
Keep In Touch



10 Years
12-17-2013, 12:25 AM

The whole pack had started to migrate, leaving the Valley behind to the island off the Alacritis coast. Odette was thrilled and yet worried at the same time. She was eager to explore the new home that Chrysanthe had chosen for the pack, but she was also concerned about the connections she had made before choosing to live with her mother. While they were still on the main land, Odette decided to use that time wisely.
She had assured Chrysanthe that she wouldn't be gone too long when the pack decided to rest in the Eastern region of the continent. After searching the places around the chosen rest stop, Odette had caught the fading scent of someone that had been important to her: Aurora. The white Russian had taken her in for a short period of time to make sure she had proper nutrition and guidance. Odette hadn't been able to thank her before, so while the pack was still at bay, she followed the trail and ended up at the Rapids.
Odette looked around and tried to separate the snow from the other white monuments of the place. Her tail began to wag as she padded along the bank, finding old foot prints and a light trail that had been made by the female's tail. Red and blue eyes continued to search and she finally came across a den that held the strong scent of her foster guardian. Odette's face broke out into a smile and she gave a couple of short barks, hoping that Aurora would recognize her upon waking up.

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12-24-2013, 12:22 PM

The willowy woman lifted her delicate cranium, yawning widely enough to display every single one of her formidable pearl razors. As her jaws snapped shut, liquid mercury pools would blink rapidly to adjust to the growing light coming from the entrance to her den, dawn was here and it was taking prisoners again. Grudgingly the giantess stood, shaking out her thick pelt and letting out a huff of a sigh, which left her dark lips shrouded in thick mist. Sensitive audits captured the sound of a few rapid barks, familiar to the woman but not yet recognizable, due to the fuzziness of her brain after waking up. Leaving the soothing darkness of her den, the alabaster femme looked down to spy the pup she had rescued; Odette. A soft grin slowly curved the she wolf's dark lips, playing at her features and turning them into something less cold and severe. "Good morning, where have you disappeared to lately?" She inquired, raising an eyebrow quizzically as she gracefully dropped onto her haunches and fixed her steel orbs upon the youngster. She appeared to be in good health, no ribs poking out or battle scars marring her young flesh. Wrapping her long tail about her powerful ivory paws, the woman would wait calmly for the child with mismatched eyes to respond.



10 Years
12-26-2013, 09:25 AM

Odette's tail was wagging in both anticipation and happiness when Aurora recognized her. As the white female exited her den and reclined to her haunches, she asked Odette about where she had gone. The young girl was eager to share, so she placed her own set of haunches on the ground and began to speak. "Well," she started, inhaling a big breath to continue, "after I spent time with you, I started to look for my family again. Instead of being able to stay at the Cove where I saw them last, I realized that there was another family member I hadn't thought of for awhile...Chrysanthe."
The name of her adopted mother left her lips with a happy note attached. She adored the Valhalla Alpha, even if it wasn't shown in every action the girl showed. Odette curled her tail around her bent hind legs and continued. "I became a part of Valhalla and I am really excited." Her bi-colored eyes sparkled as she added in an excited whisper, "I want to know more about my family's members, and being in Valhalla will definitely help!" Odette's grin widened and she giggled softly. "I can't wait to find out more, Miss Aurora...Family means so much, after all." It was then that the young lady realized she was talking too much. "What about you, Miss Aurora?" She inquired politely. "What have you been up to since our separation?"

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12-26-2013, 12:57 PM

She listened intently to the youngster, her adventures quite intriguing to listen to. Chrysanthe was part of her family? Good thing the ivory lass had rescued the poor pup when she did, losing this one could send them spiralling downward for sure. When the girl inquired as to her ventures while she had disappeared, a broad grin played at the snowy woman's features. "I did not have as many adventures as you, my dear, but my life was definitely not boring." She chuckled, beating her long tail upon the snowy terra a few times to express her joy. "I married my mate, Magnus." She said with a grin, fond memories surfacing of the ceremony and the time spent with her beloved afterwards. "As well, my friend Song has taken leadership of Ludicael in Jupiter's sorrowful absence." She added, her moonstone orbs taking on a sad look within their consuming depths. She had often been feared by others, particularly youngsters, because of her eyes, the silver seemed to swirl around the pupil and sometimes looked like it was moving, like it would swallow their soul if they met her gaze. Meeting the child's mismatched gaze, she kept the soft smile on her dark lips while she waited for Odette's response.



