
When the walls come caving in


12-27-2013, 04:03 PM

The woman was drawn to the ship, a broken metal carcass. The snow fell around her. The flakes clinging to her fur. She shuddered the cold making her breath come out like mist. The chill that hung in the air was not to be shaken, and she wanted some shelter. So the ship was perfect. She trotted towards it. When she reached it, she stood at the entrance. It looked safe. There wasn't anyone around. There was the faint smell of others in the air, but it was old, faded. She walked inside and shook herself off. The snow and condensation flew everywhere.

Purple orbs swept around, in search of something, anything. She spotted a narrow staircase. She was curious, so she followed it. The steps were steep, and the tiny woman struggled to get down. Wen she reached the bottom, she breathed a sigh of relief, that she hadn't broken any bones. Orbs scanned the area. There was a corridor, lined with little rooms. She spotted one, it was exactly the same as the others. Except this one had a little pile of things in a corner. She trotted over to the room. And walked inside. She looked up to the little pile, and walked over to it. She nudged at it with her paw, allowing her to see everything in the pile. She saw a few brightly coloured pebbles, a thing that looked like a bird skull, a strange metal oval, with little, unmoving hands (A pocket watch). Nothing interesting. That was when she spotted a silver thing in the corner. She trotted over to the item. It was a bangle, no two bangles. Silver, designed with intricate patterns, quite thick, but still delicate. She thought they were beautiful. She wanted them. She moved one of them into a clear space, where she placed her paw in the centre of it. She lid it up a little with her other paw. She scuffed her paw along the ground as she walked over to the rusted metal structure of the bed. She lifted her paw, so that the rim of the bangle rested on the edge of the bed, she pushed her paw down, shoving the bangle up her legs, it was a little tight. When it reach 3/4 of the way up her thigh, it lodged in place. She grunted, finally. She went to retrieve the other bangle. She repeated the action with the other. But as she was pushing it up the last bit, it slipped and her leg slid down the edge of the bed, the rusted metal cut into her leg. "Bugger!" It was bleeding,only a little though. She nearly had it on, so she might as well continue. She placed it again on the edge of the bed and shoved down. It stopped a little above the other. She stepped away, and paced a little. It stayed firmly in place. She smiled. She looked down, the cut wasn't that bad. She had cut it on rusted metal though, so she might have to see a healer if it get any worse. She sat down in the middle of the room, her body was heavy with fatigue and cold, she decided that it was better to sleep while she was sheltered than later, out in the snow. She lay down, and curled up. Eyes shut as she drifted into the silent arms of sleep.