


12-26-2013, 01:57 PM

Disdain was plain on the face of the sultry shadow, the sunshine that reflected from every surface in these forsaken falls could harbour no darkness the bitch could wrap herself in. Why the fuck was she here? An answer to that mental inquiry escaped her, so she left it be. Lapping up the crystalline aqua at the lowest pool of the falls, the obsidian whore was overcome with boredom. A butterfly fluttered over to her, and she batted it from the air, crushing it under her tea cupped paw. Too much colour on one being to be any good. Lifting a lip in disgust, she rubbed the carcass from her paw on the grass and sighed in annoyance. Why was this place so hot? It was fricking winter for god's sake, there should be snow and ice consuming this awful sunshiney hellhole. Flowers poked up through the grass everywhere, and the ebony bitch set about crushing them. Tea cupped paws stomped on the blossoms and she revelled in the sensation of crushing their fragile forms and ending their existence. Long ebony tail would sweep behind her a few times in pleasure, the necklace she recently acquired bumping her dark chest. She had killed a particularly annoying hummingbird that had tried to seek refuge in the caverns she called home with her eternal grinner Ryu. Its skull was held around her throat with string though it's eye sockets, displaying the consequences of pissing her off. Despite her petite stature, she was deadly.



12-26-2013, 02:32 PM

He hadn't slept in three fucking days.

3The longer he spent here the more he was waking up, seeing comfort in the stale air that lingered. A terrible thirst invading his throat, he needed water and he needed it now. How many days he'd been here was beyond him, the thick sunlight filtering through reminding him he was revolving round and round on an immense ball of mud. An Amoeba in a petri dish, trying to steal the fire back from the heavens if they even existed at all.

Soon he could start to taste the moister clinging as broad paws carried him across the unknown leaving him nameless and exposed. It was getting warm, his pale hide a dirty mess as one miss placed step sent him sliding stiffly down the steep embankment, it was void of snow and he stood out with a terrible sort of transparency. But he was not alone in this hide away garden, the colors all mashed up under a black outline of sharp curves her stench invading his nose and before he could take another breath he collided into her with an intensity that left him momentarily stunned. A sharp little yip, trying his best to untangle himself.



12-26-2013, 03:07 PM

A muddy figure dropped like a rock down the embankment of the falls, smashing directly into her with a startled yip. The sultry shadow snarled in surprise and anger, disentangling herself from the crushing heap of stained ivory fur and shaking dirt from her formerly pristine pelt. She glared at the muddy creature that seemed to be a male lupine, clearly clumsy as hell to fall down a god damned hill! Exotic optics fixed on the man, her annoyance with his idiocy showing clear as this blasted light that left no darkness for her in this stupid place. "I'm fine with having someone on top of me, but a little warning please!" She exclaimed, a growl tainting her low, feminine lyrics. Long tail flicked in annoyance as she sat down and picked the assorted twigs and mud from her pure obsidian coat. Occasionally her dual toned orbs would flick upwards to check on the male, who might be ivory underneath the layer of mud.



12-26-2013, 03:58 PM

He was on fucking fire.

He was almost afraid to move at first, shifting his mass off of her so he was lying flat in the mud with a soft groan as it all came to a stop. He was still very dizzy, a monstrous fuzzy mess but at least he was awake. A careful glance at the other wolf she was a small little thing darker then sin with eyes like a witch. He ruffled his fur as he took a moment to lap up the dirty water, it wasn't often he was so juxtaposed.

Satisfied at last, he let forth a magnificent yawn parting foul jaws wide as he inhaled the stale air. He watched her very close, too damn lazy to get up so he remained sprawled out on his belly. He lifted his chiseled skull high, a slow flick of his tail she was very pretty but that was not important right now. "Then you should have gotten out of the way " He spoke softly, a dangerous lisp in his tone it might be fate or it might be chaos either way was fine with him as long as he got to enjoy it along the way.



12-26-2013, 04:10 PM

His response provoked a dangerous change in the mind of the sultry shadow, her voice lost it's growly tinge, becoming completely normal. She looked up from her grooming, her stare unblinking and emotionless. Low, her voice was a silky purr as she replied calmly, smoothly. "You're the fucking moron who fell down the edge of a waterfall, you should have paid attention." She told him, flicking her long dark tail like a cat does when they're annoyed. Replacing her paw on the ground, which she had finished cleaning anyways, she watched the man with a cold stare. He was still sprawled out in the mud like an idiot, but that was his choice. Maybe it felt good or something, took the pressure off of his brain to focus on standing, which seemed like it would be a trial, the way he was looking. Her dual toned optics flicked away from him, relieving her of that sight but rewarding her with an even worse one. There were so many flowers left to be crushed, butterflies still fucking flapping about, all the dumb colourful shit that was thankfully lacking back home, up north. Deciding the effort wasn't worth enduring that irritating sight, she returned her exotic gaze back to the lazy ass in front of her.



