
Nobody But You


12-17-2013, 03:00 PM
Deep oranges and purples tainted the sky, creating an air of solemnity in the quickly cooling swamplands. Golden eyes evaluated the landscape, from the moist ground of his home to the leafy branches of trees above. The land was active at this time of day, mosquitos buzzing about the surface of the murky water, and fish appearing to catch their dinner. There were mice, rats, birds, and snakes communing in every part of the swamp, and one particular canine watching them all, silently stalking his prey.
The small bird was clueless to his presence. It was busy picking at the ground with its beak and chattering away to its companions. Completely oblivious it was to his slow advance in its direction, and it would stay completely oblivious until he made his move.
Fugue inched forward, his feet light against the damp ground. He put weight back onto his haunches and jumped onto the birds wings, using one paw to hold it down while the other crashed down on its spine. He heard the satisfying crunch of breaking bones and scooped up the limp corpse in his jaws. This would do just fine, he thought.
The man retraced his steps, picking up a snake that he had buried earlier and adding it to his most recent catch. He began walking back to his den and smelled the scent of his companion, Micha, nearby.
He dropped the prey on the ground outside the den and called out to her, hoping that she was indeed close enough to hear.