
My Love



12-29-2013, 08:44 PM

She had left the barn earlier to go out on patrol, remaking the borders, seeing if anyone was waiting around them for acceptance or to have questions answered, checking members to see if they needed an assistance with anything. That was all done within a few hours, and the new mother thought it would be a good time to rest, spend some time with her children and mate. So she made her way towards the barn, moving at a steady pace, head held in a relaxed position, tail lightly swinging behind her.

The grey woman would push through the barn doors, claws lightly clicking against the ground as she made her way down the aisle, stopping at the end right stall, head peeking in to look upon her little family huddled up in a pile, napping.

With a smile she would move in close, deciding she would spend some alone time with Elias. Carefully she would lean over, gently nuzzling his shoulder, giving a small kiss on the top of his head. "Wake up darling, momma needs you." She would whisper before pulling away, standing need the stall door with a smile.



12-29-2013, 09:08 PM

He had said good bye to his mother that morning when she was off to do all of her regular duties, he had not liked it but certainly accepted it. His mother had many duties to perform, and lots to do that was not spending time with him. He wanted to be selfish and cry and beg her to be by him, but he knew he couldn't be. He had to be his momma's little prince. He needed to let her go to the pack and perform those tasks that only she could do. That didn't mean he liked it though. Not much time would pass between when Loccian left to when they were ready for a nap. The whole family would curl up for a nap, and he would drift to sleep once again.
He thought that he could have only been asleep for seconds when the sound of his mother's voice came to him. He thought it could have been a dream, but her nuzzle would prove him otherwise as she brought him into wakefulness. His head would pull up from his paws as his sleep filled eyes found their way to Loccian's form. Quickly he would find himself alert as he realized his momma needed him! With excitement, but care, he would tip toe his way to his mom's side. "What'r we doin... momma?" His tail would swing back and forth quickly as his joy was so plainly revealed.




12-29-2013, 09:41 PM

Within seconds the pup would awaken from Loccian's voice and touch, the sleep filled eyes fading quickly, little body making its way beside her and asking what they would be doing. The woman would smile, leaning down and nuzzling the boy a brief moment before turning around and moving into the aisle of the barn. "Spend some time together, maybe we could do something you like, hm?" She spoke gently with a smile, looking over her shoulder to make sure he was following before continuing on, stopping at the barn door. "Would you like to see my special spot in the Kingdom?" She asked the boy, looking down to him with a wag of her tail.


Awesome table by Andy <3


12-29-2013, 10:03 PM

As he made his way to her side she would reach down lovingly and gently offer him a nuzzle. He would offer the same to her, happy to have her within his grasp. She would lead him out past their stall and into the aisle, choosing then to answer his simple question. No matter what they did he was delighted to spend time with just her. "Spend some time together, maybe we could do something you like, hm?" He would nod enthusiastically, but what was it that he liked? He liked the den, and he liked being with his mom, but what else? "Would you like to see my special spot in the Kingdom?" The offer would entice him thoroughly as they made their way to the doors on the barn. "Oh! Yes I do momma!" He would get to see Her special spot in the whole Kingdom. "Is this where you go when I can't be with you?" He would say almost sadly before, "Do I have my own special spot in the Kingdom?"




12-29-2013, 10:16 PM
Elias looked very excited for this special time with Loccian, very enthusiastic when she brought up doing something he wanted. When she brought up her special place he got even more excited, making the woman's smile turn into a large grin. It had just been a week or two and already her children were growing into lovely men and women. She was sure they would grow into fine adults, become known or help others, work their way up without even trying like she had. It was a lovely thought.

What the boy said next would cause her head to shake form side to side, she didn't go to her special spot to get away from the children, she had to leave to do pack duties since she was Seracia's Queen. This special spot was hers before the children were born, she would never go there to get away from them. ?I love you and your siblings Elias, I would never go to this special spot to get away from you. I used to go there before you guys were born.? She would give a reassuring smile, hoping the pup would understand and would believe her.

Elias would ask her if he had his own special spot in Seracia, which made Loccian chuckle softly. ?A special spot is something nobody else knows about, or visits... Do you have a place like that? If you do then that means you have one.? With that she would move forward, pushing the barn door open enough so the two could get out, her tail brushing along Elias' back.



