
My devil danced with his demon.


12-19-2013, 10:39 PM (This post was last modified: 12-27-2013, 12:09 PM by Dexter.)

He stood. A majestic beast cast under the light of the moon, the snarling sliver smiling down viciously at him, a long time past as he remained still as a stature a few paw steps away from the border of Glaciem. Deep, silent breaths escaped the warm cavern as clouds rose thick towards the sky and vanished soon after. Dexter pondered why exactly he had come here, he mulled the reasons over in his skull carefully before he would hope to be approached, the land was thick with the scents of wolves, strong and bold the traces were everywhere before him.

After he had his fill of standing, the speckled ghost sat heavy muscled haunches on the snow, he could feel his weight flattening the cold, frozen water beneath him, and inwardly smiled at the delight of destroying something with no effort at all, though he couldn't actually smile, if a wolf happened upon him sitting there with a shit eating grin on his face, they probably wouldn't be too keen on the idea of conversation. He had lost weight over the course of what winter had happened already, a few pounds slimming off his mid section, more muscle had thickened along his legs and his chest with the annoying task of survival.

The moon basked over the deliciously dangerous man, his spine bristled naturally, a sharply jagged razor, surrounded by spots of darkness. These spots were the gods way of reminding him he is forever cursed with darkness himself, holes in his coat silently show the holes in his sanity, though you'd never know. Attentive on the inner workings of the lands before him he sat patiently, still as stone.


12-20-2013, 09:59 PM

The petite woman padded along her Kingdom's borders, bored of doing the same things as always. So, she decided to patrol, since it was always a useful thing to be done. She happened upon a large man, with a strange pelt and icy blue eyes. The rusty brown femme slunk towards him, hardly making a sound upon the thick snow. Orchid toned orbs gazed out of a bleached face, taking in the larger male, who appeared slightly uneasy to be standing at the borders of Glaciem. Why shouldn't he be? The empire was mighty, they had conquered the best and allied with the weakest. Now, did this man seek recruitment into the ranks? Standing to the left of him, the tiny fae stared straight at him and cleared her throat before stepping to stand a few paces from him. Her breath escaped her small black nose, a blot of ink on a fresh sheet of paper, as a fine trail of mist travelling upwards. "I am Eulari Armada, what business have you at the borders of Glaciem?" She inquired, sweet alto lyrics flowing from her delicate, regal maw like a river of honey. She gazed calmly at him, unafraid, for she was safe here, and it was difficult to intimidate the runt of a litter of fighters, she had bite behind her bark.



12-21-2013, 12:47 PM


I wasn't sure if she came at him from the side or not so I just played it off like she did lol


He hadn't been standing too long after his thought process ended. Baby blues piercing through the dark when a scent penetrated his senses, a female, around his age by the smell, the stench of Glaciem shot into his brain and he went on high alert. He could not see her, but he knew she was there, he didn't move, continued that stone still, and he could feel her on him, growing near, and still he continued to stare.

Unease wasn't what he felt, but it was what he showed, needed to seem... Normal, though he wasn't and could never be, they didn't need to know that. The near silent paw steps approaching him were coming ever near, and everything in his being screamed at him, what he was doing was dangerous, this was stupid, but he kept at. Soon she was on him, he could see the small woman, and then he had a face.

Soon he also had a name, she introduced herself with a sense of pride and dignity, Must come with the complete Glaciem package... he mentally commented, an inward smile and hearty chuckle was kept locked away for later. Dexter studied her, carefully mulled words and nodded at her, turning his head to look and no more then that, his hearty form still in the statue-esk position it had been in when she found him. Good evening Eulari Armada, I am Dexter... He bowed his head again with a delicate smile on his pale features, The business I have sought out is to join your ranks... Simple. To the point. Easy. He continued to hold his relaxed posture, letting his soft velvet words reach her ears, as patient and impatient as he was, he would wait. It would be worth it.


12-21-2013, 05:46 PM

Nervous, that's what the man seemed to be. Of course, who wouldn't be? Glaciem was a powerful pack, a superior empire that none dared to challenge. A soft grin played at her cherubic features, his voice entering her russet audits calmly. His name was Dexter, no last name, strangely enough. The man sought to join the ranks of Glaciem, as most seemed to want these days. A nod lowered and lifted her delicate cranium once, acknowledging the male's speech. "Before that can happen, I think I should know more than your name, Dexter." She replied smoothly, posture dominant yet relaxed. Seating herself upon the snow covered terra, the petite fae smiled kindly and beckoned with a paw for the larger wolf to seat himself as well, a mere step before her own small frame. Her breath escaped her ebony nostrils as a fine mist, calm and composed. Sweet alto lyrics would enter the air shrouded in the same mist, addressing the man in a business like manner. "What can you offer Glaciem, Dexter?" She inquired, raising a brow quizzically. She had never done this before, but logic told her what to say, more or less. Wrapping her rusty brown tail about her tea cupped paws, the damsel fixed her orchid toned gaze upon the man's face, her own bleached features no doubt slightly unnerving against her dark russet body.



