
Feel Good Inc.


12-29-2013, 11:42 AM

We all want something to hold in the night

We don't care if it hurts when we're holding too tight

Aranya broke through a line of thick brush, and stumbled into a small clearing. It seemed to worm it's way down the hill side and fill the gully below her. The snow was thin here, with spring just around the corner. Already she smelled the life of the land returning in the air. The dead sprigs of last years growth spurted up under the white blanket, and not two looked to be the same species. Birds twittered to one another in the branches above her, and squirrels called out warning of her presence. She smiled. This will surely be a wonderful, verdant place when it wakes, she mused.

The girl turned to look over her shoulder, scanning the thicket behind her, looking for her copper hued friend. She had seen the male not long ago, hot on her heels, but for now he seemed to have vanished. The past weeks they had spent in each others company had been some of the most fun she could remember. The companionship of another was something Aranya valued greatly, and Nuka had provided friendship on top of it. She had grown rather fond of him, and dreaded the day when they would part ways. He seemed to be nearly at full strength once more, so it could not be far off. She shook the thought from her head and called out, "Nuka? Where'd you go?" She decided she would cross that matter when it came, and enjoy the time she had.

"Speech," Think


12-29-2013, 02:52 PM

It was wonderful seeing the season change, the harsh winter cold was fading, everyday being replaced with a bit warmer breeze. Surely Spring would be here in no time, bringing the land back to life, filled with green and other various colors. It was like a whole new world, and he was able to experience it with another soul, kind heated Aranya. She had allowed him tag along on her travels, helping him gain weight with each hunt, getting back to his old self.

The duo was currently moving through the south, in a thick vegetation. Nuka had been right behind the lighter colored woman, but as they dove deeper into the land he ended up tripping over his own paws and got tangled up in the plant life. After a few moments he managed to untangle himself, biting through some of the thicker vines, then was off to catch up with his companion. "Right here!" He'd bark with a grin, quickly breaking through a barrier of ferns, Aranya just a few feet away.

When she first saw him the male was skin and bones, barely any muscle on his frame after weeks of being stuck in the cliffside when Silver vanished. With the female's help he was able to get that back, his body filling in quite nicely, well toned, and back to his normal self.


Awesome table by Shelby <3


12-30-2013, 09:30 PM


The much improved male burst from the cover of the forest, and grinned. Aranya could not help but return the smile, pleased as always to see the happy-go-lucky male. TO watch him recover over the days they had spent in each other's company had been more rewarding for the young fae than she ever could have guessed at. It soon became that Nuka's successes and accomplishments were her own, and she was growing quite fond of his companionship. She had almost forgotten what it was like to be alone. Almost. For now, she looked back down the gully and smiled. "I'm sure we'll find something to eat here. It looks like it'd be gorgeous here when the season turns, there's bound to be some game lurking about." Aranya began to pad down the slope, carefully picking her way down the safest path. There was still a thin layer of snow on the ground, and she was careful not to twist an ankle on a log or stone.

She remembered with a low giggle the first day she had met the male, and had tumbled down nearly on top of him. It still embarrassed her, honestly, and she felt her fur heat up the smallest bit. She shook her head gently, trying to get the semi-horrifying moment out of her mind. Why in the gods names Nuka had decided to stick around, she would never know. She was grateful though, that could not be denied. Being alone, she decided, sucked. She looked over her shoulder, looking over the male's frame. He certainly had gained his muscle back, and his frame was quite well built. Aranya wondered how much time they had left. The want to know had been gnawing at her for quite some time, and was in some ways driving her mad. She took a deep breath, and almost before she knew what she was doing, asked, "How much longer do you suppose we'll be traveling together, Nuka?" She cursed herself immediately, and froze a pleasant expression on her face before the fear of being alone could creep into her eyes. Perhaps blissful ignorance would have been better after all...

"Speech," Thoughts,


12-31-2013, 07:41 PM

Copper gaze would follow Aranya's down into the gully, his ear swiveling towards her to catch her sweet tones. She brought up that there should be something here to eat, making the male nod his head. She also mentioned how it would be beautiful once the season changed, some game lurking around. He would follow right behind her, with his extra height and weight now he would need to be careful, not wanting to slip an bring down the woman with him, possibly hurting her. The thought made him think about when they first met, how she had caught him something to eat and while going up the hill she slipped and rolled down beside him. It made the man smirk, holding back a low chuckle.

