
Hot Pursuit



12-17-2013, 05:46 PM

Deteste had spoken of a thrown Sol, the over-taking of leadership by a babe unfamiliar. The nature of intent, the desires of this woman were unknown. And so, as the dwindling warmth of winters day would lower beyond the twisted limbs of Mangroves, silver moonlight spreading fingers of splendour across natures graces, Isardis would hover against the faint scent of Jupiter?s borders. Pallid skull would crane, a low and melodic cry of yielding summon calling this new leader to succumb to his christen.



12-17-2013, 10:45 PM

She had realized not long after she had taken the burden of being the Oracle that the night was becoming preferable to the day. She could see those visions given to her so much more clearly in the diluted color of the night. During the time of shadows she would set out from her family, tucking them in as her pallid paws would take her away into the outskirts of the mangroves. That was when she would catch sight of him.

His pale form would shine with the bits of snow that would desperately cling to the mangroves. Her head would tilt curiously with her approach, his ghostly call drawing her forth. Mismatched gaze would set forth knowingly as she became close enough to easily speak. A soft smile would play across her snowy lips as she set her haunches to the ground easily. Was this the Glaciem King her family had so warned her about? It was uncertain but she was glad to have met him alone. "Greetings sir." Her lips would curl into a more welcoming smile, "You stand before the Oracle to the Gods, Song Destruction. What brings you to my borders this night?" Her head would dip slightly in her greeting as she wondered exactly who he might be.?




12-19-2013, 08:25 PM

And so she would come to his cries, delicate, pure, innocent; radiating a virgin-like aura, beaming from the heart of her soul with every fragile step she would make. She hardly seemed the makings of an alpha, and yet her divinity was so captivating Isardis wasn?t quite willing to doubt her. Something about her way of speech, the curl that fondled the edges of her tongue, the twisted syllables that wove themselves like silver silk-worms over ebony lips- was so enchanting, charismatic. And yet he would doubt her willingness to ally, when her title seemed of relation to the gods of limpidness; an oracle she claimed to be, and it wasn?t wholly a surprise. Oh the pleasures of infiltrating such a chaste womb! How the thoughts would cloud his mind and hang heavily upon her unsoiled air. ?So divine she is, a woman of refinement, polish,? coral features would tickle with the splendours of his own beauty, features untouched by years of violence, ivory jaws hiding lies of spilled blood. But it was no time for play, he had devoted an alliance to Jupiter, ?King of Glaciem, Isardis; I?ve come to establish the grounds our packs stand upon. For I held a relationship with the ties of your past Sol, an alliance, so to speak.?



12-19-2013, 10:33 PM

?So divine she is, a woman of refinement, polish,? His words would fall upon welcoming ears, for none but her husband had ever thought to flatter the woman with such words. The dame would simply nod, her skin slightly flushing in answer. She was having a hard time seeing just why Symphony had told her to break such an alliance. Jupiter had disappeared much before she could tell Song of such happenings, now she had to make her choice on the weight of her sister who had left her, or the stranger with his silver tongue. You should speak for yourself, King Isardis. she would smile mischievously, inadvertently returning his words. Your quest is certainly one that I appreciate, I've not had the pleasure of meeting with any other leader of this land. For some reason she felt that with him being the first, there had to be a reason for their meeting. She only wished that she had been given more guidance from those higher above her. I am concerned though, my own Kin, a sister, warned me of Glaciem. Before she left me she bid me break the alliance our packs once had. Can you answer why she would request such action? For the Oracle had no knowledge of the war or any events that had transpired between Glaciem and the world. She was starting a new with all who came to her.



12-19-2013, 10:50 PM

He had heard the call of another man, a so-called King come from his borders. His borders. Despite his wife being the primary alpha, Ludicael belonged to him now just as much as it did her and he didn't take to kindly to anyone, especially another King. Of course his wife would want to go take the call on her own, not wanting to disturb him and the children, but Cherokee would not allow his wife to go anywhere unaccompanied, especially now that she was his Queen. If the world had been dangerous to her before, it was even more dangerous now that she held power over her own pack. And a part of him felt jealous of the fact that she was meeting with another man that wasn't him. It was unnecessary jealously since Song only loved him and only had eyes for him, but that didn't mean that other men would respect his wife or the fact that she was married.

