
New Face


12-20-2013, 11:00 PM

Exploring was what the girl was doing once again, everyday going a bit further from the den. Celeste wanted to see every inch of land, learn it like the back of her paw, find secret hiding spots that nobody else knew about. That was one of her many goals. Paws would carry the pup away from the den, wandering around by the treeline of the northern forest, amber orbs scanning the trees and watching small animals scurry into the vegetation at her loud approach. Today she would not be sneaky, that would be saved for a different time, at the moment she had her mind set on walking along the fence that split the kingdom.

After a few minutes of walking she would finally approach the broken fence, tail wagging behind her, tongue hanging out the side of her jaws. Along she went, walking at a slow but steady pace, stopping here and there to sniff at something before continuing on. Now that she was here she found that the fence wasn't as interesting as she thought it was.


Awesome table by WolfEyez <3


12-20-2013, 11:52 PM

Something within Des' mind woke her this morning with the need to wander Seracia. That was fairly normal, considering it was what she did with most of her days. Normally she would patrol the packlands, watching over her pack members and learning from them from afar, but it was today that Destruction decided to take a path she normally didn't take. The femme wandered in the direction of the barn that still stood until she met the fence. It was strange... just like the barn. Built by even stranger creatures.

Destruction walked at an easy pace. She would pop over to check on Tahlia and the pups later, but for now she would see what she could come across on her morning walk. Black ears would perk up as Des made her way along the fence. She normally didn't pay this area much mind... but it wouldn't be good to ignore it forever. That would leave her blind to those who hung in the area... and knowledge was power. Should anything happen anywhere in Seracia she would be able to know who hung where and who would be able to help in an emergency.

Crimson eyes lifted to a small form walking along the fence. Destruction was still a little bit away from her, but the woman couldn't help but smile as she saw the youngster. Someone seemed to be curious about the lands. Destruction kept on her path, deciding to chat with the pup. It couldn't hurt to familiarize herself with the youth of Seracia. They were the future of the pack after all.

Once Destruction was close enough the dark woman came to a stop, looking down to the female pup. "Greetings young one. Out learning the lay of the land?" Destruction's eyes held an amused look within them.



12-21-2013, 12:04 AM

Out of the fat boredom Celeste had begun to walk beneath the part of the fence that went out to the side of the ones that stood straight up, weaving around the vertical poles as she went. It would take long before her ear twitched at the sound of somebody approaching, hear turning to the side, amber gaze looking up to a black woman with red on her chest like her eyes. The woman asked what she was doing, learning the land, and so the girl would turn around to face her with a grin upon her face. "Yes I am miss. I'm Celeste, my momma is Epiphron and Maverick is my papa." She would introduce herself. This lady smelled like her family, so she thought she belonged to the pack, didn't have a scent like that one pup who was testing Celeste and her siblings at the border not long ago.


Awesome table by WolfEyez <3


12-21-2013, 11:43 PM

Destruction was rather surprised at just how well mannered this pup was for her age. Well well, a Maverick pup huh? She was a little surprised at this fact. The little girl didn't have the red fur that the former Seracian alpha had. The dark woman allowed a small smile to cross her face. The girl was adventurous as well. She was young, but as long as she stayed within the pack borders there shouldn't be any problem keeping her safe.

"I see. It is a pleasure, Celeste. My name is Destruction, but you can call me Des." Tahlia's pups had difficulty saying her name and asked about using that nickname so she figured it would be easier to simply offer it Celeste to call her to begin with. The woman looked along the stretch of fence for a moment before looking back to the little she wolf.

"You have a little ways to go yet. Mind if I join you?"



12-22-2013, 10:00 AM

Amber eyes looked up to the woman, tail wagging happily behind her. She was big, coat black as night with the exception of her father's redness starting below her jaws and running down her throat. Not only that but her eyes were the same color as well, strange but very interesting to the pup. The only people she had seen so far were her family and they were not of darker colors, besides them there was that rogue pup covered in the same black with strange lighter markings on her body. She wanted to see what the rest of her family looked like but with how they're encounter went, Celeste was not interested afterward.

Ears perked up when the woman spoke, listening as she introduced herself as Destruction, but she could call her Des. ?Des... Destro...? Her facial expression would change within seconds as she attempted to work on the woman's name, brows coming together, a serious look coming to her face that had tilted downward. ?Des... tro... tion...? She would say completely, head lifting with a large grin at being able to pronounce it almost. ?Nice to meet you!? She would add with a nod of her head, her little rump slightly moving from how much her tail was wagging.

