
Cold Wind Took My Spirit Away


12-26-2013, 06:24 AM

The tawny woman had left her den at the break of day, sneaking out before her daughter woke, pausing first at the edge their den, before moving off to the stream, to take a long deep drink. From where she stood at the stream, a small brown movement caught her interest. Head raising, her golden eyes fixating on the creature, she watched as a hare moved steadily out of the brush, as if the creature was unaware of her presence. The woman had stood watching the creature, for several moments as it moved, before suddenly bolting forward, chasing it for a few seconds before she managed to pin it with her paw, moving quickly to put it out of its misery.

She moved, with the hare hanging limply in her jaws back to the den at a brisk pace, and as she ducked down inside it, she dropped the hare near her daughter, pausing once to spare a glance at the place where the once queen of Glaciem had stayed before she had found her own place to sleep. Eris found herself missing Argent more and more these days, wanting her friend to meet Irune, and wanting just to have someone to talk too. Pushing these thoughts from her head, she leaned down, gently nosing her daughter. She would speak gently, attempting to rouse her daughter from her slumber.

"Irune, wake up."




5 Years
01-05-2014, 10:15 PM

Sleep was broken with the soft padding of paws and the scent of her mother fading. Amber eyes opened to stare at the mouth of the den for a moment, waiting to see if her mother would be coming back. After a moment she yawned before jumping to her paws and running over to the herbs. Her eyes widened at the vast colors, shapes and scents. There was so many of them! How did mother know which was what and how to use them?! Gently she leaned forwards to take a carefully sniff at each pile. She wagged her tail at the sharp tangs, sweet aromas, the scents that made her lips curl. There was so much to learn from them. Who knew plants could be so different and yet not. One plants caught her nose though, one she couldn't pull away from. It was soft, calming and soothe like scent. Her body pulled closer to the lavender, eyes closed to drink in it's scent.

Head lifted as she looked around. Surely she could take just a tiny bit and roll in and mother would never notice. Tail wagging madly she carefully pulled away a tiny bit from the pile. She moved it away from the stock of herbs before flopping down on her side on the plant. Body rolled and twisted, getting the scent all over her. She spent a good time just enjoying it, not noticing the passing time. She made sure not to swallow any, just incase it did something to her. Suddenly she heard paw steps outside. Heart hammered against her chest. In a paniced rush she raced to put to herb back and run back to where she had been sleeping. Laying down she closed her eyes, evened her breathing and pretended like she had been sleeping the whole time.

Eris dropped something near her, making it so hard not to flinch or open her eyes. But she didn't it. A gentle nose went to rouse her from her so called sleep. Eyes opened in a flutter, jaws parting in a fake yawn.Momma...? She asked softly as she slowly sat up, a paw lifting to wipe at her left eye. Once put back down she looked at the rabbit. Head tilted to the side with curiosity. Is..that breakfast? What about milk? She asked as she looked back up at Eris. She hoped her act had worked, and had no idea she smelled like lavender.



01-15-2014, 04:02 AM

The lithe woman, entered her den, shaking slightly, as she dropped the hare near her pup. One of the good things about Irune being her only child, was that the two could share the hare, as milk was still Irune's primary source of food, though she seemed to need less of it lately. As she nosed her daughter, she thought she detected a faint scent of lavender, and a slight smile pulled at her jaws, though she would choose not to comment on it. "Of course my love, She spoke softly, lying beside her daughter, her small form pressing into her child. "I do want you to try some of this hare, with me though. I think you'll like it."

Her tones would be soft, soprano voice filling the air in the large den. "What are you going to do today? She would ask with a smile, wondering if her daughter would go off exploring, or playing with her siblings. Or would the healer have company as she sorted herbs and went to gather more?




5 Years
02-08-2014, 09:20 PM
Irune Ezra Armada

She couldn't believe her little trick was working. But it made her feel bad too, her innards seemed to twist and make her feel icky. As she mother laid next to her she turned to snuggle into her. Her gently laid her head on Eris' shoulder."Momma...I did something I think was bad...I um..ummm..I was playing with the herbs. I didn't eat any though, I swear!" She voice came out in a rush at the end, drenched in distress that her mom would be very mad at her. She slide down off her mom, head bowed and ears down. Her tiny tail wrapped around her, as if trying to protect herself in the surely to come anger from her mother.

But the comment on the hare made her look up and at their meal. It looked funny to her, but smelled good. She glanced up at Eris before scrambling over to the rabbit. She gave it a few sniffs and poked it with her paw. She didn't know what to expect from it. She had seen mother eat before but the rabbit had fur. She didn't want to eat that. She looked back at Eris, questionly waiting. She wouldn't take the first back, not till she knew if she'd be in trouble and Eris took a bite first. She thought about what she might do today, it was a good question really. She had no idea. She glanced at the storage of herbs and plants then her paws. Head snapped up and she rushed over to her mom, nearly tripping over herself."I wanna learn from you, learn what all those plants do and stuff! She said excitedly, tail wagging, and amber eyes pleading.


02-23-2014, 01:05 AM

Eris had wondered if the pup would attempt to keep secret the fact that she had been tampering with her store. As much as she should have been angry with her daughter, for messing with the herbs, and potentially eating or rubbing something on her that could hurt her, she couldn't bring herself to jump down her throat over it. When Irune sheepishly admitted her acts, Eris simply stared at her for a moment or two debating how to respond. "You shouldn't be in the herbs alone. There are many things in there that could be deadly, Irune." She would speak sternly, looking at her daughter with an neutral gaze, before a soft smile lit her jaws. "However, I admire your curiosity, and I'm proud that you admitted it, rather than lying about it."

She would watch as her daughter investigated the rabbit but seemed unnerved by the fur that coated the creature. A chuckle escaped her, and she moved, pinning the hare in her paws and slowly, she'd pull the fur from it's body, breaking off a piece of furless meat she'd pull back from it, offering it too Irune. Her daughter spoke of wanting to learn about the herbs and things Eris did and she felt a prickle of pride run in her. "Of course I'll teach you, Irune, but on one condition." She'd leave the question there, waiting for her daughter to reply.