The children were old enough to be left alone in the den so the ebony knight didn't worry as he slipped from their den on silent paws, mismatched gaze os silver and ivory jade focused on the pale figure of Song up ahead. He would watch her with narrowed eyes, hackles bristling as he spotted the second figure that had caught her attention. Though the dim lighting of the moon didn't provide much to see, he could see a slight undertone of coral to the man's pelt and it made him snicker quietly to himself. A man of pink. How...masculine. He would approach on quiet paws, dark face rigid, jaw and frame tense, bi-colored gaze narrowed at the strange pink man that called himself King of Glaciem. A snarl would rip from his clamped jaws at the words that fell from the pink man's lips. He didn't appreciate the sweet talk he was giving his wife. If he was here for business, then it was strictly business. No sweet talking necessary. A sense of distrust settled over the dark guardian as he came up beside his wife, nuzzling her affectionately before he turned his attention to the Glaciem King, lips slightly curled back in a snarl as he waited to see what the pinkie's words were going to be.

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5 Years
12-19-2013, 10:57 PM (This post was last modified: 12-19-2013, 11:01 PM by Canta.)

Canta had taken notice of a strange scent slowly wafting from beyond the boarder, still she had paid it little attention ignoring it much like the call that she presumed belonged to the same wolf. The girl had grown curious though as he mother left them within the den. The shadowy girl had attempted to return to the confines of sleep but now that she was awake she was not going to go back for a bit. Still she would remain curled up, unsure if she should get up it was only when her father left that she finally decided upon her next course of action.
Ebony paws would push through a thin layer of snow as she padded as quietly as she could after her father, putting distance between them in an attempt to remain undetected. The girl would head towards the boarder, stopping a bit away from the gathered wolves. She would raise her gaze to run it over the albino at the edge of her home. He was a sight to behold and yet she could sense her father?s distrust. Suddenly bursting out from the shadows she would press up against her father?s leg and gaze up at him questioningly. ?Papa??

OOC. Post allowed by Kat, she can be skipped in posting order unless directly addressed/until the end.
[Image: oLGAaTF.png]



12-19-2013, 11:04 PM

Tweaking lips would accompany a blissful sway, proud of his efforts to weave beneath her skin; watching as her precious flesh grew flustered with impression. He would appreciate every moment the moon would reach to wrap delicate fingers around the silvers of her pelt, salmon tongue tracing coral jowls as he would pull back an exposed desire. He would take her warm welcome as a suggestion to move forth, pale stilts waltzing with an elegance matched by none, however choosing to offer her the distance of meters; seemingly paused by the arrival of a reserved unfamiliar. He chuckled weakly, regardly the ebony man momentarily, however finding him to be of little interest, ?Your boyfriend feels threatened,? the words were those of amusement, pleasure, as his lips would bubble weakly, rosey gaze returning to her own mismatched orbs. ?Some cannot handle reality, my silver siren- Miss Oracle; perhaps your kin was one of them? I am a King, and I will do nothing short of what I am capable to keep my people safe,? it should have been inviting, and in the relaxed, silken tone he presented it, why wouldn?t it be? ?When war comes knocking, I do not pull my tail between my thighs; as a queen, you should be familiar with such?? if you are not, I do not want your forces.


12-20-2013, 02:24 AM

Words, they were sparked in different directions. Her heart had found a place within this pack. She had found purpose and for this she followed the oracle in many places. She felt protective over the woman who desired to give her a place to call home. A real home, rather then harboring her hatred and lingering on the verge of insanity. She had been silent in her pursuit of the woman and she had heard the call of a stranger, one that belonged not to their pack. Her ears twitched as she followed in the shadows, curious and protective over what she deemed belonged to her. Song had proven her worth and she wanted to keep that woman safe.

