


12-20-2013, 01:25 PM

Got Obsessions

Don't let it make you feel sad, the crackers were probably bad luck anyway We've got obsessions I wanna erase every nasty thought that bugs me every day of every week We've got obsessions You never told me what it was that made you strong and what it was that made you weak

The woman was now new to Amenti, not the experienced loner that she had been out in the wilderness. With no pack experience except from observing this was a nice place to start as any. She would be around many other wolves for the rest of her life, born, and raised in a flame. To hold something close to her heart, a dagger, if you would, that dagger being Syrinx the alpha who had trekked her into the lands with the acceptance. She would not go hungry again, not unless a famine would plague the land. She would be safe, other than the ever so straining looming of battle's, bloody battles that they would go through. Those thoughts were lingering in her head, and they were practically enemies to her brothers pack or so called a home. Such a pity that she would not be able to fight against her own blood, or would she? It all depended, since her entire life had been revolved around watching Oddity and making sure he was alright. Yet there was no need for her anymore, leaving her bored, left out, and having no where else to go she came to amenti to seek some sort of entertainment if any.
The oddly colored white and black woman gave a small yawn stretching her paws in front of her. She was a commoner in these caves, she knew it well, the other fascinated her. All her life to avoid packs because they gave no interest to her, the slight tinge of excitement that Amenti gave to her did not compare to what the others may have. Syrinx had shown her enough to be worthy of his rank, a king, a leader, as such she would break her body in order to train to be of use, to make a living, perhaps learn something new. She already told herself as well, if she were to die in the process, it was of her own accord. It was the thought of fighting that thrilled her, the training, the blood, the feeling of breaking bones. Maybe she was a bit of a masochist, she really didn't know.

made by cait