
Tell the world i'm coming home


12-31-2013, 04:57 AM

Midnight delighted in the snow as it drifted gently towards the earth alighting on her black coat and reminding her how winter was meant to feel she had been away to long this was just more proof. She sighed as she slowed her forward movement limping slightly as she moved across the virgin white snow she was almost home having covered the miles between Vallhalla and here in a little under a week. It seemed that despite the valhallan's best efforts the muscles had not healed back into a whole successfully it was frustrating but she was still able to run and that was what really mattered anyway she was still healing who knew what the future would hold.

She had spent the time in travel going over what she knew and trying desperately to contradict the evidence of her senses but there was no denying that one of gargoyles offspring now resided in valhalla. She could see the borders now and she inhaled trying desperately to locate the familiar scent but there was nothing no that was a lie there where scents but they where not strong not the borders of a pack. For a few moments she considered waiting at the almost invisible border howling and waiting but it seemed there was little point and so with a deep breath she carried on penetrating into the scrub of her old home.

She moved silently through the scrub, and still none confronted her. Minutes passed and the silence was broken only by the occasional twig snapping under her weight, she emerged onto the beach the sand obscured by the white blanket she followed the water line and it was then only a half mile or so from the den she had called home she saw it perhaps another would have missed them hidden as they where by the gently falling snow but she was a tracker, she knew these tracks made by the paws of a wolf a smile spread across her face maybe the cove was not as deserted as it seemed. And so she paused on the beach by the icy sea she lifted her head and called, golden eyes closed, to any still in the cove.




8 Years
01-09-2014, 04:46 PM
Oracle was frozen to the rock the strangers howl had woken her from her nap and now she peeked over the cliff edge her ears pinned to her skull. The black dame was sat on the sand she remembered her morning run on the beach and instantly regretted the prints she must have left behind. The thought of her attempted abduction still lingered in her mind. Tucking her tail close to her stomach her ears flattered to her skull she crept back to the den ?Galahad,? she whispered nervously, ?galahad there?s someone in the cove,? the fur on the back of her neck had risen in a desperate attempt to make her appear larger she was scared. ?we should find knight or merci or some one,? usually she was brave usually she was the protector but she couldn't right now right now she was scarred.



7 Years
01-13-2014, 12:05 AM

His body had healed from the bruises he had received in his spar from the pack wolf. He had yet to tell Oracle of the ordeal, having been much more concerned when he discovered just how close his poor sister had come to being kidnapped. The news had given him nightmares almost every night, and he would awake, jolting with eyes wide open, just to look over and make sure that Oracle was still by his side. He was young... and still not all that confident in his skills... but he cursed himself that Oracle had almost been taken right under his nose... and thanked the stars that Knight had been there to save her.

Upon hearing Oracle's voice Galahad would open his emerald green eyes, getting quickly to his feet. He could tell by Oracle's voice that his sister was scared. Her scent only confirmed this. He stepped forward, gently nuzzling her cheek in a form of comfort. "It's alright, Oracle. Go look for one of the adults. I'm going to check it out and keep the stranger here." If one thing was for certain, the spar, though he hadn't done his best, it had encouraged him some. He wasn't going to be weak.

With head held high the two toned brute would leave his den, emerald eyes shining with courage and determination as he went to where the call had arisen from. Oracle hadn't mentioned a name... and that meant a stranger. Galah was ready for anything as he arrived into the open, approaching the older female with head raised and emerald eyes shining without fear. He came just a few feet away from her, flicking his tail. "I am Galahad. Fae, please speak the manner of your business in this cove... and if you are friend or foe."



01-13-2014, 12:47 AM

Midnight was shocked to see the young boy crossing the sand towards her and a frown crossed her features, she almost didn't recognise the boy the last time she had seen him he was small pile of fur mixed in with a pile of his other siblings now he looked almost seasoned. The fur across her back rose slightly and she rocked her weight back, her voice was shocked. ?Galahad, you have grown a lot since I last saw you your mothers colours suit you but I had not expected to meet a pup here?? 'especially after what his sister said' she thought, carefully she changed her posture lowering her ears and relaxing her muscles she had no intention of hurting this boy or causing him distress, and she did not think he wanted to hurt her ? You probably don?t remember me,? she continued in a kind tone taking a half step forward.

?your eyes where still closed when last I saw you, my name is midnight, I used to live here with the pack as a hunter,? she looked around the beach and held back a sigh she had missed home to long away she turned her gaze back to the boy ?before that I travelled with the pack from Glaciem. I came looking for him and your mother are they here have you seen them?? a part of her already knew that the chief was not here he would not have sent his son to great a stranger even if that stranger was an old pack member, after all she had quit the snow rouges without giving an explanation gone to fight in a war that had nothing to do with the small pack of rouges. ?are there others here with you? Your sister seemed to indicate that the cove was deserted??

a movement caused her eyes to flick away from the boy up to the dens where a flash of black and brown darted between rocks vanishing from sight into one of the dens, but she quickly moved her gaze back to the boy it was important that he did not think her a liar and she was sure charging off after a movement on the hill would only cause ill will between them .




