
This Long Road



01-06-2014, 09:20 AM

And from the darkness
We shall all be reborn

The day was unusually warm, and all around him was the buzzing of insects and the silent hum of sunlight. Below him a dark granite stone baked in the sunlight, and above him white clouds floated, puffy and immense. Perhaps they were teh precursor to a spring storm, but for now the day was peaceful. That was what he had come to this area to seek, in fact. It was the most serene, tranquil place he had been able to find, and so it was that he decided to make it his home. He found it within him to smile, and drink in the scents of new moss and a recent rain. Sparse flowers bloomed among the grasses. A ways off he spotted a flick of movement. Tensity filled his body, pushing the peace violently from him. His hackles rose, his lips pulled back, and his claws dug into the stone.

A heartbeat later, he saw that the supposed threat was, in truth, naught but a young rabbit. It had not spotted him, laying on high, and went about it's business. Meanwhile, Razo's heart beat had run away from him. It hammered in his chest, and he felt dizzy with the sudden rush of adrenaline. Damn, he thought to himself, faintly. He still had a very long way to go. The sun suddenly felt hot on his dark furred back, and he lept from his rock. Keen ears picked up the rabbit's alarm and resultant flight, but Razo did not give chase. His ears flicked in frustration. He had done his best to avoid blood since leaving, preferring to scavenge when he could. Taking lives now made him bitter, and fearful. His angry thoughts raged, reminding him that he was a wolf, a hunter, and it was his right to kill. He shut his eyes, and slumped down into the shadows.

"Talk" Think "You"


01-06-2014, 10:28 AM

Within the same moment that the man had dropped to the earth she would erupt, lips pulled back into a snarl, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, and tongue rolling hungrily within her mouth as she went for the kill. Seconds later the vermin's throat lay locked between an imprisonment of sharp fangs, pleads for life masked beneath her snarls after each bone crunching squeeze. Finally it had died, and without much thought she would release it, iced over gaze watching the prey fall to the earth with a thud. Salmon painted tongue would caress her lips as she cleared any blemishes from her mouth, her right paw placed over the hares body as if some unknown thief were waiting to steal it. She had no idea that there was a man only feet away from her due to the intoxicating blood that masked her nostrils. Right now she was too preoccupied with her kill to realize he was there, so when he did make his presence known, she would not be happy about it.




01-06-2014, 10:37 AM

If i could just see it all - just like a fly on the wall

Would i be able to accept what i can't control?

The altercation between wolf and rodent came upon Razo suddenly, and with startling intensity. Within seconds the smell of blood rushed towards him. Warm, fresh, wonderful blood. Razo drew in a deep, shaky breath as sights and sounds of the past rushed up from his memory like a geyser. He stumbled away from the rock, growling and shaking his head vigorously, trying to oust them. When they ended, they left with the signature agony of his time under the water, the friendly reminder that his eternity was on the line. His muscles spasmed and locked up, clenching from the pain. He seized, eh could not move. He could manage only slow, rapid breathing, desperately pleading to be let loose from his painful prison. Eventually, his episode ebbed and ended. He sank to the ground, exhausted, only vaguely realizing that there was another wolf in the area. An invader to his peaceful retreat. A threat. But he could not care, his mind seemed full of cotton, fuzzy and dim. His vision spun, and jolts of pain still swam through his body now and then. He moaned, and shook his head once more. What had just happened?



01-06-2014, 10:49 AM

The sounds of heavy breaths was the first to cause her audits to fold against her skull, the heavy thud following the distressed breathing patterns causing her defenses to raise instantly. What in the hell? Were the words that would cross her mind as she would leave only a few seconds gap between the time she had heard him and the time that she had began to turn. She would pivot a full one hundred and eighty degrees until her cerulean gaze was set in the direction that she presumed he had stumbled off into. His scent was overpowering now that she had heard him, and she scolded herself consciously for not acknowledging his presence sooner. How long had he been this close to her? And where was he from? "You! As a woman of Glaciem I demand you tell me who you are!" She would exclaim, demanding an answer and nothing more. If he were an enemy to Glaciem she would need to react properly, whither it be through violence, or a quick escape.




01-06-2014, 10:59 AM

And from the darkness
We shall all be reborn

Razo's labored breathing would calm some when he heard the female voice. He would have been more threatened by a male, more prone to act violently. No, this was something he could work with, he just had to control himself. He drew in a deep, calming breath, and turned to face his assailant. She was small, at least compared to his monstrous size, and silver in color. She held herself proudly, and claimed to be a wolf of some organization or other. Perhaps a pack, though he had never heard of one named 'Glaciem.' He would endeavor to answer her, but it would not be so smooth as he wished. His dry throat prohibited words until he had swallowed several times. His voice, when speech came upon him, was shaky. "I-I am Razo the-" he caught himself, fear trilling through his limbs. Razo the Demonborn... He steeled himself, and his voice gained strength. "Razo the Reborn. Your sudden appearance startled me. I was deep in thought." Perhaps he might gauge the wolf's intelligence from that comment. He thought that only a great fool would believe that such an extreme reaction could come from being surprised. "And what is your name, woman of Glaciem?"

