
Together Again



5 Years
12-21-2013, 12:57 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Brave and bold, Anais designated it her duty to walk at the front of the family group, feeling as if it was she who led them all along to the location upon the river that Tahlia had mentioned they could find their father. Not even the occasional word from her mother to go left rather than right seemed to deter her from her chosen position, and with her head and steps high to help maneuverability through the snow the grey and gold pup continued to march before them, welcoming her siblings when they chose to walk beside her but never letting either of them steal the lead entirely from her. It was not only her eagerness to finally see her father again, but also a need she had to be the first to see the new territory as they tread through it. It seemed her adventurous streak was bordering on competitiveness.

A few bounding leaps through the snow later she paused, listening closely, before she turned her head to look at Tahlia with wide, excited eyes. "Is that the river?" she questioned, almost certain that the quiet rumble just on the edge of hearing was indeed the self same river that they sought. She was not entirely familiar with it - the still lake back home did not seem to make much noise ever - but Tahlia had said that they would be able to hear it. Without even waiting for an answer, she continued to lead along, forgetting in her haste and excitement to wait for her brothers though they were sure to be right there with her. Still, she wanted to be first.

She had not gotten far before the strict voice of her mother stopped her short, making her stop her headlong rush almost immediately. Anais glanced back and set her ears against her head in both apology and distress, wanting very much to be given the go ahead so that she could finish finding the den herself, and preferably before either of her brothers. Tahlia caught up at her own pace, visibly surveying their surroundings before she opened her muzzle and released a quiet howl for her husband and father of the pups. Knowing him to either appear or answer soon, Anais stared about intently fidgeting a little where she stood as she waited and listened and hoped to notice his presence somehow.

-- anais

brb: adventuring

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



7 Years
12-21-2013, 02:49 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Tahlia walked behind the children directing their course by word alone as they set an eager pace for the Rio Grande. She let them keep a small lead between them, letting her thoughts keep her company while she kept them on track. It was the first time she and the children were making this journey, though as circumstances would have it it would not be their last. At the end of the path they were wearing into the woods was a den beside the river, the place that Nako had been born, and there they would find the missing piece to their family, the banished husband and father who was no longer allowed within their home of Seracia.

Though she kept her pace reserved and her actions refined, even around her children, Tahlia was honestly just as excited as they were to get where they were going, eager to see and smell and feel her mate and husband right there beside her rather than the memory of him that seemed to haunt her every waking hour. She had known from the beginning that the loss was going to be difficult, that it was not by any means going to be an easy adjustment to make, but neither had she realized the true extent to what she would feel. Barely together for almost two seasons and he was gone. She had not had enough time with him, and he had less time yet with their children. He could not be there to shield them all in warmth in the den, to romp and play with the pups as only he knew how, or teach them daily of all the little pieces of knowledge he possessed. Nor could he reassure her that her part in raising their children was perfectly fine when she had her doubts, that his affection and love for her was not fading, or simply be near when she needed his steady strength beside her.

She blinked upon hearing that they were near the river, drawn suddenly from her thoughts and needing a moment before she realized that they were close. Her heart beat slightly faster as the happy news settled in. Bane was near.

Always the first to bolt and act on impulse, Anais was quick to take charge and lead them on, not even bothering to wait and see what Tahlia had to say. With a sigh, the russet and black she-wolf was after her, hurrying to close the distance and catch her before she led them all too far. "Anais, wait!" Thank goodness the girl listened. Tahlia trotted up to join her with her siblings, eyes and ears searching and scanning their surroundings as if detecting every little detail about them. As much as she was ready for them all to go racing headlong to meet their banished family member, something upon the air had stopped her. His scent was prominent, speaking of his time there along the river already and that it was likely he was still close by. Tilting her muzzle upward, she called to him, her voice filled with longing and the hopes of their reunion.



11 Years
12-26-2013, 01:40 AM
Bane hadn't been doing much?other than keeping warm and?full of meat the past few days, his huddled form giving a slight shake. Perhaps the deer he dragged ashore and fed on could be skinned and have it's pelt draped over the entrance? The elder didn't see why not, except that it still needed to dry out from his prey's tumble into the river after their brief chase. It was funny almost how he tackled it into the thin and ever-shifting river ice, both predator and prey falling onto the river with a cracking of frozen surface water. That lopsided pursuit happened this morning, and Bane was still trying to get warm and dry all huddled up in his den. Tongue darted between his upper lip and fangs and successfully cleaned a piece of meat out.

