
To Die By Fire



5 Years
12-25-2013, 10:37 AM

And no rivers and no lakes can put the fire out

I'm gonna raise the stakes, I'm gonna smoke you out

"Your Grace, please, we really must be going!" The wind howled around them, buffeting and tugging at Raisa's pelt, but she would not move. It was bitterly cold, but the heat before her was almost more than she could bear. Koros crouched at her side, pressing his small body against hers, ears pinned back in fear. Raisa's, on the other hand, were perked and interested, even if her body was hunched against the sulfur and wind and heat. Her fur glowed a ruddy orange, as if it were drinking in the liquid flames before her. "Have you ever seen such a sight, Koros?" Her voice could barely be heard above the wailing winds. "No, your Grace, and I'd thank you to not have to see it again! This is unsafe!" Raisa sighed.

She leaned over and wrapped her jaws around Koros' neck. The male fox 'eep'ed and flinched, but the forsaken queen was gentle. She picked him up by the scruff of the neck, felt his scared little body shaking, and turned from the crater's brim. She walked a ways down the mountain until Koros seemed to relax, then stopped and deposited him on the ground at her feet. "There you are, little coward." Her voice was cold and cruel with derision, but to Koros, there was an undercurrent of affection. The fact that she had carried him from the brim was a grand act in of itself. For her, at least. He let out a sigh of great relief, sagging down a bit. "My thanks, your grace. I am not so brave as to face fire and brimstone, I suppose." The queen of course, was not so cautious or sensible, but he had grown to call her friend despite this.

"Speech" Think "Koros"
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


12-25-2013, 05:36 PM
Fond of the hot springs Isabella had stuck around the area as of late as winter grew fierce. It wasn't even the snow that was the worst part, it was the blasted wind Of course Isabella would never hate snow, it was a part of water and she believed in a way connected to The Spirit of the Ocean. Exploring the new area she was drawn to the glow in the distance curious as to what it was. There was much to learn in this world and she wanted to learn as many scents, sights and sounds as she could.

The small swift wolf moved with sure confident steps across the ground. Her fox colored fur offered her no camouflage and knowing it she walked with her head and ears even higher than normal and her icy eyes bright and observant. The land she was going to smelled strongly of heat if heat could have a smell. Something else did not have good camouflage here,something small in white. Curious she moved close in front of whatever was in the distance, not in the mood to hunt or seem like a threat, she was simply here to learn.

The white fur was soon seen as a fox one who's colors she had not seen before with both fur and eyes. Seeing there was a wolf with the fox she cursed herself in the back of her mind for not catching the scent sooner yet this place smelled strange and hot so it was difficult to smell them in the first place. Even so she told herself to find some kind of training after this encounter. Quickly she sized up the dark large female wolf. It was curious the wolf's eyes were much like that of the fox, maybe they were from a land where it was common. After all the fox seemed to know the wolf was there and showed no fear. Pausing she lowered her head just so in greeting. "Greetings, I am Isabella VentFlurrer, stranger to these odd hot lands." Her words were simple and held no emotion. She said all that needed to be said if a conversation was to start she would say more but for now she did not see the point.



5 Years
12-25-2013, 09:38 PM

And no rivers and no lakes can put the fire out

I'm gonna raise the stakes, I'm gonna smoke you out

Raisa bristled, a sudden intrusion breaking into her friendly scorn. Her head flew up and whipped around, trying to locate it's source. Were it not for this damn volcano surely she would have noticed her before. An unimpressive creature, she mixed to herself, somewhat amused by the circumstance. She introduced herself as Isabella, but her surname was neither known to Raisa, nor did it impress her. Raisa did not respond directly, nor did she feel a need to. She had a steward for that.

Koros drew himself up, the situation forcing him to recover from his fright. He stood with all the regality his stature could afford him. "You address the Queen Raisa Xanilov, rightful heir to the Ebony Throne, daughter of-" Raisa raised a paw, stopping her friend before her titles began. She deserved only half of them, liked hearing them only to a point, yet none of them mattered now. "That will do, Koros." The ebony and auburn far looked over the foxish hued lupe before them yet again. "What has brought you to this place?" Her curiosity would not be curbed, and would not. This mountain fascinated her, and she was eager to see whether or not others of her species felt the same.