10 Years
01-01-2014, 12:36 AM

Odette's eyebrows rose at the news that Aurora relayed to her. Her temporary guardian had gotten married and now there was a new Ludicael leader? Both bits of news were interesting and she would be sure to tell her mother about such things. The latter was probably worth more in its weight than Aurora getting married, but that didn't mean it was less important to Odette. "You are officially a wife, Miss Aurora? That is wonderful news!" Her tail swayed behind her and she grinned, showing her happiness. "Congrats! I hope he makes you happy. If not, I will show him a thing or two!" A playful growl escaped the female's lips and her eyes held mirth all the while.
She hoped that the white royal would remain open with her, so she decided to do the same. "I hope that your new leader will take the crown with smart paws, Miss Aurora. Having someone new to the throne can be challenging, but I am guessing she is a close friend and very smart ruler-wise." Odette had never met Song, but from how Aurora spoke of her friend taking over, she would be a good ruler.

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01-01-2014, 01:05 AM

She nodded as the youngster clarified her previous statement, smiling broadly as she took in the sweet reaction. What she said next brought a soft giggle to the dark lips of the femme, dipping down her delicate cranium to nuzzle at the cheek of the little girl. "Fear not, my sweet, he makes me very happy, and always will." She murmured, silver pools glimmering with mirth. Then came the topic of Song's having taken the throne from Jupiter, and the pup had quite a surprising amount of opinions on the matter, despite her youth. A soft smile still played at her features as ethereal tones were let forth to assure the child. "She will, for she has me to offer guidance if need be." She replied, beating her thick silky banner upon the powdery terra as she let the joy of the moment fill her.

She looked down to the pup, smiling all the same as she spoke. "And what of you, my sweet, surely you must be breaking all the boys' hearts out there in Valhalla." She spoke with a soft giggle, enjoying her time with this girl. Her front legs were held in a manner that could hold the youngster, should she decide to abandon the cold air for the warmth provided by a large frame, that of the alabaster ex princess. She would not mind that, she adored spending time with the child, it could also prepare her for the things life would bring to her. Her consuming liquid mercury gaze was soft as she looked upon the sweet features of Odette, those mismatched eyes of hers would always be endearing to the she wolf, and she knew she would love the girl no matter what, because she had taken her in and had cared for her until she found her aunt.



10 Years
01-01-2014, 01:58 AM

Aurora confirmed all that Odette spoke of, making her more sure in how she viewed the future for the white lady. Her smile only widened from the confirmation, brightening her features and how excited she was. After just a few seconds, however, a gust of cold wind swept across their sitting area, bringing a shiver to the six-month-old. The inviting opening between Aurora's front legs was all she needed to trot the short distance to her fortress of warmth.
Odette settled herself in and sighed gently as Aurora spoke of her breaking hearts in Valhalla. A light chuckle escaped her lips and she looked up at her mercury gaze with the bi-colored orbs of red and blue. "If I knew any boys, I suspect I would, Miss Aurora." It didn't bother her that she didn't know any offhand. Odette had been by herself for the longest, so it would take some time before she would meet anyone that caught her young eye. "I suppose when I do, then the time will come for me to learn how to do such things." Odette couldn't help but smile at the mere idea.

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01-01-2014, 01:26 PM

The youngster could not take the strange cold that had fallen over the land, and soon trotted over to sit in the hollow space between the dame's front legs. Her tiny body wrapped up within her own made the alabaster giantess want to curl up around her and take care of her forever. It was a strange urge, but she welcomed it, it meant she would not be a hopeless mother, should she have the ability to conceive. It had been difficult for her mother, her side of the family usually only having one pup at a time, but her father's side usually had litters of six or so. So it was quite possible, but her parenting skills might be a little questionable. When the girl looked up with a soft chuckle, and mentioned she didn't know any boys but suspected she would be breaking hearts. The ivory femme chuckled as she met those mismatched orbs, listening to the following words of the child. She smiled, a soft curving of the lips that played upon her angular, delicate features quite nicely. "When that time comes, you shall have to come and speak with me, I have been doing it since I was a wee girl like yourself." She chuckled, remembering fondly her past, where she had boys fawning over her, and as she grew men desired her, but she remained cold as ice and polite as a royal should be. She did not wish to share her heart with anyone at that time, and soon it was too late. Then she met Magnus after a year of being here in Alacritis, and now her life had changed for the better, and most likely would never be the same. Looking down upon the sweet face of Odette, she sent a silent prayer to the gods, wishing that she would find everything in life she deserved, because this girl had been through a lot, and she needed to be happy.