The ribs were certainly good on that deer, more of a fall-off-the-bone variety and runny with blood... went good with the brisk mountain run-off traveling under the river ice. And still, despite the elder being full and gradually getting warm and dry, he couldn't find a comfortable position to rest in. Bane rolled from one side to the other, curled against the sloped walls of his den and stretched all the way out. He put his paw underneath his chin and then his cheek, still uncomfortable. Something was wrong with Bane, and as his remaining eye gave a downcast glance at the dirt of his den's floor in uncertainty, a depressed sigh escaping through his nose.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
01-01-2014, 12:46 PM
Nako stalked after his family, a glance given to his half brother Jakart along with a bumping of a shoulder. "Le'ss go Jakart, Bane's waiting for us."
Anais was ahead of the two males slogging through the snow but Tahlia remained close behind them. The Alena-born didn't want to leave his younger brother floundering in the snow and so held himself back from taking the lead to encourage the timid juvenile and have him follow by example. "Wide paws Jak, so you don't sink to far down remember." Nako's mismatched eyes looked up a Anais noticing the sounds of a river. The eldest pup tilted his head and pivoted his ears to search for the sounds of rushing water... there it was.

His half-sister started off but was force to stop as Tahlia called out a halt to their group at Anais's position. The two brothers walked with one occasionally stumbling as they met up with Anais, Nako looking up at Tahlia as she caught up and then howled, the Alena-born fighting an urge to do so too with the more important matter of actually looking for his sire. "I smell Bane." Nako rumbled as he put his nose to ground and sniffed in his fathers scent. "He's close." He closed his eyes for a moment before starting to hone in towards his father.



5 Years
01-05-2014, 02:20 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Though she was still plagued by impatience, Anais remained glued to the spot beside her mother and brothers, attention shifting every few seconds or so with anticipation. No answer from her father rang through the woods beside the river, no sight of him coming to join them caught her eye. Everything around them remained still and peaceful, natural and oblivious to the reunion that was to take place.

And it did not ease her tension.

With no answer to go off of, the confused girl tilted her head back and glanced up into her mother's face, trying to determine whether this was something to be worried about. Tahlia's face stayed serious and overall unchanging to the pup, and her yellow-gold eyes were already back to glancing around again, fidgeting even more as she turned around to look in a new direction. Nako, more mature and better able to assess their surroundings, piped up about finding Bane's scent, and wanting to keep up with his superiority Anais set her nose to the air and sniffed around, searching for the distinguishing smell that was solely their father's.

Close, her brother said, and sure enough after some close searching of her own she caught it. Nako was right; Bane was near. Following her elder brother's lead, the adventurous pup stuck close to him, not wanting to fall behind and all the while with her nose testing the air to keep that scent she had identified as her father's there within detection. It strengthened to the point that she no longer needed to focus so much to find it, and more confident in herself she began to walk ahead again, pulling away from her brothers and mother and venturing ahead along the riverbank as they trailed along it and toward an opening that she was starting to see through the snow.

Her bright eyes fixated upon the spot as she neared, falling into a creeping, cautious crawl led by her nose as peering as well as possible to see within. "Dad?" she whispered softly, creeping a few more steps until she spotted some peppered grey fur. Suddenly grinning, Anais lost all pretense of stealth and bound forward with an excited whine. "Dad!" Without any forethought to her father's condition or even his awareness of her and the rest of their family right there with her, she leaped at his side and snuggled in close to him, tail wagging swiftly as she rubbed against his side and moved to begin licking his cheeks and chin with excited, fidgety movements.

-- anais

brb: adventuring

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



11 Years
01-12-2014, 01:40 PM
Bane looking up at the den's ceiling without adjusting his head and gave a heavy drawn-out sigh. A sprinkle of dirt fell on his head, the elder not bothering to shake it off as he lost all sense of energy and the will to be active for today, the twice-banished closing his eye tiredly for a moment before opening it again. Opening and closing. Inside he was dying of no motivation to do anything. He'd arise late in the day and check his traps followed by a quick sip of water then sulk off to sleep for the remainder of the day and through the night until morning. Then repeat the process all over again. Pitiful.?A hacking cough was given and Bane rose to his paws and hunched over as the fit continued for a few moments. It finally ended with a few muffled rumbles and Bane lay down again before curling up. He tasted blood from the sicknesses violent symptoms though the cause shouldn't be to bad, just his throat.