8 Years
01-13-2014, 01:12 AM
Oracle Returned the affection and took a deep breath ?please be careful, and don?t do anything foolish I?ll get knight as quick as I can ok,? her ears where still low her tail tucked she was not a fool and though Galahad had not told her of his fight and his injuries she knew something was different with her brother she had seen the little signs of pain from the bruises maybe she should have asked but she had had her own issues to deal with she had tried to reassure him that is wasn't his fault they had tried to take her that she had been the one who had made for the borders away from the safety of the pack she was just lucky that knight had been hunting, she didn't like to think about what might have happened otherwise though it still plagued her dreams. She watched him as her moved down the path a way, 'please be careful, ' she thought then ducking low behind the plants and boulders that obstructed the path in some parts her stomach scrapped against the ground as she moved as quickly and quietly as she could towards merci's den she knew knight would be outside in the little overhang to the right of the cavern mouth she just hopped he hadn't gone out already.

The sound of voices faded as she climbed reaching the ledge she breathed a sigh of relief he was still there ?Knight,? her voice cracked slightly as she quickly covered the distance between them, her voice would carry into the den behind him but she didn't particularly care if she woke every person in this place, ?Knight, wake up,? she implored pushing at his muzzle with her paw ?there's a stranger in the cove and Galahad's confronting her and hurry,? he was nervous but she had done her part she waited only a moment to see if he was following before she took off down the slope again she could not hear fighting and the smell of blood was absent but still her heart was pounding, what if the stranger was cruel what if he was in danger she moved with abandon now not caring if she could be seen from the beach, and though she was still scared she was determined to help her brother.

Knight Cloud

01-13-2014, 06:04 AM

The male had been sleeping soundly, dreams of various things filling his head. He had chosen to sleep just outside of Mercianne's den, to make sure that she and her children would be safe. After the incident with one of the other Snow Rogue pups, he took care to ensure the cove we well and safe from intruders. If anyone dared to harm any of Mercianne's children, or even Mercianne as well as the snow rogue children, he would not hesitate to track them down and make them pay for their mistake. Since arriving in these parts with Merci, he had taken it upon himself to be the Guardian of the lot. Always watchful of the family he had chosen to follow.

Soon, a voice broke through his dreams and thoughts. Eyes squeezing shut as he was reluctant to get up. The familiar voice, however, sounded somewhat panicked. And that caused him to awaken. Green eyes open to see Oracle's paw pressing against his nose, words quickly leaving her before she turned around and took off. Without hesitation, he too followed her back the way she came. She seemed to be in a hurry, so he would not hesitate nor slow in his steps.

Soon he would emerge on the opposite side of the shore, green eyes searching about for the source of what had the young girl worried, and soon he would spot it. Moving forward, he'd arrive in no time at the young boys side. He wasn't sure exactly what the kids name was, but the woman he remembered from the day Kestrel had gone missing. Although he didn't officially know her, he knew she was someone they could trust. "You've made it back I see." He told her kindly, knowing that she had not been around for quite a while. After all, he had remained at the cove. Others had come and gone, and according to Mercianne, there was several Snow Rogues that lived here still. This one, was one of them. "It's alright children, she's one of us."




7 Years
01-18-2014, 09:28 AM

. . .

Wait. Hold on. This female knew him? She sounded surprised to see him here, even though he was one she recognized. She knew the snow rogues? His mother... and she knew him... so she had to know his other sisters. Her relaxing posture brought a similar reaction from the young boy, though he was uncertain of this female who so suddenly appeared. Or, as it would seem, reappeared. Questions burned on the tip of Galah's tongue, but he would let the black furred female speak her piece before asking anything.

It was good he did. She answered a couple of the questions that he wanted to ask. Midnight. A former snow rogue. What had happened to her? Why had she disappeared from the cove? The brute would lower his ears, looking down at her question. "Father and mother have both been gone for some time... but miss Merci is here. I think a pup of hers lingers... as well as my sister Oracle and Knight." But the other words that came from her meant only one thing. Oracle didn't know Midnight, and had refereed to her as a stranger. So the sister she was speaking of could only be Odette.

As he was about to ask her about his lost sibling Knight appeared to his side. The black and white brute would shift on his paws, waiting for the male to speak before turning green orbs back to Midnight. "Midnight... you said my sister said the cove was deserted. Odette... it has to be... where did you see her last? Is she okay?" Perhaps they had all just been so well hidden that Odette had missed them? He wasn't sure how that was the case... but regardless the boy wanted to know what had become of his third sibling. Wanted to hear that she was okay... and she was happy.