"Speech" Think "Koros"
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


12-25-2013, 11:01 PM
It was odd the way the fox stood, Isabella had never seen a fox stand with any kind of rank before. Anger, a threat, a show of force but never rank. They were lone creatures after all not social like wolves. Her ear flicked just a bit as the fox spoke proclaiming the wolf was a royal one, a queen at that. So Koros was the fox's name. Keeping that in mind she watched the two of them, the way the wolf, Raisa as the fox had called her, silenced the fox. "Must be some sort of page." The thought crossed her mind. Though she only knew a little about royals she figured they should be respected. Royals weren't like Alphas, Alphas and high ranks killed for power drawing as much blood as they could. Royal power came from blood but blood that was granted at birth.

Even so, she kept her stance as her own, it was the way she always stood after all and it made her feel more relaxed. "My apologies Queen." She said looking to the wolf called Raisa. She wasn't too sure if she should add last name or title so she kept it simple. The child of gammas she was always taught to respect the ways of others, it kept things calm at meetings. It was one of the few things she kept from her family. Going along with the informal ways she also decided not to bow. The Queen had a question for her, a fair enough one and one she did not mind answering. "Ah well I found a nice seance of comfort from the near by hot springs and decided to see what else was around. A distant glow and smell of heat brought me here. I have never seen a mountain with such a light or that felt such a way."

Again her words were short and to the point and though they stayed empty there was a light in her eyes. With no knowledge of the way her eyes looked she could not hide the look well, the spark of curiosity and the excited emotions that always came with learning.



5 Years
12-28-2013, 11:53 PM

And no rivers and no lakes can put the fire out

I'm gonna raise the stakes, I'm gonna smoke you out

Raisa hummed, thoughtful. She cast her glance back up at the volcano's rim, and the ruddy light it cast upon the thick clouds. It was ominous, to say the least, and foreboding for anyone prone to superstitious wanderings. To be drawn to such a place, well, this wolf must have been as mad as she. Koros at least had had the good sense to flee, but Raisa had drawn ever closer, pulled in by the fire. Her humming became a low chuckle, and she returned her gaze to Isabella. "You must be quite the fool, never mind what that says about me." Her thoughts turned to home. The land held by the Ebony Throne had hosted nothing quite so grand. Forests, hills, mountains, and little more. All the better, truthfully. Raisa had been a curious pup, and likely would have tumbled in the first time she was set free from the den. Even now she did not want to leave it's warm, savage glow.

A new thought struck her... Savage indeed... What power rested beneath it's might mantle? The mountain did not threaten or bolster itself, it merely sat there, being nothing more than itself, and the rest of the world trembled before it. "Interesting, isn't it? How the weakest tend to howl the loudest, and how true power does not need to be heard to be noticed. All I need are my eyes and my heart to know this power could bring the realm to it's knees." Yes, Raisa was quite pleased with the mountain. She wondered if it had been her father's old gods who had created it, or her mother's strange foreign ones. To her, it didn't entirely matter, only that it was there before her. She was not a creature to think too deeply on the meaning of things, but preferred to understand them in the present, and what she might learn for the future.

"Speech" Think "Koros"
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


12-29-2013, 01:34 AM

The snow, compact against that obsidian ground would moan audibly against the man's weight, would have cracked had his gait not been gentle. It was in this manor that the man sought the mountain. His cold gaze settled ever forward seeking any vertical life to contrast the plain of snow and rock. It would be the last time he would patrol the mountain and his absence would alas devoid the land of life other than the strangers who came to marvel at the deadened volcano. Such were the strangers that fathomed themselves before the man; their distant chatter falling upon his ears in an uneven wave of intelligible sound against the winter wind. His nose would flare in an attempt to read their status but a sulfurous air would sting his lungs instead.

So the man would come to rely on patience and time to gain the perspective he desired. His limbs becoming warmer as the incline sharpened and snow gave way to rock. Soon the distance between the strangers was no more than a yard and the man's ears would flutter as a precise humming would ring within them. Curiosity would tinge his otherwise stoic features and he would take a seat beside the women as he awaited a turn to speak. Given her comments regarding the mountain his attention would find bias in the woman whose pelt appeared as if it were pointed by fire. When speech broke his crown would bow in a manner of greeting and once risen, black jowls would break. I suppose it is easy to underestimate what appears to be ordinary. I question what fire is aflame beneath your lively presence. He would inquire thoughtfully, tone somewhat at a jest; an uncommon expression in such a straightforward man. Allowing a pause for respective speech he would introduce himself appropriately, turning towards the smaller mottled woman in acknowledgement before once again speaking. I am Deteste. Master of Tortuga.