This cold weather wasn't helping since he was alone as he curled up tighter. His remaining eye closed and a sigh was given, a long moment in time passing for him. Whitening ears didn't quite pick up the sound of shuffling at the entrance of his den, nor the sound of his daughter as she gently inquired his name. A exclamation was heard at the entrance and Bane lazily tried to snap awake when the juvenile wolf was felt colliding with him. It had to take him a few moments, but when Anais had jumped him Bane thought he was being assaulted, the way his daughter had tried to smother his body made him think he trying to be pinned, his one good eye face down in the ground from the wolf's weight. He couldn't see who it was and a growl tore through his muzzle as he brought a leg between him and the stranger and weakly pushed. The place where the wolf's... tongue, not fangs, had touched caused him to give pause. Bane gave a quick sniff and smelled his daughters scent, panting and looking up at her. A sad smile creased his muzzle and he gingerly whisper to his daughter. "Rule number one Anais, let sleeping wolves lie."
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
01-22-2014, 01:55 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Nothing. Not a howl, not a bark, not even a whine to let them know where it was the banished elder was. The silence was worrying. Tahlia had been expecting him, anticipating a call back to let her know that he heard, to know from him that he was alive and ready to see them again. More than anything she wished to hear in his voice his happiness, to know without a doubt at its sound that his affection for them all had not faded or dulled during their time apart. She needed the peace of mind not only for herself but for her children as well. Where are you?

Even as she waited, still holding out a few more seconds, the mother wolf heard her children speaking, Nako addressing the fact his father's scent was scattered about the place, evidence enough of him being there. Without a sign from her, they began to follow it and belatedly she fell into step behind them, still somewhat lost in thought. This was not right. Had Bane been well he would have answered. He would have come charging toward them in his eagerness to see his family, to greet his children. Was he injured worse than he had been? Had the plants Loccian administered to him not been enough to stave off infection? The worry churned within her gut as she trailed after Nako, Jakart, and Anais.

She became aware of their location when the river came more fully within sight, and only realized too late that the den had been found. Anais, always reckless, was already there, peering within and testing the boundary to its singular exit. "Anais, wait-" She tried to speak up, to stop her daughter from startling her father in dangerous, unclaimed territory, but even as the warning left her muzzle the golden-grey pup was already disappearing inside, her cry of greeting punctuated by Bane's warning growls.

Heart suddenly pounding, Tahlia pressed forward to stand there at the den's opening, relieved instantly to see Bane smiling and Anajs in one piece. Her fearlessness is going to be the death of her. Dark golden eyes fixing themselves upon her husband, Tahlia smiled in a mixture of apology and joy, eyes just slightly watering knowing their family was together at last. "Bane," she murmured gently by way of greeting, restraining herself from rushing forward and collapsing on the floor beside him. But no, their children did not need to see just how much the separation from their father was affecting her. She needed to be strong for them, and so she would keep her ground with the promises that later, when finally they were alone together, she could crumble beside him until her heart was content.



5 Years
01-24-2014, 06:48 PM
Jakart brushed up against his brothers shoulder and watched as Nako sniffed and scented for a trace of their father. The snow felt cool between his paws as the younger pup looked around at the forest encompassing their traveling group. A slight parting of his maw was given as he smiled and looked up at the tree, the various frozen moss's and lichens sparkling in the given light. Rushing water was heard at a certain point as he swiveled his ears, a yip given as he noticed that Nako was leaving him behind. Anais was already darting ahead, a few moments passing of the youngest wolf trying to catch up to his brother and sister. The chase halted by the river and he let out a bark in glee at finishing the non-verbalized race.

Anais went into the hole and a growl was heard, Jakart pinning his ears against his head as he shrank back behind his brother. A feather of Nako's caught his eye and the pup gazed at the little wisps coming off the molted bird fur. Their mom stood at the opening of the hole and Jakart couldn't help but feel a little hungry. Gone were the days where he could sneak up to his mom and nurse, the pup now wanting bloody, tender meat to fill his belly. A toss of his head was given and Jakart sniffed at Nako's feather, giving an amused giggle at the way it tickled his nose. Today was going to be a fun day as a family.



5 Years
02-18-2014, 12:34 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

She had heard her mother's warning words but they had come too late, the growls of her father that followed loud within the enclosed space of his den. Belatedly her ears tucked against her small head, trying to quiet the sound, while simultaneously taking a slow step back urged on by the rising forepaw of the startled elder wolf. And in that moment, a sudden panic, an unusual sensation of fear, stole through her, not entirely from the fact that her father was turning on her in his surprise but because she feared he had forgotten her. Why else would he have reacted so to her entering his den and greeting him in such a jovial yet predictable fashion? Had they really been separated so long?

