
Buns in the Oven


12-27-2013, 12:02 PM

It was nice here, the cold winter weather barely touched this region since it was more of a humid area. The lemur lay stretched out on the rocks on his back, tail hanging over the curve, arms folded behind his head with a leg propped over the other. It was peaceful, and quiet, just what the man liked. Laying there under the sun Zabu had his eyes closed, foot bouncing up and down in a rhythmic pace, a soft hum coming from him.


Awesome table by Arwen <3


12-27-2013, 12:37 PM

Aurora had left Corvusi behind to nap while she stretched her legs, the need for new sights driving her to the rock garden. She had been here before, sure, but without the snow from last time it was different. Wandering about, she caught a strange scent, one she did not recognize. Silently she followed it, ivory frame low to the ground while her broad paws carried her forwards. There. A furry snake? That wasn't right... Lifting her cranium, she laid her silver gaze upon the strangest creature she had ever seen. Was it edible? Lately the ivory femme had been strangely hungry, so maybe this weird creature could satisfy her. It didn't run, maybe it was dead? Standing to her full, immense height, the alabaster giantess shoved her snout onto the creature's belly and sniffed it a few times. It was warm, but it was in the sun so that was expected. It was breathing, so it was probably just napping. She nudged it with her snout a bit, then stuck out her long salmon tongue and ran it up his belly, against the grain of his fur. Yuck! The strange creature tasted like bark and leaves! Rearing her head back, she shook her delicate cranium a few times. What the hell was this beast? It didn't taste good, and it smelled strange, so why was it here? She leaned over it once more, examining it's face with her consuming steel optics. Many had said the colours appeared to be swirling about, constantly shifting within the space of her eyes. Most likely this strange being would get a fright when it opened it's eyes, but the pale woman was not focussed on that right now. Long tail swept across her tall heels cautiously, unsure of how to react to this creature.


12-27-2013, 12:47 PM

He was in his own little world lost in a land that was almost a duplicate of his birth place. Such a lovely sight, his family there too, eating away under the sun. How peaceful they looked. Something would stir his thoughts though, a sound nearby, something moving through the grass just a few feet away. Zabu wouldn't pay much attention to it though, brushing it off as a small mammal just grazing on the grasses, no danger to him. After a few moments though he would feel something sniffing at his belly, then suddenly lick him. Eyelids would shoot open, the male quickly curling up and rolling onto all four, taking a jump back onto another boulder, amber gaze narrowed on the animal. A wolf.

The man would huff, tail curling behind him as he stared at the shewolf, nose wiggling. "Excuse me miss, but that is not how you greet somebody." He'd tell her, hands going to his hips as he continued to stare at her. "I am no meal, my kind has a few things within our body that would cause you canines to become ill." His arms would cross over his chest.


Awesome table by Arwen <3


12-27-2013, 10:49 PM

The creature leapt up and scampered to the next boulder, surprising the ivory femme with it's speed. Even more of a shock was it's ability to speak, it's comment on her manners. Steel orbs widened with surprise, but quickly a fa?ade of calm dropped over her features, the pale woman smiling sheepishly. "My apologies, Sir, I was not aware you were sentient." She murmured, seating herself upon the thick grass that blanketed the terra and sweeping her long tail across the lush flora to wrap about her broad paws. Further the strange creature would speak to her, annoyed by her ignorance. Tall audits would flick, the only break in her relaxed demeanor. "Speaking of which, what would you happen to be? If I may be so bold as to ask." She replied, tilting her delicate cranium to the side slightly in a quizzical manner. The strange being had piqued her interest, and now she hoped to converse with it further.


12-29-2013, 11:23 AM

He watched the wolf closely, listening to her apologize. Zabu would give a small dip of his head, accepting her apology but not moving from where he stood. The shewolf would then ask what he was, which would bring a smirk to the male's lips. He enjoyed meeting creatures that had no idea what he was, be able to explain to them felt good, but at the same time it brought him pain, to know they didn't see more of his kind. Were they almost extinct?