8 Years
01-19-2014, 12:07 AM (This post was last modified: 01-19-2014, 12:30 AM by Oracle.)
Oracle moved swiftly taking position at her brothers side, she put on a brave face an act as she watched knight address the female. So this dame was safe one of the pack she frowned and stretched her neck forward sniffing the scent around the dame she didn't recognise it but mabey it was true, then her ears caught Galahads words and her eyes widened looking from her brother to this new wolf, midnight. Was it possible she had been hoping for so long for some sign of her sibling and now fear was forgotten as hope surged through her body she took a half step forward as the dame began her story. Usually she would ask for more details of the battle how it was fought where what numbers had they face but she was more interested in her sister. A ward of the pack the daughter of the alpha, she was safe oracle let out a sigh of relief as tears began to form in her eyes quickly she ducked her head trying desperately to control her emotions.

She had for so long believed that her sister's loss had been her fault maybe if she had been more attentive more cautious then her sister would not have left, it had been so long with no sign she had begun to believe her dead now there was a chance a chance to see her again safe and well,? a hiccup escaped her as she fought the tears back down, she pressed against galahad's side for comfort. A thought suddenly occurred to her and she took a step closer to the strange women ?can we see her,? she asked, ?could you take a message or take me to her I wouldn't be any trouble I swear.? she didn't want to leave her home didn't want to leave her family but she had to talk to ode to apologise to tell her how much she missed her, and maybe this was her chance


01-19-2014, 12:09 AM
Midnight bowed her head letting the news wash over her, so the young girl had been right in a sense the chief was gone as was his mate, she wondered where they had gone doubting they would leave their new family willingly. Head bowed she heard the paw steps first and she raised her head looking for the sorce her eyes fell on a male who she had seen before in the hunt for merci's missing daughter and another pup the final girl from gargoyles litter. She offered them a smile in greeting and responded to the adults question with a sigh and a small smile ?it wasn't an easy trek but I wanted to see if it was true.? her gaze shifted back to the black male ?that,? she said is, ?a long story I left to offer my assistance in the war faced by the vallhallan's I fought poorly and became wounded in the battle,?

she shifted her weight between her paws taking it off the wounded shoulder. ?there was no way I could return immediately and so it was I attended one of their pack meetings, they have moved south, the last I heard they where planing to claim an island down there,? this was to the older male after all it was good to know the movements of other packs, now she turned her gaze back to the two younger members of their group ?it was at that meeting that I saw your sister. She stood at the side of the alpha, she is a ward of the vallhallans and from what I can tell has found her place as the adopted daughter of the alpha.? she let her words trail off here allowing for a few moments to pass. ?she misses you, any fool could see that but she is safe where she is, I feel that ?woman would never allow harm to come to her.?

she watched the pups for a few moments then looked to knight, ? I would guess what they say about gargoyle and his mate is true,? there was a sadness in her eyes, ?and if that is so purhapse you are the wolf to tell, i bring news of a pack heading in this direction, I can not say if they are hostile or not but they do move in force, and I would advise against confrontation.? her leg was beginning to ache and she sat waiting for the responses she expected to come.

Knight Cloud

01-22-2014, 09:42 PM

Knight watched quietly as the two younger kids he came to know soaked in all the information. And then allowed them to ask their own questions to the female, a gaze of curiosity falling upon the woman as the children asked about their sibling. Knight new there were others asides from Mercianne's children, the siblings of Oracle and Galahad were out there somewhere, and with this new information that Midnight had given soon after he would consult with Mercianne and find the Valhallan pack to speak with Odette. Perhaps she would know something, and perhaps not. There was only one way he could find out, and he did not want to waste any time in doing so.

What she had to say next, however, grabbed his attention the moment it had left her lips. The cove was being taken over? Had a pack decided to take this safe haven? Did they not know that a small band of rogues lived here? Perhaps they didn't care...but he knew they could no longer stay here. He would go off in search of a safer place...a place where they could live in peace and safe away from the incoming pack. He didn't know who they were, or what intentions they had...but he would not risk Mercianne or her children being claimed by them. He would fight tooth and claw and possibly even to the death for her family, as long as she was safe.

"Thank you for sharing this information with me, Midnight. I will have to inform Mercianne right away, and I must now search for a safe place for us all...Without the mother and father of the children I have heard so much about, I have taken it upon myself to be the Guardian here." He looked at her with a renewed sense behind forest green eyes, though it was difficult to tell what it was. Perhaps it was a stronger sense of wanting to protect the lost band, and an even stronger sense to find Kestrel and the other missing children. If they left the cove, what if they had come back to find they were no longer here, and instead ran into the pack that was taking away their home? He would have to act fast, before all was lost. "Will you be coming with us? Assuming we find a new place of safety, or will you be continuing on your own?"