But just as the look of unhappy dawning tried sneaking its way across her soft puppy features he gentled, smiled if somewhat dismally, and spoke her name in the softest of rebukes. It was more than enough for the high strung youth. Her yellow-gold eyes grew misty as an answering smile quickly replaced the look on her face, tail beginning its wag all over again, and more tentatively this time she crept forward, moving back in to pick up where she had left off in her over eager greeting full of nuzzles and kisses. A quiet whine of apology was made for her brash entrance, and for having startled her father, but knowing he still remembered her and was still happy to see her was enough to take the sting off of her foolishness.

"I missed you," she mumbled into his fur, excitement once again beginning to return in full. She was grinning just as before by the time she drew back, tail a blur with how swiftly it was moving, and with a final lick to her farher's chin she took a few steps back, a glance given over one shoulder. There was everyone, watching her and their father having a small moment. Inexplicably it made her embarrassed and with an awkward splay of her ears she padded over to nudge each of her brothers in turn with her muzzle, sure that they were just as excited as she was even if they did not show it in the very obvious manner that she did.

-- anais

brb: adventuring

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



11 Years
02-20-2014, 11:21 AM
She may have only startled him for a moment and it may have taken him a second to register who it was that was so close to him but Bane would have never hurt his daughter. Anais had grown as expected but her youthful energy remained almost unchecked. It could be problem at a later living in a strict pack but Bane didn't care about that right now, only giving her a few return licks and a rumble of happiness. He didn't care that she had shrunk back and whined or the fact that he'd almost bitten her. A easy misunderstanding with an easy remedy. Bane gave a nuzzle with the tip of his nose against her neck. Anais still wagged her tail and began to lick his muzzle again before she looked at the entrance to the den.

"I missed you too Anais." Bane shifted onto his paws and stood with a shake of his pelt, looking up at the silhouette of his mate covering the opening to the den. "And you Tahlia, and Nako, and you Jakart. I've missed all of you." The elders daughter went up outside with a bit of physical heckling directed towards her brothers. He ducked out of his den on the river and rubbed his necks against Tahlia. "You all have no idea how much I've missed you." Bane drew back and looked at his offspring and nuzzled the tops of his sons heads, paying a letting more affection the nervous Jakart before looking up and inquiring towards Tahlia. "Anything new going on in Seracia?"
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
03-01-2014, 04:10 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

As daughter and father had their moment of greeting, Tahlia seated herself by the entrance of the den beside her sons, peering sidelong at them with a curious stare. How strange it was to her that the daughter she had longed for had inherited such a lively and energetic demeanor while her brothers seemed so much more composed. It was as if she naturally contained all the energy between the three of them and shared it with her siblings when necessary. She smiled at the pair of them, Nako and Jakart, before she glanced away as Anais came padding out of the den with Bane following after.

The elder wolf have voice to having missed them all, something that Tahlia was not surprised to hear but was happy for it all the same. "We have missed you too," she answered, sitting forward to wrap her neck around his when he moved in to do the same. It was over all too quickly as he drew back to offer nuzzles to both of his sons before addressing a new inquiry to his wife that made her pause a moment. "Everything it feels like," she answered at length, doing her best not to allow her own unrest with the changes of Seracia to completely color her words. The children did not need to be bothered with such talk just yet; they were still young. "Would you be surprised to hear that Loccian now leads us?"



7 Years
03-07-2014, 06:54 PM
Nako gave as slow blink and shook his pelt, another toss of his head being given when Jakart nudged one of his feathers. A fang was exposed at the younger wolf and a low growl rumbled through his throat. The bastard wolf peaked through his half mothers legs in an attempt to see into the den but his father was already coming out to greet them. Anais came up and brushed her nose against his cheek, the eldest pup giving a lick on her muzzle and nudging his cheek against his sisters side when she did the same to Jakart. Bane came over and rubbed his chin between his ears, Nako splaying them apart in irritation. So much affection going on around here.

Like all pups Nako was eager to learn, and his shifted about from where he sat. Tahlia commented in response to her mate that everything in Seracia was fine, and Nako couldn't help but think that the statement was a lie. Sort of. Some changes had happened and the pack had grown more antsy, either from the new alpha or the ranks getting reorganized. At least it was Loccian that led the pack now, and Destruction was around due to being a god parent.



5 Years
03-16-2014, 05:55 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Conversation between the grown ups seemed to take off as Bane stepped outside of the den. Anais half listened as she smiled and glanced about her, already eying the riverside and wondering what all was hidden around it. It was a new location for her, and because of that her curiosity was piqued. Her paws itched to race down to the water and watch the rapids as they moved along, to learn the path that it wound through this stretch of wood and find the places where crossing and drinking were easiest. She longed to cling the banks and drift through the forest to learn of the animals that lived there and of any little nooks and crannies that might provide shelter or fun for later times. Now she supposed her mother would not approve of them wandering around, not when they were so new to the area. Later, she told herself, drawing in a breath as she returned her attention back to her siblings and parents.