Soon the scene had unfolded. The pink king with his words all laced with flattery. She frowned at the words he spoke. Did he truly think pretty little words would sway their new found alpha? She said nothing and made no attempt to reveal herself. If he threatened her in any way, she would make her presence known, but she noticed the male that had been with Song in the meeting. The one that he looked like. A few others had come to witness what was happening but she paid none of them any mind. Her eyes were locked on the pink king and the oracle.

ooc:Permission given by Kat for Ameiva to be here



12-20-2013, 02:30 PM

He hadn't bothered to pay attention to the what the pinkie man was saying because he frankly didn't care. What he did care about was the fact that this man, king or not, was standing in his domain, his kingdom, talking to his wife and he wanted him out. He didn't care what he was here for, he just wanted him out. And it was apparent that he would spend all night here whispering sweet nothings to his little angel when he had absolutely no business doing so and he wasn't going to stand for it.

Another snarl worked its way free of his peeled canines, ivory and ebony ears flattening his skull, tail lashing in irritation behind him. Your boyfriend feels threatened. Cherokee wasn't one for violence. He had always been a quiet sort of guy, the nicest one around, but lately the ebony knight had become more and more angry and easily agitated and this pink little man was testing his patience, especially with the way he had just addressed him. Boyfriend. Jaws snapped together, bi-colored gaze narrowing with burning distrust as he took a step forward, angling his body so that he was his left shoulder was in front of Song's right one, his body partially shielding her. Watch your tongue pink boy, her husband and King doesn't take kindly to others. If you're here for business, state it. Don't come here with your silver tongue to sweet talk my wife. If an allegiance is what you seek, then prove your worth. Nape would extend downwards, chin slightly tilting towards his chest, hoping that Song wouldn't be too upset with him for having overstepped himself. She was the primary alpha, but Ludicael was his responsibility as well and he wasn't getting a good feeling from this pink man.

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12-23-2013, 11:49 AM

She could feel his presence pull up behind her, the large comforting black blanket that she so held dear. His presence made everything better. She was so trusting, while he was so cautious. They fit together so well because of their check and balance system. One was never more powerful than the other and they always worked as a highly functioning team. She would become a bit more on edge this time as his snarl came over her before he came in to nuzzle her cheek. He very much did not trust the King, and she could see why. He had already been incredibly protective of her, but with the man showing her those flattering words it was no wonder he had his distrust. Isardis would speak of Symphony's grip on reality and she could not help but to doubt the sister who had changed so drastically since she had come to stay in Ludicael. She had grown so much more bitter and hateful, Song could hardly stand the thought of her sister now. She shook the thought, now was time for talking and business not regrets of family member's choices.
I would gladly lay my life down for any wolf who was under my care, and should war come to my doorstep I would place myself on the front lines to protect my family. She would state, there was nothing she would not do to keep her family safe, her blood family and those who joined by choice. She knew not of the other packs who were to reside in Alacritis, and she had no idea of Isardis's siege upon the lands of Valhalla. She would only take him at face value, and mourn that the leaders of the other packs had not found their way to her first. Her attention would be grabbed as Canta found her way from the den and to her parents side. Her ears would fall back as the child found her father. Surely the presence of their vulnerable daughter would only put Cherokee more on edge. Canta, why aren't you in the den? She would break her gaze from the King as she looked to her daughter, Mommy and Daddy are having an important talk. She would look back to Isardis, hoping the interruption would not cause any ruckus.




01-15-2014, 05:47 PM

Oh the poor little ebony, all twisted around the thumbs of his sad fate; his spine contorted and mangled, clingingly so desperately to the form of his ?wife?. A wife, so to speak, that didn?t need him in the slightest. He would have appreciated the man?s desire to jump to the point, if in fact he was a true King, and not just the slave of a greater woman. As the pale-eared brute attempted to form a barrier between ?The Oracle? and himself, Isardis would only chuckle weakly. ?Oh yes, when one feels vulnerable they must always abuse a man based on the colour of his skin,? sarcasm dripped; the offense was so old, so highly used, it didn?t even manage the bristling of his hackles. He would have to do better than that. And so Isardis? interests in his presence would again dwindle and crumble beneath coral paws, a left-wards step allowing him to gaze more elegantly upon the pale woman in question.

