
Putting Down Roots


5 Years
Athena I
12-20-2013, 12:28 AM

It had been several days since Valhalla had arrived on the island and it seemed like so far it was smooth sailing getting everyone settled in. It seemed that everyone had made the journey safely and slowly but surely everyone was getting acclimated to the new territory. The only order of business that Meili had left to take care of was to find herself and Gael a permanent den in this new island. And that's what she was determined to do today.

She padded around the island, her teal gaze searching for the perfect home for her and her mate and their possible future family. Just the thought of it made a smile come to her muzzle. Not that she had really asked Gael about it, but... all in due time, right?

Finally, after wandering around the island for what seemed like hours, she finally stumbled upon a small, shallow pond of fresh water and close to it was a medium sized den set into a hill. Large trees dotted the area, giving shade to the clearing. She stopped in her tracks, taking in the area around the den with a slowly growing smile. She padded up to the den, poking in her head and sniffing carefully to make sure no one had already claimed this den as their own. Luckily it seemed like she was the first to find this place. She would need to dig out the den a little more to comfortably fit her and Gael, but it would do just fine she thought.

Her tail wagged happily behind her as she backed out into the sunlight once more, a grin on her muzzle. Now all she needed to do was find Gael and see if he approved. She hoped he would. She looked around, peering into the trees around her, wondering if he was close by. Surely he couldn't be too far away. They were on an island after all.



12-21-2013, 01:10 PM

He was such a lovesick puppy and he honestly didn't want it any other way. Why would he when he was in love with the most wonderful woman on the face of the planet? He loved her so much, it was wonder he was even able to put his feeling into words. The way that he felt towards his little woman was unlike anything he had ever felt for anyone else and unlike anything he would ever feel for anyone. It was true love, pure love, undying and unconditional love. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with his little woman...He wanted to start a family with her, to fill her womb with his children, to make them parents. And their new life on the island could give him just that.

Despite being the Heir still, the young Adravendi didn't stray far from his wife-to-be. Sure, he was a little protective of her, but he honestly just couldn't stand to be apart from her for too long. When he was away from her, all he could think of was how much he wanted to be with her and when he was with her, all he could think about was how much he loved her. She was on an endless loop in his head and he loved it. His Heir business had been taken care of that morning and he was excited as he moved through the brush to head back to Meili, nostrils twitching as he hunted for her scent. At the moment they didn't have anywhere where they were really starting as he began to get closer, it dawned on him that she might be looking for a den for them, which only made that familiar idiotic grin crease his lips, only growing in size as his gaze fell across her beautiful figure.

Powerful limbs would pull him forward in an excited leap, muzzle burying itself beneath her chin as he crouched before her, inhaling her scent deeply, rumbling with pleasure as he pressed his larger mass against her, looking very much like a pup though he didn't care. I missed you my little woman. He would rumble huskily as he pulled back to straighten up to his full height, cerulean gems gazing down in her teal ones, his heart swelling with love and adoration for the little timber woman.

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5 Years
Athena I
12-22-2013, 06:59 PM

Just as Gael went wandering through her mind again he appeared, like her thoughts had summoned her blue-eyed fiance. He leaped from the brush, burying his muzzle in her fur and making her giggle with surprise, a huge grin crossing her muzzle. Her tail wagged furiously behind her and she couldn't contain the joy she felt when she saw her man. Every time she saw him she felt the same way and she was certain that would never change. Once he had stood straight once more and his husky voice had made her stomach flutter with butterflies, she peered up at him with adoration. "I missed you too, my big man. Very, very much."

She would have gotten lost in that cerulean gaze of his, but she made herself look away so she could show him the den she had found for them. She grinned and went to stand side by side with him, pressing her side to his and nodding toward the small clearing she had found for the both of them. "I've been looking for us a den... Do you like it? There's a pond so we'll always have water and the den is close by, right there under that tree and it's right in the middle of these trees so we'll have no problem finding prey to hunt and the den is perfect. It's just big enough for us, but we can definitely dig it out and make it a little bigger if we need to." She turned her eyes toward him again, looking up at him hopefully with just a touch of nervousness, hoping he would like it as much as she did. "What do you think, Gael?"



01-09-2014, 01:52 PM

Where would he be without her? She had been the driving force for him this past year, the one that had kept him going through all the hardships that had been thrown at him. He was beyond thankful to have her in his life, and even more so now that she had accepted to spend the rest of her life with him. She was incredible and special, but most importantly all his. Forever. And Ever. And it was this thought that was always present in his mind whenever he was with her, or missing her. Meili belonged to him, just as he belonged to her. I missed you too, my big man. Very, very much. The stupid grin only grew in size at her words, plume wagging with excitement behind him. Love was such a beautiful thing...especially when it came in the form of Meili.

I've been looking for us a den... Do you like it? There's a pond so we'll always have water and the den is close by, right there under that tree and it's right in the middle of these trees so we'll have no problem finding prey to hunt and the den is perfect. It's just big enough for us, but we can definitely dig it out and make it a little bigger if we need to. What do you think, Gael? The fact that she had found a den for them to sleep in made the realization that she was going to become his wife that much more real. And he loved that realization. He had yet to tell the rest of his family of his plans to wed the timber woman, but they would all find out soon. It wasn't like he could keep it a secret for much longer. It's perfect Meili, absolutely perfect. Job well done my little woman. He would press back against her, crown turning as he pressed his inky lips to her cheek, salmon tongue slipping out to bathe her in a sweet kiss. The love he felt for this woman was incomparable to anything he could ever feel for anyone.

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5 Years
Athena I
01-15-2014, 03:31 AM

Meili was overjoyed when Gael praised her choice of their den. Her tail wagged happily and a soft, girly chuckle escaped her when he licked her cheek. She nuzzled his neck and just enjoyed his presence for a moment as she gazed out over their new home. She was excited to get started on their new life here together, to grow old with him, to start a family with him. She wanted to experience everything with this man she was so madly in love with.

She turned her head after a few moments and placed the same sweet kiss on his cheek, looking up at him with love in her eyes. "Come on, my big man, come see the den. Just to make sure you like it and it's big enough for you." She chuckled softly again to herself, hoping she had guessed the size of the den well enough. He was quite a bit larger than her after all and it was kinda hard to picture the both of them in there.
The small hunter padded toward the den that opened up under a large tree root. The tropical trees here grew so much larger than she was used to, but she was sure she would grow used to them soon enough. She walked to the back of the good sized natural cavern in the warm soil and she turned back toward him to await his joining her. Now that he was actually here to compare to the space she was sure the two of them would be comfortable here, but if their family grew they would certainly have to make some more space.

With that thought fresh on her mind, she gave Gael another tender smile, giving the tip of his nose a small lick. "I think this will do for now, don't you?"
