
A Different Path


12-17-2013, 08:53 PM
Time is a cruel thing. It can take things that are peaceful, happy, and whisk them away. Time could harden hearts and tear them open again, leaving even the strong weak with emotion. But even as those feelings came time with march on, ignorant of the suffering that goes on.

Allen had come to this Island following his king. The brute honestly wasn't happy about what had happened with Tortuga... not that he was truly happy being there anyway. The brute had said little about the matter. He could care less about Taurig's decision -- his path, as it had been before and was again, to follow his true king to paradise. So here he was now, waiting until Hajime gave him further direction to follow.

The sun had been up for a short time, and in his mouth the brute carried one of the white birds that lived on the island. He came to a stop by the den his King occupied, setting the dove down on the ground before the den.

"My King, I have brought you something to eat."


12-17-2013, 09:53 PM

The light filtering through the tree's gave enough comfort for the king. Same as having his uncle at his side. As wounds did take time to heal, even then Hajime felt himself a bit stronger, his own man not needing to depend on others. Even now, he was now wishing to live up to the title Allen placed upon him. Sitting relaxing on the forest floor, his black tail flicked slightly. It had been a month since his mother died, and no longer did he have blood shot crying eyes. More of wisdom filled within them. Though now he was slightly disappointed in Taurig's decision to give the pack to Isardis and have that man rule it. Even if he was looking towards his mate, Hajime had given himself a sick habit of thinking about the masses, not himself. And to him, even if he were blind he'd protect the lands his pack had been on. Yet, he could understand, and would not say anything about it no matter how angry he was at his former superior.
Near the den his ear flicked towards Allen who placed a dove in front of him. Hajime stretched himself getting up and looking at Allen. "Thank you Allen. Have you eaten yet?" Hajime asked, taking the dove and scooting it towards himself with a paw. Waiting for Allen to answer first, he'd feel bad if Allen hadn't eaten and would be eating in front of him. After all, he was not a king yet, and Allen was his blood, making him a royal all the same.



12-17-2013, 11:17 PM
Allen smiled warmly at his nephew. "I had a little something early today, while you were still resting, my King." The wolf's forest green eyes traveled to the tree tops. The island they had come to was rather peaceful. The white birds sang such beautiful songs throughout the day, and all around the feel of the island was nice. The brute was glad that he could share the view of this place with Hajime.

Dark forest green eyes shifted to his nephew again as the brute curled his tail around his paws. It was winter... and come spring he would be turnig five years. Another year had gone by so fast. Haji was fully grown now, a fine, young wolf. He was truly the image of the king that that he had always knew he was.

Allen would wait patiently while Hajime ate, content just to watch the wolf who he respected and loved.


12-18-2013, 07:59 PM

Hajime's two different colored ears moved forward to his uncle. He kept a smile on his broken face for a few moments. Before turning to the food, red eyes looking at the dove. "Thank you Allen, for everything. Specially since mother died." He stated as he dug into the small bird. It wasn't much, but it was enough, and the gesture made him even more happier so. Flicking his black tail a bit as he finished the meal, shaking his body free from the slightly falling snow.
"I'm going to try and revive the kingdom mom had" The sentence was said with strife. Confident even, since of the days of his depression. But now he was going to make things right. His black tail flicked back and forth.



12-19-2013, 05:49 PM

Allen dipped his head as Hajime spoke again. "It is my pleasure to serve you, Hajime, and to help you through these tough times." The death of his sister had weighed heavily upon them both, though Allen had tried to keep most of his saddened and hurt feelings hid away. He knew that her death had been harder on Hajime, but over time they had been getting through the worst of it. Allen knew he had his nephew to thank for that, at least for him. They would always have each other, no matter what.

As Hajime spoke again Allen flicked his eyes back in the direction of his nephew. A large smile spread across the brute's face. "There is no need to say that you will try, my King. I am confident in the fact you shall succeed." Allen shook his head free of the freezing white flakes that fell upon it. "What do you think we should do for now?" Allen wanted to see what Hajime's full plans were... and if they would start to gather possible members for this kingdom or if his nephew wanted to wait for now.

"Speech", 'Thought'


12-22-2013, 04:22 PM

The food was excellent to say in the least, hajime was a fan of birds all the same. He was grateful to have his uncle here, it was the company that mattered most when he required it. Swiveling his body, finding a low branch he jumped onto it. Scattering the birds finding a comfortable place on a medium high branch. On the off chance he fell he'd be alright with the snow, that and he was confident in his climbing abilities as a whole. His red eyes trailed over towards Inu island with a bit of a sad sigh. "I'm going to mount volkan one more time, to see if anyone will want to help. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has mixed feelings about what Taurig decided to do." His black tail made calm motions back and forth with these thoughts of how he was going to do this. Though he needed the training the experience. All of it, it was what he needed and what he craved all together.
Hajime stood balancing himself on the branch as he hopped down again, looking at Allen. "After that I will train until I see fit, and I will get Tortuga back, but I shall run it the way mother would have run her kingdom before the Corteir ruined it." The name of the female who brought them to ruin was like venom against his tongue. Even so it was within the past, yet if she appeared in front of him, she would not get his forgiveness that was for certain.

I will take you where the sun shines, cast shadows on your face,
crawl into their deepest recess, 'til I freeze or dehydrate

made by cait