12-26-2013, 04:48 PM

This was starting to be fun.

He managed a inky smile just as lazy as he felt, head tilted to the side as she reacted to his voice. Such a small little thing, but she radiated with something much more intense. He still didn't have any friends here, something he was painfully aware of this and he still needed to find Newt. He needed to make it up too her, and Fable too if she was still around. The guilt almost suffocating at times, but that was the price he must pay.

He was already here, might as well keep things interesting. Besides it had been so long since he played with someone. His molten gaze unwavering as he locked hues with her, captivated to end up like this. "Why don't you come over here and make me?" a teasing note in his words, one eyebrow arched as he tilted his head dangerously to the side. He half hoped she would come over to him, if only for the company.



12-26-2013, 05:18 PM
The challenge he uttered was laughable, she was not surprised that he was attempting dominance. But she had not been the lover of the masked Queen Canttina because she was pretty, oh no, it was for a reason much more deliciously dark. Standing, her every movement was deliberately slow, playing with the mind and the hunger within the sunset eyed man. She brought one tea cupped paw forward, then the other, until she was standing over the man, looking down at him. She remained at his closest flank, her claws barely brushing his mucky fur as she fixed her strange optics upon him. "Is that how you like it, my ghost? Do you like to be dominated?" She whispered, lowering her tiara to speak into his ear. As she purred into his pale audit, her breath stirred the hairs inside. Lifting her cranium, she turned on a dime and padded off, stopping at the pool to lap up some more of the water with her long salmon tongue. Standing with her back to the male, she looked over her petite shoulder at him. "Besides, the only attention you'll ever pay is to things that get you hot." She purred, flitting off to crush some of the pinpoints of colour she hadn't gotten to. She cloaked herself in a fa?ade of not paying attention to the man, but she was all to aware of him, because she knew he would not be laying down much longer. Tea cupped paws squished blossoms, destroyed colourful lives, and rid the area of what other saw as beauty.



12-26-2013, 05:45 PM

Now it just wasn't fair.

He was utterly speechless t first, heart stuttering in his chest as she wandered towards him her lithe dark frame intoxicating god damn why did he have to be such a slut but it wasn't his fault not really not when she was so close he could almost taste her, almost. He was fighting the urge to drool, a hot little mess as she whispered into his ear oh wow he hadn't been this excited since the age of the dinosaurs. Mouth slightly open, if he wasn't careful he'd end up catching some stray flies.

He watched as walked away, aching so terribly in her wake did she know what she was stirring up? A dangerous hunger lingered in his electric stare, suddenly not caring that he was here looking for Newt that he was alone forever because he was addicted to the rush and he couldn't look away now. He watched as she crushed the flowers, soaking up all the little things that went unsaid. He was on his paws in one fluid graceful motion much more surefooted then before, his muscular frame taunt as a live wire.

He brushed up firmly against her, pale hide mingling with dark fur in a delicious concoction that left him hungry for more. He was much bigger then her, something that he found attractive and now it just was not going to stop. "Show me what you like" He nudged her hips in a playful way, a nose stuck curiously close to her lady parts he was wound up and ready to go, trembling from the inside out as he waited for her to wave her white flag.



12-26-2013, 06:01 PM

He was so predictable, in his aroused state. The dirtied man was up quick as lightning and coiling around her body, nudging at her haunches and inquiring in a dirty little way. She rolled her exotic orbs, turning so her face was level with his as he tried to get at the goldmine she hid beneath her long silky banner. Her voice was just a whisper, a purr only he could hear. "You wish." She murmured, her lips curved in a wicked grin that bared her fangs, so brilliant and pale against her dark fur. With that, she placed a chaste kiss on his nose and loped off, back home where it was so much better than this pit of hell. Anyone who could be found here wouldn't be worth the effort to fuck, especially not someone who fell down a waterfall and blamed the victim of their fall for being in the way. She would always be faithful to her beloved Ryu, but teasing fools like this man, who had never introduced himself, was too much fun to resist. Small ebony paws carried the sultry wisp of shadow into the dark surrounding forest, up north to where she would go and fuck her eternal grinner, who knew just how she liked it without needing to ask.

.:Exit Raven:.