10 Years
01-11-2014, 04:05 PM

Odette listened with rapt attention and she laughed joyfully in Aurora's presence. Her tail thumped against the inner thigh of the white female as she replied with an upbeat tempo to her words. "Miss Aurora, I will definitely do that when I become confident enough to make the boys turn their heads." She gently chuckled and leaned her head against Aurora's chest. "That won't make life complicated, will it?" She inquired, silently hoping that they only sweetened the deal for herself down the road.
Her memories didn't deceive her as she thought about the few encounters she already had with the opposite sex. When she was little, there had been Sage and Baskilisk. The older she got, she had met Neo, Seth, and then Bask had reappeared after she had shortly joined Valhalla. It was strange how they had appeared in her life, but she didn't regret any of the meetings she had with them. As she thought of the dark purple man with the fire in his chest, she began to hum with content. She wondered if he ever thought about her...perhaps not. It seemed he was too engrossed with his current mission to do anything involving her. And speaking of his mission... "Miss Aurora?" She gently said, "I have been meaning to ask you something about your home. How has your Sol been lately?" For the female she asked about was part of Bask's future plans and she was indeed curious.

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01-14-2014, 11:17 PM

The young girl affirmed that she would return when she came of age to do such things, and a soft grin would curve the dark lips of the woman. Her inquiry was filled with such innocence, the ivory femme chuckled a bit. "No, not as far as I know." She assured the child, nuzzling her gently on the cheek. Odette spent a few moments lost in thought, before her gentle voice met the tall audits of the giantess. She inquired as to how the Sol was doing, which in all honesty the alabaster princess could not properly answer. "My dear, I do not really know, Jupiter appears to have left, for in passing I would have found her by now." She murmured, sighing deeply as she mentioned the possibility of the old Alphess dying. The lady wondered how the celestial woman was faring, and also wondered if she was unhappy with Aurora for not seeking her out more fervently.

Softly, ethereal lyrics would fall from her dark lips as liquid mercury orbs gazed down into the mismatched optics of the little girl. "Why do you ask, my dear?" Faintly accented Russian tones would inquire, an eyebrow quirked in a manner that posed a question. What could bring the youngster to wonder something that interfered in no way with her life? Whatever the girl's reason, the angelic furred dame was happy that she was so integrated into the world around her. She would grow up to be a great she wolf, without a doubt.



10 Years
01-18-2014, 01:00 AM

Aurora gave her the information she needed and then asked why she wanted to know. Odette knew it would happen and she was prepared with an answer for the white female. "There had been rumors that spread around Ala of a fallen heroine. She was the leader of the mangrove pack and people didn't know if she was suffering from sickness or was slain by a rival. I didn't know the truth and I wanted to confirm any more rumors that reached my ears." All that Odette said was the truth. She had no reason to lie to Aurora, for the female was definitely one of the few that showed signs of being compassionate in regards to caring for others.
She rested her head against Aurora's chest as she changed positions between her legs for better comfort. The idea of death was not one Odette looked forward to, but she knew it would be inevitable. For the moment, she would take each day with a bit of caution, but be smart about it. She hoped that before she met Death one fateful day, she would have done all the things she wanted to do. Become strong, find love, maybe start a family.... "Miss Aurora?" She kindly said, looking at the cave wall when she spoke. "Tell me what love is like...please."

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01-24-2014, 07:42 PM

The little girl was quick with her reply, explaining to the giantess that she had heard talk of Jupiter's disappearance and wanted to confirm any rumours that might reach her ears. A slow nod would be the woman's reply, acknowledging the girl's statement. Slowly Odette would shift her tiny frame and rest her itty bitty tiara upon the chest of the larger alabaster lady. A soft inquiry would leave the sweet child's dark lips, bringing a soft grin to the features of the ivory femme. Oddly enough, the pup's mismatched gaze would fall upon the wall of Aurora's den, instead of the pale features of the older she wolf. A chuckle would escape her regal maw, and slowly would a reply be forthcoming. "My dearest Odette, love is a fickle thing. It strikes you when you least expect it, and it just fits itself into your heart and soul. There is no control one may have upon it, but it is stronger than anything. My mate and I met because of Song, actually. She thought we might be well fitting, and she was right indeed." Silken Russian lyrics would explain, soft tones reaching downwards to caress the lobes of the youngster. Liquid mercury gaze would fall to the crown of the petite lass, taking in her sweet face. After this meeting, the pair may not see each other again. The thought saddened her, but she would not be disheartened, at some point, all would meet again.



10 Years
01-30-2014, 02:15 AM

As Aurora described what love was like, she began to wonder when she would know it would strike her own heart. She was nearing the age of a year, and even though it was still the beginning of her life, she felt like she had forever to find it. Maybe she didn't need to find it herself. It would probably fall into her lap when she least expected it. Again, the image of Bask's face with his vivid eyes gleaming at her in the dark popped up and she couldn't help but smile. She was ready to see the large brute again, even if she was unsure why.
Aurora told her that she met her mate because of her current ruler and that made Odette's curiosity peak. "So fate worked in the form of your alpha in the way you met your true love? That is weird, indeed." She smiled softly and her eyes twinkled at Aurora's gaze. "I bet you weren't expecting it, either." The idea of having someone else set her up with a potential mate was astounding. Odette wanted to have the chance to find love herself, especially since she was able to find her own way through life so far.