Oh! They were talking about the pack. Her tail wagged as she considered the changes that had taken place. Overall, they had not affected the adventurous, boisterous little girl. What was a new leader to her when her duties mainly included playing, exploring, and learning to hunt and take care of herself? But she was excited about being mentored. There was plenty she could learn from her mother regarding fishing and even hunting, but she was more excited about learning to fight. How else was she going to keep up with the other wolves outside of their pack if she could not defend herself? The day that she could wander where she willed was one that she was eagerly looking forward to.

The path of her thoughts caused her to start looking about again, taking in what she could of the location beside the river. "Wow," she whispered, speaking more to herself than anyone present, "this place is pretty cool."

-- anais

brb: adventuring

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



5 Years
03-21-2014, 12:20 AM
Jakart gave curious blink and tried to look where his fathers muzzle had stirred up the fur between his ears. Both of them flicked in a strange sense of curiousness. He couldn't remember the last time Bane had done that. The youngest wolf eyed where his sister was looking down at the river and a pleased grin spread across his muzzle. "That's a lot of water?" He mumbled next to Nako. The elder wolf drew his offspring's attention with a nudge on the head and the two brothers took in the worlds that were spoken. Their sire spoke for only a few moments. Bane explained that their were three Talutah gods, what their reign in the world was and what the Talutah mark stood for. It stood for defiance to the gods. That no wolf shall be oppressed for they are born free in the world. Not bound to a pack or whatever deity's that existed in the sky above once death claimed them. If they were in a fight, go for the face and throat. Bane's sage advice was heeded partially by Jakart, who nudged Nako's shoulder again and motioned towards the river as Anais looked at the river. "Wanna go wade in the shallow later?"



7 Years
03-23-2014, 12:58 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She let her thoughts drift away from the pack and all the drama that had been surrounding it with the new changes that had taken place to fully enjoy the here and now. It was the first time it having her family together since Bane had been exiled and thankfully everyone appeared to be taking the reunion well, the initial surprise of their visit aside. Tahlia was glad. As much as she hated to give it thought, there had been a tiny part of her that ha feared her children misunderstanding Bane's absence, of holding it against him. But neither Anais, Jakart, or Nako seemed frazzled by what had happened and acted now just as they would have had they been within the borders of Seracia. She smiled as she watched them, her curious, independent bunch, as her husband gathered their attention to speak to the youngsters together.

Unaware of what it was that Bane wished to inform them, the shapely wolf listened as well, moving into a seated position before she reached outward with a forepaw and, curling the other up, lay down upon her stomach comfortably. The stories that Bane told, of the gods and the tribe of Talutah, were entirely new to her, and just as her children she was enraptured by the concept. It was strange, almost silly in her narrow mindset, but it at least explained the peculiar marking that Bane seemed so fond of, the one that still adorned the trees outside of their den as well as Nako's shoulder. The fact the eldest boy already had it was a bit disconcerting to her. If he had one how long was it before Jakart and Anais would be expected to receive one too? She said nothing but the worry had been planted, and distractingly the she-wolf turned her dark gold eyes away from her husband and his lesson to peer at the river, searching for quiet spots along its bank that might prove to be decent fishing spots so she could possibly spoil her family with fish later before she and the children returned to their pack.



11 Years
03-28-2014, 06:21 PM
Bane sniffed each of his family's combined scent and picked them apart to remember the individuals. To feel his young again. To finally speak to them of what he had learned in life now that they were at an age were they could comprehend and understand his words fully, and for the rest of their lives could take in consideration and remember. Nako looked at his with stern seriousness and drank in every word along with Jakart. The gods, the mark, fighting. Those subjects were each given a few moments to be touched on. Tahlia lay down, listening to words that he had never spoken to a soul save the three Rancor born in Seracia.

Nako and Jakart went stumbling off to towards the river, nipping ankles and wrestling in the water. "Shallows only you two, three." He nodded in Anais's direction as encouragement for her to join her siblings. Bane turned around and rubbed his face against Tahlia's shoulder as he lay beside his mate. A ear was nosed then nipped as he took to laying his head over Tahlia's neck scruff. A peaceful exhale was let out before settling his head on his paws. He touched their tails together and closed his eye. Today was a pretty good day.

-End Thread-
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•