Aranya's question would throw Nuka off guard, causing him to come to a stop. How much longer would they be traveling together? At first he wanted to travel with her, would give him a better chance to regain his strength then part ways one day. He didn't have a plan though, no destination, no home or family to go to. But as the two spent each day together, he found himself becoming attached to the woman, not sexually but like a good friend he trusted... maybe a crush had formed too... "Well..." He would say softly, his gaze going to the ground, paw poking a small pile of snow. "I don't know honestly... possibly a little while till I have a plan." What else could he say? He didn't want to seem like trouble, traveling with her just because he had no where to go... he liked moving around with the woman, didn't want to part ways and become lonely once again.



01-01-2014, 10:22 PM

The silvery fae did her best to mask her relief, but she could not hide a smile. Her eyes may have glittered with warmth, her tail may have wagged a bit more than it shoulder have, and perhaps her shoulders sagged the smallest bit in relief, but who would notice such minor details? Aranya just bobbed her head. Well, good. You're a fun guy to be around, Nuka. She skipped a few paces down to the gully floor, her silver coat swirling with the breeze, tail raised high with her light mood. It was a warm day, practically spring-like, and she was feeling a bit coltish. She snuffled about in the snow, trying to catch any trace of a game trail, but same up sorely lacking. Miffed, she looked up and sought out her friend. Nothing, she said, miffed momentarily. The bare branches clacked above her in a mild breeze. A small bands of birds flew low overhead, all a-twitter in their spring glory. She could not help but smile. She turned to Nuka yet again, eyes glittering with youthful joy. It's almost spring! Gods, it'll be warm soon! She dropped into a play stance for a quick moment, turning it into a stretch, not wanting to appear too foolish in front of the copper hued male.



01-05-2014, 06:15 PM

A grin would come upon Nuka's face when Aranya spoke, tail wagging like mad behind him when she called him a fun guy to be around. Before he could say anything though the woman was off, climbing down the last few feet to the gully around then sniffed around. He would quickly try to follow, keeping limbs spread evenly so he didn't trip and fall over. Carefully he got down, standing beside Aranya, watching quietly. She would come up with nothing though, a light sigh coming from him. The man was already getting hungry, his stomach making a low grumbling sound. "It's almost spring! Gods, it'll be warm soon!" Head would tilt, a large grin still on his face. Spring! Finally! No more cold days, it was time to get those warm or cool days back, you could be out longer, and nights weren't as bad. He was excited! Upon the woman dropping down then stretching, Nuka would smirk, quickly nipping at her tail before running off a few feet with a small chuckle.



01-05-2014, 09:53 PM

We all want something to hold in the night

We don't care if it hurts when we're holding too tight

The male's joy both at her compliment and word of the changing season could not be denied or ignored, and it's infective nature soon had the pale fae smiling and wagging as well. She chuckled from her place at the bottom of the hill, happy for the umpteenth time to be sharing such a wonderful day in such wonderful company. So lost was she in her thoughts that she did not notice the copper brute respond to her challenge for play, dart forward to nip at her. She gasped in mock offense, and promptly gave chase. Light, airy laughter would flow from her as she strained to catch up. She managed to gain ground, and while mumbling curses under her breath, managed to nip the male on his shoulder. Laughter broke from the fae again and she spun on her heel and pranced a few paces away. Her body had never felt so buoyant and light, her spirits had never been so lifted. If only every day could be so fine! She called out to Nuka, "I haven't had his much fun since I was a pup!" Her voice was as light as her heart, and filled tot he brim with mirth and true joy. Her good feelings were astounding, even to herself, and she knew she wanted to share them with the male, if she could. He deserved that, and more, after all her had gone through. It occurred to her then that she wanted to be able to make him happy, now and in the future too. She truly did not want him to leave her, but what that meant for them, she wasn't sure at all.

"Speech," Think