12-22-2013, 11:31 AM

They gazed at each other in momentary silence, it was hard to see her appearance in the dark, but he could gather that the mask on her face shrouded her features in a ghastly white, surrounding pink eyes that were intriguing and different then anything he had seen. A look of interest was glued to his features as the tones in her voice drifted over with a nod. She told him he needed to tell her more about himself, more then just his name.

"What can you offer Glaciem, Dexter?" She asked, motioning with her paw for him to seat himself, though he was already seated in one position the large male stood, shaking himself slightly of the snow that had collected on his body like a gargoyle in winter. He turned to face her and seated himself once more, towering over the little woman he smirked at her, that playful, delicate, cold grin of malice he was oh so famous for. More then you could ever know... He thought to himself as he nodded his shaggy head at the Glaciem female.

I am a skilled creature if I do say so myself... He chuckled at her, the comment obviously a joking attempt at social interaction on these terms, I am a wolf trained in many things, hunting, tracking... My father trained me to be good at anything I do, it helps to ensure survival... I am strong, well trained warrior trained in many tactics... I don't eat much... I can do well without sleep... I am as loyal as they come... Oh, and I'm a pretty damn good fisher... The speckled razorback winked, again another playful jab at a joke. If anything was going to get him in to somewhere he could rest easy, spilling this was the way to do it.


12-22-2013, 12:19 PM

He spoke easily, having moved to seat himself before her and answering her question with many different answers. Maybe the russet femme's father could find use for him in the ranks, maybe as a warrior or a hunter for now. While she listened to his playful attitude and joking mannerisms, a soft smile crept over her face. The light of the moon was showing through the clouds, finally, casting a bit of light upon the duo. Now she got a good look at him, other than a vague ghostly form in the dim light. A dusting of darker speckles down his spine provided interest in him, visually, and his eyes were quite brilliant. Dexter was quite well muscled, he looked like he could be made into a fine Glaciem wolf. A nod acknowledged his words, and her own vocals escaped shrouded in pale mist, soft as a whisper in the dark. "All those things are quite useful, Dexter. I believe my father could use you, but that is not for me to decide." She murmured in admittance, her soft smile slightly sheepish. "I'll call for someone who can actually accept you." She murmured, lifting her delicate cranium to the sky, baring her russet throat while her vocals poured themselves into the sky to call someone from the higher rankings. Lowering her tiara once more, the she wolf fixed her muted pink gaze upon the man and smiled broadly, but remained silent. If he wished to speak, he could, but for now she would keep quiet.



12-28-2013, 05:17 PM
ooc: ignore my PM Middy. I got this c;

The white woman had been on the far side of the territory when the first call rang across the land. Slowly she moved towards it, as she wasn't much for rushing. She moved easily, at a slow lope, and let out an annoyed grumble when another call rang through the land. Impatience was annoying. Her eyes fell upon the russet form of a Glaciem woman, that she hadn't met yet and a male on the opposite side of the border. Apparently, he was seeking entry. Coming to a slow trot, she would stop near the woman, glancing at her, before her violet eyes would land on the male.

"Roman Armada."

Her introduction was short and sweet, for both the pack-mate she hadn't yet met, and the strange male. Again she would speak, "I can safely assume you seek acceptance into Glaciem, yes?" Glancing between the pair, she would wait to be proved right but for now a bit of conversation was welcome. She of course would seek the opinion of the strange fea that belonged to their home already. After all, first impressions were the most.. impressive.



12-28-2013, 05:33 PM

After a short wait an alabaster femme would arrive, sporting interesting markings upon her flawless coat. She introduced herself curtly as Roman, a half sister of the petite femme, it appeared. She looked to the man, inquiring an already established topic. With a light chuckle, the rusty brown lass was calm with replying. "If he wasn't, I sure as hell wouldn't be this calm." She replied sarcastically, turning her orchid gaze upon the strange half sibling she never knew she had. Returning her gaze to the male, she rattled off the information she knew about him easily, her gaze never leaving his. Muted pink optics were scrutinizing, flicking over his frame as she spoke. "He says he can hunt, track, fight, and fish. As well, he says he needs minimal food and sleep." She added with a humourless chuckle, taking on last long look at the male before she turned to the strange woman, who was much taller than she was. She had just turned their entire friendly conversation into a bulleted list of useful attributes in the man, without so much as a ruffle in her thick russet pelt. She hadn't survived as a runt for nothing, she was equipped with acting skills that could convince the strongest of skeptics that the world was indeed flat if she so wished. The ivory masked she wolf watched her half sister's tattooed face, waiting for someone to say something.