12-30-2013, 03:18 PM

As he asked her of her place his mother would shake her head gently, he knew that she didn't purposefully leave them, but things had to be taken care of and she couldn't always be with him. ?I love you and your siblings Elias, I would never go to this special spot to get away from you. I used to go there before you guys were born.? It was an interesting thing for him to learn about his mother before his time. It felt like he had always existed, but obviously the world had been around much longer than his newborn body. I love you too momma! He would snuggle up to her again to emphasize his affection, I'm glad you can bring me with you!
?A special spot is something nobody else knows about, or visits... Do you have a place like that? If you do then that means you have one.? He would stop and consider the statement, he didn't go anywhere that he was alone, he hated being alone so all of the places he knew of other wolves knew of too. Loccian would open the door for him as he considered if he had a special place. "Momma, I don't think I have one... Can I share yours?" He would trot excitedly from inside and back out into the open. It was easy to explore when he had his mommy beside him. When he was alone he didn't like to go too far from the barn. I... don't like being alone.




12-31-2013, 09:44 PM

Loccian would smile as Elias told her he loved her, then nuzzling into her leg. Adding that he was happy he could come with her. The feeling she had since finding out she was carrying children was very special, it made her happy beyond relief. Perhaps it was something women only got once having children, before that they could only imagine. The woman felt like she had a new purpose in life, not only did she have a pack to protect and guide, but she also had children she needed to do the same for. They were apart of her and Gerhardt, little bundles of joy. She was proud to call them her children, and hoped they were proud to call her their mother.

She came to a stop after realizing Elias had, turning a bit to look down at the child who seemed to be in deep thought. Was he thinking of a special spot that he could show her? After a few moments of silence he would tell his mother that he didn't think he had one and asked if she could share hers. ?Of course sweetheart, when your a bit older your welcome to go there whenever you like, even if I'm not with.? She smiled before motioning him to follow her.

After a few moments though Elias would say something that would make Loccian stop, he didn't like being alone. The woman would lean down and kiss him on the top of his head, then press her forehead against his, grey gaze looking into blue. ?I used to feel like that when I was around your age, darling... but you have a family that loves you, we will never leave you.? Hopefully it would sooth the boy, she would try to stick around him when ever she was free from duties, watch if his siblings were around, let him know he wasn't alone.



01-01-2014, 01:02 PM

His mother would be ever his angel, her words were sweet as he made her aware of his lack of special spots. She would not move while he thought about it, only offer her own place. ?Of course sweetheart, when your a bit older your welcome to go there whenever you like, even if I'm not with.? He became much more excited to know that he could share his mommy's secret spot. "Thank you momma!" he was so happy, but he knew that he probably wouldn't end up there with out her, he just couldn't imagine that he would ever want to be alone anywhere.
They would continue, their trek going quite slowly because of Elias' tendency to stop while he was thinking. It was a good thing that Loccian was such a patient and loving mother, because Elias was not one to rush. He would follow though, because he really was excited to be shown the Kingdom. His mother would stop at his next words, she would turn and comfort him appropriately. He would be gifted a kiss and then a soft nuzzle on his head. ?I used to feel like that when I was around your age, darling... but you have a family that loves you, we will never leave you.? It was comforting to know that even Loccian had been unable to be alone as a youngster, Elias was glad to know he was so much like the she wolf. He loved her so much.
He could feel her soothing words take effect, he would never be alone that that's what made him not so afraid. And I won't ever leave you momma! He would add enthusiastically. Though that may not have been the truth once he was older, he meant the words truthfully at the moment.




01-08-2014, 02:04 AM

Elias was probably the second one out of her litter to wanna be around her a lot, the second being Enola. She wouldn't view it as clingy, seeing as they were only children, but she would love it. They were all lovely, and whenever she thought about them all, even Silveris, it would warm her heart, spreading over her entire body and making it impossible to experience any other emotion besides love and confident, proud of how they were developing.

With a low chuckle she would give the boy a gentle nudge before continuing on, heading towards the north western part of the territory, the crop field. No many, at least that she knew of or scented, went in that area, probably because the edge of the Kingdom's cemetery. Her special spot was deep within the field, walking through there quite a few times forming a small path just big enough for her, leading to a large flattened area where she often would lay or sit, staring up at the stars.

"Stay right behind me darling, or you will get lost." She would warn him gently when they finally reached the edge of the crop field, her tail brushing against the child before entering.