"Talk" Think "You"


01-06-2014, 11:42 AM (This post was last modified: 01-06-2014, 11:45 AM by Liberty.)

Cerulean colored eyes would hungrily roll over his massive frame as she absorbed his astonishing size. He was even taller than Isardis, and wore many what she presumed were battle scars along his caramel pelt. Again, where in the hell had he come from, because he didn't seem like a typical native of Alacritis. She would continue to watch him carefully, eyes shimmering with curiosity as she attempted to figure him out based on his rugged exterior. A bad habit would boil to the surface as he seemed to choke on his first words, her ebony lips pulling into a smirk as she listened to him speak. He seemed like a man who was easily thrown into a frenzy, so she would need to tread lightly into the unknown. "My name is Liberty Sovari. Remember it well." She would state, head held high as she looked down upon the male despite his height difference. There was something about her that screamed superiority. "Where did you come from Razo? Are you a friend or enemy to Glaciem?" She would inquire, for if he were an enemy, there was still unfinished business to attend to.



01-06-2014, 02:23 PM

If i could just see it all - just like a fly on the wall

Would i be able to accept what i can't control?

The monstrous male drank in the small fae's words, particularly her name, bidding himself to remember it. He wondered if it would work. He had a terrible mind for things like that, and while he could promise the fae nothing, he did not voice this. Instead he listened as she went on, asking him to state his relation to what he was certain was a pack. A chuckled worked it's way up and out of his mouth, and he smirked. "Why, Liberty, I am neither. It's hard to be friend or foe to a pack you've never heard of before now." He considered telling her she could relax, that he wasn't about to commit some crime against her kind, but the words stuck in his throat. Could he truly promise her that? Instead he sighed and looked down at the rabbit. "I'm not going to steal your kill at any rate, feel free to eat." Now that he had calmed some, now that his mind lowered from it's frenzy, he could think clearly. He had returned to himself, and without incident, and was left feeling somewhat prideful for all that. He jumped back onto his boulder, to scan the horizon for any other intruders, thinking that perhaps he should have done this from the beginning.



01-09-2014, 05:16 PM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2014, 05:16 PM by Liberty.)

Audits perked forward as she listened to the man speak, her defenses falling slightly when he was finished. She figured he must be new to alacritis, because Glaciem was a well known name among its inhabitants. "Very well." She would say in response to his remark about Glaciem, her body still maintaining a dominant stature. She would never allow him to appear more superior than herself, despite his towering height. When he made a remark to her kill she would not respond, but instead she would follow his movement with her eyes. She watched him jump onto a large boulder to scan their surroundings, and Liberty couldn't stop the bemused chuckle that bubbled from her gaping jaws. What in the hell was he doing? "If you need to spot them before you sense them, then I suggest you conceal yourself as opposed to flaunting your position." She would sneer, lips creasing into an amused smirk as she took a few courageous steps toward him. She did not fear the man, in fact, she was oddly amused by him.




01-09-2014, 08:25 PM

This time, Razo did not bother to bestir himself as the small gray fae approached him. Her snarky words brought only a sly grin to his lips. She was bold, and confident, and he wondered if this was bravado or if she had some hidden skill set that backed her actions. Where he came from, attitude like hers was snuffed out quickly, more often than not. "When you're my size," he said, with the slightest trace of humor in his voice, "trying to conceal yourself is often a losing battle. I'm not looking for evasion, only preparation." What he was preparing himself for, though, he didn't know. After this littler episode, he began to think that from now on, when he saw other wolves he would turn tail and flee. It certainly seemed safer, even if it did bruise what was left of his ego. At any rate, this fae seemed to feel strongly about her opinions, and enough remained of his stubborn streak to pointedly defy her. He sighed deeply, feeling older than his four years.

Liberty seemed to be ignoring her meal, and it made the brute begin to think about finding his next source of meat. He didn't know how much more luck he would be granted, but the odds of finding kills large enough to scavenge seemed low enough. I may have to hunt soon... He cast a glance at the rabbit, warily, waiting to see if any urges would overcome him. Maybe, if I can take it slow...

"Talk" Think "You"
Some walk the common paths, all nice and worn

But all folks are damaged goods

It ain't a talk of "if," just one of "when" and "how"

So, collect your scars and wear 'em well