12-28-2013, 09:01 PM


Short post, sorry guys

He sat in silence, listening to the two of them talk about him as if he weren't there, though being a ghost is something he was used to. He nodded at the new, obviously highre ranked woman and nodded heavily at her, his speckled head shining softly in the moonlight, Yes Ma'am Dexter... I don't have much in the way of a last name... Dexter usually suits me just fine. He smirked playfully at her, as if trying to lighten the heavy mood.


12-29-2013, 11:28 AM

She wouldn't wait long until the russet dame spoke, sarcasm lacing her words and a small chuckle erupted from her chest. They had to be related, glancing at the male as the woman spoke of him, she nodded slightly. With a slight smirk, she spoke to the russet woman. "We must be related, spitfire." The words were calm with a slight warm temperature to them, and she would look over the oddly marked creature. "Obviously, you've convinced my pack-mate of your worth, Dexter. Welcome to Glaciem. Live up to what you say." Turning away from the pair, she sauntered off into the depths of the forest, leaving the woman whose name she hadn't asked and Dexter. The last bit was a warning to him, and she would retreat into the shadows, going about the rest of her day.

-exit roman, unless stopped.-



12-29-2013, 12:17 PM

The alabaster woman commented on their relationship, mentioning that they must be related. A soft chuckle escaped her dark lips as she gave a soft nod of her head, confirming the marked femme's suspicions. Then her attention was turned to the male, and her half sister grudgingly accepted him into the pack, with a thinly veiled threat coating her words as she left without another comment. The petite russet princess watched her for a few moments, then returned her orchid toned gaze to the male.

Grinning, she stood. Beckoning with her cranium, she gestured for the large male to follow her. "Come, let me show you the lands." Was all she told him, before her tea cupped paws began carrying her over the thick snow, moonlight glinting off her rusty brown pelt and tinting it silver. Bleached features were calm as she waited for him, her pace slower than usual in case he was feeling cautious. "You will most likely have to talk to my father if you want a ranking higher than civilian, so be prepared for that. Some have told me he's a bit... Intimidating." She murmured, laughing at herself for rambling. No doubt this man could figure everything out himself, why was she helping him? Because it was her duty as her father's daughter to do as much as she could to help around the Kingdom.



12-29-2013, 07:26 PM

They had a small conversation between themselves, and soon the white wolf with the strange marking told him he had impressed the one named Eulari and he dipped his head low to the big woman, a small smile on his features as he responded to her respectfully, I will, My word is my life, without it I would be nothing more then a sack of meat and bones with nothing underneath but the muscles and tendons that move me... He said to her before the woman named Roman, though he quickly noted that both woman were named Armada, a strong name in the land which he assumed was a family name, though they didn't really seem to know this.

As soon as the white marked woman left he turned his large head to the russet woman with an attentive pose that would have struck one as near militant. A silent moment passed before she announced for him to follow, she would show him the lands he had just been accepted into. Eulari announced that if he wanted a higher rank he would have to talk to her father who was known to be a tad bit intimidating. I shall seek him out soon, best to get settled before trying to take on a full plate... For now I think I'll just find a place to rest my head... Maybe meet a few of the locals... Dexter stood to follow her as his tail wagged in a slow steady manner that indicated his pleasure in how things had gone thus far.


12-29-2013, 11:41 PM

He spoke of preferring to get settled into the pack before seeking out her father, and the femme understood completely. She had hardly been settled in long now, she had spent much time in the lands of Tortuga after her brother had been blinded and castrated by her father for reasons that still struck the petite russet lass as illogical. While she was there, she had gotten into a fight with her sister, which resulted in the twin slash marked behind her muted pink left eye, which faced the strange man. She wore them with grace and dignity, not caring that she had earned them while trying to leave the fight, because fighting with Sibelle was a pointless act that would only cause her to sink to her inferior sister's level.
Returning from her inner musings, she looked about, pointing out the landmarks useful to him. "That log over there is where father usually holds the pack meetings," She informed him, gesturing with her pale snout towards the immense fallen tree before continuing. "Dens can be dug wherever you would like, within reason." She added, gesturing to the mounds which alluded to the presence of underground burrows where the pack members slept. "My father's den is over there, but don't take that as an invitation to bug him, he might be upset if you do that." She said with a chuckle, gesturing with her ivory muzzle at the larger den in the distance. She had arrived at her own den, and was starting to get tired from the long night. "This one here is mine, in case you need me. I'll see you around." She told him with a friendly smile as she turned away and padded through the small tunnel that was just big enough for her to fit through, ready for a long rest.

.:Exit Eulari unless stopped:.