7 Years
01-28-2014, 03:26 AM

Oracle would press to his side for comfort, and the young male would listen well to Midnight. Her words would stick in him. Valhalla? So his sister had become part of a pack, and had a new adopted family as well. The black and white brute would lower his emerald green eyes. It wasn't so much the fact the fact that Odette had become a part of a pack that bothered him... it was the fact that she had become adopted by another fae, possibly with a mate. The thought made him feel frustrated and knots would turn in his stomach. As much as he missed her and worried for her... he could help but feel a bit of anger too. Sure they had been taken care of collaberatively by the Snow Rogues, particularly Knight and miss Merci... but to consider them parents, even adopted ones, would never ever be acceptable in the eyes of the young male.

Blood was blood. One could not replace what was lost. The fact that the alphess wouldn't let harm come to Odette, well, that remark was made with an angry thought. 'You don't deserve to call her your daughter...' Sure Galahad didn't know the woman, nor have any idea how well his sister had been treated, but even the happy-go-lucky member of the family harbored feelings of hurt. Galah would try to swallow, to calm the anger that swelled in his gut. Odette missed them... and seemed to have tried to come back here... yet said the place was deserted. It didn't add up. Had the fae she was with sent someone here, or said she would, only to lie to Odette to keep her there?

Galahad's mind was going full tilt now... running off with itself. He would grit his teeth. Oracle would speak up, asking Midnight if she could perhaps take them to her, or deliver a message. The brute would sigh, pulling away from his sister and backing away from the other three. Even though Odette was safe... she felt a stranger to him now... but... was it her doing or that of the alphess who claimed her as family? Stop! Galah would furrow his brow, frustrated as he argued within himself. He felt like he wanted to scream.

"Please excuse me... I need to take a moment alone." The bi-colored pup would walk a distance away. Far enough to be out of earshot yet still within sight, so he would hopefully not make Oracle worry... at least too much. What to do? If Midnight did agree to take them to Valhalla... would this anger show up again? The male would sit, curling his tail around his paws and letting out a deep sigh. Heck he didn't even know if the anger he was feeling was justified or not. Emerald eyes would slide closed. He just felt like a complete mess... and at a loss.

"Speech" Think


02-02-2014, 05:27 PM
Midnight watched the pups reactions with curiousity and a bit of concern it was clear they had not expected this news she could understand that the world was a vast place it would be easy to believe that something once lost was gone forever. Galahad excused himself and she could see the anger in his movements, she frowned at the pup she had known his father and had heard the rumors about the brutes past the madness that he had when fighting she preyed he had not passed it to his son, after all surely this was good news.

oracles question followed knights but both asked the same thing what was her plan? The problem was she did not have one she knew she had an open invitation in valhalla but she had also expected to find this area deserted now there where others to think about as well. It seemed that the only guardians these pups had where the two adults and although she did not doubt their dedication she wondered how well two wolves could ever protect a whole litter. So what to do ?perhapse I will stay for a time until you are settled in a new location and until I have regained all my strength, afterall travel can be a dangerous pass time, then,? she shrugged, ?i suppose I shall return to valhalla I fought along side many of their number and a have a few debts to repay. As for carrying you with me,? she paused looking at the pup then shook her head ?I could not in good concious take you on my own, and it is not that I think you would misbehave it is simply a matter of numbers a wolf on her own is a target a wolf with pups even more so. but a message, yes, I could carry a message for you.?



8 Years
02-02-2014, 05:40 PM
Oracle stumbled slightly as galahad pulled away but quickly regained her balance she looked after the boy unsure if she should follow him what was wrong wasn't he glad that their sister was safe she frowned and took half a step after him but then he stopped and midnight began to answer her question.

Her heart sank that she would not be allowed tot travel with the dame and a little spark of anger swelled up she was almost a yearling nearly old enough to make her own choices it wasn't fair that she should be stuck here after all she could fight she would fight if it meant she could she her sister she opened her moth to say just that but something stopped her. They where almost grown why did they even need midnight to travel with them? She resolved to talk to galahad and quickly ducked her head ?I understand miss, can I get back to you on the message though I want to make it perfect,? she looked up hoping that her features showed hope and not the devious spark in her mind she knew that it would be dangerous knew there was a risk of them meeting other wolves but mercis litter had managed to leave the cove and at least one had returned why shouldn't they?

?i'll go to, if thats ok,? she was excited now and wanted to talk to galah carefully she backed away then turned to head towards him not waiting to be dismissed. As she drew nearer to him she slowed her steps she was approaching from behind though her footsteps should have announced her approach she added her voice to the warning dipping her head low and taking the final steps she asked, ?galah are you ok??