Her answers were satisfactory, ?And are you a family of fighters, siren?? he already knew the asnwer, ?Glaciem holds the strongest forte of trained and able-bodied warriors in the lands, we have single-handedly ended a war against numbers thrice our own. I will offer you the security of our established people, if ever you are threatened by the powers of another,? his voice trailed lightly, ruby gaze daring to glance pleasurably back at the duo-toned eyes of her ebony bodyguard. ?On the condition that you would offer us the same, and that we could share a trust between our packs; a pact to never withhold vital information, and never betray. If you no longer desire our services later, for as long as you are not associated with the enemy, Glaciem will stand neutral to you,? it was honesty- bendable, perhaps- but still truth. ?And to your husbands suggestion of proof, we are possibly the only standing pack that has been capable of proving themselves so far. Unless of course, he desires a test of individual strength?? as he trailed he would shift, swaying, gazing at the man for a few brief moments, smirking, blissful.


01-20-2014, 03:51 PM

He had enough of this parasitic bastard. He didn't care about anything that the idiot had to say, it didn't matter to Cherokee. No one cared if they had the best trained warriors or had bested a pack whose number outmatched them. Big flipping whoop. That didn't mean anything to the ebony knight. He could've been the creator of the wolves for he cared about and Cherokee still wouldn't have given a damn. Just from the simple way that he was talking Cherokee knew that this man was not to be trusted. No one that wanted to come form a true alliance with someone didn't come around throwing out silver words and using flattery to get them in good with the alpha. Clearly this man was not to be trusted and the charcoal brute was determined to show his wife that she couldn't trust the cherry man.

He had been too distracted with the boiling anger in his chest to realize that one of his children, young Canta, had decided to show up on the scene. It wasn't until Song spoke, addressing their daughter that Cherokee took a moment to turn around, bi-colored gaze falling his pup's figure. Canta was here. Here. Close to the pink man. Ivory and ebony ears would flatten completely against his skull, tail curling high over his hips as he allowed his attention to return to the parasitic creature standing before him. I wasn't aware I was speaking to a man. He would counter smoothly, his voice surprisingly calm despite the rage that was crashing through his system. He hoped that his wife wasn't listening to any of the crap that was coming from the bastard's mouth. They didn't need an alliance with this pack. He was sure that there were other packs around that were much better suited for an alliance. Jaws would clench together, waiting until the opportunity presented itself for him to speak again.

My only desire is to see your upsetting visage out of my sight. Now. Would come his rumbling growl as he took a step forward, not afraid to chase this bastard out of their home. After his man was gone, he would have a word with his wife. Anyone looking to form alliances would have to come through Cherokee, not his wife. Despite she being the primary alpha, it was the ebony knight's responsibility to keep her safe and he would just that. All alliance affairs would be handled through him first. He didn't need another episode like this to repeat itself.

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01-22-2014, 02:18 PM

Her ears would fall back as the discussion became more heated, Cherokee seemed not as willing to hold his composure in front of the king. The insults he would allow made her stomach turn, she could not accept such rudeness from her own husband. It seemed Isardis would do well to mostly ignore the words of her emotional husband. He would continue and tell her of the possibility of an alliance, "...Glaciem will stand neutral to you,? It seemed a fair trade off. Song was quite willing to entertain the thought of their packs forging an alliance. ?And to your husbands suggestion of proof, we are possibly the only standing pack that has been capable of proving themselves so far. Unless of course, he desires a test of individual strength?? She would turn her attention back to the man who would stand so close to her side. Before she could chance at a word Cherokee would step out in front of her again, his stance one that would bring her hackles to their ends. He wished violence? "My only desire is to see your upsetting visage out of my sight. Now."
Song had never been stern with her husband so as she jumped in front of him she couldn't bring herself to growl. But she needed to remedy the situation. Tensions were rising and she couldn't allow anything to break out, not with Canta here. Her shoulder would press into Cherokee's chest as she would attempt at culling the potential fight. "Cherokee there's no need for violence," her whisper was for his ears alone, her tiara would tip back to the albino warrior,"Thank you for your offer, King Isardis. We will need time to discuss such arrangements before a decision is made." She would look back to her husband as she continued, "Such displays are quite unnecessary." whether she spoke to Isardis or Cherokee she was not sure.



