to eat in these waters. I wonder if all the fish are at the bottom?" A slow smile tugged up the corners of his mouth. Sucre half shrugged, rolling his shoulders up and then rocking forward on his front toes before settling back down. The cold was making him a bit antsy. "Well, there's only one sure fire way of telling," His smile grew wider. "And I've already had my turn." Oh, man would he laugh if the wooly brute jumped in! His coat might help him for like, a mouthful of seconds, but then the water would soak in and the cold would hit his skin. His breath would get squeezed out of his lungs and he'd shout, the chilly water prickling him all over. And of course, Sucre would be laughing. Oh, he'd laugh! He'd laugh so hard he couldn't breath. It was all wishful thinking. The brute probably had enough sense to stay out of the water, which was a shame.

Princess Kyda. Sucre's ears twitched, conveying a wide range of emotions before laying like they had when the strange brute first spoke. His eyes flicked to Elan, asking him a silent question. Was this guy for real? Did he really think he was a princess or was he just messing with them? If you put aside his odd way of speaking and the whole princess thing, Kyda looked like a normal guy; he didn't look like someone who'd flipped his shit and would giggle while pulling the skin off their faces. For all Sucre could tell, he was just an odd duck.

Sucre's ears returned to their regular upright position. Well, it didn't matter too much, so long as he wasn't raving crazy. Whatever made Kyda happy, the brute decided.

"Tricky are to catch fishies." He had to agree with him on that. "Tricky indeed." Sucre wasn't much of a fisher. Well, he wasn't a terrific hunter either, but that was beside the point. Fish were just something he didn't get; there didn't seem to be a rhyme or reason to how they moved. He watched and he stalked, and he watched and stalked some more, and they just...swam wherever. Now rabbits? Rabbits he understood. They moved with purpose, with a goal in mind. As far as he could tell fish just swam around with their mouths open. The only time they moved with purpose was when he was moving with purpose towards them.

Hunting? Well, yeah, he could go hunting. He was a bit soggy still and he'd probably be drippy for awhile, but there wasn't much he could do about it. Maybe some running would dry his fur out some. "What's good eating around here?"


01-16-2014, 08:17 PM

Oh there was definitely something wrong with that one. Elan wasn't sure what to make of princess Kyda but it was pretty obvious the other wolf had some sort of weird brain damage that had him talking in such a fragmented manner. Elan supposed the other wolf was fine in other areas or had a pack to help care for him? er? her?

Elan met Sucre's glance and shrugged. He had no idea what to do with the other wolf. A little uncomfortable and unsure how to deal with their new companion Elan turned his attention fully back to Sucre and the matter of lunch. He grinned then stood and stretched before strolling back to shore before someone got the clever idea to push him in. Sucre brought up the prospect of lunch again and Elan sat down thoughtfully. "Maybe we should find some prey more suitable to the weather? With three of us we've a better chance to take down a deer. Unless you wanted to try something more exotic? Possum? Badger? Beaver? .....hopefully not squirrels. Oh! What about prairie chickens?"

[Image: Elan_bot_zps953357d1.jpg]