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02-03-2014, 03:46 PM

The young girl's words brought a soft smile to play upon the features of the giantess, her tiara lifting and lowering in a nod of agreement. "Indeed it is, my dear. At the time Song was but the beta of the pack, and she must have seen something in Magnus that looked as if we would be a good pair. She was right." Would come the chuckling lyrics of the alabaster Queen, tall audits flicking to capture the next words of her young companion. Her smile broadened as she shook her head, keeping her moonstone gaze upon the young girl. Surely this little one would find love, she was far too beautiful and kind hearted to be ignored by anyone. When this girl came of age, she would have males crawling to her on their knees and begging for her attention, for she was far to beautiful for anything else. "You have to promise to come and see me very soon, Odette, and I shall teach you all kinds of things about men." She murmured, an affectionate smile curving her dark lips as she looked down at the girl. Regal muzzle would drop from it's immense height and place a small nuzzle at the jaw of the young lady. Hopefully the young dame would, or it would be quite saddening for the ivory wolfess to miss out on teaching the girl valuable skills such as those. Long banner would beat upon the terra once, twice, then three times as she happily watched the features of her companion for a response.



10 Years
02-06-2014, 06:41 AM

Odette silently wondered who Song was, but she didn't voice her curiosity to Aurora. It would be a nice topic to bring up with Chrysanthe. Maybe her mother knew and that was something she hoped for the russet-faced beauty. Aurora then mentioned that Odette should come and visit her when it was time to learn about men. The Gargoyle mini-me whipped her tail around her form before smiling and giving a firm nod. "Yes a'am," she said as Aurora lowered her maw to nuzzle it. She closed her eyes at the touch and gently giggled. "I will be sure to come see you when that time comes."
Suddenly, a howl broke over the serenity of the falls and met Odette's ears. It was a familiar song that she knew only from her dear cousin, Gael. He must have noticed that she was missing and Chrysanthe had probably sent him to find her. A sigh escaped her lips and the young girl rose from her sitting position in front of Aurora. "I must go," she softly said, tones filled with regret for leaving the white-furred lady. "My cousin is calling me and I shouldn't tarry." Once she was on all four paws, she shook her coat to make it fluffy and looked up at Aurora's mercury-colored gaze. "I will come to Ludicael one day. I don't know when, but hopefully in the near future." She gave Aurora a loving nuzzle and lick on the cheek before pulling back. "Take care, Miss Aurora, and I hope everything works out for you and Mr. Magnus." After Aurora gave her farewells, Odette left the den and stretched all four legs before quickly trotting in the direction of Gael's continuous howl. Upon reaching his form, she nudged him in the shoulder and set off with him to the island.
-EXIT Odette-

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02-08-2014, 01:52 PM

The young girl assured her that she would indeed visit when the time came, and that brought a small smile to play at the ivory features of the dame. She chuckled, nodding lightly. "That's good, my dear." She replied softly, when the sound of a summoning reached her tall audits. Who could that be? The sound registered with the petite she wolf, who stood and informed the giantess that she needed to go. A slight frown threatened to break over the features of the dame, but she didn't want Odette to feel bad about having to leave. The youngster knew her priorities, and that was good, there was no need to disrupt that. The tri coloured girl promised to return soon, and a soft smile curved the dark lips of the alabaster queen. "Good, I shall hold you to that." She chuckled in response, a hint of sorrow in her moonstone orbs. The youngster wished her well in her future, and her smile broadened. Such a good child, nothing would ever marr that purity she carried. "I hope so too, my dear. All the best awaits you in your future, I am sure of it." She would murmur, standing and offering a nuzzle to the young lady's cheek.

As the young girl trotted off, the willowy dame would follow at a distance, making sure that she made it there all and well. Broad paws kissed the snow covered terra with hardly any sound, liquid mercury optics watching the small form of her adoptive child reach a much larger one. Stopping where she stood, the dame with the snowy derma let a sad smile grow on her sharp features. Formidable fangs poked out from under her lips as they curved upwards in a lupine grimace of joy. Good luck to you, Odette. Until we meet again. She thought to herself as she watched the duo pad off into the distance. When they faded from the acute sight of the pale wolfess, she turned and trotted back to her den. A nap was in order, after she was awoken well before it was time for her to wake up in earnest. Curling up against the back wall, silvery optics would fall shut and sleep would embrace the lady.

.:Exit Aurora:.