Clearing his throat, Zabu would sit back with legs bent, hands holding his knees and tail wrapping around his frame. "Well miss, I am Zabu, and what my kind are called is a Ring Tailed Lemur." He would give a small nod of his head. "We are an interesting species for we were only found on one island in the world. Unfortunately though our numbers are incredibly low, so this may be the only time to see us." Hopefully that would change soon though, he hoped he would be able to find someone else, and if he did he hoped she would be willing to try and bring their kind back form near extinction.


Awesome table by Arwen <3


12-29-2013, 12:02 PM

He seemed to accept her apology, but he did not move from his spot, where he was quite separated from the ivory giantess. He introduced himself as Zabu the Ring Tailed Lemur, a rare species that might not be seen ever again. She looked him over, realizing his tail was in fact ringed down it's length. She had never seen markings like that before. Bracing her front paws upon the boulder he had been previously laid upon, she kept her moonstone orbs fixed upon him in case her movements startled him. The alabaster she wolf leapt up onto the stone and seated herself upon it, wrapping her long tail about her broad paws. Twin raven's feathers danced erratically for a few moments before laying flush with her silky pale fur. "Well, you are quite interesting, Zabu. But you seem out of place here." She said with a chuckle, smiling at the strange creature. She didn't know lemurs lived in trees, but she could tell he wasn't meant to be in this kind of place.

Her hunger still growled at her from the depths of her abdomen, and she grimaced, mumbling apologies to her conversation partner. It was difficult to find prey to sate her hunger in the Rock Garden, everything that lived here was quite small. She attempted to ignore it, but the growling continued in her stomach. "Pardon me, I was here trying to find something to eat, and now I've been side tracked. Care to take a walk with me?" She inquired, her stomach getting the best of her, not for the first time in her life. She had been a victim of hunger many times, her large, muscular frame required more food than most to sustain it, and it had been worse lately. Getting to her feet, the femme looked to the strange creature beside her, waiting for a reply.


12-29-2013, 09:21 PM
ooc: i apologize for crappy tag

He would not move from his spot, even when the shewolf jumped up onto the boulder, listening to his voice. Zabu would smirk as she commented on him being quite interesting, and that he seemed out of place. Seemed? No no, he was most definitely out of place in these lands. He was grateful for her humor though. She would bring up how she had been searching for a meal and became side tracked, asking if he would like to take a walk with her.
"A walk sounds good, but perhaps my temporary companion could give her name?" He would ask with a raised brow, hoping down from the rock and coming up beside the shewolf.


Awesome table by WolfEyez <3


12-29-2013, 11:23 PM

This strange creature seemed content to join her, stepping from his perch and moving to her side in a manner that seemed quite outlandish to her. He inquired something, and she was appalled at her own lack of manners for not stating as such earlier. She fumbled to reply, a soft sheepish grin playing at her features as ethereal tones filled the air. "My apologies, Sir, my name is Aurora Porcelain Anima Lunashka, but call me Aurora." She replied swiftly, her lightly accented Russian tongue not faltering on a single whispery syllable. Padding forward, she was slow in her gait, unsure of how comfortable the lemur would be with her normal pace, which looked to many like a trot. Broad paws struck the terra silently, muffled even further by the grass underfoot so she appeared to glide. Tall audits were perked, alert for any sounds which could allude to the presence of sustenance. Long tail swept across her tall heels as she moved, twin raven's feathers twirling about in an erratic ballet from their place buried within her flesh. Moonstone orbs scanned the terrain, eager to find something to eat, to quell the incessant growling of her stomach. A few rodents scuffled about, but she knew better than to expend her energy on something that would not even put a dent in her hunger. Soon she was draped in the shadows of the forest she had come out of, listening intently for ungulates, which seemed like they would fit perfectly for what she was feeling in her abdomen.