When the lady asked if she could join, Celeste would turn her head, looking to the fence a few moments before looking back to the woman with a nod of her head. ?Yes, of course!? She'd bark, motioning the woman to follow before whipping around and starting to walk along the fence with a bounce in her step. "This is my first time being by the fence, I thought it would be fun to explore but... it isn't as fun as I hoped." She said in a soft tone but load enough for Des to hear her.


Awesome table by WolfEyez <3


12-31-2013, 11:32 PM

A smile would spread over the dark woman's maw as the young pup would try and pronounce her name, face twisting as she tried out the pronunciation. But young Celeste would say her name fully, able to figure it out easier than Tahlia's pups had. The young chocolate and snow femme's little rump would wiggle as her tail moved behind her. Destruction would feel her heart go out to the pup. It would be refreshing to travel with the youngster for a little while. She would find her own tail wagging.

The two would set off down the stretch of the fence again, this time together. Celeste would move with a good deal of energy, not surprising for her age. The woman would follow, longer legs enabling her to keep up with the pup easily. Destruction would chuckle at Celeste's words. "Perhaps not. Though learning and exploring all of the territory you live in, even if parts of it are not exciting, is a good thing to do. Knowledge is a wonderful asset to a wolf, and those who know every nook in the land around them can use that to their advantage." The femme would look out across Seracia for a moment.

"Who knows? Maybe you'll find a spot no one else goes to. A place all your own."



01-01-2014, 07:25 PM

Celeste would watch Destruction with great curiosity, her little brain soaking in everything she said. She talked about how exploring the territory, even if it wasn't fun, was a good thing to do. Knowledge was a good thing, those who knew every piece of the land could use it to their advantage. The young girl would think about this information, though the nice lady was using big words, she was sure she understood what she meant. It was like having the best hiding spots, no one else would know about your secret spot, and you could use this to sneak up on others or those who try to hurt your family and friends.

The woman would then talk about finding a spot that no one else would know about, a place to call her own, like a secret. This would instantly cause the girl to make a goal, to find a place no one else in the kingdom knew about, make it her own special spot. With a large grin she would come to a stop in front of Destruction then whip around to face her with a large grin, tail wagging like mad. "Lets find one together Miss Destruction! If you find one I Will close my eyes so I won't know, and if I then you will close your eyes too, right?" She would ask excitedly.


Awesome table by WolfEyez <3


01-13-2014, 01:49 AM

The excitement that would appear upon Celeste's face at the mention of finding a special spot in the kingdom warmed the dark woman's heart even more. Celeste was an intriguing little female, full of warmth. It made Des yearn for young of her own, though she wouldn't outwardly admit it. Her smile would widen all the more, and the large woman would wag her own tail in excitement. The plan was just a tiny bit flawed, but that was alright. Celeste was a pup and couldn't see that type of error.

Softly Destruction would speak. "I wouldn't mind sharing my special place with you, Celeste. You are a kind wolf... and it would be an honor to share such a place with someone like yourself." The female would glance off in the direction of Seracia's graveyard, her ears flicking back for the shortest of moments. She had wished that she could have found such a place for herself and Dillinger. But her crimson ringed gaze would return to the pup, her tail swishing.

"Race you to the end of the fence, Celeste." Without waiting for a response the dark woman would lunge forward, skirting around her new companion as she raced down the length of woodwork.



01-25-2014, 04:11 AM

If it was even possible, Celeste's face would light up when Destruction told the girl that she didn't mind sharing a special spot, that she was a kind wolf and it would be an honor to share with someone like her. Tail would wag like mad behind her as she beamed at the thought of being called something special like that, even being able to share a special spot with this nice lady. But before the pup could say anything, the woman would mention a race then turn and run off along the fence. With a gasp Celeste would hop once then lunge forward, little paws working with her legs and muscles to carry her forward, trying to catch up with the bigger wolf. "Cheater!" She yipped happily, smirking as she raced after Destruction.


Awesome table by WolfEyez <3


02-05-2014, 12:13 AM

Destruction would let out a bark of laughter as Celeste raced after her, glancing back at her with a mischievous look. Of course she wasn't mean, and started to slow, just enough so that Celeste wouldn't notice, to allow the female pup to eat up the distance between them. Destruction's crimson ringed eyes were shining with a deep joy. The race was exhilarating, to say the least. Black paws would hit the ground, carrying her onward. The two were making their moves down past the fence, a blur of color along the landscape. The distance was being covered much faster now, though not much had changed scenery wise. Still, it was all in good fun, and Destruction found herself smiling brightly. "You're quite fast Celeste!" The older wolfess would let out a chuckle. She got the sense that once the girl was fully grown she was going to be a lot faster than she was. There was nothing wrong with that, however. Seeing the young of Seracia grow into fine adults would be a great joy.
