
Cost too much, reigning too high


12-19-2013, 02:27 PM

Hajime couldn't help to feel furious, he didn't want to be at Taurig, but he was. All the same his choice to leave the mans rule, after seeing all he had after being visited by his mother in his dreams. The kingdom would be revived by himself, with his collection and collecting his family. Or not, since they were in the other packs, figuratively making him at a stand still on those matters. It made him suddenly lock his jaw, growling deeply at the fraustration with the event that had transpired. Regardless of Taurig being blind, being castrated he could not agree with the choice of handing Tortuga over to the ice king. Why not one of the allies instead, yet it was such a stupid thing. They had moved however making the king free to roam the place he once called home.
Hajime closed his red eyes, flicking his black tail back and forth. Standing on a dead log, near the volcano as he watched the dark clouds rise from its mouth. His ears stood tall, he was definitely held with lots more confidence, more anger more strife within himself. He had his uncle he needed to protect, he needed to train to become the king that he was urging himself to be. Though with the mistake he couldn't forgive on Taurig's half. There was himself, within the past of the blood across his snout. He'd live a thousand lives for his elder brother, tainted upon the dark hearts of these heathens. He was strong, he was going to be a king, and let his family live on in an aristocratic type of pack. The only task, was to find those willing to follow him, that including having his family join him in the process.



12-22-2013, 11:40 PM

The wrath of violence had stolen time from the former beta. Another wolf had once again stolen her reign. She had no knowledge of the disbandment of Tortuga and as she wandered back into her home she was at a loss for words. Where was everyone? Her ears fell back as she looked around. The grounds were so empty of those she loved. Where were her children? Had they gone with their older siblings? Concern filled her as she began to move deeper into the territory. Perhaps they were safe with in their den? She strongly doubted it but the lingering smell of wolves was fading.

Soon a familiar face came into view. Her ears perked forward as she limped towards the male. Her tail wagged gently behind her heels as she drew inch by inch towards him. She hesitated as she watched his body language, he seemed, angry. She moved cautiously towards him. Her violet eyes calculating as she wondered what had happened to her wolves. ?Hajime?? she spoke his voice with concern. Her tail wagging very slowly behind her as she moved towards the log he was standing on. She looked around the volcano and felt her heart slipping. Where was her king? Where were her wolves? Was she losing grip on reality again? She was unsure and her mind began to sway. She felt that familiar tingle in the depths of her mind.

She blinked her eyes slowly. Her body swaying side by side as she felt her back end buckle and fall down. She hit her rump on the ground hard and she shook her head. She had to keep it together. ?Where..? she struggled to keep her mind in place. She needed answers and she couldn?t fall victim to her mind. Not now. ?Where are they?? she said, her voice sounding as if they had all died and she feared hearing the confirmation. They had gone to war. Ha their king not come back? She had stayed here to protect those that needed protecting but her fight with Medusa had left her shaken. She had so much to live for and she was grateful that Cerberus had blessed her.
"Talk like this."



12-26-2013, 02:27 PM

The slight tinge of darkness in his heart twisted when he saw the large woman by the name of Newt. The last time he had seen her, was on a day that he would have lived down in history if events hadn't gone the way they had. The wagging of her tail, only brought to his attention the clueless of the situation that she had been left in the dark about this all. Their home was gone, given away, over a whim, over pressure, in a sad fate that Hajime brought anger to his throat over the death of his mother. Hajime couldn't bare the thought of it all, clustered up in some fantasy world, it pissed him off.
His head turned, body turned towards the girl, standing tall, looking up at her with his red eyes glinting with emotions he had to have discovered on his own. A sharp growl hit his vocals, yes, he was angry with Taurig. Regardless of his choices, he had never thought to have given the pack to someone who pressured, why not Newt? No, now he wanted it, he wanted every inch of Tortuga back, as his home, his kingdom. His uncle would help him, and there would be royals like no one would ever see.
"Newt. They're gone, Isardis blinded, castrated Taurig, and then took his mate. So in order to get her back he decided to give the filfth of glaciem our HOME. The same wolves who took my mothers life and defiled her. I am not happy Newt, and I am no longer a shy boy who sits in the background. I am utterly pissed that our home was taken in such a manner." Hajime's red eyes turned towards the volcano again. His shoulders locked back. "I am going to get tortuga back, and I'm going to run it, my way." At this point, this was how he felt, and how the strength had slightly grown in the young male.

