


12-20-2013, 06:47 PM

The monster easily walked through her trees, massive paws keeping perfect balance upon the gnarled bark underfoot. Settling within a particularly welcoming redwood, the feline looked down upon her domain. There had been a strange rise in the wolf populace within her territory, and the terror of the trees was getting annoyed. It was clearly marked as hers, were these fools blind? A growl of irritation rumbled in her chest, escaping her dark lips accompanied by a puff of mist. As severe features became clearer, the beast found her attention captured by squabbling squirrels a few branches below her powerful frame. The temptation to pounce and devour them was overridden by the vague interest in their boring fight, clearly over the bunch of nuts she had long ago found buried at the base of this tree. Long forelimbs would reach down and swipe halfheartedly at them, ghostly yellow optics following them as they skittered down the trunk and across the snowy ground. How boring. Yawning, powerful jaws stretched wide to reveal massive fangs and razor sharp teeth, raspy salmon tongue recoiling as a groan escaped. Every muscle in her body stretched as the feline prepared for a long awaited nap. Long tail would flick as blunt jowls snapped shut, large pools scanning her territory one more to be sure. A vague shape amongst the shadows caught her attention, and the Queen of the Redwoods watched it to see what it revealed itself to be.

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12-26-2013, 11:55 PM

The man would sit at the base of a redwood trunk after a thorough patrol of the redwood forest with a mind set upon thought for he now realized there was an occupant here he had not anticipated. Somewhere within the darkness of that tall canopy resided a large cat. He was not unfamiliar with the kind and intending on leaving the creature be; yet it would be difficult to instill that understanding into his followers as the pack began to grow. He had left a section of the forest untouched in a manor of respect for the cat but there was little he could do about the competition of prey they would face living in such proximity of one another.

A hot white breath unraveled before the man. The snow was beginning to wear away but the fingers of that cold season gripped the north without relent. Through that smoke his blank gaze would settle upon those thoughts which had fathomed themselves in the form of the predator that inhabited the redwoods. Her pelt appeared a dull, dirty gold in the winter shade but those sallow eyes glowed fiercely as they settled upon his form; likely difficult to separate from the blackness that embraced them. The man would be quick to implement his method with the cat, watching her with a careful gaze but having no intention to approach or turn her path. She was in a way welcome to stay. Though he knew that intolerance which such cats carried and he expected no less than for the huntress to find disgust in his presence.


12-27-2013, 11:24 AM

She could see now that it was a wolf, a man with a dark pelt and oceanic eyes. Low was the muscle tone on his willowy frame, and that was all the better for the tawny monster. Creeping from the trees canopy she slithered towards the dog, and once she was close she whispered something in his ear. "You will not be taking my forest." She growled, and slashed open his throat. Quickly his blood stained the snow crimson, his hot sanguine wine flowing in a large, steaming puddle that did not touch her immense paws. Satisfied with the scene his disbanded pack would come to find, she leapt into the trees and carried about her day.

Oh what a delusion, but what of the allied packs to this meager group? Surely they would have her head for such an act, so that day dream would remain just that, a day dream.

She examined the approaching mutt carefully, assuring herself that it was indeed the canid for which she searched so half heartedly. She had overheard a name for this one, Deteste. Perfect, now he would not be appalled by her using that word when describing him. Creeping from the higher points in the canopy, she silently stepped onto branches below her with ease, massive tawny paws perfect for the job. He sat at the base of a tree a few apart from the one she perched upon, so she leapt into the next, shimmying along the thinner branches that would not hold her weight for long. Now he was in the next tree, still seated against the thick trunk. She remained in the tree beside that, on the right side of him, and a few branches above him. Shrouded in darkness, only glowing primrose optics could be seen to tell where the demon perched. "So it was you who stole what I had claimed." The Queen growled, her thickly accented vocals less than happy about it. She lounged on the thick branch now, head high and scanning the territory she had so clearly staked as her own. "You mutts simply cannot let another creature have anything they desire, can you?" She snarled in sudden outrage, baring large fangs as she did so. Long tail lashed back and forth in agitation, it's dark tip disturbing the peace in the leaves that looked like needles. The monster fixed a blazing glare upon the scarred, dark pelted lupine, waiting for him to explain himself.

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12-29-2013, 01:57 AM (This post was last modified: 12-29-2013, 01:06 PM by Deteste.)

OOC: Hey if you want to give Deteste a superficial wound I am cool with giving you PP permission for it. Something that will scar over but not affect him permanently otherwise. A scratch to the chest/side/leg/face/ear is cool with me. Though I'd prefer if they didn't get in a fight :0

The man would seek his reflection in those golden eyes but instead he would find a dull, sallow gaze which grew as it's dark form slithered about the treeline. Each branch giving a reluctant creek. The movement loosening snow which heavily peppered his obsidian coat. A thick silence would settled unto his chest and he would not speak even in the wake of her furious roar. His stoic expression would not change. His lips would remain taut as the cat paced. The redwoods were mine before you came here. My children were born here. I have come to reclaim their home. his explanation was simple. He felt little need, or patience, to grovel his reasons before the cat. He would merely reflect her demeanor. You must know I have left a generous portion of the redwoods untouched for you. It will be your discretion which determines our relationship.


12-29-2013, 01:24 PM

The mutt was rude as hell, in no way offering to make things easier other than allocating her a section of this forest. She growled in annoyance, his explanation for claiming these lands pitiful as he was. "I see that there will be no negotiating, dog. But let you be warned, should any of your mutts enter without a damned good reason, they shall not leave unscathed." She growled from her perch, glaring at the canine with extreme hatred. She was not happy with how these things were going, it was irritating that wolves were claiming a space they couldn't even use to it's full capabilities. "However, as penance for taking some of your prey, your pack may count me as a partial member, if I may ever..." She trailed off, shuddering in disgust at the words that were about to leave her dark lips. "Be of service." She growled, leaping down to stand before this lupine, her glare hot enough to melt steel. Long tail lashed back and forth as she raised herself to her full height and let a snarl out. "However, do not take this to think I am at your beck and call." She growled, placing her paw onto his chest and holding the pest against the tree at his back. Wickedly curved talons unsheathed, digging into his flesh and drawing blood, slowly scraping through his skin like hot knives through butter. Five grooves dripped blood down the centre of his chest, and with that, the beast was gone, back into the trees and out of sight.

.:Exit Zafira:.

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01-04-2014, 06:40 PM

And you may consider me for similar services. I will see that no resident of the redwood interferes with you. Though I can impose my will upon all of them. Should a member disturb you, the punishment will be under your judgement. So long as you are not too severe. The man would speak with an unwavering voice, yet his gaze would set itself permanently upon the cat; watching with equal wariness and curiosity as her tawny body approached. He gaze unwavering and his expression unflinching even in the wake of her roar; even as he felt his spine pressed firmly against the rough bark of the redwood behind him. No emotion would betray his stoic affect and his jowls would remain silently shut as the cat's talons dragged across his flesh. If anything his expression of curiosity had intensified. His gaze would follow her into the canopy and stare for a moment longer as her form vanished among those dark trees. Farewell. he would speak before turning tail and walking away. His chest bleeding freely unto the damp sod of the woodland.