"So Zabu, what is it that your kind eat? You seem to have teeth which could allow you to eat meat, yet you taste like pure vegetation." She murmured, looking to her companion with a brow raised quizzically. She was quite curious, her infinite mind eating up information that could help her if she were to meet a creature like this in the future. Still completely attuned to the world around her, she waited calmly for a reply that would no doubt be interesting.


12-31-2013, 08:09 PM

A brow would raise at the shewolf when she gave her name, giving him about four before telling him the one she went by. Zabu couldn't help but laugh, his body nearly keeling over, slapping his knee. "I would probably pass out whenever I called you by that long name, never met somebody with such a long one before." He would chuckle, brushing himself up with a few chuckles before finally controlling himself to where he wouldn't laugh anymore. "The name is Zoboomafoo Zabuza Gazgar, but I prefer people call me Zabu. A pleasure to meet you Miss Aurora." He would give a small bow to her before walking on awkwardly, able to keep up right beside her, though he felt she was going a bit slower because of him.

The woman's voice would break the lemur's thought, giving a small shake of his to refocus on the world around him. Miss Aurora asked what his kind ate, mentioning his teeth and how it looked like he could eat meat yet he tasted like vegetation. Zabu would smirk, a gentle chuckle escaping his jaws as he nudged the woman's shoulder. "We are mostly vegetations, eating leaves, flowers, fruit, bark, sap, stuff like that. We aren't entirely though, depending on where we are, we can be opportunistic omnivores, eat things like bugs, birds, chameleons, lizards, little mammals like that. Especially during the dry season." HE explained, his hands kind of just moving through the air as he did so.


Awesome table by Arwen <3


01-01-2014, 12:06 AM

His laughter was taken in good stride, since her long name was quite startling to many who had no experience with such titles. Good thing she had not given anyone the title with which she was addressed by when introduced to others in the kingdom. That one was a mouthful. 'The Esteemed Heir To the Lunashkan Empire, daughter of the great Shadow Lunashka, Princess Aurora Porcelain Anima Lunshka.' Usually people stood there for a while, not saying anything as they processed the name, unsure of what to call her by until she clarified that they could simply call her Aurora, much to her parents' dismay. When the lemur told her his full name, she was happy to find it was quite long as well. Courtesies were added, and her previous inquiry found it's answer. Opportunistic omnivores, eh? Interesting. "So if I were to catch some form of ungulate, would you eat it?" She asked, since she had picked up the scent of a doe close, one that smelled appealing enough to make her mouth water. Quickly delicate cranium would pivot as the hackles of the giantess went up, long legs lowering her willowy frame to the terra as she crept forwards. There, just behind that bush. Prowling forward silently, she waited for it to turn it's back before leaping into action. Massive strides had her upon the small doe in a few seconds, and quickly she slashed it's hamstrings, ripping them with her formidable pearl daggers and hearing the dull brown hooved creature fall to it's knees before she moved swiftly to the front of the soon to be food and latching onto it's windpipe, cutting off it's air so it suffocated. It was a slow way to go, but it was the least painful. As the creature died, she released it's throat and sent a silent prayer to the gods in thanks.

Fangs would tear into the carcass as she greedily devoured the meat, hardly having time to breathe as she gulped down chunks of flesh. Sanguine wine stained her regal muzzle, her long ivory banner wagging behind her as she sated the angry grumbling in her stomach. It was quite nice, finally having the growling of her stomach stop. She had been strangely hungry lately, more so than her usual hunger, which was greater than most as it was. Looking up, she licked a few drops of sanguine wine from her dark lips as she smiled sheepishly at her companion. "I'm sorry if this is rude, I've been starving lately." She murmured, before returning to gorging herself on the downed carcass. If the lemur felt like trying a bit of it, she would not have a problem with it, nor object. She was perfectly hospitable, content. The demon in her heart was staying down for once.