01-27-2014, 06:51 PM (This post was last modified: 01-27-2014, 06:51 PM by Cherokee.)

It probably wasn't the best way to handle the situation, but Cherokee couldn't think of a better way at the moment. This so-called King was testing his patience, grinding away at the little self control that the ebony guardian had that kept him from lunging at the bastard's throat that very moment. The brute wasn't usually one for violence, but he would have no quarrels with removing this parasite from his lands. They didn't need a shady alliance with an equally shady leader. He wasn't really paying attention to how he came off to other man, not that he really cared much to begin with. He just wanted him gone. End of story. It was that simple. But of course things weren't always that simple now were they?

He was surprised to see Song move in front of him, barring his path to the parasite, hackles bristling now that his wife in plain view of the bastard. This was what he'd been trying to avoid. He could feel her shoulder pressing into his chest, trying to soothe his anger, but it much too late. The flame had already ignited and there was really no way of putting it out. Until Isardis was gone of course. Cherokee there's no need for violence. Her whisper could cause his dark ear to fold back against his skull to catch the words, a low growl rumbling in his chest, quiet enough that only she could hear it. I seek no violence Song, I just wish to see this...parasite out of our lands. Though if he can't find his way, I would be more than happy to escort him out. He wouldn't let his gaze waver from the albino, listening as his wife quietly reprimanded him indirectly. Song could be upset with him all she wanted as long as the pink boy was gone from Ludicael lands in the next few minutes.

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01-27-2014, 08:57 PM (This post was last modified: 01-27-2014, 08:58 PM by Isardis.)

And oh how his patience wore skin-thin, grinding with frustration at a canvas of brewing fibs and cackling impressions. His features would writhe with pleasure, ruby gaze held so weakly to the ebony man, as if he still struggled to find any interest to his insults, ?Oh, so you?d spit such racial discriminations to a woman without qualms?? he chuckled, looking momentarily towards the primary leader in expectation, ?Exactly what does your wife think of your sexist tendencies?? The dark man was certainly not forming a good image of this poorly structured pack. Though as the woman spoke it was only to be expected that the doubts of her husband would form doubts within her own mind. ?Very well, I will return within the week, ? he would begin to turn, his mind fighting the urge to continue with his sarcastic comments. But it was not in Isardis? nature to deny a show-down, and so he would sway, ?If you wish to feel better about yourself, boy, you?re welcome to challenge my vigour on the battlefield; of course, I will leave now by the wishes of your Queen, but as a kind-hearted service to your swollen ego I?d be more than happy to pose as your vent.? Through each word the monster wore a testing smirk, twisted with pleasure and cunning desire, posing as an innocence the ghoul would never truly bare. But he would begin to walk then, not wanting to deny the leader of her requests, ?I look forward to our reunion, winter wonder-ess.?

- exit unless stopped



01-30-2014, 04:45 PM

She could feel her husband's low growl within his chest, but could not hear him audibly. Isardis would reply to the insult's Cherokee provided, she certainly would not condone name calling ?Oh, so you?d spit such racial discriminations to a woman without qualms? Exactly what does your wife think of your sexist tendencies?? She would find her gaze travelling from Isardis to Cherokee. I seek no violence Song, I just wish to see this...parasite out of our lands. Though if he can't find his way, I would be more than happy to escort him out. She would sigh as he continued with his angered lyrics, she had learned long ago that anger only begot regret. The albino king would turn, after announcing he would return soon to hear of their answer. ?If you wish to feel better about yourself, boy, you?re welcome to challenge my vigour on the battlefield; of course, I will leave now by the wishes of your Queen, but as a kind-hearted service to your swollen ego I?d be more than happy to pose as your vent.? Song's ears would fall back at the words, she wondered if Cherokee would take him up on the offer of a spar. She wondered though, if they went through with it if either of them would come out with out serious injury.
He would go to leave once more, but not without one last statement given to her, ?I look forward to our reunion, winter wonder-ess.?She would nod in a final farewell, wondering what their meeting would result in. She would let her eyes fall upon his mysterious form once more before she let herself fall back into Cherokee's bulk. Hoping desperately that he would not go after the pale royal.