I will take you where the sun shines, cast shadows on your face,
crawl into their deepest recess, 'til I freeze or dehydrate

made by cait


12-26-2013, 03:59 PM

The storm that raged deep inside his chest and the look that was etched in his gaze all made her ears fall back. Memories of those eyes, violet like her own, so angered by events that had come to pass with the loss of her kingdom and her mate. He reminded her of her eldest daughter, Ameiva. What was going on? Her fur bristled in response to his anger. She couldn?t help the reaction, she had been a queen and old habits die-hard. Her tail flicked with her aggravation behind her large frame but she was patient and she waited for his explanation.

Her eyes began to narrow as the worlds spilled into her mind. So, he was a coward. A growl was forming in her throat as she looked at the male with her own anger beginning to simmer. What the fuck had happened while she was busy defending her life? Where was her friend? Seraphim? He would have never allowed this to happen. Something had to be wrong and she needed to find him. Her mind was racing on what needed to be done but she shook her head as she listened to his proclamation. He had intentions of taking back Tortuga?

?What Taurig has done is selfish. He only thought of his own wants not what was best for the pack as a whole. I wonder how many stand by his decision.? She said aloud, though internally she was wondering where Maija was. She felt protective over the woman and she had notice her devotion growing for the king. So was she his mate? Was she who this king had stolen? She knew nothing about Isardis or the Glaciem pack. She had never encountered him and she wondered what his motives where for stealing Maija and taking the kingdom so easily from Taurig. What had he done to bring this onto them?

His claim made her brow rise. She focused her attention on him and her gaze turned cold and calculating.?You desire to run it your way?? she questioned; the caution in her voice was evident. She had ruled and she had followed and she was tired of losing ground. Tired of seeing her family homeless. She needed to find her children and make sure they were all safe. ?What exactly is your way?? she asked, her eyes were fierce as they waited for his response. If his desires were undesirable then she would turn from him and leave him at his own devices but if they were admirable enough then perhaps she would help him achieve his ambitions.
"Talk like this."



12-26-2013, 11:33 PM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2013, 11:33 PM by Hajime.)

Hajime's ears flicked towards the lady, his red eyes looking off to the side when he thought of his mother, of his father he never got to meet. His black fur across the ear rippled as he listened to her words. There was all sorts of confidence in the prince, he pulled his head back. It was exactly that, Taurig had put his own well being first, without thinking about what Tortuga had wanted. Though many had made themselves out to still follow the man all the same. For he couldn't stand it, and he didn't know when he'd be able to understand Taurig. But an alpha should have been a leader to throw themselves out to keep a pack, even the mate that stood by their side as well. The prince's red eyes narrowed slightly. "The amount that follows him is unfathomable to me. I am confused as to why a leader would do such a thing." He said truthfully within that confusion.
"The way my mother ran our home, a royal family in the front to serve the masses, to give them something to live in. The royal family's job is to protect them and give them a comfortable place to live in turn for serving. They cannot show each other strife, and the pack always comes first over the leaders. If I were to take on a significant other, they would have to understand this as well. I will not let our home lands just fall into a trap simply because my emotions got in the way. It is them before me, yet I am still king." Hajime said lowering his head he gave a hefty sigh. "I'm sorry Newt, I got ahead of myself, but I am serious when I say I want to get Tortuga back. I can't do it alone, all I have is my uncle Allen right now. Would you help me?" He asked raising his head.

I will take you where the sun shines, cast shadows on your face,
crawl into their deepest recess, 'til I freeze or dehydrate

made by cait