12-29-2013, 01:33 PM
Isabella was curious as to why Raisa had hummed and laughed but it turned out she was the amusing one. She did not mind being called foolish, in a way she was by taking the word of another. Her ear mealy flicked in reply, it seemed answer enough the words were not an insult nor was she insulted. Pausing as the other did she took a moment to admire the warmth of the liquid fire. Maybe it was a sea of flames, if the Spirit of the Ocean ruled water perhaps there was another spirit at work here.

Her eyes and mind went back to the queen who did not need to be called Queen. There was logic in the words. "Yes, the truly strong are confident in their power, they show it when they need to and no other time. This power could indeed make all fall before it. I once met a wolf who believed the Gods she knew of could end the world and recreate it many times. Those times were by fire, water, earth and air. This fire could be what she meant. Now, I don't think the world has ended and been formed again, but this liquid fire could end any life that fell within it." As much power as was clear in the place much like the ocean she knew the fire was to be respected and perhaps feared but it would not be something to control.

It was fun to ponder such things, to have conversation that got her thinking, and the conversation would no doubt grow as another joined them. This one a large scared man. Isabella did as she always did and learned what she could of the man by looking at him. Seamless black fur, blue eyes that stood out among the black frame and scars. He had no doubt seen his share of battles yet had manners as he sat and greeted them with a nod. It did not go past her noticing that he nodded to her and seemed to give her more attention than Raisa. As the man introduced himself as Deteste of Tortuga she pondered the name. The more packs she knew of in the land the better and it would be easy to learn of a pack from a Master.

"Must be a sort of Alpha." She thought already feeling unsure. She wasn't to fond of Alphas or any with power though bloodshed yet the man seemed very well mannered. Perhaps he wasn't one who saw power though blood, even so she would be neutral until she learned more of the man. "Greetings Deteste, I am Isabella VentFlurrer, a loner. I have yet to here of Tortuga, but am always eager to learn of the packs in this land." Hoping to learn she sat, getting comfortable. It seemed the others would not go too far now that they were in conversation. It wan'st a bad conversation so far, not mindless chatter but one with an exchange of knowledge and ideas. Though her words were still calm there was a bit of emotion in them, akin to that of one in a meeting with other packs.



5 Years
12-30-2013, 01:09 PM

And no rivers and no lakes can put the fire out

I'm gonna raise the stakes, I'm gonna smoke you out

The arrival of the stranger was not missed by Raisa. What at first appeared to be a flitting shadow against the dark basalt, soon took form as it approached from the base of the slope. She smirked, wondering what purpose this dark wolf had. She could get no bearings from him due to the damnable fumes, and found the fact that she had no choice but to wait amused her. She listened halfheartedly to the foxish wolf directly before her, keeping an eye on their new arrival. And so it is that they flock in droves, she thought to herself, remembering her mother's vanity. The obsidian wolf had caught snippets of their conversation, apparently, as when he arrived at long last he remarked upon it. Isabella was quick to respond, while Raisa thought more deeply on his words, waiting for her to fall silent. A queen never need speak over another, her father had told her once.

As it was, when her time came, she had come to think there was some test in the male's words. Wary of telling him too much or too little before the proper time, she answered in kind, with the barest hint of a smirk on her face. "It has been said that fire burns within me, as does ice, in equal measure. I could not preference one over the other. I should think you need be more specific, Master Deteste." Her orange and blue eyes shone with mirth, while Koros looked somewhat disturbed at the whole gathering. Raisa had always worked to keep him safe, but it had never been hard among the court. The silver foxes were revered, honored as servants to the royal family. Here, these wolves would have no such reservations, and he did not know much about either of these two strangers. Raisa seemed to have no fear among them, however, but her tongue could be sharp at times and he hoped she would not unduly provoke either.

"Speech" Think "Koros"
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!