
Meili Sibling [closed]


5 Years
Athena I
12-18-2013, 12:28 AM (This post was last modified: 01-03-2014, 01:57 AM by Meili.)
You know her, you love her, it's Meili, the little hunter from Valhalla that fell in love and will soon be married to Gael <3

I've decided it would be a wonderful idea to bring in one of her siblings! Her back story is that when she was a year and a half old her family accidently crossed through a pack's border and the pack took no mercy and killed all of them. Meili was luckily only knocked out when a large wolf picked her up by the scruff and threw her, making her land on a rock and hit her head, causing all of her memories to disappear. She woke up several hours later not remembering who any of her family was, what her past was like, who she was, anything. To this day, almost two and a half years later, she still can't remember anything, though she does get weird glimmers of memories from time to time.

So, what I want to do is have one of her siblings miraculously survive. Maybe they managed to cling to life and woke up like the next day and were able to find help or maybe they dragged them selves away after the attackers had left, thinking Meili was dead and not staying to help her. Whatever back story you would like to use for them is fine with me.

Meili had two older siblings, a boy and a girl. I only want one sibling to reappear so decide which gender you would rather have and the application I like the best will decide which gender the sibling is. They will be six this summer, a year older than Meili. Her parents had small litters so it was just the two in that litter and then only Meili in her litter.

So that just leaves us with who the actual adoptables are, right? Well, here you go!

#1. Kaye (female)
user posted image

#2. Arwel (male)
user posted image

Meili is a very small wolf and her mother wasn't much bigger than her, but her father was a little bigger, maybe on the larger side on medium, so the sizes and weights can vary. The personalities are also very open to interpretation.

Much more notes and such on plotting to come if you adopt one <3

All I need from you is which char you would like, a personality (no word limit), a quick RP samle, and me knowing that you are an active player here on Ala.

Have fun and I can't wait to see your apps!


01-03-2014, 01:35 AM
Wolf Applying for: Arwel!

user posted image

Personality: Arwel is a good natured wolf. He has a kind heart, willing to lend a paw to those who need it. He would never, ever leaving a fallen wolf to die, even if they are an enemy. His big heart sometimes gets him into trouble, however, when the enemies he tries to save turn on him again. He prefers not to kill, but he is not against it if it comes down to him or the other wolf. He follows, for the most part, his own rules, though they tend to be along the lines of chivalry and doing what is considered to be the right or good path. He doesn't mind lying however if it is necessary, and will sometimes break his own rules if it is necessary for the greater good in things. One thing Arwel would never do, however, is simply kill for pleasure. Even prey animals only meet their fall when Arwel deems in a necessary to hunt for survival. After his foes fall this wolf always sends a prayer for them, hoping that their dark soul will be cleansed before he sets off on his way. Though for a good part of his life Arwel has been a loner he longs to join a pack and become something bigger than himself.

RP Sample:

Russet ears would perk forward as the handsome male walked onward. The forest he had come across didn't seem to be the home of a pack, though others had made their way through the flora. Scents clung to bushes and trees, sometimes even a bit of hair. A small, curious smile would cross Arwel's face as he padded along, the crunch of autumn leaves the dominant sound in his travels. This was a natural sound for this time of year and it didn't bother the wolf at all. The brute had reached five years of age, though he no longer had any family to speak of. No... they were lost. Dead. Gone. His mother and father, as well as two sisters... Arwel would shake his head, feeling their loss once more remind his pained heart of just how lonely he was.

It was a shame that they had to be slaughtered the way they were. He might had died too, if he hadn't played dead so that the attackers would leave his body alone. It had been rough, scarcely breathing for several minutes until they all left. It was after that Arwel would rise, leaving the broken bodies of his family behind, to search for someone to help him with his wounds. Eventually he would find a lone healer, an elderly femme by the name of Sindri. Despite not knowing him the female would kindly take him in, curing his hurts and teaching him a new way of life. A life different from the path of desire he had originally sought.

Six months ago Sindri had died. After holding a silent vigil throughout the night Arwel would bury her before setting off on his own, searching for a pack to call home. The task would be long, and the path full of both kind and dangerous wolves. But Arwel was ready. He wouldn't falter and give up simply because the path was hard. No... he pressed on, learning many things. The wolf would pause, a paw held up in midair as he waited, ears still to catch the sound he thought he had heard. There it was again. The male would slowly lower his paw, cerulean eyes scanning the area ahead of him. It definitely had come from up ahead. Perhaps whoever hadn't noticed him yet. The brute would stand his ground, lifting his head up to a position that, should the stranger be unfriendly, would show that he wasn't about to just lay down and let them do whatever they pleased to him.


5 Years
Athena I
01-03-2014, 01:57 AM
Arwel goes to Keno! <333