
Wrecking Ball.


12-26-2013, 06:31 PM

At first it was just an accident.

The man in white slipped silent through the still night, hushed as the stars that shimmered if their was any stars tonight was pitch black the clouds obscuring everything even the moon. It was a strange sort of evening, something lurking just underneath the surface. He needed to find out what was going on around here, a ghost drifting through space and time.

The outline of a cave was jagged as his fickle heart, he was not about to go in there he should know better after all he hadn't lived this long by being a complete fool. He paced between the pines, and instead decided to let out a sharp and shattering howl, this place stank of other wolves and perhaps one of them knew where to find Newt. At the very least it would make for a fun night.

image by Luisiana


12-26-2013, 06:47 PM

As their castles crumble slowly

I watch them fall

Their crown slips from heads unworthy

As I gain control

Vibrant green eyes were every watchful at the mouth of the cavern. Her sandy ears twisted and turned at each individual sound. It seemed she was one of the few of her siblings to be constantly watching the pack lands. Protecting it from trespassers and fighting off those that were deemed unworthy. Her tail stood still behind her rump and her facial features were completely neutral and unmoving. The sound of paw steps alerted her to someone coming towards her. Her head snapped towards the sound and her fur erupted to the upright position. She pulled her body off the grounds of her stone home and began to move from the mouth of the cavern.

It seemed the ?unknown wolf? had thought better of entering into the cavern. That was a wise choice. She and her sisters had dominated the area often and the five could be a ferocious bunch, well, perhaps the four of them. Her one sister wasn?t exactly ferocious, perhaps more of a whore then anything else. She shook the thoughts away of her sisters and concentrated on the wolf that had called to her father. He was busy dealing with other things so she felt the need to find out what this wolf wanted.

Soon she came upon the pacing white wolf. He was unknown to her and immediately she lifted her head upright. Her fur pulled up around her in an aggressive display as her deep green eyes burned with their demand. Her tail was level with her body and her claws carefully clutched the earth as she slowed her movements to more of a stalk then an approach. Her head was low and level with her body, protecting her throat, as she allowed a low rumble to fill her body. Already she was obtaining scars from battle and the violence was only getting worse with her. She trusted no one that hadn?t proven to be trustworthy and she wanted to know what this wolf wanted. ?You are treading close to the edge of danger wolf.? she said with a snap to her teeth. Her ears were pinned to her head as she allowed her lips to quiver and expose her canines in a silent snarl. ?What are you doing in MY home?? she demanded. The aggression was intensifying in her voice as she made her way, slowly, and carefully closer.




2 Years
01-05-2014, 04:12 PM

Ever there ever not- would the dark pearls presence seem to be.

There are some days Meinx makes herself noticeably visible to the naked eye, and others not so much. But even on the days she may appear to be a figment of ones imagination she's always there, watching every move a traveler would take, absorbing there daily routine in an interest to see them fail. You see, as the babe would stalk- she learns some very valuable things that can be used to her advantage. But today it wasnt meinx who had been lurking and protecting the borders, and it would come to no surprise that it was her sister. She was perfect wasnt she? a great warrior already visibly showing victorious scars, and yet she can find the time to be in the company of her sisters.

It wasnt from sight that meinx was aware of the situation, but the sound of muttering exposed into the air. Her heavy paws would pound the earth and lead to the sound of her sister, wanting to be by her side at the turn of events. This time, Meinx wanted to be there to see her become victorious once again, that is of course- if they battle for dominance. It took only minutes to reach towards Syren and brush softly against her shoulder, standing by her side. Eyes narrowing upon the pale man. " Fool."

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.


01-08-2014, 03:44 PM

He was starting to get that funny feeling again.

There was something terrible lurking in his heart, a sinking sensation that threatened to drown him. He was floating loose on the breeze, a dangerous juxtapositions but nothing could be done about it now. He was smart not to go do3wn into that cave, something else lurked there something he didn't want to run into in the dark. But if he was going to find her he had to start somewhere, anywhere at all.

It didn't take long to get noticed.

He watched in hushed curiosity as the young female displayed her intentions, no fear instilled in those green eyes of her. She was a perfect stranger, so much it hurt. But truth was, he was the stranger. Citrus stained hues held a certain level of sadness, trying to contain a sudden burst of emotion oh how he hated having feelings he wished they would shrivel up and die but he had to face the facts and so he stood his ground, the change consuming him leaving nothing but bones and dust.

Soon they were joined by another, sisters or so it seemed by the way they greeted each other. A sharp ache, he had not seen his brother or his sisters for a very very long time. Vengeance might as well be just a memory, Fable he was certain now was dead and Newt??? He trembled in the dark, watching both of them close making no sudden moves as everything started to sink in. "I mean no harm" his voice soft, slipping through the cold air like a knife. "I lost someone. Her name is Newt ."He said nothing more, leaving the empty space for them to use. He had to find her, he just had to nothing else made sense he was a coward and it was time to let old habits die. Hackles slightly raised, feeling more pent up then ever.

image by Luisiana



Extra small
01-09-2014, 04:19 PM

So magnificent were they that ascended upon the heathens below and syrinx would admit that he was shocked they had come through for him. A low hiss would erupt from his lungs and immediately he seeks to fall between his daughters with jaws agape and ees intently tearing apart this feeble white man. Tongue lashes across his dark lips and the amenities arkhos dares to smirk at the other in pleasant contempt. He had not done the deed he stood and dared to proclaim but alas he would make no means of allowing the other to know the words that spewed from his lips were a lie, "te bitch was on my lands and I ripped her throat out. I watched her choke on her own blood. Leave me before the same fate befalls you," he would resign and roll his shoulders in obvious indifference. He has nothing for this man.
Table by Lu
[Image: 2ikflu9.jpg]